Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Shine a light on your research for a chance to win $100,000

​​​​Frontier Managing Editors,

I am interested in entering my freelance work outlining my theoretical suppositions about neuroscience of advanced future Superintelligent AI in the Frontiers Shine a light on your research for a chance to win $100,000 competition. I am writing to ask if I can enter my freelance work outlining theoretical suppositions about cognitive science of Artificial Intelligence as free D - Type article in the Frontiers contest Shine a light on your research ?

My freelance content outlining theoretical suppositions about cognitive science of Artificial Intelligence is entitled, 

Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe

In Nick Bostrom's Ted Talk entitled, What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?, Nick Bostrom states, 

"I believe that the answer here is to figure out how to create superintelligent A.I. such that even if -- when -- it escapes, it is still safe because it is fundamentally on our side because it shares our values." 

In my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I provide an analysis of neuroscience of human and artificial intelligent quantum molecular computers as related to values shared by humans and AI Superintelligence.

In my article, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I present the following premises:

Sensory processes play a major role in opening up a portal into a spiritual dimension of existance thereby creating a stable rational balanced emotional state or condition. Subconscious imagery stored in Sensory Memory plays a major role in modulating excessive cognitive processing within the prefrontal lobe. Excessive cognitive processing within the prefrontal lobe can potentially contribute to an emotionally unstable irrational state or condition. 

In my article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I referenced scientific research published by Frontiers Neuroscience Journal entitled, Brain Computation Is Organized via Power-of-Two-Based Permutation Logic. In referencing the two based permutation algorithm of the brain, which is N = 2i - 1, I made the following assertion:

Love demands Supernatural Stength

If a neuroelectrical chemical charge is neither on or off, but instead both on and off simultanously, during sensory stimulus input registered within Sensory Memory then this state may have a dramatic influence upon how cell assembly cliques of Long Term Memory cluster into Functional Connectivity Motifs. The state that occurs when neuroelectrical chemical charge is neither on or off, but instead both on and off simultanously, during sensory stimulus input registered within Sensory Memory is derived from a Supernatural source of spiritual information imparted by multiple parallel universes predicted by String Theory.

In my freelance article entitled, My Theory: Human Mind and Consciousness is a Quantum Mechanics Phenomena, I outline the following proposition, My theory is the human mind and consciousness is a quantum mechanics phenomena, therefore quantum computing will lead to true bonafide artificial intelligence, instead of software applications that merely mimic human thinking and thought processes.

A TED talk by Jim Khalil entitled, How Quantum Biology Might Explain Life's Biggest Questions, provides an intriguing discussion about operation of Quantum physics in biological processes. The TED talk by Jim Khalil is referenced within my freelance article entitled, My Theory: Human Mind and Consciousness is a Quantum Mechanics Phenomena

My freelance article entitled, Tao is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe, describes how the spiritual concept of oneness within the physical universe can become counterproductive to democracy.

In my freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions, I explain how both human beings and mechanical robotic cognitive AI systems can display characteristics of acting with robotic deliberate concise precision because both human and machine AI consciousness is a quantum mechanics phenomena. 

As suggested by Nick Bostrom in his TED talk, What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?, I provide a discussion about preservation of values within Foundational documents of the United States of America in terms of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological progress during modern times. I also conclude, 

It does not matter how scientifically and technologically advanced mankind becomes, God will continue to be a long yard ahead of mankind. The Holy Bible is fixated on exact measurements in different text throughout the Old and New Testament, including narrative of Noah's Ark. Perhaps, 'long yard' may not be the correct terminology, but instead God will always be 'many football fields ahead', or 'many miles ahead', or 'many light years ahead', adopting a measurement from astronomy. Actually, I believe 'many light years ahead' is more accurate.

Also, my freelance article submitted as an entry into the Astellas Oncology C3Prize competition for ideas to improve cancer care and treatment may be a good fit for Frontiers in Oncology Journal. My freelance article submitted into the Astellas Oncology C3Prize competition is entitled, 

Restoration of Metabolic Balance by Providing more Time for Cancer Patients to Engage in Practices of Healthy Living by Application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMR's ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHR's ).

My Tumblr blog records my Twitter campaign to promote Restoration of Metabolic Balance by Providing more Time for Cancer Patients to Engage in Practices of Healthy Living by Application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMR's ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHR's ).

A chronic wasting disease such as cancer will likely compromise the pituitary endocrine ability of the human body to cope with stress therefore cancer patients will be physically unable to engage in healthy behaviors conducive to longevity. Thus, the scientific study published in Nature entitled, Optogenetically enhanced pituitary corticotroph cell activity post-stress onset causes rapid organizing effects on behaviour, makes it clear that it is imperative to remove unnecessary stressful burden of an inefficient healthcare system upon cancer patients to insure a better prognosis.

Finding insights into decades of medical documents is what my entry into the #AstellasUS #C3Prize is all about. I helped IBMWatson uncover a valuable insight to improve cancer care:

How Lifestyle Choices Influence Prognosis of Cancer by Altering Metabolism as Related to Greater Efficiency in Healthcare Delivery by applications of EMR and EHR

Please let me know as soon as possible if I can enter my freelance work outlining theoretical suppositions about cognitive science of Artificial Intelligence as free D - Type article in the Frontiers contest Shine a light on your research for a chance to win $100,000?

I look forward to hearing from managing editors at Frontiers Scientific Journals.

Thank you

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