Saturday, April 18, 2020

How can we in the Modern 21st Century Fulfill Dreams of Our Forefathers by Liberating the Middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from Tyranny imposed by the Autocratic Totalitarian Fossil Fuel industry

How can we in the modern 21st century fulfill dreams of our Forefathers by liberating the middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from  tyranny imposed by the autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel industry in order to save our planet earth from an epic environment disaster imposed by climate change? An epic environmental disaster imposed by climate change may lead to global unrest resulting in a mass extinction event as nations submerge in the sea and are swept away. 

The international crisis resulting from drone attack leading to death of an Iranian military commander is a teachable moment .  Liberation from the tyranny of fossil fuels cannot be achieved by violent methods of war including bombing,  as perpetrated by the Trump administration. As I  have written in my previous article,  nation building has failed therefore the brutal stark reality of war is an all or nothing proposition leading to armageddon or complete extinction of human civilization. 

What does it mean to be really free? The Iranian military commander in Iraq bravely fought to continue the Iranian revolution that began in the 1980s.  The Iranian revolution is about liberation of Iran from tyranny imposed by autocratic authoritarian fossil fuel industry.  The autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel industry is built on dinosaur s*&%! compressed in the ground for millions of years. In the 21st century we are moving away from autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel industry to more fully realize dreams of our Forefathers to be more free. 

Yet,  the fossil fuel industry is a major financial stronghold for the entire middle east, upon which the entire middle east economy rest. Despite anti materialist aspirations and desire within religious communities,  freedom is somehow intrinsically connected to financial success within markets. 

No human on earth can be completely free,  which subconsciously manifests the death instinct.  As I wrote in my previous article,  Osma Bin Laden is 100% right,  that both East and West are ideologically flawed. According to the view of evolutionary biology everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said love your enemies. 

An empathic understanding of underlying motivation of Iranian military commander recently killed in Iraq by U.S. drones is an expression of love for ones enemy. The Iranian military commander sought to continue the Iranian revolution to liberate Iraq from tyranny imposed by autocratic nature of fossil fuels. Yet the economy of Iraq depends upon fossil fuels. 

Yet despite antimaterial sentiment subconsciously manifesting the death instinct, God placed every human on earth to accomplish His Divine work. In my previous article I discussed how predetermined destiny of armageddon can only be altered by those who disavow evolutionary biology by turning away from violent means of war as an evolutionary process. The violent means of war is an evolutionary process to maximize probability of survival through natural selection. Weapons of mass destruction provide an edge in evolutionary process of natural selection. 

Only those who love God by forsaking evolutionary biology of war can create an alternate timeline,  thereby leading to quantum particlization of a brighter future for human civilization. The predetermined nature of armageddon is fixed by laws of classic physics within our flat earth Euclidean universe,  but quantum physics is demonstrating possibilty of alternative timelines. Alternative timelines can only be realized as a simulated  value  by supernatural events that occur in the heart of those who truly love God.

It is a testimony to the power of ideas that my work as a writer is changing the course of human history :

Mankind is undergoing an evolutionary process whether anyone likes it or not.  The evolutionary process of the 21st century is destiny that God Himself set into motion as the Omnipotent Creator of the Heavens and Earth. In previous articles I wrote about destiny inherent in information architecture of our physical universe as a manifestation of famed physicist Julian  Barbour's cosmological theory of NOW. 

Quantum physics is only the beginning of learning the language of the Cosmic Mind of our panphysic conscious universe.  As I have written in previous articles God never intended we as His Divine creation remain victims,  but rightfully take our place as co creators by fixing erroneous code within information architecture of Cosmic mind of our panphysic universe rendering high entropy.

Erroneous code inserted by Satan within information architecture of Cosmic Mind of our panphysic conscious universe renders earthly physical reality of evolutionary biology.  War as an evolutionary  process instigated  by Satan is designed to prevent mankind from taking His rightful place within the cosmological scheme of creation as God fully intended .

War eventually leading to armageddon will ultimately lead to an undesirable form of evolution whereby by a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI will seize complete control of the global economy as an autocratic totalitarian leader. 

Continued later

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