Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Read the Writing on the Wall: Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin

By Mark W. Gaffney 

Boris Nadezhdin, a Russian politician who unsuccessfully tried to run against Validmir Putin in the upcoming March 2024 Russian Presidential election on Platform of Peace Between Ukraine and Russia published the following statement about his Campaign Protesting About Removal from the Ballot:

The following is my reaction as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028:

God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia will lead to worldwide peace and prosperity. We as the collective conscience of humanity shall either Fulfill our destiny according to God's Plan or Satan's Strategy.  A New World Order will occur either according to God's Plan or Satan's Strategy.

Related articles:

I Propose that Boris Nadezhdin and Yekaterina Duntsova Consider a Position in the Provisional Interim Government of God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic after CEASEFIRE and WITHDRAW of all Military Troops by Both Kyiv and Moscow

God is Calling Me to Volunteer to Travel to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem for the Holy Fire Ceremony on Orthodox Easter April 23, 2024 to Carry the Holy Fire to the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic

The following is an excerpt from my article:

I AM Called by God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh to Lead an UNARMED Battalion of United Nations Peacekeepers Comprised of Architects, Engineers, and Other Skilled Workers with Skills and Talents to Build the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic where Jesus feet will Touch the Ground when Jesus returns in Glory in the Clouds Either Today or Billions of Years from Now.

All human beings beings every where on earth must REPENT TODAY before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd, by laying down all guns, knives,  bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones,  and all other weapons of mass destruction as idolatrous graven images before God.

Foreign war is World leaders sacrificing God's children to Satan.  Satan is working overtime to steal the birthright of all God's children, sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh, true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth. Foreign war is Satan's strategy to pull us deeper downward into quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality when our beautiful green earth God gave us becomes the hell of our nightmares due to food scarcity arising from global warming, depletion of all fossil fuels,  and future pandemics. When the lights go out the gates of hell will be opened. 

Our neighbors across the ocean in the People's Republic of China are good people but when push comes to shove all human beings will act according to natural law.  If the United States of America as a strong trading partner with Beijing collapse into bankruptcy to become an impoverished 3rd world country with marauding drug trafficking street gangs controlling the streets then enormous social upheaval will occur within the PRC. 

Imperialism of the Chinese Silk Road into Europe will likely lead to colonization of both Ukraine and Russia by China during reconstruction after decades of bloody gory violent warfare devastates the economies of both Ukraine and Russia. When push comes to shove Beijing will implement Hong Kong National Security laws in both Russia and Ukraine with a baton to the knee caps,  and afterward march through Europe to conquer Middle East Arab nations including Saudi Arabia United Kingdom to restore order with a baton to the knee caps. 

An article published by The South China Morning Post entitled, Why isn’t China letting Russia take out yuan loans in their ‘no-limits’ partnership?, provides insight into the delicate diplomatic parley within international markets that can quickly go awry.

My work as a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry is to help the Central Communist Party in Beijing create a more perfect utopian communism in the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism.  State capitalism within world markets corrupts the quintessential beauty of communism.

Communism should not be a dirty word in the modern 21st century.  Communism should be about centralized government creating better community living around the world by uplifting and empowering individuals. 

Beijing should support centralized government in Washington DC to create better community living in the Western hemisphere by incorporation of the United States under the flagship of the United States of Greater Americana, including Canada, Mexico, Cuba,  Bahamas, Latin America.  Incorporation of the United States under the flagship of United States of Greater Americana will create new streams of tax revenue to empower and uplift migrants as New citizens thereby making the Western hemisphere a better trading partner with the East. 

God's Plan is to create low entropy high energy efficiency Garden of Eden like conditions during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment where God's law of love can flourish as human civilization moves toward becoming an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale.

New sanctions upon Russian oligarchs and institutions imposed by the United States under the Biden Administration is akin to the break up of post World War I Germany. The break up of post World War I Germany created great poverty in Germany eventually leading to ascendency of Adolf Hitler. 

My freelance article entitled,  Who Killed Alexei Navalny? Murder Mystery of the Century, provides a discussion of the Russian oligarchy system as a political machine that maintains delicate social stability in the Russian Federation as well as conferring power and control under Validmir Putin's command as President of Russia.

In my article I discuss how Russian oligarchs are engaged in the gun running trade in partnership with Tehran in order to operate a successful business while under immense pressure and duress of Western sanctions. 
Read the writing on the wall is Biblical prophesy in Daniel 5:5-29

"Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin"

According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin is translated:

● Mene: God has numbered the days until your kingdom will end

● Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found not good enough

● Uparsin: Your kingdom is being taken from you

God has weighed the International community on the scales and we as sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh have been found lacking as a consequence of uplifting upon high above God guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones, as idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.
As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 I am campaigning on God's Plan for multilateral disarmament as well as outlawing the use of artificial intelligence in weapon systems around the world. 

In my article entitled, God is Great, Ali Akbar, Therefore God's Plan for Worldwide Peace and Prosperity Is Possible Because We, ALL God's Children, Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made in the Image of God: Satan's Strategy is to Transform Us into Image of the Beast, provides insight into Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin:

The following is an excerpt from my article:

As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America in 2024 and 2028 I am running on the platform plank of multilateral disarmament around the world. The entire world has sinned against God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh by making the Holy Land into an armed military encampment. The Lord has called me to turn over the tables of the money changers in the Holy Land by multilateral disarmament like Jesus turned over tables at the synagogue.

The hand that mysteriously appears to write on the wall in Daniel 5:5-29 is prophesy of the Information Internet Superhighway 
creating a wall for God's children to proclaim the truth of God's love. It is written, "The truth can set us free. "

If Validmir Putin is toppled by a Russian oligarch running a profitable business engaged in gun running with Tehran than a Russian oligarch as a new Russian leader in the Kremlin will likely march through Europe after military occupation of Ukraine on the way to Miggedo, the final battle as predicted in the Book of Revelations. 

God's Plan as outlined in my platform as a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America is for Russian oligarchs to explore mutually profitable business relationships with the West while building the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic and Crimea where Jesus feet will touch the ground when Jesus returns in glory in the clouds either today or billions of years from now. 

An article published by The Council on Foreign Relations entitled, Is Diplomacy Between Russia and the West Still Possible? , suggest that Russia and the West can pursue mutually beneficial business partnerships much to the displeasure of Beijing:

Continued later

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