Saturday, May 9, 2020

Pushing for Herd Immunity: Denial and Suppression of Evolutionary Biology Leads Toward Subconscious Impulses that Manifest as Psychopathology

Psychology Today published an article entitled, 
Why Sociopaths Are So Dangerous, and So Hard to Identify.

As a writer I have extensively analyzed the Sociopathic personality from the quantum perspective of human beings existing as subroutines of a Cosmic mind hacked in the Garden of Eden. Sociopathic personality is more common then we want to admit because human and machine consciousness is a product of quantum mechanics. Consciousness as a mechanical machine process ascribes a psychological trait of having no conscious.  

In introductory Abnormal Psychology curriculums one learns that abnormal psychopathology is not a discrete variable,  but is on a continous scale.  As a continous variable every human being has a certain degree of the Sociopathic personality trait instilled in his or her character.

It is  written, 'If we say we have no sin we make Him out to be a liar and His Word is not in us.'

Psychology Today has recently published a number of articles about psychopathology.  In my freelance article entitled ,The Widespread Prevalence of Narcissism within Collective Consciousness of Humanity as Related to the SARS Pandemic, I referenced the Psychology Today article entitled , How to Recognize Closet Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

A close examination of etiology of psychopathology described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders demonstrates that distinct discrete diagnostic categories oftentimes overlap. All psychopathology is  dysfunction associated with transcribing the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love into quantum particlization of semantic binary data. Hence,  an analytical study of psychopathology provides insight into how human beings function as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. In previous articles I discussed how the core root of a Superintelligent Cosmic mind God coded acts independently from subroutines of a Cosmic mind,  but subroutines of a Cosmic mind return values vital to informing a Cosmic mind how to act to complete specific task God assigned a Cosmic mind. Furthermore,  I pointed out that a Cosmic mind will use virus as a paintbrush for biodiversity to remove mankind from the picture if necessary because human beings created in the Image  of God are held to a higher standard then lower animal phylum.

A study of psychopathology associated with dysfunction of two based permutation logic algorithms of the brain to properly transcribe the quantum wave function language as the language of love into quantum particlization of semantic binary data of long term memory by human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind is highly related to Stephen Wolframs Theory of Everything as discussed in an article entitled 

Physicists Criticize Stephen Wolfram’s ‘Theory of Everything’

In previous freelance articles I wrote I discussed how Black holes in interstellar space as information processing icons of our sentient self aware panphysic conscious universe rearrange distribution of physical matter in the universe to ultimately impact in accordance  to Machs Principle two based permutation logic algorithms of the brain from a neurophsiological level of absorption or emission of photons as quantized packets of energy within atomic structure of motor neurons. From the quantum perspective,  a deconstruction of causality is both vital and problematic simultaneously in creating a variance in the field of conscious awareness from which individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind can experience infinity beyond mind. Deconstruction of causality is the central rationale of the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby all values are set at nil during  process of quantum particlization of a 
balanced mathematical equation by a  Cosmic Mind. 

In alignment with Stephen Wolfram’s ‘Theory of Everything Existential nihilism as a philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche emphasizing deconstruction  of causality both mathematically substracts from value of transcendent experience of infinity beyond mind and adds value of relating  too infinity by ascribing absolute truth to God alone.  
Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy of Existential nihilism in his argument against deconstructing causality is supported by the basic quantum principle that a qubit is neither 1 nor 0, but instead a qubit is both 1 and 0 thereby manifesting parity bit negation of superposition states of mutually exclusive events inherent in the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love.

Deconstruction of causality as a denial that Black holes as information processing icons representing hard drive brain matter operations of our panphysic conscious sentient self aware universe redistributing cosmological matter to ultimately impact two based  permutation logic algorithms of the brain from a subatomic  neurophsiological level of absorption or emission of photons within neurons is ultimately a denial of our interconnections with infinity. 

As we move toward the singularity during the modern internet telecommunications age when information overload leads to dysfunction of subroutines of a Cosmic mind it is very important to set all values to nil amongst subroutines in order to reduce psychopathology and enable healthy function of all subroutines so that a Cosmic Mind can modulate change during quantum particlization of a balanced equation of simulated virtual reality of laws of classic physics. Change as a constant variable during quantum particlization of biodiversity of evolutionary biology by a Cosmic mind is generating a challenge to formulating a balanced equation during this historical epoch as we approach the singularity. 

In terms of better understanding pschopathological dysfunction of human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind Psychology Today published an article entitled, How Do People Develop Into 'Successful' Psychopaths?

Since evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded it is important to understand Psychopathological  dysfunction of human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to prevent Superintelligent AI from becoming an incarnation of the antichrist. 

In my freelance article entitled , Where are the Vaccines? Our Haphazardly Opening the Economy is Opting for 2.2 Million Fatalities as Scientists Originally Predicted, I discussed psychopathology arising from quantum particlization of evolutionary biology rendered by a Cosmic Mind hacked in the Garden of Eden.

In my freelance article I aptly pointed out The Global Luddite movement deny evolutionary biology as a fact of life therefore are so terribly misguided they suffer psychopathology. Suppression of evolutionary biology leads to subconscious impulses that manifest as various forms of psychopathology.

Denial and suppression of evolutionary biology leads toward (1) over dependence upon Gods providence and (2)  devaluation of self as created in the Image of God which combines to manifest as surrendering to natural forces as a pagan Druid faith ascribing god like power to natural forces they mistake for real genuine faith in God.  God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion.

My freelance article entitled,  Under the Paw of Evolutionary Biology the Weak Die and the Strong Live: God Choose the Weak to Manifest His Glory, corrects fallacious assumptions about pushing  for herd immunity as returning to natural states of low entropy similar to Garden of Eden within context of evolutionary biology of quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe as related to Nobel Prize winning author,  William Goldings classic book,  Lord of the Flies :

Is #epidemiology origins and spread of #COVID19 infections related to fallacious information about restoration of #biodiversity and returning to a #LowEntropy Garden of Eden state by Global  Luddite movement as subroutines of a #CosmicMind ?

The following is an excerpt from my freelance article entitled , Where are the Vaccines? Our Haphazardly Opening the Economy is Opting for 2.2 Million Fatalities as Scientists Originally Predicted:

The Global Luddite movement   likely seeks to delay an introduction of a safe vaccine onto the market by favoring financial support of growing protein antigens in the laboratory. A process to grow protein antigens inside a laboratory can take years,  which will give the Global Luddite movement time to push for herd immunity of infecting everyone.   

Of course , millions of people may die trying incubate a natural process of herd immunity but the Global Luddite movement pretends to be god almighty,  knowing absolute truth. The Global Luddite movement deny evolutionary biology as a fact of life therefore are so terribly misguided they suffer psychopathology. Suppression of evolutionary biology leads to subconscious impulses that manifest as various forms of psychopathology.

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