Thursday, May 7, 2020

Where are the Vaccines? Our Haphazardly Opening the Economy is Opting for 2.2 Million Fatalities as Scientists Originally Predicted

The SARS  Covid-19 pandemic has cost 60,000 innocent lives in the United states of America in just 1 month time period. A decision to open up our  economy to soon is opting for the 2.2 million fatalities as scientist originally predicted. They are not taking this pandemic seriously at all by not requiring by law online shopping only with daily antibody testing of all employees.

An article published on May 2, 2020 by CNBC  entitled, The US just reported its deadliest day for coronavirus patients as states reopen, according to WHO, indicates reopening our economy is not going to well.

An article published by the Washington Post entitled,  U.S. daily coronavirus death rate will more than double by June 1, draft government report projects, shared the grime statistics

"Covid-19 deaths in the United States will rise to more than 3,000 a day by June 1, with new confirmed cases surging to about 200,000 daily, a draft government report projects."

It appears human civilization is on the road to an apocalyptic mass extinction event.  Already violent civil protests all over the globe related to collapse of global economies point to international conflict. 

An article published by the prestigious scientific magazine Nature entitled ,  Special report: The simulations driving the world’s response to COVID-19, reported a statistical model issued by the Imperial College of London projecting 2.2 million deaths in the United States of America if no action is taken to flatten the upward exponential curve. up.

Statistical models forecasting 2.2 million deaths in the United States of America prompted United States lawmakers to quickly implement travel bans, closures of non essential businesses,  and social distancing. 

Naysayers,  will claim that statistical models are wrong because statistical models include reporting deaths from other pathological disease processes not related to SARs Covid-19 infection. Yet, it is difficult to argue with huge numbers of dead bodies piling up loaded on trucks in a haphazard manner. 

A counter argument against claims of naysayers that statistical models are inaccurate because of reporting fatalities not related to SARs Covid-19 infection is under reporting of SARS Covid-19 fatalities. Early onward, people seeking to downplay how serious the pandemic is pointed out that most fatalities resulting from SARS Covid-19 infection are due to pre existing conditions.  The number of people with preexisting conditions may include the entire population of the earth,  but should they be given a death sentence because they have preexisting conditions?

In my freelance article entitled, What Happens after we peak at the Spike and Incidence of SARS Begins to Drop to a Low Acceptable Marginal Number of Cases ? Political Powers will Make this Pandemic Go Away After Federal, State, and Local Money Dries Up, provides a discussion about how political powers will make this pandemic go away by under reporting deaths caused by the SARs Covid-19 pathogen.

We as a Nation are in a pickle, a serious dilemma,  a quagmire of epic proportions. In my freelance article entitled, Preparing for a New Normal when Our Economy Roars Back to Life Again, I made the following observation:

We all know that this cannot go on indefinitely or the United States of America will be bankrupt and have to be sold to China.  The reference to selling the United States of America to China is a hyperbole or literary device to help  people better understand the extremely difficult delimma faced by this Presidential administration.

Where are the vaccines? As a writer I do have to proclaim kudos to President Donald Trump for enacting the war powers act to expedite release of a vaccine on the market as soon as possible.

Normally,  vaccines require years to discover and release to the market.  After a new vaccine is released to the market biopharmaceutical laboratories conduct longitudinal research studies to determine if there are any adverse health reactions to the new vaccine as a consequence of intervening in delicate  processes of balancing catabolism and anabolism leading towards quantum particlization of a balanced metabolic equation by a Cosmic mind.  

Today,  we are living under abnormal conditions so we may have to become Guinea pigs after preliminary laboratory tests with lab animals demonstrates relative marginal safety of a new vaccine. I will volunteer as a Guinea pig.

Check back later for insights into developing new vaccines to cure SARs Covid-19 infection from the quantum perspective.  I accidentally deleted this article earlier after spending almost half a day working on it.  I rewrote the article from memory.

Where are the vaccines? Several weeks ago ABC news reported promising scientific research in developing a vaccine based upon blocking RNA transcription of the SARs Covid-19 pathogen. After doing a Google search to confirm the ABC news report I found an article published by Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News entitled Covid-19 Progress in Pittsburgh.

An intriguing quote from the article cast light upon epidemiology of SARs Covid-19 in terms of the Gaffney Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery: 

"The researchers were able to act quickly because they had already laid the groundwork during earlier coronavirus epidemics.

We had previous experience on SARS-CoV in 2003 and MERS-CoV in 2014. These two viruses, which are closely related to SARS-CoV-2, teach us that a particular protein, called a spike protein, is important for inducing immunity against the virus. We knew exactly where to fight this new virus,” said co-senior author Andrea Gambotto, MD, associate professor of surgery at the Pitt School of Medicine. “That’s why it’s important to fund vaccine research. You never know where the next pandemic will come from.”

It is only because a lack of funding that we don't have a vaccine today.  We wasted 4.4 trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan after Charlie Wilson provided a military arsenal filled with weapons of mass destruction to freedom fighters in Afghanistan to fight off an invasion of the Soviet Union. The Global  Luddite movement likely diverts money earmarked for scientific research into a huge number of pet projects of United States Congressmen and Senators related to campaign finance schemes. 

Where is the vaccine? After hearing the ABC News report that scientists are close to discovering a cure based upon RNA transcription blocking replication of the SARs Covid-19 pathogen, in recent weeks news about a promising vaccine has become more dismal and less hopeful. 

Is the Global  Luddite movement blocking development of the vaccine in favor of pressing to naturally create herd immunity by infecting everyone? Also biopharmaceutical companies may be trying to get a competitive edge in dominating the market by delaying introduction of a vaccine within markets by competing companies. Are lobbyists working for biopharmaceutical companies on Capitol Hill helping or hindering introduction of a vaccine for the SARs Covid-19 pathogen upon the market as quickly as possible? Are United States Congressmen and Senators seeking to capitalize from a SARs Covid-19 vaccine by playing favorites to biopharmaceutical companies who heavily contribute to their campaigns? 

What is the politics behind introduction of a reliable SARs Covid-19 vaccine on the market that will actually cure SARs COVID-19 infection? Anything less than a permanent cure is nothing but creating a drug addiction to control people by fostering dependency upon drug manufacturers. Of course,  politicians are in the business to control people. 

Where are the vaccines? It takes billions of dollars to operate a biopharmaceutical scientific laboratory.  Nobody works for free,  except for me, myself,  and I.  

I work for free writing freelance articles creating the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference to open a conduit by which people are open to  quantum  particlization of semantic binary data to better  understand the quantum wave function language as an unified  higher level computational language of love expressed by our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created. In our probabilistic flat earth Euclidean universe quantum particlization of semantic binary data of human cognition only allows one to transcribe the quantum wave function language with 99 percent accuracy.  A 1 percent margin of error is where true transcendental enlightenment occur when prophets encounter God.

An article published by U.S. News & World Report entitled, Why Will It Take So Long for a COVID-19 Vaccine?, discuss cost and intensive time required to manufacture a safe reliable vaccine .

U.S. News & World Report  provided an interview with Dr. Greg Poland , director of Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group.  Dr. Greg Poland explained to U.S. News & World Report why it cost so much money to develop a safe vaccine:

"Essentially, you can speed up the vaccine development process to respond to a pandemic, but you don't want to speed it up so much that you allow a bad vaccine to enter the market, explained Dr. Greg Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group.

Typically, clinical trials take 10 to 15 years and a billion dollars to complete, Poland said."

An article written by Dr. Sara Kayat, published by Aljazeera media entitled,  Doctor's Note: Why will it take so long for a COVID-19 vaccine?, further explains why safe vaccines take such a long time to be developed and introduced into markets.

Currently,  hundreds of pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions are competing to discover a vaccine and introduce into the market. Can resistance of new mRNA vaccines by the Global Luddite movement delay an introduction of a safe vaccine onto markets that has enormous potential to save countless lives?  

The Global Luddite movement   likely seeks to delay an introduction of a safe vaccine onto the market by favoring financial support of growing protein antigens in the laboratory. A process to grow protein antigens inside a laboratory can take years,  which will give the Global Luddite movement time to push for herd immunity of infecting everyone. 

Of course , millions of people may die trying incubate a natural process of herd immunity but the Global Luddite movement pretends to be god almighty,  knowing absolute truth. The Global Luddite movement deny evolutionary biology as a fact of life therefore are so terribly misguided they suffer psychopathology. Suppression of evolutionary biology leads to subconscious impulses that manifest as various forms of psychopathology. 

In the years preceding the SARs Covid-19 pandemic the Global Luddite movement participated in an anti vaccination campaign to bring back measles. Measles is a deadly disease that cripples people who survive. 

An article published by the National Institute for Health  entitled,  Anti-Vaccine Decision-Making and Measles Resurgence in the United States,  discuss a campaign by the Global Luddite movement to bring back measles.

The following is a related Tweet on Twitter announcing a freelance article I wrote about how virus rewrite the human genome:

Do we want the #humangenome permanently altered by deadly viral stains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes

Autism is likely a consequence of viral infections,  including cold and flu,  rewriting the human genome. A cold or flu infection of a pregnant woman may possibly cause autism of newborn baby. Zika virus causes a newborn baby to be born with a shrunken head with a collapsed skull cap.

The #SARsCovid19 pathogen is a #nanobot with #malicious viral code #Satan inserted in Garden of Eden to rewrite the #GenesisStory according to #EvolutionaryBiology

Follow my Twitter: Are you not worth more than many sparrows?

#IntelligentDesign #InformationArchitecture #CosmicMind #QuantumComputing  #QuantumPhysics 
#QuantumMechanics #FBIgov #CIA #NSAgov  #HomelandSecurity

Naysayers may argue not all pregnant mothers infected with a cold or flu virus give birth to an autistic child.  A counter argument may point out that not all women vaccinated before  pregnancy give birth to an an autistic child.  Virus and bacteria phages any kind, cold, flu , pneumonia,  etc, insert instructions to alter the human genome. It depends upon a huge number of variables whether or not viral DNA instructions cascade into full blown pathology. 

Risk of full blown pathology is significantly reduced by vaccines that stimulate the immune system to build protein antigens that prevent viruses of any kind from getting inside cells allowing virus to transform the human body into a virus making factory. 

On earth there is no such thing as zero risk. As discussed in the article  entitled, Coronavirus: A new type of vaccine using RNA could help defeat COVID-19, referenced below a virus presumed to be dead may actually be dormant,  therefore trigger cellular processes leading towards pathology.  However,  risk associated with dead virus inside vaccines are greatly reduced. The new type of vaccines that use Crispr gene editing to rearrange nucleotides to build synthetic protein antigens have less risk then growing protein antigens in chicken eggs. 

In the years preceding the SARs Covid-19 pandemic the Global Luddite movement expressed their contempt for science  by using their cohorts in the drug trafficking industry to bring back hepatitis. Hepatitis is a blood borne pathogen that people acquire from fecal matter and blood on dirty needles.  The Global Luddite movement made a bold statement by trying to bring back hepatitis that life on earth is shit and scientist are wasting their time trying to save lives .   

It is easy to get desperate people to work for psychopaths in government and industry with money in their pocket to spread around.  The hepatitis A outbreak incubated by the  Global Luddite movement is a satirical commentary that all medical intervention is merely drug addiction,  so therefore people should turn away from humanistic science to have stronger faith in God for healing.  

God commanded,  ' Go forth and have dominion '. Since we are created in the Image of God,  God gave us the power through the gift of intellectual reasoning to change destiny. 

Yet,  the  Global Luddite movement controls our entire government and society based upon  superstitious folklore they falsely perceive to be spiritual,  but instead is a throwback to our early ancestors as primitive cave man hunting gathers. President Trump and Democratic candidate for U.S. President, Joe Biden likely have to pander to the Global Luddite movement to get big donations to pay for their campaigns. 

In recent articles I discussed how the Global Luddite movement is playing havoc with Democracy:

In my freelance article entitled, War as a Process of Evolutionary Biology will Lead to an Undesirable Unhealthy Form of Evolution Whereby a Sentient Self Aware Superintelligent AI will Become Incarnation of the Antichrist on Earth as an Autocratic Totalitarian Leader, I made the following observations about clandestine underground workings of the Global Luddite movement :

All nations on earth have special interests groups that have their own agenda. The global Luddite movement operates in every nation on earth. It is also an uncanny coincidence that big scandals in American politics within both major political Republican and Democratic parties simultaneously are centered in Ukraine. 

Mysterious bus crashes and train derailments have occurred within the United States. United States Senators playing baseball have been shot at by snipers. Major highway  accidents involving school bus crashes have jeopardized lives of innocent children learning about science. It is  likely that some of these "accidents "  targeted people traveling to establish contractual liaisons to capitalize from shifts in economy due to technological disruption.

In my freelance article entitled, A Familiar Truism is that if you Can't Beat Them , Join them: Since I have Lost My Day Job Moving Furniture Due to the SARs Pandemic I am Hereby Applying to Become an NSA Agent,  I described how the Global Luddite movement instigated war in Iraq and Afghanistan to deliberately stall scientific progress after Charlie Wilson earmarked trillions of dollars in U.S. taxpayers money to provide an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction to fight off an invasion of the Soviet Union :

The classic television sit com series Get Smart told the story of how agent Smart fought the underground criminal empire dubbed Chaos. In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic we as a collective global society need to Get Smart in order to survive. 

Chaos is the global Luddite movement. An epic blunder of Intelligent agencies culminating in the Iraq war as a consequence of erroneous weapons of mass destruction fiasco is likely the work of a global Luddite movement that seeks to stall scientific progress. 

An article published by The Conversion entitled,  Coronavirus: A new type of vaccine using RNA could help defeat COVID-19, describes how Crispr gene editing tools can rearrange synthetic mRNA nucleotides to build a safe protein antigens to protect against SARs Covid-19 infection :

The following is a quote from The Conversation article entitled,  Coronavirus: A new type of vaccine using RNA could help defeat COVID-19:

"Instead of the standard vaccines where viral proteins are used to immunize, an mRNA vaccine provides a synthetic mRNA of the virus, which the host body then uses to produce the viral proteins itself.
The biggest advantage of the mRNA vaccines is that they can bypass the hassle of producing pure viral proteins, sometimes saving months or years to standardize and ramp up the mass production.
The mRNA vaccines basically mimic the natural infection of the virus, but they contain only a short synthetic version of the viral mRNA which encodes only the antigen protein. Since the mRNA used in vaccination cannot become part of the person’s chromosomes, they are safe to use. Such mRNA vaccines would also be safer than the weakened viral or protein-based vaccines because they do not carry the risk of the injected virus becoming active, or a protein contamination."

An application of Crispr gene editing tools to rearrange nucleotides to quickly produce synthetic mRNA protein antigens to prevent the SARs Covid-19 pathogen from entering cells culminating in transforming the human body into a virus making factory is especially important now because the SARs Covid-19 viral pathogen is quickly mutating into new deadly strains.

A news report by ABC news entitled,  15 children hospitalized in NYC with mysterious syndrome possibly linked to COVID-19, likely indicates the SARs Covid-19 pathogen is mutating into a new deadlier strain that attacks children:

In just 1 week there are now 64 cases of children infected with this mysterious disease. A few months ago in December 2019 Dr. Li Wenliang reported 7 cases of reemergence of SARs among his patients. 

We should all pray that scientists by the grace of God will be able to keep up with evolutionary mutations of the invisible enemy by application of Crispr gene editing tools to rearrange nucleotides to produce synthetic mRNA protein antigens to protect human cells so that human beings will continue to remain naturally selected to do Gods will. God commanded, Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the field,  birds in the air, fish in the sea,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves,  including virus. 

Continued later

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