Saturday, September 9, 2017

Excessive Burden of Government Regulations Harmful in Lives of Private Citizens Illustrated by

I am writing this current article to share an intriguing historical narrative based on ancestry in commemoration of the Kentucky Bourbon Festival event.

The historical event of my third maternal grandfather, Floyd Reid, being shot at by revenuers after trying to start a moonshine business confirms too many government regulations can be economically harmful in the lives of private citizens. In the photo posted above, the man in the background actually was wounded by shots fired by moonshine revenuers, but I think he survived according to story passed down through generations.

A photo of my third maternal grandfather's whiskey making steel is currently on display at the Oscar Getz Museum of Whiskey History.

The ancestral historical narrative is even more intriguing because of possible family ties with Prince William.

I discovered in our maternal ancestry our family may have ancestral ties with Prince William, the future King of England, through Dr. Thomas Gerard. Our ancestral relationship with Dr. Thomas Gerard is through our great great great grandfather and grandmother, James and Rachel ( Speaks ) Simpson ancestral line. Thomas Speak Sr. married Frances Gerrard, the father of Dr. Thomas Gerrard.

 Dr. Thomas Gerard our 10th great grandfather at one time in history owned Capital Hill in Washington D.C. according to the Colonial Dames 17th Century Cross Trails ChapterMore about the Gerrard family dynasty can be found on England's website, History of ParliamentMore about the Gerard family ancestral ties to Prince William can be found on the blog, The Coltons Point Times: Birthplace of Religious Freedom .

A genealogy research article by John S. Morris, III entitled, Col. Thomas Speke of Westmoreland County, Virginia and Thomas Speake of Saint Mary's County, Maryland, explores the relationship between the two men. Our 9th great maternal grandparents may actually be Johannes Speake and Elizabeth Bieseley. See page 31 of historical research by John S. Morris III entitled, Col. Thomas Speke of Westmoreland County, Virginia and Thomas Speake of Saint Mary's County, Maryland .

If Thomas Speake of St. Mary's Maryland is not the son of Colonial Thomas Speke living across Potomac River in Virginia than Prince William and I are unrelated. If Colonial Thomas Speake of Virginia is not related to Thomas Speke of St Mary's, then my 10th great grandparents may instead be John Speake and Elizabeth Bieseley.

I read something in the document, 
Col. Thomas Speke of Westmoreland County, Virginia and Thomas Speake of Saint Mary's County, Maryland,  about about a cannon misfiring at the funeral service of Thomas Speake injuring a gunnery member that sounds like a scene from the Hollywood comedy A Million Ways to Die in the West.

If indeed our 10th great grandfather, Dr Thomas Gerrard was actually our 10th great grandfather, historically it would be very odd to consider our 10th great grandfather on our father's side, Captain William Claiborne, may not have been very friendly with our 10th great grandfather on our mothers side, Dr. Thomas Gerard. Captain William Claiborne is identified as a puritan by Wikipedia.

Historically, it would be very strange to discover that our 10th great grandfather on our fathers side, Captain William Claiborne, and our 10th great grandfather on our mothers side, Dr. Thomas Gerard, may share a 10th great grandson today, namely myself. During the 16th century it would have been an intense dynamic social situation to invite these two men to dinner.

I am not a history expert, but I believe Puritans were the religious group that use to hang people for witchcraft back in the 16th century. According to information published by Wikipedia, Dr. Thomas Gerrard was almost executed by Puritans after he was captured during Fendall's Rebellion. Also, Lord Baltimore, in England, issued orders for Dr. Thomas Gerrard to be executed. Historically, it would be strange to discover that these two men share a 10th great grandson, namely myself. How could this happen?

According to Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopia, the Province of Maryland in 1632 -1776 was claimed to be owned by Pennsylvania. In fact, Captain William Claiborne, my 10th great paternal grandfather, identified by Wikipedia as a Puritan, led many offensive battles with Maryland over Kent Island which eventually resulted in "the landmark Maryland Toleration Act of 1649", which declared religious tolerance for Catholics and Protestants in Maryland".

Although I consider it an incredible honor to contemplate Thomas Speake, the original Catholic immigrant who settled Saint Mary's County, Maryland and married Elizabeth Bowling, may be our 8th great maternal grandfather I am still holding onto hope we may be related to Dr. Thomas Gerard .

Kit Benedict Christopher Columbus Simpson, 
son of James and Racheal ( Speaks ) Simpson,
is a pioneer decedent from fur trapping ancestors who tracked westward from Saint Mary's, Maryland Settlement.

I think it would be cool beyond measure to possibly be related to Prince William, the future King of England. According to The Coltons Point Times: Birthplace of Religious Freedom

" that means our Coltons Point bloodline ( Gerards ) will have a son of Princess Diana, Prince William, who becomes King of England who is related to King Henry VIII, a new King whose ancestors were step great grandmothers to George Washington who defeated the English, and who is the first British King who is 1/16 American. No wonder we always liked Princess Diana."

I also think it would be cool beyond measure to have a 10th great grandfather, Dr. Thomas Gerard, who at one time in history owned Capital Hill in Washington D.C. I also think it would be cool to list George Washington's grandfather Colonial John Washington as my 11th great STEP grandfather.

All of these events are doubly mysterious given the narrative about my Irish and Scottish ancestry, Why Did I Let Those Russians Talk Me into This,  during days immediately before outbreak of American Civil War.

The entire period in American history was so tramatic, it would have driven anyone to drink whiskey spirits in excess. In one of the newspaper articles I read there was a narrative about a bottle of whiskey costing $1000.00. In those days, $1000.00 dollars may have been the equivalent of millions of dollars.

The narrative about how our 5th great grandfather Hans Michael Goodnight was scalped by Indians certainly does not help one to have a restful nightsleep.My Irish and Scottish ancestors may have been driven insane by countless nights of lost sleep after hearing the story about how George Goodnight was scalped by Indians during a British led raid on Ruddell’s Station. George Goodnight’s wife and children were taken captive and sold into slavery in British Canada.

Given extenuating circumstances that the nation was on the brink of civil war, William Fishback, the legal defense should have entered an insanity plea and got them off with less severe punishment, other than hanging. One of the two Englishmen who clubbed the Irishman, Canady, to death only received 4 years in prison for manslaughter.

An article published by Mashable entitled, Kate, William and Harry want to connect with you on LinkedInstates, 
"The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are hiring a senior communications officer with a "particular focus on the activity of their Royal Foundation".

My dear long lost cousin is trying to get in contact with me to express regret for failing to invite me to Kate and Prince Williams wedding ceremony.

The first order of the day Prince William may give to his new communications officer is to catagorically. deny the Royal family may be distant relatives of moonshiners in Kentucky. My third maternal grandfather, Floyd Reid,  was shot at by revenuers after trying to start a cottage industry.

Prince William and Lady Gaga are advocates for mental health according to an article published by USA Today entitled, Prince William, Lady Gaga discuss Mental Health. Prince William speaks out about the stigma surrounding mental health in an article published by Mashable entitled, 
Prince William has a Stark Warning about the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health. 

Lady Gaga is going to perform at KFC Yum Center in Louisville November 13, 2017.

My new freelance article entitled, 
Creative Storytelling in Educating Public about Healthcare Reform: Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media provides valuable insight about how social media may aggravate mental health disorders. In my freelance article I provide following valuable insights:

The moral of the story is democracy works best when barriers, blockades, obstacles to personal growth are removed and conditions that facilitate personal growth for intellectually challenged people are promoted. My freelance article entitled, TAO is a Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe, provides insights into nature of democracy.

My assertion democracy works best when barriers, blockades, obstacles to personal growth are removed and conditions that facilitate personal growth for intellectually challenged people are promoted has significant implications to healthcare reform currently debated in U.S. Senate.

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