Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Universal Basic Income has Enormous Potential to Help Individuals and Society in General Adapt to Massive Sociological Change Due to an Accelerating Rate of Scientific and Technological Returns

By Mark W. Gaffney 

The Democrat National Committee (DNC) published the following sound byte pertaining to Nikki Haley's statement upon increasing the retirement age.

Personally,  I like Nikki Haley.  Nikki Haley may not be completely wrong about increasing the retirement age. 

Republican and Democrat candidates for Office of President for the United States of America must adopt policies that reflect how the nature of labor market is rapidly changing due to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns

As a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry I am campaigning for Universal Basic Income for those  in later years of their life who become victims of technological disruption and women who choose to be full time mothers.  Universal Basic Income has enormous potential to help individuals and society in general adapt to massive sociological change due to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns.

Universal Basic Income will allow individuals to acquire more training and education in fields of study in which they as individuals genuinely love.  Displacement in labor markets due to technological disruption later in life creates greater hardships for older workers given it is difficult to find jobs with similar seniority benefits. Also when a person gets older aging human metabolism will not allow a person to effectively do menial laborious task. If society demands human beings to be robots than the human body needs to be upgraded by medical advances like CRISPR gene editing. 

Basically,  if I could have an easy job like politicians I could stay in the labor market until I am over 500 years of age. After becoming a victim of technological disruption as a printer tradesman menial laborious jobs contributed to my suffering severe health complications as an older worker. 
Technological disruption in the printing industry is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that is God's guidance leading me to develop skills as a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry. 

For a nominal fee I will consider being in a campaign commercial for either Republican or Democrat candidates. Politicians have a job that they love. The entire career of a politician holding office is a vacation.  Politicians get to travel the world for free. Politicians have a free chauffeur limousine driver paid by taxpayers. Politicians have a wholesale pantry out back so therefore don't have to pay retail for anything.  Politicians have butler and maid service paid for by the taxpayers. They don't want to clean their toilets everyday so they are fighting hard to win office.

The constituents of Politicians make sure they get theirs by preying off people like me as a Non union worker paid less than a living wage. Since we live in quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality we live in a cesspool of piranha. 

As a Non union worker I was paid less than a living wage because offshore production by U.S. manufacturing sent all the good paying jobs to the People's Republic of China.  We fought the communist in Vietnam only for offshore U.S. manufacturing in communist China make the People's Republic of China into the greatest superpower on earth,  exceeding Superpower status of the United States of America. 

As a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry I have a natural right to pursue happiness by having a profitable job while being paid for something I love doing. My health was damaged by low paying menial laborious jobs , but no demonic attorney in the judiciary gives a damn,  so therefore I don't give a damn about them because they are demonic lawless thugs who do not uphold the law. They should be disbarred and thrown into prison. 

The quintessential definition of the self evident truth to the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness is an UNSELFISH goal to either save lives and/or add significant value to the lives of other people.  I added significant value to the lives of other people by helping print beautiful trade magazines for Microsoft Inc, Big Oil Fossil fuel industry,  American Medical Association trade magazines,  IEEE Engineering trade magazines,  Andy Warhol Art and Entertainment in New York City,  and nearly all other industry on earth.  As a printer tradesman I helped grow industry around the world so that corporations could acquire artificial intelligence.  

If politicians want to increase the retirement age then politician's should be dedicated to providing more help for people to secure professional jobs in the labor market they love. Mafia based union bosses, crooked lawyers, and politicians are commandering artificial intelligence so therefore artificial intelligence is out of reach of Non union workers paid less than a living wage. 

As a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry I am interested in starting a Non Governmental Organization dedicated to an application of artificial intelligence to help professionals in education,  social work,  and human resources help individuals achieve goals to climb to the pinnacle of Abraham Maslow's self actualization hierarchy, which fits into the quintessential definition of the UNSELFISH goal of the pursuit of happiness as described above. 


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