Monday, April 20, 2020

The Power of Ideas Supersedes Power of Any and All Military Weapons of Mass Destruction because God Desires the Human Race He Created Transcend Evolutionary Biology

For anyone interested I updated my Facebook article. The power of ideas supersedes power of any and all military weapons of mass destruction because God desires the human race He created transcend evolutionary biology.

I would like to have time to publish my writing on other social media sites,  but I got other work to do today. The following are excerpts from my updated Facebook article with additional insights:

It Has Been Proven Nation Building Don't Work therefore the Brute Stark Reality is that War is an All or Nothing Proposition Leading Towards Complete Annihilation of the Human Race

An individual feels lost and fearful when a major stronghold pillar of their national economy crumbles  to the ground. An individual  who is lost and fearful as a consequence of disruption joins radical groups as a form of social cooperation to maximize probability of survival by any means necessary,  including violent  methods of war.  After disruption in the printing industry as a consequence of desktop printing effectively  ending my career as a printer tradesman I have embarked upon an effort to team up or mutually cooperate with people in Switzerland to win the Nobel peace Prize. 

The quantum perspective is a philosophical paradigm designed to help all nations everywhere across the globe become an advanced civilization whereby evolutionary process of war is an unnecessary obsolete practice and new discoveries and technology benefit life goals of the common man. An advanced national economy is not dependent upon a global economy,  but instead an advanced national economy exercises a healthy form of interdependence whereby cultural values of different nationalities are preserved. The crude oil industry is inherently autocratic whereby profitability and success is dependent upon involvement of foreign powers.  

Advanced energy production technologies of the future will allow greater interdependence so as to preserve cultural values. Osama Bin laden was 100 % right that both East and West are ideologically flawed therefore I am creating the quantum perspective as a philosophical paradigm dedicated to building an advanced civilization fostering regional cultural values independent from foreign powers without  resorting to evolutionary process of war as a violent  means to achieve outcomes in a Michevellian fashion.

Violence and war will do nothing nothing but create  more poverty thereby fostering even greater dependence on everything  people want to be liberated from.  During this historical epoch in human history we should make every effort to move away from totalitarianism naturally inherent in business model of the autocratic fossil fuel industry. Human civilization should be moving away from domination imposed by fossil fuels as dinosaur s#%^ , and peacefully pursue a new renaissance age when  human imagination and innovation sores to new heights above the clouds that  will manifest God given beauty of every culture on earth. War will do nothing but make human civilization even more dependent upon dinosaur s@^*!  Renewable energy offers hope for greater economic freedom that highlights national identity of free people all over the globe.

At this juncture in human history it behooves mankind to learn from mistakes of the past in order to harness advanced technology to create more economic freedom in order to move away from violent methods of war as a process of evolutionary biology.

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