Sunday, March 3, 2024

Set the Record Straight

By Mark W. Gaffney 

The United States of America should not be bitterly scorned for foreign policy decisions regarding the war between Israel and Hamas.  Mass media reports that Israeli Defense Forces shot thirty Palestinians and now Hamas refuses to unconditionally release hostages according to God's Plan. 

The Biden Administration has called for a temporary ceasefire,  but has refused to support an United Nations resolution for a permanent CEASEFIRE.  The United States State Department insist that Israel has a right to defend itself. 

When Hamas unconditionally release all hostages NOW then the war between Israel and Hamas should END immediately.  It is infuriating when people around the world protest United States foreign policy of the United States of America concerning Israel. 

Any human being should fully understand Israel going to war with Hamas in Palestine giving bloody gory massacre of Israeli civilians including cooking a baby alive in a microwave while the mother is ganged raped,  bashing the heads of babies with a baseball bat,  and dragging a woman naked through the streets while Palestinians shouted death to America and death to Israel. 

Whatever Israel does is up to Israel and the United States of America should not be blamed for it. Hamas should REPENT before Allah by unconditionally releasing ALL hostages NOW to END the War.  

The Israeli Defense Forces are fighting a war with Hamas.  Israel Defence Forces likely feel seriously threatened by the vow to destroy Israel and kill Israeli people.  The people protesting on the streets don't have anything to say about it because they don't have guns pointed at them as well as stones,  glass , thrown at them. They were not there to see what happened. 

When Osma Bin Laden arranged for commercial aircraft to fly into the World trade center and people jumped out of the top floors of the World Trade Center on fire how did the American People respond? Mass media aired reports of limousines taking Islamic women of cover to the airport to fly them safely to their home country. The American People did not drag women naked through the streets. 

The International Islamic community should condemn Iran defiling the name of Allah Al-Wadūd by supplying Hamas with gun's, knives  bombs,  missiles,  drones and all weapons as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh. 

Hamas refusal to REPENT before God by unconditionally releasing ALL hostages TODAY is leading to more death in the Holy Land.  If Israel should continue to exist, or Palestine as a nation should exist under the two state solution,  is something we must discover by reasoning together with God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh in United Nations assemblies.

Hamas prolonging this war by holding onto hostages is simply trying to create more hated against Israel and the United States of America while playing innocent.  The International Islamic community must disavow destruction of Israel. If God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh does not want Isreal to exist then God will reveal that to us. 

As I write in previous articles,  if the International Islamic community does not want the United States of America in Middle East Arab nations as a guest than we should withdraw all military and commercial investments completely. Perhaps Middle East Arab nations will get a better deal from China, Russia, Iran,  and North Korea BRICS economic cartel. Rich Oil producing Islamic nations throughout Middle East Arab nations financially profit from the U.S. military working to create social stability in the Middle East.
Today,  Saddam Hussein may have been headquartered in the Royal palaces in Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom after beheading of the royal family. 

The United States of America made a horrible foreign policy decision many decades ago.  We should have remained a rural agrarian agriculture society. U.S. manufacturing should have never relocated offshore manufacturing to mainland China. The 400 billion dollar 25 year trade agreement between China and Iran enables Iran to provide military support for Hamas. Biden Administration provided 10 billion dollars to Iran to financely support Hamas military operations attacking American commercial investments dedicated to growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century and killing American soldiers. 

Poor fools, have no clue as to what can happen on this earth within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.  Keep on,  and they will find out.

The entire world needs to REPENT before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh today beginning with Hamas unconditionally releasing ALL hostages to end this horrible war.

Why does the International Islamic community believe that the Jewish state of Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth by complete destruction? The Internet Information Superhighway provides volumes of information about about how the Holy Land is revered in the Qur’an as described by the Zabur. 

Abraham and Mohammed share common ancestry within the human family. The Jewish people and Islamic people share common ancestry within the human family. 

An article published by Rutgers University entitled, The Prophet Abraham (AS): Father of Three Faiths M.A.R. Habib, discuss common ancestry of the Jewish and Islamic people.

The following is an excerpt from the article by Rutgers University:

"The prophet Abraham (AS) has a crucial role in Islamic belief and practice. The Qur’an refers to him as the friend of God (4:125) and the father of prophets; Muslims believe that he is one of the ancestors of the prophet Muhammad (S). Indeed, one cannot be a true Muslim without acknowledging the central role of Abraham."

In previous articles I suggested that in order for Israel to come to terms with the role of Israeli apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank provoking the Hamas attack on Israel October 7th, 2023 Israel should recognize Hamas as a legitimate Palestinian organization, but that injunction is only on the contingency of REPENTANCE by both Israel and Hamas.  REPENTANCE of Hamas is unconditionally releasing ALL hostages NOW.  REPENTANCE of Israel is immediate permanent CEASEFIRE after all hostages are released, thereby effectively ending the war between Israel and Hamas.

Diplomats from embassies around the world within the United Nations failed miserably to provide Palestinians a lawful peaceful way to air grievances pertaining to Israeli apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank. The United Nations should have provided a lawful peaceful means for the Palestinian Authority to air grievances within United Nations assemblies instead of lambasting Israel for Israeli apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank. 

Should Israel exist as a Jewish state is a major question.  Why shouldn't Israel exist?  What lawful mandate does any  nation either Iran, China,  Russia,  North Korea,  United States,  Germany, Great Britain,  France,  or any other nation to claim another nation does not not have a right to exist? The Zabur demonstrates that the Jewish people and the Islamic people have a common ancestry in the human family. 

The Biden Administration prematurely validated Iran's existence by returning 10 billion dollars to Iran. Evidently,  the 10 billion dollars returned to Iran is used to launch attacks against commercial investments and military bases of the United States of America, despite Islamic Middle East Arab nations have invited the United States as a guest within their sovereign nations. If the United States of America is no longer invited to remain in Middle East Arab nations as a guest than we should withdraw completely. It will be better to return back to the horse and buggy days than be embroiled in another Middle East foreign war. 

The two state solution is not working. Benjamin Netanyahu stated that there is no Palestinian state. Technically,  Gaza and the West Bank is within the borders of the Jewish state of Israel despite a large segment of the population is Islamic. 

Forced resettlement of Islamic Palestinians is against God's law of love. Voluntarily resettlement may align to God's law of love if all God's children fully accept in their heart that voluntary resettlement of Palestinians who cannot pledge allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel is God's Plan for growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century. 

If the two state solution is not working how can the two state solution be fixed so that the two state solution can work? If the two state solution cannot work can Islamic Palestinians living within Israel after the war pledge allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel with full rights to practice their religion ? 

In previous articles I emphatically stated that the two state solution will never work until the International Islamic community provides security for the Jewish state of Israel.  The International Islamic community must disavow destruction of Israel in order for the two state solution to work. The International Islamic community can demonstrate that the pledge of security for the sovereign Jewish state of Israel is sincere by allowing construction of the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount without disturbing the Dome of the Rock Holy Islamic Mosque. 

 We , the collective conscience of humanity have an opportunity to become more like the Most Loving God Al-Wadūd. God the Father, Allah,  and Yahweh placed the Jewish and Islamic people in the Holy Land for a reason, so that the collective conscience of humanity can have an opportunity to become more like The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd, by reasoning together with the Lord within United Nations assemblies.

 Continued later

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