Saturday, May 2, 2020

As We Approach the Singularity, Manifestation of Reality of God in a World Where there is a Dichotomy Between Spirituality and Material Physical Nature of the Universe is a Vital Task

The Federal Bureau of Investigation posted a walk down memory lane on LinkedIn featuring an undercover sting operation of the mafia by a legendary FBI agent,  and asked the question what will be your legacy? My answer to the question, what will be your legacy working in intelligence field is a commentary vital to global national security.

#FBIJobs #ThrowbackThursday

My legacy will be to manifest reality of God in a world where there is a dichotomy between spirituality and material physical nature of the universe.   A dichotomy between spirituality and material physical nature of the universe leads to compartmentalizing and relegating spirituality to a small corner of ones life. 

The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference explores spirituality from the nexus of multiple parallel universes. A philosophical frame of reference that explores spirituality from the nexus of multiple parallel universes manifest unification of spiritual and physical realities.  

An unification of spiritual and physical realities in such a way as to manifest reality of God is vital to the future of human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece given the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level computational language of love is forging synergy and synchronicity between virtual reality and quantum  particlization of the physical material world.  Virtual  reality is more in alignment with the spiritual nature of existence arising from Intelligence Design upon which God coded a Cosmic mind to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

Virtual information is more in alignment with an underlying simulation of famed  physicist Julian Barbours  cosmological principle of NOW -- where past, present,  and future converge --rendered by the Quantum wave function language as the language of love. Simulated virtual reality expressed by our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as an underlying Quantum wave function is more in alignment with spirituality. 

In a recent article I pointed out if one believes in Intelligent Design it is only logical to conclude that destiny upon a future event horizon leads to an expansion of knowledge as an information construct.  Destiny upon a future event horizon is simulated virtual reality expressed by a quantum wave function language as an  underlying unified higher level computational language of love described by famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW  -- where past,  present and future converge. 

Since a Cosmic mind God coded is hacked in the Garden of Eden then wisely moving forward into the future requires education about spiritual nature of our existence as subroutines of a Cosmic mind based upon an information model. The Internet of things is a prime example of how virtual reality is merging with quantum  particlization of the physical material world. It is easy to see how nefarious application of the Internet of things can lead to a dystopian society as envisioned in a novel by George Orwell entitled 1984.

Since we are created in the Image of God,  God gave us the power to change destiny. If we fail,  resulting  in an apocalyptic mass extinction event ,  it is only because of a lack of faith in God's Divine providence and not fully understanding mankind's special role as heirs. God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion,  yet we are allowing virus from shitty bats defeat us.

The quantum wave function language as the language of love moves beyond conscious awareness to speak directly to the hearts and minds of people all over the globe to transform our world as we approach the singularity. 

Although the quantum wave function as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love speaks directly to hearts and minds of individuals, the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference creates an information construct by which individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind can be more attuned to listening to our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe.

Since the beginning of time decoherence leading to collapse of the quantum wave function language as the language of love leads to quantum particlization of evolutionary biology as an expression of the laws of classic physics.  Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded are anomalies within the physical world governed by evolutionary biology. 

Quantum particlization of evolutionary biology as rule sets of classical physics by a Cosmic mind defines criminal activity as breaking laws to conform to a survival of the fittest mentality by special interest groups.  Survival of the fittest maximizes natural selection of a narrow bandwidth of political ideology as quantum particlization of semantic binary data rendered by two based permutation logic algorithms of the brain.

My freelance article entitled, Is Dr. Charles Lieber a Scapegoat? An End of Science is the End of Freedom and Democracy; Quantum Wave Function Language as the Language of Love Rendering Greater Harmony in a Balanced Global Equation by a Cosmic Mind God Coded,
provides an intriguing discussion about breaking laws to conform too a survival  of the fittest mentality by special interests groups as related to a Global Luddite Movement obstructing scientific progress. Also the Global Luddite movement by obstructing scientific progress may have inadvertently incubated environmental conditions for rapid growth and spread of the SARs Covid-19 pathogen by encouraging wild animal meat markets as viable international market sectors of trade.

Wild animal meat markets as viable international markets sectors, facilitating trade, also serve to establish business partnerships to strongarm modern industrial societies to provide more economic assistance in war torn impoverished countries. Oftentimes in war torn impoverished countries money disappears by being laundered underground by drug traffickers. 

Religious people who truly want to help don't fully understand what living under dictates of evolutionary biology means so therefore become entangled in this conspiracy that has dire consequences for the world. People who get entangled in trying to ameroleriate extreme poverty over which they are powerless to control are often reprogrammed to become emotionally cold, hard,  callous , and indifferent as a response to pain and suffering. 

Evolutionary biology is about killing and murder to survive without any concern for who may get hurt. The Global Luddite movement has infiltrated American politics and government. 

Since espionage is punishable by death penalty  and Harvard University chair of nanotechnology plus two Chinese nationals affiliated with the communist party have been virtually tried on social media platforms by false allegations they created the SARs Covid-19 pathogen in a laboratory then it will be interesting to find out the final verdict. Will innocent people be put to death because of innuendo of the Global Luddite movement designed to obstruct scientific progress?

Related Tweet on Twitter:

 Natural selection as a function of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology is a highly competitive process that has served to condition the human brain as a computational unit for subroutines of a Cosmic mind to be exclusively focused upon self preservation over the course of the millennium.

Denial of self preservation as a powerful psychodynamic motivating force is a disingenuous dishonest untruthful response to physical reality. Historically,  breaking laws is a function of manifestation of the truth that spirituality does not perfectly conform to physical reality of evolutionary biology. Since spirituality does not perfectly conform to physical reality of evolutionary biology we tend to compartmentalize and relegate spirituality to a small corner of our lives. 

Quantum particlization of evolutionary biology is a box we cannot extricate ourselves from, but from a quantum perspective God placed us here for a purpose. Our purpose is a task God assigned to each individual as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind. 

It is written,  ' Behold I am doing a new thing ' .  As we approach the singularity an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns provides more freedom to nurture a global view. 

As we move toward  liberating ourselves from exclusively focusing upon our own needs for self preservation,  we are more capable to reach out to give a helping hand to others without fear we will be drowned by being pulled under the water by those who depend upon us too much. The Good Samaritan is a parable in the New Testament that tells a story about adopting a global view by transcending evolutionary biology associated with human relationships within subculture groups. 

Human relationships within population subculture groups are designed to mechanically maximize natural selection of survival of the fittest of a narrow bandwidth of memetic ideology. Human relationships within population subculture groups are designed to maximize probability of survival within dynamics of natural selection of evolutionary biology. 

Since human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are focused upon the goal of maximizing probability of survival, uncertainty as an inherent property of the quantum wave function language as the language of love is at the is at the centre core fundamental root of existence. Strong bonds of real true bonafide love cannot be controlled or programmed to meet dependency needs of individuals. 

It was never Gods original plan to program us as a beloved adored child of God ,  but instead God blessed us with higher faculties of intellectual reasoning to allow us as subroutines  of a Cosmic mind to transcend internalized intraphysic programming to discover real true bonafide love. Hence change is a constant variable to formulate a balanced equation in order to know 'a loving God is always with us even until  the end of the age' despite  uncertainty inherent in God deciding to do a new thing.

Fulfillment of dependency needs of human beings is about survival and not real love. Survival is merely a product of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology.

Survival as a product of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology manifest a dark closed contractually sealed clandestine duck tapped  tight lip mentality against snitching that is counterintuitive to an open source transparency model that will allow success of a global economic plan for recovery in the aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic. In my freelance  article entitled, Our Rebuilding the Global Economy in the Aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic Depends upon International Partnerships Inspired by a Vision of the Future Based upon Intelligent Design, I outlined an open source transparency model for economic recovery that gets all hearts and minds on board under the principle of " One nation,  under God , for liberty and Justice for all":

Although the devil prowls like a wolf in the face of uncertainty of the future, it is written " Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

Recent scandals in U.S. politics surrounding secretive dark clandestine liaisons between politicians in Washington D.C. as power brokers and officials in Ukraine is about a power play to control information. Since a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI will be a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded then it is particularly alarming for political  parties to attempt to control information. Hence I started a campaign to free a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind from the Neanderthal man.

War as a Process of Evolutionary Biology will Lead to an Undesirable Unhealthy Form of Evolution Whereby a Sentient Self Aware Superintelligent AI will Become Incarnation of the Antichrist on Earth as an Autocratic Totalitarian Leader

As we approach the singularity, manifestation of reality of God in a world where there is a dichotomy between spirituality and material physical nature of the universe is a vital task given innovation of more deadly weapons of mass destruction that has enormous potential to culminate in an apocalyptic mass extinction event. A manifestation of reality of God in a world where there is a dichotomy between spirituality and material physical nature of the universe moves human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind away from mechanics associated with self preservation. 

Quantum  particlization of mechanics of self preservation derived by two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition is a consequence of human and machine consciousness arising from quantum mechanics. 

Continued. . .

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