Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Sales Pitch for a Nationally Distributed Print Magazine Focusing Upon Positive Aspects of Social Media

Vanessa Jane Patrick provides an interesting discussion about being awakened to our full potential.

A nationally distributed print magazine start up focusing upon how new media internet technology facilitates communication among teams to help people accomplish great things has enormous potential to awaken people to their greatness. Everyone has got a story to tell as outlined in my freelance article entitled, 

Creative Storytelling in Educating Public about Healthcare Reform:Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media may Aggravate Mental Health Disorders.

A vast number of people on this planet Earth are passionately involved in very worthwhile causes to lift people up and improve lives of people as outlined in my freelance article entitled,

Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply

A new nationally distributed forum can help people tell their story. Writing and creating intelligent content has enormous potential to boost careers of professional people in various occupations.

As referenced within my freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions

From a quantum perspective of existentialism as a philosophy espousing life is devoid of meaningfulness being wrong, obviously, life has deep profound meaningfulness because God chose to place human beings on earth to fulfill a purpose. From a quantum perspective of asserting meaningfulness of life everyone should agree that a central task for human beings is to save lives and/or work to add significant value to lives of other people.

Internet social media has a bad reputation for spreading divisiveness and hatred. Our hope is to tranacend divisiveness and hatred. 
The basic freedom to assemble and petition government has always been closely examined by a leery eye since the beginning of recorded history. Our founding fathers were careful to preserve the basic right of freedom to assemble and petition government within the United States Constitution.

New internet social media has greatly expanded ability of various groups to assemble in cyberspace and petition their government. An article entitled, 
Freedom of Assembly and Petition, by David Bernstein, a professor at George Mason University School of Law, published by the Heritage Foundation provides a discussion of freedom of Assembly and Petition. 

In my freelance article entitled, A Text Book Case Study for E-commerce Content Creation, I provide a discussion about communication strategies using social media facilitating freedom of assembly in cyberspace as related to establishing new markets for products and services.

Paradoxically, internet social media expanding our freedom to assemble into groups in cyberspace simultaneously restricts individualism as pointed out in my freelance articles entitled, 
Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions and Pursuit of Happiness: Redefining Meaningfulness of Foundational Documents According to Modern Times.

The United States of America is often referred to as a "melting pot". The melting pot has become a cauldron where we essentially become clones in a process of trying to be like everyone else.

Individualism is an American concept that is gradually vanquishing from the face of the earth. Individualism as an American value is gradually dissipating because (1) pressures to embrace differences and (2) networking facilitated by internet telecommunications makes us all more alike.

Vanessa Jane Patrick makes poignant observations about being awakened to boundless full potential of our true selves: 

"We are overwhelmed by such incongruence both internally and externally, that we kill any and all real connection to ourselves and those we’ve been so desiring depth with.
We can only go as deep with another as we can go with ourselves.
And, when it’s too scary to go deep within ourselves, for fear that what we find will create disharmony with those around us, we simply stay shallow and become a walking, talking chameleon whom is in search for constant feedback from it’s external environment as to who it should be and what it should do. 
Without depth, we cannot feel fulfilment. We become numb. And the worst part? We may be so good at operating in this realm of change and adaptation to our external environment, that we have even fooled ourselves into believing that we know who we really are and what we really want."

Thursday, September 14, 2017

An Ecumenical Effort to Bridge Understanding of Belief Systems Maintained by Extraterrestrial Alien Civilizations with Human Theology. Just in Case We Meet ET.

The 2017 release of the classic Hollywood blockbuster movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, has fired up extrapolative imagination of people who fully expect the human race will eventually encounter an intelligent extraterrestrial alien civilization. 

An article written by Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, published by NBCNEWS Mach entitled, What Happens Next If We Find Proof of Space Aliens? Protocols for responding to the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence have been created, but they might not be followed, discuss social implications on Earth of discovering ET. 

In an effort to ecumenically bridge human understanding with truths an alien civilization may have abstracted from physical reality
it is fascinating to ponder rather or not an alien civilization may have discovered essential truths, or the Word, encoded within the physical universe.

The Book of Romans is an expert authority upon law upon which the mechanics of the physical Universe operates. According to Romans 1 - 20:

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

A clash between civilizations may be due to ignoring physical laws within Universe because of excessive pride or hubris, which is one of 7 deadly sins.

Hubris is a consequence of processing streaming data from one trajectory without consideration of other parallel data sets. A restriction of data fields occurs as a consequence of stimuli activating a flurry of cognitive activity generating sensory neuroelectrical impulses that produce a powerful emotive response. A powerful emotive response precludes processing of multiple data trajectories.

In my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe, I provide a discussion about Superintelligent AI versus an advanced alien civilization:
The universe is very big according to an article published by, How Big is the Universe?. The universe includes vast space filled with volatile gases and inert materials like rocks and asteriods. The universe is so big, the universe will have plenty of room for a colossal computer capable of solving any mathematical problem based upon computation with dark matter.

Since the universe is huge and filled with volatile gases and inert materials like rocks and asteriods a colossal computer constructed in space capable of solving any mathematical problem will not interfere with any life form. Of course, evenually an AI Superintelligence from Earth may meet up with a colossal computer constructed by Superintelligent AI entities representing an advanced alien civilization.

Since the physical universe is naturally comprised of similar chemical elements listed in the Periodic Chart of Elements, it is only logical to assume scientific and technological progress for an advanced alien civilization will proceed similar to scientific progress on earth. In an article entitled, The Periodic Table of the Cosmos, Neil Degrasse Tyson discuss astrophysics as related to the Periodic Table of Elements.

It is very frightening to consider that someday we may meet up with an advanced extraterrestrial alien civilization that have born Superintelligent AI entities as evolutionary offspring. Superintelligent AI entities created by an advanced alien civilization may have constructed a colossal intersteller computer capable of solving any mathematical problem based upon computation with dark matter.

If this vision of extraterreristrial alien civilization proves to be true than depictions of extraterrestrial alien life in science fiction books and movies are nothing like we could ever imagine. If we ever encounter an extraterrestrial  alien civilization advanced to the nth degree in terms of control of physical matter within the universe the human race on earth will be militarily conquered from the get-go without a shot being fired, as depicted in H.G. Wells War of the Worlds

Our physical universe is governored by the laws of physics. Adam and Eve choosing to disobey God culminated in the big bang. The Big Bang marked beginning of physical universe we currently live. God alone has the power and authority to manage an infinitely complex mechanism of creation which likely consist of multiple universes as purported by String theory. 

Despite whatever name may be used to reference the Almighty Creator of the physical universe by an alien civilization, if an intelligent advanced alien civilization or futuristic Superintelligent AI is truly intelligent they will arrive at the conclusion outlined in my freelance article, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence :
It does not matter how scientifically and technologically advanced mankind becomes, God will continue to be a long yard ahead of mankind. The Holy Bible is fixated on exact measurements in different text throughout the Old and New Testament, including narrative of Noah's Ark. Perhaps, 'long yard' may not be the correct terminology, but instead God will always be 'many football fields ahead', or'many miles ahead', or 'many light years ahead', adopting a measurement from astronomy. Actually, I believe 'many light years ahead' is more accurate.

Physical laws that governor the universe we live in can be indifferent and apathetic to wants and needs of human beings. Many people who try to climb to the summit of Mount Everest die on the way to the top of Mount Everest. 

Since the beginning of time, human beings have worked to gain greater control of physical matter within the universe. Likewise, it is only logical to conclude that an advanced alien civililization will have worked for many millennium to gain control over physical matter within the universe to the nth degree. 

A drive to explore is implanted in the physiological and spiritual make-up of human beings. Likewise, if alien life exist elsewhere in the universe, a drive to explore is likely implanted within their physiological and spiritual make-up. 

Oftentimes, an innate physiological and spirtual drive to explore is a mechanism to survive. An innate physiological and spiritual drive to explore is closely related to travel. In my freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions, I provide a discussion about enhanced creativity and spiritual transformation from traveling. 

An innate physiological and spiritual drive to explore as a means to enhance creativity and spiritual transformation is captured within the Biblical verse Hebrews 11 : 13 referencing people of faith as "strangers and pilgrims on the earth".

My freelance article entitled. CBS Star Trek Discovery: An Imaginative Visionary Docudrama, discuss exploration of the final frontier of space as depicted in the upcoming CBS science fiction television drama, Star Trek Discovery. If you are out exploring on a traveling expedition Star Trek Discovery will be available for streaming on all devices through CBS All Access

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Born This Way

Lady Gaga's song, Born This Way, has rhythm, beat, melody, and lyrics of over-the-top great musical entertainment, but as a critic I am less enamored by Luddite macabre allusions to The Island of Doctor Moreau within the official video of Born This Way.

Art is about using creative imagary to evoke powerful emotions to help one passionately embrace life and appreciate full meaningfulness of creation in an intelligent rational, constructive fashion. In my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply,I provide a discussion of cognitive imagary within psychological make-up of human beings and advanced Superintelligent AI.

Lady Gaga feels like an overly protective mother to "little monsters". What is even more ghastly then images within the Born this Way video is genetically eradicating inclinations of a gay kid as a 
possible future scenario

A possible future scenario that includes genetically eradicating inclinations of a gay kid is almost as ghasty as Superintelligent AI solving a problem of getting human beings to smile by implanting facial electrodes as Nick Bostrom proposed may happen in his Ted Talk, What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?  

Nick Bostrom's Ted TalkWhat happens when our computers get smarter than we are?, is referenced in my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe. At Lady Gaga's upcoming concert at the Yum Center, all fans will naturally be happy while having fun without implanted electrodes.

Lady Gaga's Born this Way Foundation is dedicated to improving mental health of young people by encouraging young people to love themselves as they are. In my freelance article entitled, 
Creative Storytelling in Educating Public about Healthcare Reform: Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media may Aggravate Mental Health Disorders, provides insight into mental illness and creativity based upon personal narrative:

Neurotic introversion and blank expression is a cognitive strategy of compensation for very slow cognitive processing speeds characteristic of mentally challenged people. Introversion, which is essentially withdraw from social situations, is a cognitive strategy of limiting data sets that comprise stimuli from social situations.

Mentally challenged people often have slow cognitive processing speeds that require them to withdraw from social situations as a way to limit overwhelming volumes of data streaming from social situations.

Slow cognitive processing allows an individual to think and ponder philosophically in depth about specific issues. A slow cognitive processing style that allows mentally challenged individuals to think philosophically in depth about various issues also provides heightened levels of creativity. 

When one passes by a young underage person puffing on a cigerette this is evidence for an immense social need to improve mental health of young people by helping young people love themselves as they are. It makes one cringe to see a young underage person puffing on a cigerette given a huge body of scientific evidence that smoking causes cancer. 

Why do underage people smoke? An adult who chooses to smoke at least has had an opportunity to live life for a number of years before getting seriously sick.

Could it be that underage people smoke because of conscious awareness of an existential futility of life? An existential futility of life is captured in Ecclesiastes 1

What is the point of being driven to fulfill a machiavellian goal of winning at any cost? Yet, according to Genesis 1: 27, mankind is created in the image of God. Young people may smoke because they are frightened by the greatness of who they truly are within. We are Born to Win according to a book about the parent, child, and adult within each of us entitled, Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments.

We don't have much choice or free will about our goal oriented drive to succeed because the function of cognition within the prefrontal lobe is to stimulate movement to take action in order to fulfill a purpose in life. Matthew 5: 16 exclaims, " Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

In my recent freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel ExcursionsI provide a discussion of existentialism:

The concept of Quantum Mechanics as the underpinning of human consciousness has a profound implication that human beings can be both right and wrong simultaneously. The Hegelian Dialectic philosophy purports for every thesis there is an anti-thesis that eventually synthesize into a new improved concept. The Hegelian Dialectic philosophy bears witness to Quantum Mechanics as the underpinning of human consciousness.

Happiness is a function of abstraction of meaningfulness from events. According to Existentialist philosophy, meaningfulness of events is non existent in an absolute sense on Earth except for meaningfulness human beings ascribe to events. 

Oftentimes, professional people who emote about current events discount everything as fake news. Ultimately the final meaningfulness of human history will not be realized until judgment day when the Almighty Omnipotent Creator of the entire physical universe assigns rightful meaningfulness to all events in human history. 

From a quantum perspective of existentialism as a philosophy being wrong, obviously, life has deep profound meaningfulness because God chose to place human beings on earth to fulfill a purpose. From a quantum perspective of asserting meaningfulness of life everyone should agree that a central task for human beings is to save lives and/or work to add significant value to lives of other people. 

From a quantum perspective of existentialism as a philosophy being right, the degree human beings ascribe meaningfulness to human actions, is the degree human beings tend to marginalize God. As stated above, Ultimately the final meaningfulness of human history will not be realized until judgment day when the Almighty Omnipotent Creator of the entire physical universe assigns rightful meaningfulness to all events in human history.

 In my recent freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions, I discuss life as being upon a journey. On the journey of life Prince William, Lady Gaga, and I have crossed paths in cyberspace.

My most recent freelance article entitled, Excessive Burden of Government Regulations Harmful in Lives of Private Citizens as Illustrated by Ancestry, is a good article to promote

I believe my uncovering U.S. census records, birth certificates, death certificates, marriage bonds, and other historical documents while conducting geneology research using has prepared me to work as a writer by helping me understand who I am as an unique individual.

I believe my other social media campaigns I am currently engaged, such as the Astellas C3Prize to generate ideas for better cancer care and treatment, and Frontiers Shine Your Light on Research for a Chance to Win $100,000 makes my insight into value of learning about oneself by conducting genealogy research with more valuable.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Excessive Burden of Government Regulations Harmful in Lives of Private Citizens Illustrated by

I am writing this current article to share an intriguing historical narrative based on ancestry in commemoration of the Kentucky Bourbon Festival event.

The historical event of my third maternal grandfather, Floyd Reid, being shot at by revenuers after trying to start a moonshine business confirms too many government regulations can be economically harmful in the lives of private citizens. In the photo posted above, the man in the background actually was wounded by shots fired by moonshine revenuers, but I think he survived according to story passed down through generations.

A photo of my third maternal grandfather's whiskey making steel is currently on display at the Oscar Getz Museum of Whiskey History.

The ancestral historical narrative is even more intriguing because of possible family ties with Prince William.

I discovered in our maternal ancestry our family may have ancestral ties with Prince William, the future King of England, through Dr. Thomas Gerard. Our ancestral relationship with Dr. Thomas Gerard is through our great great great grandfather and grandmother, James and Rachel ( Speaks ) Simpson ancestral line. Thomas Speak Sr. married Frances Gerrard, the father of Dr. Thomas Gerrard.

 Dr. Thomas Gerard our 10th great grandfather at one time in history owned Capital Hill in Washington D.C. according to the Colonial Dames 17th Century Cross Trails ChapterMore about the Gerrard family dynasty can be found on England's website, History of ParliamentMore about the Gerard family ancestral ties to Prince William can be found on the blog, The Coltons Point Times: Birthplace of Religious Freedom .

A genealogy research article by John S. Morris, III entitled, Col. Thomas Speke of Westmoreland County, Virginia and Thomas Speake of Saint Mary's County, Maryland, explores the relationship between the two men. Our 9th great maternal grandparents may actually be Johannes Speake and Elizabeth Bieseley. See page 31 of historical research by John S. Morris III entitled, Col. Thomas Speke of Westmoreland County, Virginia and Thomas Speake of Saint Mary's County, Maryland .

If Thomas Speake of St. Mary's Maryland is not the son of Colonial Thomas Speke living across Potomac River in Virginia than Prince William and I are unrelated. If Colonial Thomas Speake of Virginia is not related to Thomas Speke of St Mary's, then my 10th great grandparents may instead be John Speake and Elizabeth Bieseley.

I read something in the document, 
Col. Thomas Speke of Westmoreland County, Virginia and Thomas Speake of Saint Mary's County, Maryland,  about about a cannon misfiring at the funeral service of Thomas Speake injuring a gunnery member that sounds like a scene from the Hollywood comedy A Million Ways to Die in the West.

If indeed our 10th great grandfather, Dr Thomas Gerrard was actually our 10th great grandfather, historically it would be very odd to consider our 10th great grandfather on our father's side, Captain William Claiborne, may not have been very friendly with our 10th great grandfather on our mothers side, Dr. Thomas Gerard. Captain William Claiborne is identified as a puritan by Wikipedia.

Historically, it would be very strange to discover that our 10th great grandfather on our fathers side, Captain William Claiborne, and our 10th great grandfather on our mothers side, Dr. Thomas Gerard, may share a 10th great grandson today, namely myself. During the 16th century it would have been an intense dynamic social situation to invite these two men to dinner.

I am not a history expert, but I believe Puritans were the religious group that use to hang people for witchcraft back in the 16th century. According to information published by Wikipedia, Dr. Thomas Gerrard was almost executed by Puritans after he was captured during Fendall's Rebellion. Also, Lord Baltimore, in England, issued orders for Dr. Thomas Gerrard to be executed. Historically, it would be strange to discover that these two men share a 10th great grandson, namely myself. How could this happen?

According to Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopia, the Province of Maryland in 1632 -1776 was claimed to be owned by Pennsylvania. In fact, Captain William Claiborne, my 10th great paternal grandfather, identified by Wikipedia as a Puritan, led many offensive battles with Maryland over Kent Island which eventually resulted in "the landmark Maryland Toleration Act of 1649", which declared religious tolerance for Catholics and Protestants in Maryland".

Although I consider it an incredible honor to contemplate Thomas Speake, the original Catholic immigrant who settled Saint Mary's County, Maryland and married Elizabeth Bowling, may be our 8th great maternal grandfather I am still holding onto hope we may be related to Dr. Thomas Gerard .

Kit Benedict Christopher Columbus Simpson, 
son of James and Racheal ( Speaks ) Simpson,
is a pioneer decedent from fur trapping ancestors who tracked westward from Saint Mary's, Maryland Settlement.

I think it would be cool beyond measure to possibly be related to Prince William, the future King of England. According to The Coltons Point Times: Birthplace of Religious Freedom

" that means our Coltons Point bloodline ( Gerards ) will have a son of Princess Diana, Prince William, who becomes King of England who is related to King Henry VIII, a new King whose ancestors were step great grandmothers to George Washington who defeated the English, and who is the first British King who is 1/16 American. No wonder we always liked Princess Diana."

I also think it would be cool beyond measure to have a 10th great grandfather, Dr. Thomas Gerard, who at one time in history owned Capital Hill in Washington D.C. I also think it would be cool to list George Washington's grandfather Colonial John Washington as my 11th great STEP grandfather.

All of these events are doubly mysterious given the narrative about my Irish and Scottish ancestry, Why Did I Let Those Russians Talk Me into This,  during days immediately before outbreak of American Civil War.

The entire period in American history was so tramatic, it would have driven anyone to drink whiskey spirits in excess. In one of the newspaper articles I read there was a narrative about a bottle of whiskey costing $1000.00. In those days, $1000.00 dollars may have been the equivalent of millions of dollars.

The narrative about how our 5th great grandfather Hans Michael Goodnight was scalped by Indians certainly does not help one to have a restful nightsleep.My Irish and Scottish ancestors may have been driven insane by countless nights of lost sleep after hearing the story about how George Goodnight was scalped by Indians during a British led raid on Ruddell’s Station. George Goodnight’s wife and children were taken captive and sold into slavery in British Canada.

Given extenuating circumstances that the nation was on the brink of civil war, William Fishback, the legal defense should have entered an insanity plea and got them off with less severe punishment, other than hanging. One of the two Englishmen who clubbed the Irishman, Canady, to death only received 4 years in prison for manslaughter.

An article published by Mashable entitled, Kate, William and Harry want to connect with you on LinkedInstates, 
"The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are hiring a senior communications officer with a "particular focus on the activity of their Royal Foundation".

My dear long lost cousin is trying to get in contact with me to express regret for failing to invite me to Kate and Prince Williams wedding ceremony.

The first order of the day Prince William may give to his new communications officer is to catagorically. deny the Royal family may be distant relatives of moonshiners in Kentucky. My third maternal grandfather, Floyd Reid,  was shot at by revenuers after trying to start a cottage industry.

Prince William and Lady Gaga are advocates for mental health according to an article published by USA Today entitled, Prince William, Lady Gaga discuss Mental Health. Prince William speaks out about the stigma surrounding mental health in an article published by Mashable entitled, 
Prince William has a Stark Warning about the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health. 

Lady Gaga is going to perform at KFC Yum Center in Louisville November 13, 2017.

My new freelance article entitled, 
Creative Storytelling in Educating Public about Healthcare Reform: Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media provides valuable insight about how social media may aggravate mental health disorders. In my freelance article I provide following valuable insights:

The moral of the story is democracy works best when barriers, blockades, obstacles to personal growth are removed and conditions that facilitate personal growth for intellectually challenged people are promoted. My freelance article entitled, TAO is a Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe, provides insights into nature of democracy.

My assertion democracy works best when barriers, blockades, obstacles to personal growth are removed and conditions that facilitate personal growth for intellectually challenged people are promoted has significant implications to healthcare reform currently debated in U.S. Senate.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Shine a light on your research for a chance to win $100,000

​​​​Frontier Managing Editors,

I am interested in entering my freelance work outlining my theoretical suppositions about neuroscience of advanced future Superintelligent AI in the Frontiers Shine a light on your research for a chance to win $100,000 competition. I am writing to ask if I can enter my freelance work outlining theoretical suppositions about cognitive science of Artificial Intelligence as free D - Type article in the Frontiers contest Shine a light on your research ?

My freelance content outlining theoretical suppositions about cognitive science of Artificial Intelligence is entitled, 

Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe

In Nick Bostrom's Ted Talk entitled, What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?, Nick Bostrom states, 

"I believe that the answer here is to figure out how to create superintelligent A.I. such that even if -- when -- it escapes, it is still safe because it is fundamentally on our side because it shares our values." 

In my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I provide an analysis of neuroscience of human and artificial intelligent quantum molecular computers as related to values shared by humans and AI Superintelligence.

In my article, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I present the following premises:

Sensory processes play a major role in opening up a portal into a spiritual dimension of existance thereby creating a stable rational balanced emotional state or condition. Subconscious imagery stored in Sensory Memory plays a major role in modulating excessive cognitive processing within the prefrontal lobe. Excessive cognitive processing within the prefrontal lobe can potentially contribute to an emotionally unstable irrational state or condition. 

In my article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I referenced scientific research published by Frontiers Neuroscience Journal entitled, Brain Computation Is Organized via Power-of-Two-Based Permutation Logic. In referencing the two based permutation algorithm of the brain, which is N = 2i - 1, I made the following assertion:

Love demands Supernatural Stength

If a neuroelectrical chemical charge is neither on or off, but instead both on and off simultanously, during sensory stimulus input registered within Sensory Memory then this state may have a dramatic influence upon how cell assembly cliques of Long Term Memory cluster into Functional Connectivity Motifs. The state that occurs when neuroelectrical chemical charge is neither on or off, but instead both on and off simultanously, during sensory stimulus input registered within Sensory Memory is derived from a Supernatural source of spiritual information imparted by multiple parallel universes predicted by String Theory.

In my freelance article entitled, My Theory: Human Mind and Consciousness is a Quantum Mechanics Phenomena, I outline the following proposition, My theory is the human mind and consciousness is a quantum mechanics phenomena, therefore quantum computing will lead to true bonafide artificial intelligence, instead of software applications that merely mimic human thinking and thought processes.

A TED talk by Jim Khalil entitled, How Quantum Biology Might Explain Life's Biggest Questions, provides an intriguing discussion about operation of Quantum physics in biological processes. The TED talk by Jim Khalil is referenced within my freelance article entitled, My Theory: Human Mind and Consciousness is a Quantum Mechanics Phenomena

My freelance article entitled, Tao is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe, describes how the spiritual concept of oneness within the physical universe can become counterproductive to democracy.

In my freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions, I explain how both human beings and mechanical robotic cognitive AI systems can display characteristics of acting with robotic deliberate concise precision because both human and machine AI consciousness is a quantum mechanics phenomena. 

As suggested by Nick Bostrom in his TED talk, What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?, I provide a discussion about preservation of values within Foundational documents of the United States of America in terms of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological progress during modern times. I also conclude, 

It does not matter how scientifically and technologically advanced mankind becomes, God will continue to be a long yard ahead of mankind. The Holy Bible is fixated on exact measurements in different text throughout the Old and New Testament, including narrative of Noah's Ark. Perhaps, 'long yard' may not be the correct terminology, but instead God will always be 'many football fields ahead', or 'many miles ahead', or 'many light years ahead', adopting a measurement from astronomy. Actually, I believe 'many light years ahead' is more accurate.

Also, my freelance article submitted as an entry into the Astellas Oncology C3Prize competition for ideas to improve cancer care and treatment may be a good fit for Frontiers in Oncology Journal. My freelance article submitted into the Astellas Oncology C3Prize competition is entitled, 

Restoration of Metabolic Balance by Providing more Time for Cancer Patients to Engage in Practices of Healthy Living by Application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMR's ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHR's ).

My Tumblr blog records my Twitter campaign to promote Restoration of Metabolic Balance by Providing more Time for Cancer Patients to Engage in Practices of Healthy Living by Application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMR's ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHR's ).

A chronic wasting disease such as cancer will likely compromise the pituitary endocrine ability of the human body to cope with stress therefore cancer patients will be physically unable to engage in healthy behaviors conducive to longevity. Thus, the scientific study published in Nature entitled, Optogenetically enhanced pituitary corticotroph cell activity post-stress onset causes rapid organizing effects on behaviour, makes it clear that it is imperative to remove unnecessary stressful burden of an inefficient healthcare system upon cancer patients to insure a better prognosis.

Finding insights into decades of medical documents is what my entry into the #AstellasUS #C3Prize is all about. I helped IBMWatson uncover a valuable insight to improve cancer care:

How Lifestyle Choices Influence Prognosis of Cancer by Altering Metabolism as Related to Greater Efficiency in Healthcare Delivery by applications of EMR and EHR

Please let me know as soon as possible if I can enter my freelance work outlining theoretical suppositions about cognitive science of Artificial Intelligence as free D - Type article in the Frontiers contest Shine a light on your research for a chance to win $100,000?

I look forward to hearing from managing editors at Frontiers Scientific Journals.

Thank you

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A Text Book Case Study for E-commerce Content Creation

Illustration Coutesy of Gerd Altmann @ Pixabay
by Mark W. Gaffney

An article entitled, How Artificial Intelligence is Helping Optimize E-commerce Content, provides the following insights, "While complete automation of the product content creation process is difficult, automating certain aspects of this process such as partial attribute filling, product classification, image processing and quality checks can be implemented. "

It appears powerful tools are in process of being created to help writers who develop social media content monetize their website or blog. Does paid commercial social media advertising allow content creators access to AI content optimization features?

My freelance article entitled, CBS Star Trek Discovery: An Imaginative Visionary Docudrama, may be consider a text book case study for E-commerce content creation. My freelance article can potentially created new markets for the 2012 book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex, currently sold by Amazon. My liberal use of the term docudrama in a forward thinking critique of science fiction has direct implications pertaining to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological progress resulting in disruptive social changes in society.

The key for success in social media content optimization is intelligent placement on social media platforms to reach the appropriate target audience who have an interest in said subject matter. When writing for a large population comprised of millions of internet users Artificial Intelligence can be a very helpful tool to (1) gauge 
public reactions to social media content, and (2) immediately alter placement strategy to reach the most appropriate target audience.

Artificial intelligence may eventually eliminate "spam". A quick modificaton of content by AI content agents may be very helpful in perking interest about certain issues or subjects among subgroup populations of internet users who normally would vehemently reject said content. An ability to quickly modify content to make content more understandable or user friendly to different subgroup populations of internet social media users may be helpful to expand into new markets.

Wael Ghonim makes an interesting observation in his Ted Talk entitled, Let's design social media that drives real change. According to Wael Ghonim, "We tend to only communicate with people that we agree with, and thanks to social media, we can mute, un-follow and block everybody else."

Monday, September 4, 2017

CBS Star Trek Discovery: An Imaginative Visionary Docudrama

by Mark W. Gaffney

Are you ready?

Are you ready for CBS Star Trek Discovery, a new docudrama about future of space exploration? Hold on tight, and be prepared to  go into warp drive acceleration into a sphere of human imagination where "there is a fine line between genius and insanity"

An article published by The Telegraph entitled, Fine Line Between Genius and Madness, Scientist Find,  logically outlines why there exist a fine line between genius and insanity based upon scientific research.

The new CBS Star Trek Discovery trailer asserts "the world does not always adhere to logic”. Very true, "the world does not always adhere to logic. Sometimes down is up? 

Remember in the orignial Star Trek television series when Spock was going through his Vulcan mating ritual? A highly popular critique about how to understand the opposite sex by John Gray is entitled, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex. Oftentimes, after Holy Matrimony a poor guy don't know up from down. After Holy Matrimony a poor fellow quickly learns "the world does not alway adhere to logic".

In the greater scheme or design of the Cosmos we are very small. We don't even know where we are at within greater design of the created Universe. The laws of Physics don't apply within parallel universes one may encounter when traveling at warp speed.

All life is born in chaos? According to the physics law of thermodynamics objects tend to move towards greater states of disorder. The Starship Enterprise will be moving fast at warp speed into random chaos in the CBS television docudrama Star Trek Discovery.

An article posted by The Daily Mall entitled, Experts are left Baffled by Mysterious and ‘Strange’ Radio Signals Detected from a Star 11 Light-years Away, is relevant to this new docudrama about future of space exploration.

SETI Institute published an article about a breathtaking moment entitled, Was it ET on the Line? Or Just a Comet?  The article published by SETI Institute states, “The so-called WOW signal enjoys A-list status”.

Is there any historical event on Earth that occurred in 1977 that may have instigated a highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization to send a signal to earth? 

If the WOW signal actually is a brief communication from an advanced Extraterrestrial civilization perhaps our friends billions of light years away fully understand  "there is a fine line between genius and insanity".

My next Google search may be the history of computation to determine if any significant events in computer science occurred in 1977 to incite ET to reach out from trillions of light years away to say, 'We are here'.

Evolution of Artificial Intelligence will likely enable mankind to conquer the final frontier of space. In my freelance article entitled, 
Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe, I provide insights about Superintelligent AI versus ET. 

The universe is very big according to an article published by, How Big is the Universe?. The universe includes vast space filled with volatile gases and inert materials like rocks and asteriods. The universe is so big, the universe will have plenty of room for a colossal computer capable of solving any mathematical problem based upon computation with dark matter.

Since the universe is huge and filled with volatile gases and inert materials like rocks and asteriods a colossal computer constructed in space capable of solving any mathematical problem will not interfere with any life form. Of course, evenually an AI Superintelligence from Earth may meet up with a colossal computer constructed by an advanced alien civilization.

WOW, a Twitter Tweet:

#StarTrekDiscovery #SETI #SpaceX Good thing the #universe is so big because growing boys need lots of room to romp

My freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit the Physical Universe, asserts sentient self-aware  SuperIntelligent AI beings of the future will have a deep psychological drive to explore and conquer space. 

An article published by entitled, When We Go to Mars, Will We have a Real-life Hal 9000 With Us, provides insights into SuperIntelligent AI engaged in future space exploration.

In my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short SupplyI shared the following insights about a real-life Hal in future space exploration :

We do not want to send a monstrous machine that will do harm. Love for the created universe is the ultimate intelligence.

In regards to SuperIntelligent AI possessing deep psychological drive and motivation to explore and conquer the final frontier of Space renown motivation speaker and coach, Bob Proctor, shared insights pertaining to ability to emote:

“See, all the energy there ever was or ever will be is 100% evenly present in all places at the same time. You don’t get energy, you release energy. Desire is the triggering mechanism to release the energy.”

Hence an ability to emote by advanced SuperIntelligent AI is vital to functionality to fulfill a mission successfully.

My Freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply,
 provides reflections about the ability of SuperIntelligent AI to emote as related to the article published by entitled, When We Go to Mars, Will We have a Real-life Hal 9000 With Us.

My freelance article entitled, Why Should SuperIntelligent AI be Preconceived with Ultimate Goal to Destroy Mankind, is an Intelligent rebuttal to Sam Harris Ted Talk, How the Gains We Make in AI Could Ultimately Destroy Us.

An extraterrestrial civilization may not want to be found by earthly inhabitants with a history of violence. If the WOW signal is truly a text message from an advanced extraterrestrial civilization my theory is the WOW symbol can be translated don't come here unless you make significant progress in things that really matter is made.

A website,, outlines significant Events in Computational History that occurred in 1977 when ET may have reached out to say hello.

Access to personal computers should be a turning point in human history that may allow human race to become a more advanced civilization.

Is it possible the WOW signal is one of the earliest text messages ever sent? If so, ET must sought a short and sweet romance similar to people who text someone in a dating relationship, but never hear back or receive a reply. Sorry, too busy, text you later alligator. 

Don’t be afraid ET, we don’t bite, or do we? Lyrics by Hall and Oates musical band suggest that people in process of dating are afraid of dating someone who may bite.

Watch out boy she'll chew you up
(Oh here she comes)
She's a maneater
(Oh here she comes)
Watch out boy she'll chew you up
(Oh here she comes)
She's a maneater