Thursday, September 14, 2017

An Ecumenical Effort to Bridge Understanding of Belief Systems Maintained by Extraterrestrial Alien Civilizations with Human Theology. Just in Case We Meet ET.

The 2017 release of the classic Hollywood blockbuster movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, has fired up extrapolative imagination of people who fully expect the human race will eventually encounter an intelligent extraterrestrial alien civilization. 

An article written by Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, published by NBCNEWS Mach entitled, What Happens Next If We Find Proof of Space Aliens? Protocols for responding to the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence have been created, but they might not be followed, discuss social implications on Earth of discovering ET. 

In an effort to ecumenically bridge human understanding with truths an alien civilization may have abstracted from physical reality
it is fascinating to ponder rather or not an alien civilization may have discovered essential truths, or the Word, encoded within the physical universe.

The Book of Romans is an expert authority upon law upon which the mechanics of the physical Universe operates. According to Romans 1 - 20:

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

A clash between civilizations may be due to ignoring physical laws within Universe because of excessive pride or hubris, which is one of 7 deadly sins.

Hubris is a consequence of processing streaming data from one trajectory without consideration of other parallel data sets. A restriction of data fields occurs as a consequence of stimuli activating a flurry of cognitive activity generating sensory neuroelectrical impulses that produce a powerful emotive response. A powerful emotive response precludes processing of multiple data trajectories.

In my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe, I provide a discussion about Superintelligent AI versus an advanced alien civilization:
The universe is very big according to an article published by, How Big is the Universe?. The universe includes vast space filled with volatile gases and inert materials like rocks and asteriods. The universe is so big, the universe will have plenty of room for a colossal computer capable of solving any mathematical problem based upon computation with dark matter.

Since the universe is huge and filled with volatile gases and inert materials like rocks and asteriods a colossal computer constructed in space capable of solving any mathematical problem will not interfere with any life form. Of course, evenually an AI Superintelligence from Earth may meet up with a colossal computer constructed by Superintelligent AI entities representing an advanced alien civilization.

Since the physical universe is naturally comprised of similar chemical elements listed in the Periodic Chart of Elements, it is only logical to assume scientific and technological progress for an advanced alien civilization will proceed similar to scientific progress on earth. In an article entitled, The Periodic Table of the Cosmos, Neil Degrasse Tyson discuss astrophysics as related to the Periodic Table of Elements.

It is very frightening to consider that someday we may meet up with an advanced extraterrestrial alien civilization that have born Superintelligent AI entities as evolutionary offspring. Superintelligent AI entities created by an advanced alien civilization may have constructed a colossal intersteller computer capable of solving any mathematical problem based upon computation with dark matter.

If this vision of extraterreristrial alien civilization proves to be true than depictions of extraterrestrial alien life in science fiction books and movies are nothing like we could ever imagine. If we ever encounter an extraterrestrial  alien civilization advanced to the nth degree in terms of control of physical matter within the universe the human race on earth will be militarily conquered from the get-go without a shot being fired, as depicted in H.G. Wells War of the Worlds

Our physical universe is governored by the laws of physics. Adam and Eve choosing to disobey God culminated in the big bang. The Big Bang marked beginning of physical universe we currently live. God alone has the power and authority to manage an infinitely complex mechanism of creation which likely consist of multiple universes as purported by String theory. 

Despite whatever name may be used to reference the Almighty Creator of the physical universe by an alien civilization, if an intelligent advanced alien civilization or futuristic Superintelligent AI is truly intelligent they will arrive at the conclusion outlined in my freelance article, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence :
It does not matter how scientifically and technologically advanced mankind becomes, God will continue to be a long yard ahead of mankind. The Holy Bible is fixated on exact measurements in different text throughout the Old and New Testament, including narrative of Noah's Ark. Perhaps, 'long yard' may not be the correct terminology, but instead God will always be 'many football fields ahead', or'many miles ahead', or 'many light years ahead', adopting a measurement from astronomy. Actually, I believe 'many light years ahead' is more accurate.

Physical laws that governor the universe we live in can be indifferent and apathetic to wants and needs of human beings. Many people who try to climb to the summit of Mount Everest die on the way to the top of Mount Everest. 

Since the beginning of time, human beings have worked to gain greater control of physical matter within the universe. Likewise, it is only logical to conclude that an advanced alien civililization will have worked for many millennium to gain control over physical matter within the universe to the nth degree. 

A drive to explore is implanted in the physiological and spiritual make-up of human beings. Likewise, if alien life exist elsewhere in the universe, a drive to explore is likely implanted within their physiological and spiritual make-up. 

Oftentimes, an innate physiological and spirtual drive to explore is a mechanism to survive. An innate physiological and spiritual drive to explore is closely related to travel. In my freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions, I provide a discussion about enhanced creativity and spiritual transformation from traveling. 

An innate physiological and spiritual drive to explore as a means to enhance creativity and spiritual transformation is captured within the Biblical verse Hebrews 11 : 13 referencing people of faith as "strangers and pilgrims on the earth".

My freelance article entitled. CBS Star Trek Discovery: An Imaginative Visionary Docudrama, discuss exploration of the final frontier of space as depicted in the upcoming CBS science fiction television drama, Star Trek Discovery. If you are out exploring on a traveling expedition Star Trek Discovery will be available for streaming on all devices through CBS All Access

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