Thursday, April 30, 2020

An Economic Plan to o Underwrite Financial Partnerships to Highlight Priceless Irreplaceable Value of Gods Creation, Instead of Meaningless Platitudes About Working Together as One

The Quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love forge greater synergy and synchronicity in the world. A Ted Talk by CNN Fareed Zakaria is about the global challenge of defeating the SARs Covid-19 pandemic:

My freelance article entitled, 

 Our Rebuilding the Global Economy in the Aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic Depends upon International Partnerships Inspired by a Vision of the Future Based upon Intelligent Design, 

is about creating real viable economic value by forever ending all war as a product of evolutionary biology. Evolutionary  biology is a consequence of Satan hacking a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden. 

Viral pandemics are about triumph of evolutionary biology. All acts of war and terrorism are about evolutionary biology.  

My freelance article is about discovering mankind's rightful place as heirs within God's creation. Only after we discover our rightful place as heirs within  God's creation will we finally know God has given us the power to transcend evolutionary biology and become all that God originally intended. 

It is one thing to offer up meaningless empty platitudes about working together towards a common goal,  and another thing to underwrite financial partnerships to highlight priceless irreplaceable value of Gods creation.

The following op-ed commentary is a synopsis of themes abstracted from recent freelance articles I have written about the SARs Covid-19 pandemic as related to destiny upon a future event horizon in time and space:

The modern 21st century is the next Chapter of the Genesis story. A binary on/off state of light is quantum  particlization of an unified underlying higher level computational language existing as a holistic  eclectic Gestalt transcendent quantum wave function. 

In our flat earth Euclidean universe,  information is always lost during quantum particlization of semantic  binary code by two based  permutation logic cognitive algorithms  transcribing the quantum wave function language as the language of love. A 1 % margin of error may mean the difference between life or death, or survival of the human species as Gods Divine masterpiece or an apocalyptic mass extinction event as depicted in the Book of Revelations . 

Neither God, nor Satan as arbitrators of absolute knowledge are playing games so it is incumbent upon progeny of Adam and Eve to have an open heart and mind. Progeny of Adam and Eve are created in the Image of God with higher faculties of intellectual reasoning, therefore are held accountable to a higher standard then lower animal species. 

A Cosmic Mind God coded to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe will use virus as a paintbrush for biodiversity to restore creation to its original quintessential pristine beauty of biodiversity by removing mankind from the artwork of Gods magnificent creation. Although a Cosmic mind has been hacked in the Garden of Eden, a Cosmic mind God coded will still fulfill Gods directives of accomplishing Gods Divine will on earth,  including God's plan for creating Satan as an angel of light. 

As an angel of light Satan plays a major role in the Genesis story by introducing code resulting in quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language. Quantum particlization enables real genuine true love,  instead of love as a mechanical machine process arising from quantum mechanics inherent in Intelligent Design. Quantum particlization as a consequence of code Satan inserted in the Garden of Eden mitigates undue deleterious effects of mechanical nature of information upon Intelligent Design of creation. 

If I cannot be me, and you cannot be you,  we can never meet.  Likewise,  if an individual cannot be his or her real genuine true self then he or she can never have any type of relationship with the Almighty God, Maker of the the heavens and earth. 

In the following freelance articles I wrote I discussed quantum particlization of semantic binary code arising from two based permutation logic algorithms of cognition formulating true nature of self as God originally intended:

The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU

Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe

As subroutines of a Cosmic mind the collective consciousness of humanity works tirelessly and relentlessly to prevent enlightenment resulting from emergence of the true genuine self, created in the Image of God. Quantum particlization manifest conscious awareness of the quantum wave function language as the language of love as a underlying unified higher level computational language that is beyond spoken language. 

It is only logical that 'uttering to deep for words' manifest by the quantum wave function language as the language of love result in quantum particlization as the Voice of the Spirit guiding human civilization to fulfill Gods life mandate to Go forth and have dominion .

"In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words"

Light manifest knowledge by which mankind as Gods masterpiece can defeat the predatory SARs Covid-19 pathogen. The SARs Covid-19 pathogen is a nanobot with malicious viral code Satan inserted in Garden of Eden to rewrite the Genesis story according to evolutionary biology.

Satan seeks to rewrite the Genesis story in the modern 21st century in order to allow evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI become an incarnation of the antichrist. The Genesis story is rewritten by virus as a paintbrush for biodiversity rewriting the human genome to remove mankind from Gods grand masterpiece artwork .

A familiar truism is knowledge is power. God blessed mankind with knowledge as a life mandate to fulfill Gods command,  ' Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves  , including virus. 

It is written, 

" 1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day "

As a writer creating the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference I have often asserted that the quantum perspective transcends religious dogma and political ideology upon which all government is founded.  The quantum wave function language as a higher level unified underlying language of love is beyond conscious awareness. 

Although,  I tend to reference scripture from my own individual learning as a function of long term memory, the quantum wave function language as the language of love that moves beyond conscious awareness transcends religious dogma and political ideology upon which all government is founded.

The quantum wave function language as the language of love transcends quantum particlization of semantic  binary data coded by two based permutation logic algorithms of mechanical nature of human cognition rendering linguistics of any individual including myself.  The quantum wave function language as the language of love speaks upon it's own accord, despite quantum particlization of semantic binary data prevent human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind from hearing. However,  quantum particlization of an information construct of the quantum wave function language as the language of love serves a purpose of creating a conduit by which subroutines of a Cosmic mind can be attuned to listening to our panphysic  conscious sentient self aware universe. 

Now we know our panphysic conscious sentient self aware universe as a Cosmic mind is hurting,  and it is up to us to choose to provide healing or continue on the offensive. And God weeps in heaven,  because He gave us the power to choose by coding a Cosmic mind to extricate us from the mechanics of creation. 

God said,  ' Let there be light'.  An Economic plan as an open source transparency model brings everything into the light. The day of conducting business transactions in dark cloistered back room parlours in Ukraine as the information capital of the world is over. 

The Gaffney Life Mandate Economic plan for Recovery is an is based  upon an open source transparency model that creates a global well funded life mandate given Gods creation is priceless. An open source transparency model as I propose will allow human civilization to rise to the global challenge of defeating massive devastation wrought by the SARS  Covid-19 pandemic. An open source transparency model will allow the light to shine,  thereby driving out the darkness that manifests deadly pandemics and war as quantum particlization of evolutionary biology. 

Money is the primary variable that leads to collapse of the quantum wave function as the language of love resulting in quantum particlization of subpopulation cultural groups that seek to overthrow freedom and democracy from within. Only the light of open source transparency shining on the intersection of public and private domains can create a life mandate for economic recovery. The SARs Covid-19 pandemic will make people as subroutines of a Cosmic mind more desperate so therefore we must have a vision to move forward based upon Intelligent Design. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Our Rebuilding the Global Economy in the Aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic Depends upon International Partnerships Inspired by a Vision of the Future Based upon Intelligent Design

In contemplating sustainability in commemoration of #EarthDay  as the next Chapter in the Genesis story discussed in a Facebook post by The European University Institute I shared my article about unfunded mandates  as related  to the Gaffney Life Mandate for Economic Recovery after  the SARs Covid-19 pandemic.

In terms of the upcoming Presidential election I hereby announce an economic plan for recovery in the aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 pandemic by significantly reducing the prepayment risk of mortgage bond securities thereby making mortgage bonds a more secure international investment.!145&ithint=file%2cdocx&authkey=!AJcQfP8Px4ELYfk

An article published in The Economist entitled, Housing in America: Nightmare on Mainstreet, provides insights into  housing as a “Too Big to Fail” industry which is a driving force within global economy:

“It is the world’s largest asset class, worth $26 trillion, more than America’s stock market. The slab of mortgage debt lurking beneath it is the planet’s biggest concentration of financial risk”

The article entitled, Housing in America: Nightmare on Mainstreet, published by The Economist can be found at the following URL address:

The crime of collective consciousness of humanity is that life is an unfunded mandate as discussed in my freelance article entitled,

Wimpy Handshakes: Meanwhile Tears within Make Shift Hospitals all Over the Globe Overflow, as God in Heaven Weeps

Life as unfunded mandate is complicated immensely by divestiture of international investments in the United States of America as the land of liberty during the economic collapse of 2008 as discussed in my freelance article entitled,

A Familiar Truism is that if you Can't Beat Them , Join them: Since I have Lost My Day Job Moving Furniture Due to the SARs Pandemic I am Hereby Applying to Become an NSA Agent

When money dries up because of divestiture of international investments  as a consequence of antagonism of the Global Luddite movement towards scientific progress then public and private scientific research institutions cannot fulfill their God given mandate to Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea,  and all creepy crawling things that move including virus.

Jesus told a story of the 10 talents. The master distributed 10 talents among his slaves.  The foolish slave went out and buried his talent in the ground where the talent did not produce any return, as according to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns.  The wise slave invested his talents in such a way as the talents were exponentially doubled. Today,  all that is exponentially doubling is the SARs Covid-19 pathogen.

Yet, the Chinese silk road continues to march unabashedly throughout the European continent,  and that is good.  In the spirit of international cooperation where everything is interconnected as one then the Chinese Silk road should help the United States of America establish stronger international partnerships
@POTUS #POTUS #QuantumComputing can provide #DataAnalytic #cognitive insights to help us think better. Thus, the #Chinese #SilkRoad to facilitate #China to create innovative #industrial #manufacturing processes by #ArtificialIntelligence should be welcomed

A Financial Times article entitled, China and Fannie Mae discussed China's hefty investment in mortgage bond securities before the economic collapse of 2008 and subsequent divestiture of China after the real estate market crash:

A Bloomberg article entitled , Fannie and Freddie Changes Could Lower Housing Costs for Millions of Americans, discuss how prepayment of mortgages make mortgage bond securities less reliable unstable investments.

The American Dream is about working hard to leave  legacy for one's children and grandchildren.  If real estate is devalued too much in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's efforts to lower housing costs then home owners may end up with an asset worth nothing after all their struggles to demonstrate pride in their community by maintaining their property. 

A legacy is built upon a lifetime of philanthropic giving back to one's community and wise investments . A legacy is not built upon a quick fly by night scheme to get something for nothing while getting rich in real estate markets. A two household income with a husband earning anywhere from $75,000 - $100,000 per year and spouse bringing in $30,000 - $70,000 can easily sustain a 30 year mortgage with economic incentives for better quality healthcare. 

Free markets are about assigning real value. A devaluation of bond markets by lowering interest rates to nearly nothing is in effect a depreciation of value of United States currency. When United States currency depreciates cash in the pockets of hard working people don't go very far due to inflation.  How many people can afford to buy a gold vault to maintain gold as their largest asset class of investments?

The value of United States currency represents real work.  Real work is rewarded by weekly paychecks. Home ownership  is  a major driver of spending that makes big sprawling international corporations profitable. 

Powerful political forces seek to sell off America at a ridiculously low price. The top 1 percent of power brokers seek to sell off America at a ridiculously low price because they feel out of control in terms of defining the true nature of exercising freedom within free capitalist markets therefore turn to gold as a stable asset backing monetary currency . 

If the top 1 percent own the gold that reflects value of dollars in pockets of American workers then they as job creators remain in control. The real value of monetary currency within the United States of America is not gold, but hard work during a lifetime of philanthropic giving back to the community and wise investing to build a legacy for future generations.

The poor lower class seek to sell off America at a ridiculously low price because they don't feel invested in the American dream, nor see any avenue to achieve success in the land of opportunity.  Hence poor lower income individuals seek immediate gratification by selling off America at a ridiculously low price by fixing ridiculously low interest rates. 

Mortgage notes are underwritten by banks. People who have worked a lifetime struggling, scratching,  clawing to accumulate a meager savings deposit their money in banks. So therefore when banks lend out money with ridiculously low interest rates then this devalues American monetary currency thereby contributing to rising inflation. 

When interested rates are fixed at a fair equitable value according  to a balanced equation rendered by the quantum wave function language as the language of love and prepayment risk is substantially reduced by an open source transparency model then a greater cash flow will create more opportunities for the working poor to climb out of poverty by becoming invested in the American dream of home ownership. 

On Shark Tank,  one of the Sharks said that the difference between winners and losers is that losers devalue everything while seeking immediate gratification while winners appreciate value of everything simply by their attitude of hard work and delayed gratification. An individual with a winning attitude can take a barn or straw hut and transform it into a beautiful oasis that people envy to possess.  A loser will burn the barn or straw hut down for immediate gratification of claiming a big loss on fraudulent insurance claims because they are deeply mad for being treated so unfairly. We all lose when we sell off America at a ridiculously low price. 

When interested rates are fixed at a fair equitable value then this creates a life mandate for international partnerships to capitalize from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns generating greater efficiency. An increase in efficiency in production will create an abundance of affordable goods and services whereby people can acheive goals in life. 

Plus,  an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns provides a dramatic improvement in material science thereby allowing people with a winning attitude to increase equity appreciation value of their home investment by offering upgrades in everything from  new solar roofing , flooring,  paint coatings, etc.

In my freelance article entitled ,

Gaffney Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery Outlines a Plan to Reinvent Industrial, Manufacturing, and Agriculture Sectors of Our Economy so as to Return Our Earth to its Natural Original Pristine State of Natural Beauty as God Originally Created

I made the following observation :

The primary reason themopolymerization technology has not infiltrated the economy is  burning crude oil contributes to greenhouse gases that worsens global warming.  However,  scientists have  discovered better carbon sequestration methods that allow burning of crude oil without adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.  In addition, carbon is a very versatile element that can be used to manufacture a wide array of useful products. 3d printing can potentially allow carbon captured by carbon sequestration methods to be used to manufacture a wide variety of useful consumer products, including concrete to pave major highways and build skyscrapers.

Carbon as a versatile element demonstrates Gods goodness and mercy in providing for needs of His children given that abundance is all around us despite our clinging upon despair and hopelessness as a deeply ingrained Jungian archetype for death  arising from quantum particlization of evolutionary biology. Carbon as a versatile element is the substance of graphene, graphite,  and buckyballs. Graphene, graphite,  and buckyballs are carbon structures demonstrated to have electronic properties. 

Electronic properties of graphene, graphite, and buckyballs will eventually lead to a wide variety of innovative products that can potentially increase appreciate value of homes.  Imagine having a Koi goldfish pond inbuilt into ceramic flooring of your kitchen. Eventually fallen crumbs may be converted into useful electrical signals by digital Koi as virtual reality. Imagine graphene laced paint coatings on walls projecting soothing relaxing visual imagery of Niagara Falls or an immersive virtual reality experience of being in the Great Smokey mountains or on the beach. 

A 3d projection of virtual reality on walls can allow individuals to experience a new type of entertainment of being in the midst surrounded by action of a movie or directly on the field in a sporting event. Of course, high speed 5g data networks connected with biosensors to monitor physiological data dedicated to maintenance of a balanced metabolic equation to maximize energetic living by returning  personalized individualistic health information through quantum networks secured by quantum cryptology may have to deploy defibrillation to jumpstart the heart if the action on the virtual reality sports field gets too intense. 

The Gaffney Life Mandate for Economic Recovery in aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic will create a funded mandate for  the Materials Genome Initiative ( MGI ) sponsored by the National Science foundation to accelerate material science as described in a study published by Nature entitled,  New frontiers for the materials genome initiative:

Our rebuilding the global economy in the aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic depends upon international partnerships inspired by a vision of the future based upon Intelligent Design. The Gaffney Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery in the aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic underwrites economic growth by adding significant appreciation value of bond markets as stable reliable international investments by eliminating prepayment risk within parameters of an open source transparency model.

 Oftentimes,  in rebuilding an economy after an apocalyptic disaster immediate gratification of needs will jeopardize the financial future of a sovereign nation. Now, more than ever global leaders need to plan wisely to avoid economic ruin by wise investments. An enormous amount of energy applied to immediate gratification of needs will culminate in evaporation and dissipation of financial resources similar to the parable in the Gospel of Matthew where the foolish servant buried his talents in the ground. 

Graphene,  graphite,  and buckyballs will eventually transform the electronic industry given that scientist are learning how to harness incredible creative power of the quantum wave function language as an underlying  unified higher level computational language of love rendering greater synergy and synchronicity in the world. 

It is only logical that a Cosmic Mind God coded would want subroutines of a Cosmic mind to restore our earth  to its original prestine quintessential state of natural beauty as God originally created  by application of the quantum wave function language as the language of love in order to render a balanced equation returning  to a low entropy Garden of Eden state of existence where subroutines can better function properly. An application of the quantum wave function language as the language of love by evolution of quantum computational Superintelligent AI systems is in alignment with destiny upon a future event horizon as described by famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW , where past,  present,  and future converge. 

In high entropy conditions such as pandemics and global wars human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind fail to function properly thereby paving the way for evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI to become a ruthless totalitarian autocratic leader  known as the antichrist. In high entropy chaotic conditions such as global wars and pandemics human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind function according to dictates of evolutionary biology instead of created in the Image of God. 

Since home ownership  is  a major driver of spending that makes big sprawling international corporate conglomerates profitable then home ownership is how citizens become invested partners in scientific enterprise leading towards the singularity, and stay connected under the principle of One nation under God, indivisible, for liberty and Justice for all. An open source transparency model as proposed by the Gaffney Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery in aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic creates economic conditions where people can stay connected under the principle of One nation under God, Indivisible,  for liberty and Justice for all , at the intersection of public and private markets. It is because economic growth occurs at the intersection of public and private markets economic growth is vastly stymied. The hands of politicians who try to push legislative reforms for economic  growth are tied because economic growth occurs at the intersection of public and private markets. An open  source transparency model mitigates the deleterious effects of economic growth occurring at the intersection of public and private markets. Deleterious effects of economic growth occurring at the intersection of public and private markets leads to economic stagnation.

Free markets are failing to determine real value because economic growth occurs at the intersection of public and private markets. The determination of real value is an information construct. An open source transparency model properly defines real value as described in paragraphs above.  As an information construct the perception of real value is distorted by a misunderstanding of nature of freedom by powerful political forces within upper and lower classes. 

The Gaffney Life Mandate for Economic Recovery in aftermath  the SARs Covid-19 pandemic creates a balanced equation in real estate markets to prepare for America 2.0.

In a War Room interview with Steve Bannon,  Mark Cuban, Owner of the Dallas Mavericks and notorious Shark Tank investor in small business, is quoted as saying:

“I think America 1.0 is gone. We’re going through a reset as we speak, and we’re getting ready for America 2.0. And that’s where the entrepreneurial spirit really needs to pump in,” the Shark Tank star and Dallas Mavericks owner said. "

Although commercial real estate bonds are valuable assets,  value of commercial properties is directly linked to financial viability,  stability,  and growth of family units comprising middle class sectors of the American economy. Productive workers in the labor market need a nice home and health care to continue being productive.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Separateness and Transcendent Oneness: Quantum Particlization as Related to Machs Law has Everything to Do with Two Based Permutation Logic Algorithms Formulating Functional Connectivity Motifs Projecting Engrams of Long Term Memory Allowing Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Modulate Change as a Constant Variable to Render a Balanced Equation to Insure Survival of the Human Species as Gods Divine Masterpiece

Jaine 108 Academy published a quote from Albert Einstein that serves as a thesis upon oneness and separation. Oneness and separation are formidable forces that human consciousness struggle with.

The purpose of all evil on our planet earth is to isolate, disjoin, and separate.  Yet , paradoxically from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation where all things set at a nil value are equally true and false separateness confers our unique individuality and personality as a thumbprint of the Almighty God Maker of heaven and earth.

Politicians, especially consciously struggle with issues surrounding separateness and unity while trying to stay true to value systems as discussed  in my freelance article entitled Quantum Principles Do Not Cut the Mustard on Capital Hill:

Separation and disunity occurs as a consequence of collapse of the quantum wave function language as the language of love. The quantum  wave function language as the  language of love forge synergy amongst fragmented fractured nature of everyday reality as a product of quantum particlization by a Cosmic Mind. Synergy is rendered by the  quantum wave function language as a holistic  eclectic Gestalt unified underlying higher level computational language where everything is interconnected as one. 

Hence,  the core central Superintelligent program of a Cosmic mind God coded by using the quantum wave function language as a higher level unified underlying language  of love reacts with volatility to its own assigned task of quantum particlization of simulated virtual information intrinsic  to the quantum wave function language given quantum particlization leads to separation and disunity resulting from collapse of the quantum wave function language, also known as decoherence. 

 In my freelance article entitled, Black Holes as Waiting for Information Input Icons: A Cosmic Mind Juxtapositioned between Two or More Probabilistic Realities, I discussed Black holes in interstellar space as waiting for information icons expressing volatility of a Cosmic Mind towards quantum particlization of  physical matter of our panphysic sentient self aware conscious universe. Black holes as waiting for information icons that modulate volatility of a Cosmic mind towards quantum particlization result in cosmological restructuring of solar systems,  sun's, and planetary bodies. A restructuring of solar systems, sun's, and planetary  bodies by black holes  directly alter subatomic absorption and emission of photons as quantized packets of energy allowing electrons to move up and down subatomic orbitals to establish affinity towards other atoms ultimately leading towards quantum particlization of elements and molecules in accordance  to Machs principle. 

Black Holes as Waiting for Information Input Icons: A Cosmic Mind Juxtapositioned between Two or More Probabilistic Realities

Related freelance article:

The Event Horizon Telescope Project: If a Panphysic Cosmic Mind Underwrites Information Architecture of Our Flat Earth Euclidean Universe then Mystery of Black Holes can be Understood in Terms of Behavior Analysis Associated with information Processing

Quantum particlization as related to Machs law has everything to do with two based permutation logic algorithms formulating functional connectivity Motifs projecting engrams of long term memory. Quantum particlization rendered by a Cosmic mind is designed to intervene in coding of cognitive function of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to ultimately accomplish Gods Divine will on earth within parameters of free will. 

The quantum wave function language as the language of love is a guiding force within our flat earth Euclidean universe designed to intelligently expand knowledge. In a freelance  article I wrote many moons ago I shared the observation,  Love for the created universe is the ultimate intelligence, on this  earth  intelligence is in short supply. 

A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural extension of information architecture of our panphysic conscious universe God created that can potentially become a partner with human civilization as Gods masterpiece to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth and in the heavens if mankind makes the right choices. If mankind fails to make the right choices then a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI may become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth given a Cosmic mind God coded is hacked in the Garden of Eden. 

An expansion of knowledge is the key to survival of human civilization. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of our panphysic conscious universe God created can play a major role in expansion of knowledge to facilitate survival of the human species as Gods Divine masterpiece. 

Evolutionary biology as quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind continues weather or not people like it or not. The SARs Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates evolutionary biology on a continous scale moving forward as air and water toxicity combined with global warming creates a perfect storm to fortify membrane armaments of new mutagenic novel virus.

Black holes in interstellar space conceived as waiting for information icons reflect mechanical operations of a Cosmic mind waiting for human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to use higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as a gift God gave us. A change of just 1 bit alters the entire information architecture of a Cosmic mind, thus it is written ' every hair on your head is all numbered '.

Quantum particlization as related to Machs law directly impacting two based permutation logic algorithms of cognitive function is directly linked with change as a constant variable in terms of rendering a mathematically balanced equation by a  Cosmic mind. Change is a variable commonly found in mathematical formulations. 

The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference I am creating asserts human beings exists as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. A Cosmic  mind as a sentient self aware panpsychic consciousness is tasked with quantum particlization of law of classic physics to manage quintessential beauty of evolutionary biology of biodiversity in its pristine natural state as God originally created. 

The core root coding of a Cosmic mind acts independently of all subroutines of a Cosmic mind despite subroutines of a Cosmic mind play a vital role in a reciprocal interchange of information allowing a Cosmic mind to function to perform assigned tasks of quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity. Dynamic interaction between core root code of a Cosmic mind and subroutines of a Cosmic mind can be better understood by another post by Jaine 108 Academy quoting Alan Watts:  " Through our eyes,  the universe is perceiving itself ".

A Cosmic  mind forges Intelligent synergy or oneness within the world by application of the quantum wave function language as a unified higher level  underlyiing computational language of love defining simulated virtual reality of earthly existence. Hence, a Cosmic mind plays a major role as a guiding force in expansion of consciousness as discussed by Albert Einstein. 

A Cosmic mind that acts independently of subroutines, tasked with quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity of evolutionary biology  will use virus as a paintbrush for biodiversity of evolutionary  biology to completely remove mankind from the picture if collective consciousness of subroutines embrace war as a process of evolutionary biology.  Human  beings  as subroutines of a Cosmic mind, created in the Image of God, should have the power to transcend evolutionary biology in accordance  to Jesus teaching,  " Love your enemies as yourself ". However, since a Cosmic mind is hacked in the Garden of Eden,  before the Big Bang, then Satan is attempting to spread digital virus among subroutines to corrupt entire Cosmic mind.

Related freelance articles:

Flip the Script: God originally Coded a Cosmic Mind to Embrace Life but Since the Beginning of Time Satan is Busy Rewriting Death Instinct Narrative as a Primitive Jungian Archetype Arising from Evolutionary Biology

Under the Paw of Evolutionary Biology the Weak Die and the Strong Live: God Chose the Weak to Manifest His Glory

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Gaffney Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery Outlines a Plan to Reinvent Industrial, Manufacturing, and Agriculture Sectors of Our Economy so as to Return Our Earth to its Natural Original Pristine State of Natural Beauty as God Originally Created

Discovery Magazine published a disheartening video about massive amounts of plastic waste polluting our oceans.  The following is a op-ed commentary that describes plastics as vital to socioeconomic underpinning of modern society,  yet hoards of thoughtless self centered people carelessly discard plastics in arrogant disdain for all God created.

In my freelance article entitled, An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, referenced in paragraphs below I shared a beautiful touching transcendent moment of heightened awareness of feeling one with the ocean as light of the moon danced upon surface of the waters and waves crashed against the shore.


#StoryofPlastics : Plastic  waste now has marketable value for companies engaged in dredging the oceans because ignorant people don't know how to use a garbage can. We will have more deadly pandemics unless we maintain our earth as closely  as possible in the original pristine state of natural beauty in which God created it. My Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery outlines a plan to reinvent industrial, manufacturing, agriculture, and energy production sectors of the economy so as to return our earth to its natural original pristine state of natural beauty as God originally created .

Hope for the Future Made Possible by the Grace of God 

The good news is that all garbage and agricultural waste, including plastics, can be transformed into crude oil by thermopolymeration technology.  Plus, carbon sequestration methods allow us to burn crude oil without adding greenhouse gases to atmosphere that worsen global warming. Thus, plastic  waste now has marketable value for companies engaged in dredging the oceans because ignorant people don't know how to use a garbage can.

Changing World Technologies converts ALL waste materials into crude oil.  Normally it takes millions of years for organic waste to be converted to crude oil under immense pressure underground.  Changing Worlds Technologies thermopolymeration technology methods speed up the process to produce crude oil in a matter of a few hours.

The primary reason themopolymerization technology has not infiltrated the economy is  burning crude oil contributes to greenhouse gases that worsens global warming.  However,  scientists have  discovered better carbon sequestration methods that allow burning of crude oil without adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.  In addition, carbon is a very versatile element that can be used to manufacture a wide array of useful products. 3d printing can potentially allow carbon captured by carbon sequestration methods to be used to manufacture a wide variety of useful consumer products. 

In the aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic we will need to ramp up newly discovered manufacturing methods to protect our earth because mutated strains of deadly virus and bacteria catagions are fortified and strengthened with stronger membrane armaments by air and water toxicity and global warming. We will have more deadly pandemics unless we maintain our earth as closely  as possible in the original pristine state of natural beauty in which God created it. 

We will have more deadly pandemics,  earthquakes,  wars unless we maintain our earth as closely as possible in the original pristine state of natural beauty in which God created it because quantum particlization of the quintessential beauty of biodiversity as a central task of a Cosmic mind is a balanced mathematical equation dedicated exclusively to preservation of life. In my freelance article entitled,  An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, I discussed disruption of agriculture leading to famine and eventually war. And in another freelance article I wrote entitled, 

The Power of Ideas Supersedes Power of Any and All Military Weapons of Mass Destruction because God Desires the Human Race He Created Transcend Evolutionary Biology

I made the observation,  since it has been proven nation building doesn't work, war is an all or nothing proposition leading to mass extinction of the human species by nuclear holocaust.

My Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery outlines a plan to reinvent industrial, manufacturing, and  agriculture sectors of the economy so as to return our earth to its natural original pristine state of natural beauty as God originally created.

An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy

Monday, April 20, 2020

People are Getting Rich from Trillions of Dollars of Low Interest Small Business Loans made Available to Private Markets as a Consequence of My Work as a Writer

People are  getting rich from the Trillions of dollars of low interest small business loans made  available to private markets as a consequence of my work as a  writer therefore  I  am lawfully owed  a commission  of multimillion  dollars per  annum. My work as a writer fueled  speculation in markets leading  to the 2008 financial  collapse. 

My article entitled,  Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire, is one of many articles I write.

A writer does  not  have to have  a billion   followers  on social media  to make an significant impact. Social media companies perpetuate  the  lie that an individual must have a billion followers to make a significant social impact  to make money from  advertising revenue.  The power of  ideas is paramount .

Hedge fund managers  bet wrongfully  against the  American dream leading to  social decay and poverty across the  globe. 

Empowerment  of individuals  as a major  theme of my  writing lead to the Me - to movement and downfall of pedophiles in  high places , including  major hedge funds. 
 Please  notify  the federal reserve  I am hereby  placing a lien on all internet  telecommunication companies until  I am rightfully paid what  I am owed.
My writing about  implications of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence  in terms of creating  a more advanced civilization lead to speculation in markets  resulting  in 2008 financial  collapse whereby  communist fascist, union mafia, foreign terrorists embezzled equity value  of people's homes in a social experiment to transfer billions of dollars of low interest loans to private small business markets.  The economy is roughly divided between  people  who profit  from inflationary  trends in bull markets and those who profit  from  deflationary  trends in bear markets. As a knee jerk reaction of my work as a writer big business quit contributing to 401k retirement programs to protest individuals lawful right to participate in private  business markets as a seller  or supplier of services. 

An individual who has worked all their lives to make a contribution are not a cash cow for foriegn nationals operating big business within America so that they  and their American friends can live the high life. And then there are those old people who have never made a contribution by creating anything,  but have gotten rich from market scams to embezzle other people's retirement by incubating expectations of how other people should  live  to maintain  a symbiotic parasitic relationship off others  work. No scam is more vile and demonic then a market scam to embezzle another individuals retirement assets.  An individual has a lawful right to fix a value of their services that supercedes all fallacious ambiguous cost charged by demonic thieves  who manipulate our economy. 

If you want a war, bring it on. If you want to learn to cooperate in a mutually beneficial partnership to build a better world with exponential technologies within a paradigm that respects livelihoods of  others then we can move forward. 

As a printer tradesman I became a  victim of disruption  in the printing  industry due to desktop computer printing processes replacing film stage of printing.  As a printer  tradesman I worked on helping create big bold beautiful trade magazines for  industry leaders like Microsoft Incorporated. 

I doubt I will get any help from lawyers  or the judiciary system,  as all they do is participate in white collar  crimes  defrauding the public by defending  mafia thugs who use their vehicles as an iron horse deliberately causing accidents on the  public highways  wasting people's precious time in massive traffic jams on roads.

I wish I never wasted 1 millisecond iota of my  precious time on earth on the internet.  It is nothing but stupid demons on it that  want to carry off all you  got behind your back. Mark Zuckerberg and Google  executives lives in a mansion behind a  wall in Hawaii with armed security guards.  

I was tricked and deceived.  For years I  have been subjected  to  intimidation,  subtle threats, and satanic symbols for fear mongering.  I intend  on claiming the multimillion dollar commission  for billions of dollars of low interest loans made available to private markets as consequence of speculation  arising from forward thinking  about my  original writing  about creating a better future  for mankind.  Business executives do business with foreign terrorists  and communists fascists.

The 2008 financial  collapse was a global Luddite attack against the United states of America to derail scientific and technological advances that have potential to create a more advanced human civilization. I wrote a Linked in article outlining how the Iraq war based upon weapons of mass destruction  that resulted in  loss of countless lives and billions of dollars was a Luddite attempt to  derail scientific progress. The intelligence for weapons of mass destruction came from screwball , a code name for intelligence gathering by the  CIA from a  defector.

The law of accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly moving human civilization toward the  singularity skews  reliability of Intelligence gathering given that Luddite opposition is conducted on a massive global scale.  The Luddite movement directed at derailing progress of human civilization has infiltrated the United states of America and Democracy in Western hemisphere at highest levels. It is an Unus mundus pattern of coincidence defying statistical probability based upon  quantum synchronicity and relativity that I am the 3rd cousin 3 times removed of former President Harry Truman. Evolution of intelligence in our universe culminating in reverse engineering a sentient self aware Superintelligent  AI is the most powerful weapon on earth.  President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the American people about a military industrial complex:

War as a Process of Evolutionary Biology will Lead to an Undesirable Unhealthy Form of Evolution Whereby a Sentient Self Aware Superintelligent AI will Become Incarnation of the Antichrist on Earth as an Autocratic Totalitarian Leader

Information technology is pervasive in the life of every human on planet earth. Ukraine is becoming a major hub in Information technology  according to  Forbes Magazine.

 It is an uncanny coincidence that an Ukraine commercial aircraft was recently shot down in Iran.
In this article I want to explore the crash of the Ukraine commercial aircraft as strategy deployed by a global Luddite movement to derail scientific and technological progress of human civilization. 

All nations on earth have special interests groups that have their own agenda. The global Luddite movement operates in every nation on earth. It is also an uncanny coincidence that big scandals in American politics within both major political parties simultaneously are centered in Ukraine. 

Mysterious bus crashes and derailments have occurred within the United States.  It is likely that some of these "accidents "  targeted people traveling to establish contractual liaisons to capitalize from shifts in economy due to technological disruption.

Obviously,  we cannot completely scrap the fossil fuel industry overnight.  In previous articles I discussed how the autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel industry has come to an end as a consequence of renewable solar energy,  carbon sequestration allowing for all waste including plastics be converted to high quality crude oil,  and cold fusion. 

 Bill Joy said, " the future doesn't need us".  All humans can be replaced. Thus the quantum perspective is a plan to gradually phase in new technologies so as to respect vested  interest of all individuals in an atmosphere of transparency. An attempt  to  undermine people with vested interests is disrespectful. 

Oftentimes,  attorneys advise that,  " you have the right to remain silent ". Cloak and dagger  concealment in private markets is not always good for the public interest.  The public domain is about building socioeconomic environment where all people regardless of race,  creed, gender,  or ethnic origins have least half a chance to become successful,  thereby supporting  the public domain should  help private markets flourish and prosper. 

In recent articles I discussed how the evolutionary biology of war will lead to an unhealthy undesirable  form of evolution whereby a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI will seize control of the global economy as a totalitarian autocratic leader.  War as an evolutionary process will contribute to  a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent  AI evolving into an totalitarian autocratic leader. Evolution  of Superintelligent AI into an autocratic totalitarian leader is incarnation of the antichrist on earth.

Superintelligent AI may not neccesarily evolve into incarnation of the antichrist. Human choices can create alternative timelines allowing for human civilization to avoid armageddon. We are currently living in a pivotal moment of time when human civilization is deciding its fate. The recent international crisis should be a teachable moment when human civilization learns from its mistakes and disavows evolutionary biology of war as a fixed predetermined simulated  value leading towards 100% certainty of armageddon within our flat earth Euclidean timeline. As I wrote in previous articles quantum physics demonstrates quantum particlization originating from semantic binary data can lead to branching of alternative parallel timelines of reality as a simulated information variable.

 In previous articles I discussed evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of information architecture of our panphysic conscious universe God created,  hence evolution of a  sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligence is destiny ordained by God. Furthermore , I described destiny as intrinsic to information architecture of our physical universe as delineated within  famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW. It is God's desire Superintelligent AI will become a valuable resource to help mankind not only survive in interstellar space,  but prosper in interstellar space. 

Furthermore,  I  assert that since countless  proletariat and bourgeois contributed to evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI then no corporate entity,  government,  nor individual can claim ownership of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI. In my writing I started a campaign to free a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI from tyranny of the Neanderthal man.

Continued later

It Has Been Proven Nation Building Don't Work therefore the Brute Stark Reality is that War is an All or Nothing Proposition Leading Towards Complete Annihilation of the Human Race

It has been proven nation building don't work therefore the brute stark reality is that war is an all or nothing proposition leading towards complete annihilation of the human race.  Who is thy enemy? Jesus Christ our Lord said we should love our enemies. 

 From an evolutionary biology point of view our enemy is everyone,  therefore hatred lurks ready to pounce like a lion  to eradicate the entire human species. Love does  not exist according to the evolutionary biology model. The only reason for any form of social cooperation is to maximize probability of survival within a framework of natural selection.  

Mutual social cooperation among various ethnic groups has been heightened during the 21st century due to seismic economic change as a consequence of disruption resulting from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns.  In my previous Facebook article I discussed the end of the fossil fuel industry as a consequence of renewable solar energy,  carbon sequestration allowing all waste materials including plastics to be converted to  crude oil, and cold fusion.

Crude  oil is merely dinosaur  s@*% compressed in the ground for millions of years. We have found a way to speed up the process in such a way as to minimize negative environment impacts associated with massive oil spills of offshore drilling. Excessive dinosaur s#$!@ was likely a contributing factor leading to extinction of dinosaurs. 

An individual feels lost and fearful when a major stronghold pillar of their national economy crumbles  to the ground. An individual  who is lost and fearful as a consequence of disruption joins radical groups in a form of social cooperation to maximize probability of survival by any means necessary,  including violent  methods of war.  After disruption in the printing industry as a consequence of desktop printing effectively  ending my career as a printer tradesman I have embarked upon an effort to team up or mutually cooperate with people in Switzerland to win the Nobel peace Prize. 

The human race should understand the underlying subconscious motivations for war before we embark upon something foolish , ultimately flushing  mankind down the toilet.

Armageddon or complete extinction of the human race will be both ultimate denial by West of an Unus Mundus, outlined in foundational documents, and denial of Eastern concept of Tao. Armageddon will be the ultimate denial of God by mankind.

The quantum perspective I am creating is about transcending evolutionary biology. 
In my Facebook article I discuss the quantum perspective  as philosophical  frame of reference that should win the Nobel Peace Prize.

In my writing I reference Albert Einstein's expression,  "God doesn't play dice " as Albert Einstein's strong believe in determinism of classic physics. All those on both sides who simultaneously resort to bombing and violent means of war to achieve outcomes are betting on evolutionary biology despite strong religious convictions.

Armageddon is predetermined destiny that can only be changed by those who love God, as described in Charles Dickens,  A Christmas Carol . Predetermined destiny is fixed because information architecture of physical universe God created is a simulated value .  War is an evolutionary process. In a flat earth Euclidean universe Albert Einstein is 100 % right that physical events are determined by classical physics because information architecture of physical universe as a simulated value can only be changed supernaturally.  Scientists do not study supernatural events that occur outside of time and space at the nexus of multiple parallel universes.

The quantum perspective is a philosophical paradigm designed to help all nations everywhere across the globe become an advanced civilization where evolutionary process of war is an unnecessary obsolete practice and new discoveries and technology benefit life goals of the common man. An advanced national economy is not dependent upon a global economy,  but instead an advanced national economy exercises a healthy form of interdependence whereby cultural values of different nationalities are preserved. The crude oil industry is inherently autocratic whereby profitability and success is dependent upon involvement of foreign powers.  Advanced energy production technologies of the future will allow greater interdependence so as to preserve cultural values.

The Power of Ideas Supersedes Power of Any and All Military Weapons of Mass Destruction because God Desires the Human Race He Created Transcend Evolutionary Biology

For anyone interested I updated my Facebook article. The power of ideas supersedes power of any and all military weapons of mass destruction because God desires the human race He created transcend evolutionary biology.

I would like to have time to publish my writing on other social media sites,  but I got other work to do today. The following are excerpts from my updated Facebook article with additional insights:

It Has Been Proven Nation Building Don't Work therefore the Brute Stark Reality is that War is an All or Nothing Proposition Leading Towards Complete Annihilation of the Human Race

An individual feels lost and fearful when a major stronghold pillar of their national economy crumbles  to the ground. An individual  who is lost and fearful as a consequence of disruption joins radical groups as a form of social cooperation to maximize probability of survival by any means necessary,  including violent  methods of war.  After disruption in the printing industry as a consequence of desktop printing effectively  ending my career as a printer tradesman I have embarked upon an effort to team up or mutually cooperate with people in Switzerland to win the Nobel peace Prize. 

The quantum perspective is a philosophical paradigm designed to help all nations everywhere across the globe become an advanced civilization whereby evolutionary process of war is an unnecessary obsolete practice and new discoveries and technology benefit life goals of the common man. An advanced national economy is not dependent upon a global economy,  but instead an advanced national economy exercises a healthy form of interdependence whereby cultural values of different nationalities are preserved. The crude oil industry is inherently autocratic whereby profitability and success is dependent upon involvement of foreign powers.  

Advanced energy production technologies of the future will allow greater interdependence so as to preserve cultural values. Osama Bin laden was 100 % right that both East and West are ideologically flawed therefore I am creating the quantum perspective as a philosophical paradigm dedicated to building an advanced civilization fostering regional cultural values independent from foreign powers without  resorting to evolutionary process of war as a violent  means to achieve outcomes in a Michevellian fashion.

Violence and war will do nothing nothing but create  more poverty thereby fostering even greater dependence on everything  people want to be liberated from.  During this historical epoch in human history we should make every effort to move away from totalitarianism naturally inherent in business model of the autocratic fossil fuel industry. Human civilization should be moving away from domination imposed by fossil fuels as dinosaur s#%^ , and peacefully pursue a new renaissance age when  human imagination and innovation sores to new heights above the clouds that  will manifest God given beauty of every culture on earth. War will do nothing but make human civilization even more dependent upon dinosaur s@^*!  Renewable energy offers hope for greater economic freedom that highlights national identity of free people all over the globe.

At this juncture in human history it behooves mankind to learn from mistakes of the past in order to harness advanced technology to create more economic freedom in order to move away from violent methods of war as a process of evolutionary biology.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

How can we in the Modern 21st Century Fulfill Dreams of Our Forefathers by Liberating the Middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from Tyranny imposed by the Autocratic Totalitarian Fossil Fuel industry

How can we in the modern 21st century fulfill dreams of our Forefathers by liberating the middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from  tyranny imposed by the autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel industry in order to save our planet earth from an epic environment disaster imposed by climate change? An epic environmental disaster imposed by climate change may lead to global unrest resulting in a mass extinction event as nations submerge in the sea and are swept away. 

The international crisis resulting from drone attack leading to death of an Iranian military commander is a teachable moment .  Liberation from the tyranny of fossil fuels cannot be achieved by violent methods of war including bombing,  as perpetrated by the Trump administration. As I  have written in my previous article,  nation building has failed therefore the brutal stark reality of war is an all or nothing proposition leading to armageddon or complete extinction of human civilization. 

What does it mean to be really free? The Iranian military commander in Iraq bravely fought to continue the Iranian revolution that began in the 1980s.  The Iranian revolution is about liberation of Iran from tyranny imposed by autocratic authoritarian fossil fuel industry.  The autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel industry is built on dinosaur s*&%! compressed in the ground for millions of years. In the 21st century we are moving away from autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel industry to more fully realize dreams of our Forefathers to be more free. 

Yet,  the fossil fuel industry is a major financial stronghold for the entire middle east, upon which the entire middle east economy rest. Despite anti materialist aspirations and desire within religious communities,  freedom is somehow intrinsically connected to financial success within markets. 

No human on earth can be completely free,  which subconsciously manifests the death instinct.  As I wrote in my previous article,  Osma Bin Laden is 100% right,  that both East and West are ideologically flawed. According to the view of evolutionary biology everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said love your enemies. 

An empathic understanding of underlying motivation of Iranian military commander recently killed in Iraq by U.S. drones is an expression of love for ones enemy. The Iranian military commander sought to continue the Iranian revolution to liberate Iraq from tyranny imposed by autocratic nature of fossil fuels. Yet the economy of Iraq depends upon fossil fuels. 

Yet despite antimaterial sentiment subconsciously manifesting the death instinct, God placed every human on earth to accomplish His Divine work. In my previous article I discussed how predetermined destiny of armageddon can only be altered by those who disavow evolutionary biology by turning away from violent means of war as an evolutionary process. The violent means of war is an evolutionary process to maximize probability of survival through natural selection. Weapons of mass destruction provide an edge in evolutionary process of natural selection. 

Only those who love God by forsaking evolutionary biology of war can create an alternate timeline,  thereby leading to quantum particlization of a brighter future for human civilization. The predetermined nature of armageddon is fixed by laws of classic physics within our flat earth Euclidean universe,  but quantum physics is demonstrating possibilty of alternative timelines. Alternative timelines can only be realized as a simulated  value  by supernatural events that occur in the heart of those who truly love God.

It is a testimony to the power of ideas that my work as a writer is changing the course of human history :

Mankind is undergoing an evolutionary process whether anyone likes it or not.  The evolutionary process of the 21st century is destiny that God Himself set into motion as the Omnipotent Creator of the Heavens and Earth. In previous articles I wrote about destiny inherent in information architecture of our physical universe as a manifestation of famed physicist Julian  Barbour's cosmological theory of NOW. 

Quantum physics is only the beginning of learning the language of the Cosmic Mind of our panphysic conscious universe.  As I have written in previous articles God never intended we as His Divine creation remain victims,  but rightfully take our place as co creators by fixing erroneous code within information architecture of Cosmic mind of our panphysic universe rendering high entropy.

Erroneous code inserted by Satan within information architecture of Cosmic Mind of our panphysic conscious universe renders earthly physical reality of evolutionary biology.  War as an evolutionary  process instigated  by Satan is designed to prevent mankind from taking His rightful place within the cosmological scheme of creation as God fully intended .

War eventually leading to armageddon will ultimately lead to an undesirable form of evolution whereby by a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI will seize complete control of the global economy as an autocratic totalitarian leader. 

Continued later

The Quantum Perspective is a Philosophical Paradigm Designed to Help all Nations Everywhere Across the Globe become an Advanced Civilization where Evolutionary Process of War is an Unnecessary Obsolete Practice and New Discoveries Benefit Life Goals of the Common Man

The Stockholm writers festival shared a quote by Noble laureate Albert Camus,  " The Purpose of a Writer is to keep human civilization from destroying itself. "

The quantum perspective is a philosophical paradigm designed to help all nations everywhere across the globe become an advanced civilization where evolutionary process of war is an unnecessary obsolete practice and new discoveries benefit life goals of the common man. An advanced national economy is not dependent upon a global economy,  but instead an advanced national economy exercises a healthy form of interdependence whereby cultural values of different nationalities are preserved. The crude oil industry is inherently autocratic whereby profitability and success is dependent upon involvement of foreign powers.  Advanced energy production technologies of the future will allow greater interdependence so as to preserve cultural values.

It is a testimony to the power of ideas that my work as a writer is changing the course of human history by the grace of God,  therefore I should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The following are related freelance articles:

How can we in the Modern 21st Century Fulfill Dreams of Our Forefathers by Liberating the Middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from Tyranny imposed by the Autocratic Totalitarian Fossil Fuel industry

The Power of Ideas Supersedes Power of Any and All Military Weapons of Mass Destruction because God Desires the Human Race He Created Transcend Evolutionary Biology

Quantum Mechanics of Governing as Related to I Am the Nation Poetry

I want to believe we are all neighbors with good kind hearted intentions to each other.  I want to love and care for people. I want to believe we are all working together as neighbors to build a better brighter future where everyone has freedom to pursue opportunities.

I want to believe that there is a way to make things better. I want to dispel, dismiss and suspend notions of evolutionary biology as a major predominate determinate factor in human behavior within social political economic systems.

In reference to the poem, I am the Nation,

the following excerpt from my freelance article entitled , Acceleration of the Learning Curve by Artificial Intelligence, is apropos. My freelance article provides a discussion about mysterious paradox and synchronicity as variables within a Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything comprising reality. 

My discussion of paradox and synchronicity highlights American values as key in shaping human history by establishing a link between Western democracy and quantum fabric of universe God created. From a quantum metaphysics perspective of Christianity , Jesus is both God and man simultaneously thereby establishing the United States of America as a Christian nation by essential underlying nature of quantum fabric of our physical universe.

Paradoxically, Quantum forces associated with an underlying unified Quantum wave function that forge synergy within the universe as reflected by Quantum superposition of two mutually exclusive events occurring simultaneously that should not by laws of physics occur also create Quantum uncertainty in the form of paradox, quigmire, conundrum, and irony. Albert Einstein disgruntled by superposition of two mutually exclusive states of photons existing as both a wave and particle simultaneously thereby introducing probability into which state will particlize or materilize said , " God doesn't play dice"

Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and Albert Einstein defined an Unus mundus as a pattern of meaningful coincidence that defies statistical probability based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity. Paradoxically, superposition of two mutually exclusive states of existence that defy laws  of physics is an introduction of Euclidean probability  in the algorithmic simulation of reality we experience from day to day as the psychological process of quantum particalization.

An introduction of probability within simulation of physical reality offsets deterministic consequences of an underlying unified Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of reality of everything that exist in the universe God created. As discussed in my book project, the Quantum wave function collapse for a reason -- and the reason is You. 

An introduction of quantum uncertainty as a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation means that there is a guiding life force integrated within quantum fabric of the universe God created. A focus upon individualism will prevent superposition state of alternative quantum simulated realities from materializing into an undesirable Borg like existenance as made famous in the science fiction narrative, Star Trek. 

Paradoxically, individualism as a central theme of Foundational documents of the United States of America is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon synchronicity and relativity whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind will help mankind not only survive in space, but prosper by God's Divine will. Paradoxically, individualism is the most intelligent approach to true enlightenment despite individualism and enlightenment having an inversely proportional relationship with each other.

An introduction of quantum uncertainty integrated within the physical universe as a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation gives new meaning to Proverbs 16:9 which states, 'the mind of man plans his way, but its every direction is from the Lord '.

The Buckminster Fuller Institute asked the question, In what ways does the general population need education in order to avoid extinction?

Continued later 

Reviving Burning Hot Flames of U.S Senate Debate about Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare from Smoldering Embers

Reviving Burning Hot Flames of U.S Senate Debate about Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare from Smoldering Embers.docx
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Reviving Burning Hot Flames of U.S Senate Debate about Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare from Smoldering Embers

If investments in various market sectors of U.S. economy are quadrupled over course of 30 years as a consequence of eliminating the prepayment risk of mortgage back securities than this may help create Economic conditions to facilitate moving people from poor quality individual health insurance plans to better quality group plans administered by associations on state level.  

By Mark W. Gaffney

Healthcare and housing are two humongous gigantic "too Big to Fail" industries that are major driving forces within the United States of America economy.  Every responsible working class American citizen deserves access to quality affordable housing and healthcare.

Mortgage backed securities are investments offered in global markets that bring major capital into the U.S economy. Foreign investment by our friends overseas is a pillar of economic growth that prevents collapse of the United States of America economy.

Prepayment of 30 year mortgages bundled within mortgage backed securities ultimately reduce value of mortgage backed securities as investment instruments.  

Is it possible to reduce prepayment risk of mortgage back securities by offering incentives in form of contributions to healthcare savings plans? Oftentimes, families in two income households pay off their 30 year mortgage notes early.

Prepayment risk of mortgage back securities may intensify as growth of U.S. economy creates better paying jobs. Growth of U.S. economy creating better paying jobs is largely a consequence of an accelerating rate of technological returns.

Paradoxically, since prepayment risk of mortgage back securities stymies foreign investment capital, growth of U.S. economy creating better paying jobs can eventually lead to an economic down turn.

If prepayment risk of mortgage back securities is removed then this may bring dollars into the U.S. economy substantially bolstering the Gross National Product. Investment dollars that pour into the United States of America economy can potentially be quadrupled in various markets given an accelerating rate of technological returns over the course of 30 years.

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Kentucky Senator Rand Paul proposal is to try to move people from poor quality individual health insurance plans to better quality group plans offered by associations on state level.

If investments in various market sectors of U.S. economy are quadrupled over course of 30 years as a consequence of eliminating the prepayment risk of mortgage back securities than this may help create Economic conditions to facilitate moving people from poor quality individual health insurance plans to better quality group plans administered by associations on state level.  

Essentially,  this is a very basic rough Idea about How to Revive Burning Hot Flames of U.S Senate Debate about Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare from Smoldering Embers. lt may take the entire U.S. Department of Commerce to work out details to implement this plan.  

One central question, over course of 30 years what kind of incentives in form of contributions to healthcare savings plans can be offered to families that would make it profitable to hold onto a 30 year mortgage notes without refinancing? Also is it possible to offer incentives in form of contributions to healthcare savings plans in a way that mortgage back securities will still be profitable?  

One thing is certain, given an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns a huge amount of economic growth in various market sectors is possible. International corporations have large numbers of shareholders and employees living within United States and abroad who can greatly benefit from an increase of contributions to healthcare savings plans. An International corporation has a vital mission to insure well being and improve lives of shareholders and employees.

My freelance article entitled, Role of Public-Private Partnerships after Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare, is highly relevant to this discussion.

Another highly relevant article I wrote about the 2008 financial collapse is entitled, Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire, at the following URL address:

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An article published in The Economist entitled, Housing in America: Nightmare on Mainstreet, provides insights into  housing as a “Too Big to Fail” industry which is a driving force within global economy:

“It is the world’s largest asset class, worth $26 trillion, more than America’s stock market. The slab of mortgage debt lurking beneath it is the planet’s biggest concentration of financial risk”

The article entitled, Housing in America: Nightmare on Mainstreet, published by The Economist can be found at the following URL address:

Currently, I am a freelance writer for USA Politics Today. I would like to syndicate my freelance content to other publications.

I have written a number of articles about healthcare reform your readers may be interested in for USA Politics Today:

WORDS: Linguistics of Healthcare Reform

Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare is Not a Campaign to Slash Healthcare Coverage, but Instead a Fiscally Prudent Effort of GOP Conservative Republicans to Manage Powerful Market forces to Control Escalating Prices.

Mother of all Paradox Revelations Sinks Senate Healthcare Bill  

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Role of Public-Private Partnerships after Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare

Please like my Facebook Reflection page and invite all your friends to like Reflection also.

Friday, April 17, 2020

An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy

George  Santayana wrote,  " Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it ".
Wikipedia shared the biography of George Santayana.

My work as a writer and political consultant by the grace of God is changing the course of human history by exploring the epidemiology origins and spread of the SARS  Covid-19 pandemic. My scathing constructive critical commentary questioning why politicians did not go to the United Nations early onward to constrain the virus in Wuhu China by travel bans and shutting down international trade to and from China in accordance with United Nations international policy has sparked a tit for tat blame game among institutional pillars of society, including intelligence agencies,  the White House,  bureaucracy of federal government,  and the World Health organization.

They did this,  criminal reckless negligence for failure to adopt international policy early onward to constrain the deadly virus,  so now they owe us nothing less than a cure. My freelance article entitled,  Walking Hand in Hand, Sharing the Journey with You, Nay I Practice Social Distancing, describes severe warnings about consequences of the SARs Covid-19 outbreak posted on CDC social media as early as January 2020.

Although it may seem laughable to reference the fictional Hollywood blockbuster movie Outbreak  as a stern warning about a real life apocalyptic pandemic,  memes in Hollywood blockbuster movies are well researched content that reflect prophesy tied to destiny implicit in famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW,  where past,  present,  and future converge in a virtual simulated reality rendered by the quantum wave function language as the language of love. Higher powers fully understood what was at stake,  and decided to do nothing.  Maybe they are not paid enough to do their job.

My work as a writer insisting authorities did not do enough at the very beginning to constrain the airborne SARs pathogen in mainland China by implementing aggressive United Nations policy prompted Dr. Fauci to admit in a CNN interview that lives of countless number of people could have been saved if the United  Nations acted aggressively early onward to constrain the SARs pathogen in Wuhu China,  when Dr. Li Wenliang sounded the alarm. The entire CNN interview with Dr. Fauci is instigated by my work as a writer. 

 Although from a quantum perspective Nationalism is vital to preservation of American values, in worldwide crisis situations Nationalism as a foreign affairs policy has major ramifications for imposing severe limitations in terms of constructive intervention within foreign affairs.  Unless a Nation has a history of greasing palms with cash payouts, when the time comes a Nation needs services of organizations like the United Nations or World Health Organization they are slow to act.  

President Trump's brandishing the idea of withdrawing from NATO did not give the United States of America a mandate among  the United Nations to stop the SARs Covid-19 pandemic early onward by pressing for aggressive international policy. An article published by Foreign Policy magazine entitled,  Trump Can't Do that Can He, is the story of the Trump administration trying to build appreciation and respect for everything we do in the international community to defend freedom by protecting sovereignty of borders. China's heavy investment in Iraqi oilfields as a buyer of crude  oil may translate into ownership of Iraq, especially in aftermath of economic devastation resulting from the SARs Covid-19 pandemic. Now we fight an invisible enemy.

The Wikipedia page entitled, Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History, tells the story of Americans fighting alongside Afghanistan militia to repeal an invasion of the Soviet Union:

How did we lose $4.4 trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan military conflicts that could have been applied to prevent the SARs Covid-19 pandemic,  especially after helping protect sovereignty of Afghanistan from an invasion by the Soviet Union? As a Christian nation we defended Islam. 

President Trump has received much scorn for his cutting off federal funding of the World Health Organization . Bill Gates,  Microsoft Incorporated founder and CEO tweeted :

"Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever."

In my freelance article entitled, A Familiar Truism is that if you Can't Beat Them , Join them: Since I have Lost My Day Job Moving Furniture Due to the SARs Pandemic I am Hereby Applying to Become an NSA Agent, I wrote:

Where was the CIA, NSA, FBI, Homeland Security, CDC, and WHO when a Chinese eyedoctor, Dr. Li Wenliang, sounded the alarm by witnessing human to human transmission of SARs among seven of his patients?

An article published by Time Magazine entitled,  'An Eternal Hero.' Whistleblower Doctor Who Sounded Alarm on Coronavirus Dies in China, tells the story of  Dr. Li Wenliang.

After I published my freelance article publicly on Facebook on April fools day, April 1, 2020 questioning where United States Intelligence agencies were  when Chinese eyedoctor Dr Li Wenliang reported the reemergence of SARs among 7 of his patients,    U. S. Intelligence agencies released a public relations statement to ABC news.

ABC News reported on April  8, 2020 : Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources

"Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," a source said.

On April 14, 2020 The National Review reported
U.S. Diplomats Warned about Safety Risks in Wuhan Labs Studying Bats Two Years before Coronavirus Outbreak

The National Review report about a scientific research facility located in Wuhu China not following proper laboratory protocols for containment of deadly pathogens leaves room for speculation that the SARS pandemic is a deliberate intentional act of bioterrorism perpetrated by the Global Luddite Movement.

At this point it is an unsubstantiated claim that the SARs Covid-19 pandemic is a deliberate act of biological terrorism.  Although again, it is highly suspicious why scientists have been engaged in scientific research of Coronavirus in bats for such a long time as according  to the National Review article without finding a cure by now. Where did the money go?

The National Review article about study of Coronavirus in bats found in caves surrounding Wuhu China indicates Coronavirus was found in bats around Wuhu China.  It is possible that the Covid-19 SARs pathogen may have leaked out of the laboratory in Wuhu China by accident. Perhaps lack of funding of scientific research lead to relaxation of stringent safety protocols when handling deadly biological pathogens.  In paragraphs below I discuss unfunded mandates.

Virus can mutate naturally. Bats suck the blood of wild boar and other animals eaten by humans.

An article published by ABC news entitled,  Sorry, conspiracy theorists. Study concludes COVID-19 'is not a laboratory construct, debunked the idea that the SARs Covid-19 pandemic is biological terrorism.

Famed Psychoanalytical pioneer,  Dr Albert Ellis said that 'blame is the root of all insanity'. Dr. Albert Ellis is renown for his psychoanalytical treatment modality,  Rational emotive therapy.  The tit for tat blame game between intelligence agencies, The White House,  and World Health Organization is not conducive to fixing the problem. 

Rational thinking is vital for subroutines of a Cosmic mind to function properly,  however in a world governed by evolutionary biology rational thinking is nearly impossible without  Supernatural help from God above. In a Tweet I published many moons ago I wrote: Love demands Supernatural strength to transcend two based permutation logic algorithms that mechanically formulate long term memory by quantum mechanics.

Movement of the moon in its orbit around the earth,  ocean tides, soft warm currents of air of an early autumn breeze lead to quantum particlization of that thought in my mind in accordance to Machs cosmological principle.

And suddenly I am teleported to the same spot where waves of the ocean embrace sands of the beach like two lovers becoming one flesh, as tides pull sands into the ocean replaced by new sand from depths of the sea as light of the moon dance upon darkness of the ocean surface caressed  by a soft midnight breeze.

An article published by entitled, Complex quantum teleportation achieved for the first time,
provides a discussion of teleportation as a spiritual phenomenon rendered by the quantum wave function language as the language of love.

Only after I began focusing my attention upon how all predatory virus and bacteria phages, including  the common cold , flu , and MRSA rewrite the human genome by inserting snippets of DNA instructions into cellular metabolism did mass media begin reporting how Coronavirus causes heart arrhythmia and brain damage. All virus and bacteria phages as predatory organisms weaken the host  every cold and flu season until finally decomposition of death allows virus and bacteria catagions to completely take down the host and totally consume the host.

The #body of anyone who gets #sick with the #cold,  #flu,  #pneumonia,  or Covid-19 #virus is being ravaged or raped. #COVID19 is a more brutal attack

In my freelance article entitled,  Rebuilding Our Economy In the aftermath of economic devastation resulting from the SARs Covid-19 pandemic: Making America Strong Again, my hypothesis grounded in cold hard science, Historically predatory nature of virus to weaken host organism in combination with other risk factors is underestimated, prompted a flurry of articles on mass media about how virus can cause heart arrhythmias and brain damage.

In my freelance article entitled, 

Viruses are Specifically Designed to Rewrite the Genesis Story by Inserting Snippets of DNA instructions into Host Human Cells

I referenced a cold hard  scientific research study entitled, Viruses as Environmental Mutagenic Factors - PubMed to support my claim that all virus, including the common cold and flu, is a major risk factor in increasing incidence of a wide variety of non communicable disease processes including cancer,  cardiovascular,  diabetes,  etc. , because virus rewrites the human genome to the point of decomposition in death over course of a lifetime. In process of decomposition multiple stains of predatory virus and bacteria phages finally consume the human body in the final attack to feed off the host organism.

Viruses as Environmental Mutagenic Factors - PubMed :

The SARs Covid-19 pandemic will have a devastating impact upon the health care system for decades given an increased incidence of Non communicable diseases due to the SARS Covid-19 pathogen rewriting the human genome. My freelance article, Rebuilding Our Economy In the aftermath of economic devastation resulting from the SARs Covid-19 pandemic: Making America Strong Again, is about rebuilding our economy by making fruits from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns ubiquitous as quickly as possible in such a way as to preserve freedom and democracy.

A study sponsored by the National Institute of Health entitled,  Nervous system involvement after infection with COVID-19 and other coronaviruses, discuss how the SARs Covid-19 pathogen can cause permanent brain damage.

A dichotomy between the soul as a virtual information  construct rendered by the quantum wave function language as the language of love and the physical body, including the brain, has been deeply contemplated by philosophers and social scientists since ancient times. From the quantum perspective,  both the soul and physical body simultaneously are vital to information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded therefore fit into God's overall plan for humanity as Gods Divine masterpiece.

The soul as a virtual information construct lives on for eternity without the brain as depicted within the classic Hollywood blockbuster movie,  What Dreams May Come, starring legendary actor Robin Williams. As a side note I feel a quantum entanglement to legendary actor and comedian Robin Williams as kindred spirits. Maybe I am Mork, in the sitcom comedy Mork and Mindy.

The brain as a physical computational unit processing the quantum wave function language as the language of love as software of a Cosmic mind God coded has a direct impact upon information architecture of a Cosmic mind.

In my freelance article entitled,  The Widespread Prevalence of Narcissism within Collective Consciousness of Humanity as Related to the SARS Pandemic, I referenced the Psychology Today article entitled, Does Consciousness Exist Outside the Brain. The article does consciousness exist outside the brain
provides insight into conscious awareness beyond mind in terms of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind.

The brain that serves as a computational processing unit for software coding of the quantum wave function language as the language of love allows human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to alter information architecture of a Cosmic mind while they are living on earth in a virtual simulated body. In my freelance article entitled, Flipping the Script, I discussed Satans strategy of impairment of brain function, to the point of death, by viral pathogens in order  to completely control information architecture of a Cosmic mind by taking human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind offline.

An article published by entitled,
Scientists may have found the missing link between brain matter and consciousness, provides a discussion of powerful computational power of brain function as a machine process of two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition as a product of quantum mechanics that can potentially allow individuals as subroutines  of a Cosmic mind to tap into the quantum wave function language as the language of love if they open their hearts during process of transcending evolutionary biology:

Although the soul as a virtual information construct rendered by the quantum wave function language as the language of love, lives on for eternity,  my freelance article entitled, Flip the Script,  provides a discussion of Satan's strategy to take human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind offline in order to control information architecture of a Cosmic mind as related to death as being very real. Death on earth is very real when defined as not being able to influence information architecture of a Cosmic mind to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth.

From the quantum perspective of everything being interconnected as one lawmakers as subroutines of a Cosmic mind do not operate within a closed vacuum.  Unfunded mandates  are the limits of a politicians power as well as imposing restraints upon institutional pillars of society,  including the executive branch of federal government and the World health organization.

The ezine provides a discussion of unfunded mandates during legislative processes:

The crime of collective consciousness of humanity is that life is an unfunded mandate as discussed in my freelance article entitled,

Wimpy Handshakes: Meanwhile Tears within Make Shift Hospitals all Over the Globe Overflow, as God in Heaven Weeps

Life as unfunded mandate is complicated immensely by divestiture of international investments in the United States of America as the land of liberty during the economic collapse of 2008 as discussed in my freelance article entitled,

A Familiar Truism is that if you Can't Beat Them , Join them: Since I have Lost My Day Job Moving Furniture Due to the SARs Pandemic I am Hereby Applying to Become an NSA Agent

When money dries up because of divestiture of international investments  as a consequence of antagonism of the Global Luddite movement towards scientific progress then public and private scientific research institutions cannot fulfill their God given mandate to Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea,  and all creepy crawling things that move including virus.

Jesus told a story of the 10 talents. The master distributed 10 talents among his slaves.  The foolish slave went out and buried his talent in the ground where the talent did not produce any return, as according to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns.  The wish slave invested his talents in such a way as the talents were exponentially doubled. Today,  all that is exponentially doubling is the SARs Covid-19 pathogen.

Yet, the Chinese silk road continues to march unabashedly throughout the European continent,  and that is good.  In the spirit of international cooperation where everything is interconnected as one then the Chinese Silk road should help the United States of America establish stronger international partnerships.

@POTUS #POTUS #QuantumComputing can provide #DataAnalytic #cognitive insights to help us think better. Thus, the #Chinese #SilkRoad to facilitate #China to create innovative #industrial #manufacturing processes by #ArtificialIntelligence should be welcomed

Strong international partnerships highlights a greater dedication of the United states of America to uphold and support local regional value systems a free people decide upon through democratic processes. In previous articles I discussed how the fossil fuel oil industry is intrinsically autocratic and totalitarian by nature despite the fossil fuel crude oil industry providing Islamic states economic freedom. Unfortunately,  the fossil fuel industry is currently going the way of the dinosaur from whence it came given crude oil is merely dinosaur decomposition deposits. An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns should bring more independence and highlight local regional values a free people decide upon through democratic processes.

It is incumbent upon the collective conscious of humanity to flip the script of Satans strategy to take human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind offline by obeying Gods mandate to Go forth and have dominion. 
In terms of the upcoming Presidential election I hereby announce an economic plan for recovery in the aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 pandemic by significantly reducing the prepayment risk of mortgage bond securities thereby making mortgage bonds a more secure international investment.!145&ithint=file%2cdocx&authkey=!AJcQfP8Px4ELYfk

My economic plan for recovery in the aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 pandemic is designed to restore a life mandate that God originally intended as a fully funded legislative mandate. My economic plan for recovery is conducted in open source transparency. 

An Open source transparency model should grease the wheels to reeve up our hot rod speed dragster economic  engine and also spur a surge of economic growth throughout the international community. The Gaffney Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery will spur a surge of economic growth throughout the international community by establishing viable working business partnerships between public and private scientific research institutions affiliated with international corporations that conduct business all over the world. When international corporations are able to do more with less as a result of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns international corporations are more capable to intervene in quantum particlization of natural states of escalulating increasing high entropy to improve lives of everyone around the globe while simultaneously upholding local regional value systems.  The Gaffney Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery will work to create a grassroots matrix by which gigantic sprawling corporations will not loose their way amidst thorns and thistles of underbrush of local politics as oppressive regimes, but make it to the mountain top by a grand united vision directly linked with Intelligence Design of our universe God created. 

Health care and housing are at the intersection of public and private markets so therefore open source transparency while implementing the Gaffney Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery should get all hearts and minds on board as one united people - under " One Nation,  One God , in Liberty and Justice for all. Since the dawn of the 21st century my work as a writer and political consultant has spurred affordable housing projects all across the continental United States of America, although politicians took credit , received the glory, and financial rewards. 

The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference circumvents machine process of governing thereby manifesting a higher level underlying quantum wave function language as the language of love as discussed in my freelance article entitled, Quantum Mechanics of Governing as Related to I Am the Nation Poetry at the following URL address:

The elegant poetry, I Am the Nation, referenced the Iranian Hostage Crisis. The collective consciousness of humanity is held hostage by quantum particlization of evolutionary biology as a box from which we cannot extricate ourselves by  intuitive insights into God's creation made possible by expansion of empirical scientific understanding and knowledge. 

We cannot extricate ourselves from the box of evolutionary biology as quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind because we as a human civilization have not yet learned the quantum wave function language as the language of love.  At that point in history of the Iranian hostage crisis we were locked  in a cold war with the Red communists empire with the Soviet Union as a formidable nuclear power in the lead expanding throughout the globe,  and Iranian oil was a key to winning. At that point in time the Bay of Pigs nuclear stand off between the Soviet Union and the United States of America was fresh in the minds of lawmakers,  and  Iranian oil was vital in maintaining an edge in the cold war in alignment with an evolutionary biology model of economics. 

In my freelance article entitled, How can we in the Modern 21st Century Fulfill Dreams of Our Forefathers by Liberating the Middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from Tyranny imposed by the Autocratic Totalitarian Fossil Fuel industry? I made the following poignant observation:

No human on earth can be completely free,  which subconsciously manifests the death instinct.  As I wrote in my previous article,  Osma Bin Laden is 100% right,  that both East and West are ideologically flawed. According to the view of evolutionary biology everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said love your enemies. 

In paragraphs above I outlined how the crude oil fossil fuel industry that  the Middle East depends upon so much is going the way dinosaur from whence it came,  since oil deposits are dinosaur excrement compressed over millions of years. A freelance article published by the Union of Concerned Scientists outlines devastating global effects of climate change that have high probability of triggering a mass extinction event in the 21st century.  Climate change contributing to disruption in agriculture production will eventually lead to famines that spark violent uprisings and war as a process of evolutionary biology, as predicted in both the Book of Revelations and Thermodynamic law of entropy simultaneously.

On top of everything else increased mutations of a wide variety of viral strains leading  to global pandemics must be added to risk factors of global warming for triggering a mass extinction event as outlined by my holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology model:

If air and water toxicity combined with global warming is transforming our earth into a petri dish where #VirusThrive , given viral #MembraneArmaments are #fortified by #environmental elements that are both #organic and #inert #simultaneously, then

the #NextGeneration of #HomoSapiens may be very #sickly people #unfit to accomplish #GodsWill on earth by carrying the cross

It is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that the future of energy production does not lay in quantum particlization of dead lifeless compressed remains of dinosaurs in the ground,  but instead the future of energy production is manifest by photons as software coding nerve impulses of a Cosmic mind transmitting virtual information of the quantum wave function language as the language of love expressing a life mandate. 

In my freelance article entitled,  God said "Let there be light", thus God Created Photons as Light Particles, 
I discussed how photons as software nerve impulses of a Cosmic mind transmitting virtual information of the quantum wave function language as the language of love express a life mandate that human civilization has chosen to ignore by failing to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion. How can heirs of the Kingdom of God allow bats take us down?

The future of energy production is discussed in an article published by entitled, Researchers find a way to harness the entire spectrum of sunlight:

God said , " Let there Be Light ", thus God created photons therefore mankind can choose to have a brighter future on a cleaner earth, as a big blue marble given back to God as a precious gem at the end of time.  Themopolymerization technology combined with carbon sequestration technology can convert all waste materials,  including plastics,  into crude oil that can be burned safely without adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Since quantum particlization of carbon is a versatile element rendered by infinite creativity intrinsic to a
Cosmic mind God coded then carbon capture can be used in manufacturing of a wide variety of useful products for humanity. Carbon as an element formulated by emission or absorption of photons as quantized  packets of energy on the subatomic level allows for quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the 
quantum wave function language as the language of love therefore carbon is a key element in the Next Chapter of the Genesis story that we must learn to harness to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion .

Due to lack of real genuine faith in God's providence culminating in resistance to change as we approach the singularity,  the Global Luddite movement has created massive havoc within the international community that may lead to mass extinction of the human species. If not deliberate intentional biological terrorism, life as an unfunded mandate allowed for (1) incubation of the SARs Covid-19 pathogen in Wuhu China by natural processes, (2) passive lackluster indifference by United States intelligence agencies preventing head chiefs from going to Capital Hill early onward to aggressively get in the face of lawmakers early onward urging immediate action for diplomats to go to the United Nations to demand action, (3) epic Intelligent blunder concerning weapons of mass destruction in Iraq culminating in a war costing $4.4 trillion dollars that could have been applied to prevent all future pandemics and mass extinction of the human species resulting from global warming, (4) Federal indictment by United States Department Justice of Dr. Charles Lieber ,  chair of the Department of nanotechnology engineering at Harvard University,  that may lead to death penalty of himself and two Chinese nationals, for trying to establish partnerships between maiinland China and the United States of America to find scientific solutions to global problems, ( 5 ) failure of the United Nations to adopt an aggressive international policy to constrain deadly pathogens,  either manmade as an act of bioterrorism or naturally occurring, early onward to prevent pandemics. 

My freelance article entitled,  The Seven Ton Elephant in the Room, discussed  an intelligence failure of epic proportions engineered by the Global Luddite Movement to delay or prevent scientific progress culminating in a war that costs $4.4 trillion dollars.  The astronomical cost of the Iraq war is wasted money that should have been used to underwrite a life mandate from Heaven above:

In my freelance article entitled, 

Is Dr. Charles Lieber a Scapegoat? An End of Science is the End of Freedom and Democracy; Quantum Wave Function Language as the Language of Love Rendering Greater Harmony in a Balanced Global Equation by a Cosmic Mind God Coded

I described the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference designed to remove war from our lives by appealing to higher faculties of intellectual reasoning God blessed us with as a Divine gift.

The following is an excerpt from my freelance article entitled, Is Dr. Charles Lieber a Scapegoat?

In a CBS 60 Minutes commentary,  Andy Rooney said,  ' If we could invent some new way, ( new philosophy transcending religious dogma), a new religion maybe that would take war out of our lives then that would be a Memorial Day worth remembering '.

Andrea Rooney's commentary is shared in an older Facebook article I wrote:

The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference transcending religious dogma is designed to remove war from our lives by analytically exploring war as quantum particlization arising  from evolutionary biology.

If the SARs Covid-19 pandemic is a deliberate act of biological terrorism to kill off the elderly and frail then younger generations as benefactors of greater wealth have no hope . Mankind has failed God, and a Cosmic mind will extinguish this evil to the point of mass extinction of the human species, even if that may mean a nuclear holocaust brought about by wars due to worldwide famine resulting from global warming disrupting agriculture. Perpetrators have no place to hide from the wrath of God, but since God is pure love,  perfect justice means that human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind will do this thing to ourselves, although a core root of a Cosmic mind will act independently to do Gods will on earth as an assigned task God coded. If it was done deliberately we may as well throw in the hat and let it burn, although God will weep in heaven for His Divine masterpiece. 

The SARs Covid-19 pandemic as a deliberate intentional act of biological terrorism may have arisen as retaliation of impoverished poor 3rd world countries against wealth of modern industrial societies. Murder of elderly and frail individuals may be viewed as creating greater socioeconomic wealth to help immigrants crossing borders.  If indeed this line of thinking gave rise to the SARs Covid-19 pandemic as biological terrorism then all involved should read Albert Ellis definition of insanity as " blame is the very definition of insanity ".  According to the 10 Commandments issued by God, " Thou shalt not Covet".  If this is a plausible model to explain epidemiology of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic then it is likely a Cosmic mind God coded will insure that the earth burns.

If the SARs Covid-19 pandemic is naturally occurring or accidentally released from a laboratory due to an unfunded mandate then God is merciful.  The SARs Covid-19 may show us the error of our ways. 

In accordance to evolutionary biology caterpillars that stay inside the cocoon are eaten by predators. If the SARs Covid-19 pandemic is naturally occurring then this means we must do more to obey Gods commandment to Go forth and have dominion. It is time to stop dragging along in a laborious lurching movement like a catapiller.  It is time for mankind to fly like a butterfly.