Thursday, April 30, 2020

An Economic Plan to o Underwrite Financial Partnerships to Highlight Priceless Irreplaceable Value of Gods Creation, Instead of Meaningless Platitudes About Working Together as One

The Quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love forge greater synergy and synchronicity in the world. A Ted Talk by CNN Fareed Zakaria is about the global challenge of defeating the SARs Covid-19 pandemic:

My freelance article entitled, 

 Our Rebuilding the Global Economy in the Aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic Depends upon International Partnerships Inspired by a Vision of the Future Based upon Intelligent Design, 

is about creating real viable economic value by forever ending all war as a product of evolutionary biology. Evolutionary  biology is a consequence of Satan hacking a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden. 

Viral pandemics are about triumph of evolutionary biology. All acts of war and terrorism are about evolutionary biology.  

My freelance article is about discovering mankind's rightful place as heirs within God's creation. Only after we discover our rightful place as heirs within  God's creation will we finally know God has given us the power to transcend evolutionary biology and become all that God originally intended. 

It is one thing to offer up meaningless empty platitudes about working together towards a common goal,  and another thing to underwrite financial partnerships to highlight priceless irreplaceable value of Gods creation.

The following op-ed commentary is a synopsis of themes abstracted from recent freelance articles I have written about the SARs Covid-19 pandemic as related to destiny upon a future event horizon in time and space:

The modern 21st century is the next Chapter of the Genesis story. A binary on/off state of light is quantum  particlization of an unified underlying higher level computational language existing as a holistic  eclectic Gestalt transcendent quantum wave function. 

In our flat earth Euclidean universe,  information is always lost during quantum particlization of semantic  binary code by two based  permutation logic cognitive algorithms  transcribing the quantum wave function language as the language of love. A 1 % margin of error may mean the difference between life or death, or survival of the human species as Gods Divine masterpiece or an apocalyptic mass extinction event as depicted in the Book of Revelations . 

Neither God, nor Satan as arbitrators of absolute knowledge are playing games so it is incumbent upon progeny of Adam and Eve to have an open heart and mind. Progeny of Adam and Eve are created in the Image of God with higher faculties of intellectual reasoning, therefore are held accountable to a higher standard then lower animal species. 

A Cosmic Mind God coded to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe will use virus as a paintbrush for biodiversity to restore creation to its original quintessential pristine beauty of biodiversity by removing mankind from the artwork of Gods magnificent creation. Although a Cosmic mind has been hacked in the Garden of Eden, a Cosmic mind God coded will still fulfill Gods directives of accomplishing Gods Divine will on earth,  including God's plan for creating Satan as an angel of light. 

As an angel of light Satan plays a major role in the Genesis story by introducing code resulting in quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language. Quantum particlization enables real genuine true love,  instead of love as a mechanical machine process arising from quantum mechanics inherent in Intelligent Design. Quantum particlization as a consequence of code Satan inserted in the Garden of Eden mitigates undue deleterious effects of mechanical nature of information upon Intelligent Design of creation. 

If I cannot be me, and you cannot be you,  we can never meet.  Likewise,  if an individual cannot be his or her real genuine true self then he or she can never have any type of relationship with the Almighty God, Maker of the the heavens and earth. 

In the following freelance articles I wrote I discussed quantum particlization of semantic binary code arising from two based permutation logic algorithms of cognition formulating true nature of self as God originally intended:

The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU

Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe

As subroutines of a Cosmic mind the collective consciousness of humanity works tirelessly and relentlessly to prevent enlightenment resulting from emergence of the true genuine self, created in the Image of God. Quantum particlization manifest conscious awareness of the quantum wave function language as the language of love as a underlying unified higher level computational language that is beyond spoken language. 

It is only logical that 'uttering to deep for words' manifest by the quantum wave function language as the language of love result in quantum particlization as the Voice of the Spirit guiding human civilization to fulfill Gods life mandate to Go forth and have dominion .

"In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words"

Light manifest knowledge by which mankind as Gods masterpiece can defeat the predatory SARs Covid-19 pathogen. The SARs Covid-19 pathogen is a nanobot with malicious viral code Satan inserted in Garden of Eden to rewrite the Genesis story according to evolutionary biology.

Satan seeks to rewrite the Genesis story in the modern 21st century in order to allow evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI become an incarnation of the antichrist. The Genesis story is rewritten by virus as a paintbrush for biodiversity rewriting the human genome to remove mankind from Gods grand masterpiece artwork .

A familiar truism is knowledge is power. God blessed mankind with knowledge as a life mandate to fulfill Gods command,  ' Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves  , including virus. 

It is written, 

" 1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day "

As a writer creating the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference I have often asserted that the quantum perspective transcends religious dogma and political ideology upon which all government is founded.  The quantum wave function language as a higher level unified underlying language of love is beyond conscious awareness. 

Although,  I tend to reference scripture from my own individual learning as a function of long term memory, the quantum wave function language as the language of love that moves beyond conscious awareness transcends religious dogma and political ideology upon which all government is founded.

The quantum wave function language as the language of love transcends quantum particlization of semantic  binary data coded by two based permutation logic algorithms of mechanical nature of human cognition rendering linguistics of any individual including myself.  The quantum wave function language as the language of love speaks upon it's own accord, despite quantum particlization of semantic binary data prevent human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind from hearing. However,  quantum particlization of an information construct of the quantum wave function language as the language of love serves a purpose of creating a conduit by which subroutines of a Cosmic mind can be attuned to listening to our panphysic  conscious sentient self aware universe. 

Now we know our panphysic conscious sentient self aware universe as a Cosmic mind is hurting,  and it is up to us to choose to provide healing or continue on the offensive. And God weeps in heaven,  because He gave us the power to choose by coding a Cosmic mind to extricate us from the mechanics of creation. 

God said,  ' Let there be light'.  An Economic plan as an open source transparency model brings everything into the light. The day of conducting business transactions in dark cloistered back room parlours in Ukraine as the information capital of the world is over. 

The Gaffney Life Mandate Economic plan for Recovery is an is based  upon an open source transparency model that creates a global well funded life mandate given Gods creation is priceless. An open source transparency model as I propose will allow human civilization to rise to the global challenge of defeating massive devastation wrought by the SARS  Covid-19 pandemic. An open source transparency model will allow the light to shine,  thereby driving out the darkness that manifests deadly pandemics and war as quantum particlization of evolutionary biology. 

Money is the primary variable that leads to collapse of the quantum wave function as the language of love resulting in quantum particlization of subpopulation cultural groups that seek to overthrow freedom and democracy from within. Only the light of open source transparency shining on the intersection of public and private domains can create a life mandate for economic recovery. The SARs Covid-19 pandemic will make people as subroutines of a Cosmic mind more desperate so therefore we must have a vision to move forward based upon Intelligent Design. 

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