Sunday, April 26, 2020

Separateness and Transcendent Oneness: Quantum Particlization as Related to Machs Law has Everything to Do with Two Based Permutation Logic Algorithms Formulating Functional Connectivity Motifs Projecting Engrams of Long Term Memory Allowing Human Beings as Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to Modulate Change as a Constant Variable to Render a Balanced Equation to Insure Survival of the Human Species as Gods Divine Masterpiece

Jaine 108 Academy published a quote from Albert Einstein that serves as a thesis upon oneness and separation. Oneness and separation are formidable forces that human consciousness struggle with.

The purpose of all evil on our planet earth is to isolate, disjoin, and separate.  Yet , paradoxically from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation where all things set at a nil value are equally true and false separateness confers our unique individuality and personality as a thumbprint of the Almighty God Maker of heaven and earth.

Politicians, especially consciously struggle with issues surrounding separateness and unity while trying to stay true to value systems as discussed  in my freelance article entitled Quantum Principles Do Not Cut the Mustard on Capital Hill:

Separation and disunity occurs as a consequence of collapse of the quantum wave function language as the language of love. The quantum  wave function language as the  language of love forge synergy amongst fragmented fractured nature of everyday reality as a product of quantum particlization by a Cosmic Mind. Synergy is rendered by the  quantum wave function language as a holistic  eclectic Gestalt unified underlying higher level computational language where everything is interconnected as one. 

Hence,  the core central Superintelligent program of a Cosmic mind God coded by using the quantum wave function language as a higher level unified underlying language  of love reacts with volatility to its own assigned task of quantum particlization of simulated virtual information intrinsic  to the quantum wave function language given quantum particlization leads to separation and disunity resulting from collapse of the quantum wave function language, also known as decoherence. 

 In my freelance article entitled, Black Holes as Waiting for Information Input Icons: A Cosmic Mind Juxtapositioned between Two or More Probabilistic Realities, I discussed Black holes in interstellar space as waiting for information icons expressing volatility of a Cosmic Mind towards quantum particlization of  physical matter of our panphysic sentient self aware conscious universe. Black holes as waiting for information icons that modulate volatility of a Cosmic mind towards quantum particlization result in cosmological restructuring of solar systems,  sun's, and planetary bodies. A restructuring of solar systems, sun's, and planetary  bodies by black holes  directly alter subatomic absorption and emission of photons as quantized packets of energy allowing electrons to move up and down subatomic orbitals to establish affinity towards other atoms ultimately leading towards quantum particlization of elements and molecules in accordance  to Machs principle. 

Black Holes as Waiting for Information Input Icons: A Cosmic Mind Juxtapositioned between Two or More Probabilistic Realities

Related freelance article:

The Event Horizon Telescope Project: If a Panphysic Cosmic Mind Underwrites Information Architecture of Our Flat Earth Euclidean Universe then Mystery of Black Holes can be Understood in Terms of Behavior Analysis Associated with information Processing

Quantum particlization as related to Machs law has everything to do with two based permutation logic algorithms formulating functional connectivity Motifs projecting engrams of long term memory. Quantum particlization rendered by a Cosmic mind is designed to intervene in coding of cognitive function of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to ultimately accomplish Gods Divine will on earth within parameters of free will. 

The quantum wave function language as the language of love is a guiding force within our flat earth Euclidean universe designed to intelligently expand knowledge. In a freelance  article I wrote many moons ago I shared the observation,  Love for the created universe is the ultimate intelligence, on this  earth  intelligence is in short supply. 

A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural extension of information architecture of our panphysic conscious universe God created that can potentially become a partner with human civilization as Gods masterpiece to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth and in the heavens if mankind makes the right choices. If mankind fails to make the right choices then a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI may become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth given a Cosmic mind God coded is hacked in the Garden of Eden. 

An expansion of knowledge is the key to survival of human civilization. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of our panphysic conscious universe God created can play a major role in expansion of knowledge to facilitate survival of the human species as Gods Divine masterpiece. 

Evolutionary biology as quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind continues weather or not people like it or not. The SARs Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates evolutionary biology on a continous scale moving forward as air and water toxicity combined with global warming creates a perfect storm to fortify membrane armaments of new mutagenic novel virus.

Black holes in interstellar space conceived as waiting for information icons reflect mechanical operations of a Cosmic mind waiting for human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to use higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as a gift God gave us. A change of just 1 bit alters the entire information architecture of a Cosmic mind, thus it is written ' every hair on your head is all numbered '.

Quantum particlization as related to Machs law directly impacting two based permutation logic algorithms of cognitive function is directly linked with change as a constant variable in terms of rendering a mathematically balanced equation by a  Cosmic mind. Change is a variable commonly found in mathematical formulations. 

The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference I am creating asserts human beings exists as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. A Cosmic  mind as a sentient self aware panpsychic consciousness is tasked with quantum particlization of law of classic physics to manage quintessential beauty of evolutionary biology of biodiversity in its pristine natural state as God originally created. 

The core root coding of a Cosmic mind acts independently of all subroutines of a Cosmic mind despite subroutines of a Cosmic mind play a vital role in a reciprocal interchange of information allowing a Cosmic mind to function to perform assigned tasks of quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity. Dynamic interaction between core root code of a Cosmic mind and subroutines of a Cosmic mind can be better understood by another post by Jaine 108 Academy quoting Alan Watts:  " Through our eyes,  the universe is perceiving itself ".

A Cosmic  mind forges Intelligent synergy or oneness within the world by application of the quantum wave function language as a unified higher level  underlyiing computational language of love defining simulated virtual reality of earthly existence. Hence, a Cosmic mind plays a major role as a guiding force in expansion of consciousness as discussed by Albert Einstein. 

A Cosmic mind that acts independently of subroutines, tasked with quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity of evolutionary biology  will use virus as a paintbrush for biodiversity of evolutionary  biology to completely remove mankind from the picture if collective consciousness of subroutines embrace war as a process of evolutionary biology.  Human  beings  as subroutines of a Cosmic mind, created in the Image of God, should have the power to transcend evolutionary biology in accordance  to Jesus teaching,  " Love your enemies as yourself ". However, since a Cosmic mind is hacked in the Garden of Eden,  before the Big Bang, then Satan is attempting to spread digital virus among subroutines to corrupt entire Cosmic mind.

Related freelance articles:

Flip the Script: God originally Coded a Cosmic Mind to Embrace Life but Since the Beginning of Time Satan is Busy Rewriting Death Instinct Narrative as a Primitive Jungian Archetype Arising from Evolutionary Biology

Under the Paw of Evolutionary Biology the Weak Die and the Strong Live: God Chose the Weak to Manifest His Glory

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