Tuesday, March 12, 2024

It Should Not be Forgotten that Hamas can End this Horrible War TODAY by Unconditionally Releasing ALL Hostages NOW

#StateDept #CIA #Qatar #Jordan #IsraelPM #Palestine #UN 

Harsh Criticism of Foreign Policy of the United States of America Regarding the War between Israel and Hamas Can Inadvertently Create More Hated Against Israel and the United States.

By Mark W. Gaffney 

Bernie Sanders severely criticized the Biden Administration on CBS Face the Nation for plans to provide Israel 10 billion dollars for military assistance. How am I ever going to get paid for my work as a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry to Fulfill God's Plan? Criticism of foreign policy of the United States of America regarding the war between Israel and Hamas can inadvertently create more hated against Israel and the United States. 


Israel and Hamas both need to REPENT before God the Father, Allah , and Yahweh,  a God of Pure Love and Mercy,  the Most Loving God Al-Wadūd,  Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden . REPENTANCE for Hamas should be unconditionally releasing ALL hostages as verified by UNARMED United Nations Peacekeepers.  REPENTANCE for Israel is immediate permanent CEASEFIRE after all hostages are released by Hamas.  Forced resettlement of Palestinians by military means is against God's law of love.  

All guns, knives, bombs,  tanks, fighter jets,  warships,  missiles,  drones and all other weapons of mass destruction are idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd.  As a write-in candidate for President of the United States of America my platform is based upon God's Plan for multilateral disarmament around the world. The entire world needs to REPENT before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh.  

How did we get to this point? Evidently,  the two state solution is  not working.  We are created in the Image of God therefore diplomats around the world within the United Nations should have provided a way for the Palestinian Authority to peacefully address grievances within United Nations assemblies. If Israeli Defense Forces shot Palestinians during protest in Gaza and the West Bank than those IDF soldiers should be court martialed. Islamic Palestinian people and Jewish Israeli people should both have access to water resources in the Holy Land. 

If Palestine is a viable state than why is the Israeli Defense Forces providing security within Gaza and the West Bank? The two state solution will never work until the International Islamic community provides security for the sovereign Jewish state of Israel.  

The International Islamic community must disavow destruction of Israel by military means. Come let us reason together sayeth the Lord.  We are created in the Image of God with the ability to reason together with the Lord within United Nations assemblies. 

Satan is working overtime to try to transform the collective conscience of humanity into Image of the Beast. Satan is working overtime to try to steal the birthright of all God's children,  sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth. 

Should Israel exist? Should Palestine exist? We can reason together with the Lord within United Nations assemblies to become more like The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd.

If Israeli Defense Forces lay down ALL their weapons in a CEASEFIRE will Hamas likewise lay down ALL their weapons? Over the years the Palestinian Authority has been given billions of dollars in foreign aid in an attempt by the International community to make the two state solution work.  Evidently,  Hamas used all the foreign aid to Palestine to build underground tunnels and stockpile Idolatrous weapons of mass destruction to destroy Israel. 

It is not surprising that Israel Defence Forces are very edgy and tense given voices within the International Islamic community to destroy Israel by military means. Since all guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships,  missiles, drones etc are idolatry than both Israel and Hamas should lay down idolatrous graven images before God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh. 

If the International Islamic community disavows destruction of Israel by idolatry of guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, and drones than later down the road it may be possible that Palestinians held prisoner by Israel can be released.  On October 7th Hamas attacked civilians, including cooking a baby alive in an oven while the mother is ganged raped, bashing babies heads with a bat,  and dragging a woman naked through the streets of Gaza while Palestinians shouted death to America and death to Israel. Palestinian prisoners held by Israel have been charged with violent crimes against Israel given voices within the International Islamic community calling for the complete destruction of Israel. 

Criticism of United States of America foreign policy regarding the war between Israel and Hamas can inadvertently create more hated against Israel and the United States within the International Islamic community.  It should be widely recognized that Hamas can end this horrible war by IMMEDIATELY releasing all hostages TODAY unconditionally.  When all hostages are released by Hamas unconditionally as verified by UNARMED United Nations Peacekeepers then the war between Israel and Hamas is over. If Israel refuses to quit launching retaliatory attacks against Palestine after all hostages are unconditionally released than the Biden Administration should send NATO into the Holy Land against Israel to stop genocide of the Palestinian people.

It is very understandable that the International Islamic community does not want to live under Zionist rule. The International community does not want to live under Sharia law administered by an Islamic Caliphate by gunpoint from Jerusalem either,  especially the Chinese,  Russian, North Korea,  Japanese,  British, Irish,  and people from the Australia outback

In the immediate here and now, 
Beijing, Tehran,  and Pyongyang have a shared vested interest in establishing a strong centralized government authority in Jerusalem where people are forced to dance at gunpoint like robots. Since all human beings live under natural law within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality when our beautiful earth God gave us becomes the hell of our nightmares due to depletion of fossil fuels, global warming leading to food scarcity,  and future pandemics than the interest of these authoritarian autocratic governments will diverge. It is odd that people rail against robots powered by Artificial Intelligence,  but have no problem pointing a gun at peoples head to make them dance like robots. 

An article published by Henry Ford College entitled,  What Ramadan means, and how to support our Muslim community, provides insight into Ramadan as a time of prayer and fasting when The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd speaks to the heart, mind, and soul of Muslims around the world resulting in quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the Spirit too deep for words. 


God is Great, Allahu Akbar, so therefore during Ramadan perhaps The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd will speak to the heart and mind of Muslims around the world about God’s Plan for multilateral disarmament and supporting a Day of Reconciliation 
calling for REPENTANCE of the entire world by (1) laying down all guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets, warships, missiles, drones, etc as idolatrous graven images before God,  (2) Hamas releasing all hostages TODAY unconditionally to permanently end the war between Israel and Hamas. 

Ramadan should be a Holy time when individuals around the world become more like The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd.  The quintessential definition of Jihad is a peaceful spiritual battle within one's heart to become more like The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd. 

It is extremely difficult to become more like The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.  Human beings everywhere who act as Satan's drones are constantly working to devalue and disempower other people.  Disempowerment and devaluation of other people is a process of killing them off gradually. Human beings working as Satan's drones constantly work to kill us off by stealing what little we have managed to earn by hard work. 

 While living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality we live in a material world as a very convincing illusion wrought by Satan's erroneous malicious code.  While working to establish a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics I incorporated the simulation hypothesis as a theological doctrine. The simulation hypothesis asserts we actually live within a spiritual world without any independent physical objective reality existing as simulated virtual reality.  

Satan is working to destroy the Holy land to drag us deeper downward into hell of quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. God is calling me to declare a worldwide Jihad to save the Holy Land for the Glory of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  The Most Loving God Al-Wadūd. 

Continued later

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