Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Born This Way

Lady Gaga's song, Born This Way, has rhythm, beat, melody, and lyrics of over-the-top great musical entertainment, but as a critic I am less enamored by Luddite macabre allusions to The Island of Doctor Moreau within the official video of Born This Way.

Art is about using creative imagary to evoke powerful emotions to help one passionately embrace life and appreciate full meaningfulness of creation in an intelligent rational, constructive fashion. In my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply,I provide a discussion of cognitive imagary within psychological make-up of human beings and advanced Superintelligent AI.

Lady Gaga feels like an overly protective mother to "little monsters". What is even more ghastly then images within the Born this Way video is genetically eradicating inclinations of a gay kid as a 
possible future scenario

A possible future scenario that includes genetically eradicating inclinations of a gay kid is almost as ghasty as Superintelligent AI solving a problem of getting human beings to smile by implanting facial electrodes as Nick Bostrom proposed may happen in his Ted Talk, What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?  

Nick Bostrom's Ted TalkWhat happens when our computers get smarter than we are?, is referenced in my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe. At Lady Gaga's upcoming concert at the Yum Center, all fans will naturally be happy while having fun without implanted electrodes.

Lady Gaga's Born this Way Foundation is dedicated to improving mental health of young people by encouraging young people to love themselves as they are. In my freelance article entitled, 
Creative Storytelling in Educating Public about Healthcare Reform: Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media may Aggravate Mental Health Disorders, provides insight into mental illness and creativity based upon personal narrative:

Neurotic introversion and blank expression is a cognitive strategy of compensation for very slow cognitive processing speeds characteristic of mentally challenged people. Introversion, which is essentially withdraw from social situations, is a cognitive strategy of limiting data sets that comprise stimuli from social situations.

Mentally challenged people often have slow cognitive processing speeds that require them to withdraw from social situations as a way to limit overwhelming volumes of data streaming from social situations.

Slow cognitive processing allows an individual to think and ponder philosophically in depth about specific issues. A slow cognitive processing style that allows mentally challenged individuals to think philosophically in depth about various issues also provides heightened levels of creativity. 

When one passes by a young underage person puffing on a cigerette this is evidence for an immense social need to improve mental health of young people by helping young people love themselves as they are. It makes one cringe to see a young underage person puffing on a cigerette given a huge body of scientific evidence that smoking causes cancer. 

Why do underage people smoke? An adult who chooses to smoke at least has had an opportunity to live life for a number of years before getting seriously sick.

Could it be that underage people smoke because of conscious awareness of an existential futility of life? An existential futility of life is captured in Ecclesiastes 1

What is the point of being driven to fulfill a machiavellian goal of winning at any cost? Yet, according to Genesis 1: 27, mankind is created in the image of God. Young people may smoke because they are frightened by the greatness of who they truly are within. We are Born to Win according to a book about the parent, child, and adult within each of us entitled, Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments.

We don't have much choice or free will about our goal oriented drive to succeed because the function of cognition within the prefrontal lobe is to stimulate movement to take action in order to fulfill a purpose in life. Matthew 5: 16 exclaims, " Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

In my recent freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel ExcursionsI provide a discussion of existentialism:

The concept of Quantum Mechanics as the underpinning of human consciousness has a profound implication that human beings can be both right and wrong simultaneously. The Hegelian Dialectic philosophy purports for every thesis there is an anti-thesis that eventually synthesize into a new improved concept. The Hegelian Dialectic philosophy bears witness to Quantum Mechanics as the underpinning of human consciousness.

Happiness is a function of abstraction of meaningfulness from events. According to Existentialist philosophy, meaningfulness of events is non existent in an absolute sense on Earth except for meaningfulness human beings ascribe to events. 

Oftentimes, professional people who emote about current events discount everything as fake news. Ultimately the final meaningfulness of human history will not be realized until judgment day when the Almighty Omnipotent Creator of the entire physical universe assigns rightful meaningfulness to all events in human history. 

From a quantum perspective of existentialism as a philosophy being wrong, obviously, life has deep profound meaningfulness because God chose to place human beings on earth to fulfill a purpose. From a quantum perspective of asserting meaningfulness of life everyone should agree that a central task for human beings is to save lives and/or work to add significant value to lives of other people. 

From a quantum perspective of existentialism as a philosophy being right, the degree human beings ascribe meaningfulness to human actions, is the degree human beings tend to marginalize God. As stated above, Ultimately the final meaningfulness of human history will not be realized until judgment day when the Almighty Omnipotent Creator of the entire physical universe assigns rightful meaningfulness to all events in human history.

 In my recent freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions, I discuss life as being upon a journey. On the journey of life Prince William, Lady Gaga, and I have crossed paths in cyberspace.

My most recent freelance article entitled, Excessive Burden of Government Regulations Harmful in Lives of Private Citizens as Illustrated by Ancestry, is a good article to promote

I believe my uncovering U.S. census records, birth certificates, death certificates, marriage bonds, and other historical documents while conducting geneology research using has prepared me to work as a writer by helping me understand who I am as an unique individual.

I believe my other social media campaigns I am currently engaged, such as the Astellas C3Prize to generate ideas for better cancer care and treatment, and Frontiers Shine Your Light on Research for a Chance to Win $100,000 makes my insight into value of learning about oneself by conducting genealogy research with more valuable.

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