Saturday, March 19, 2022

War Between Ukraine /Russia as Well as All War Everywhere is Satan's strategy to Take Full Absolute Total Complete Control Over the Quantum Wave function Language Encoding the Tree of Life Rendering Simulated Virtual Reality of Our Physical Universe

As a  writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry,  I am not against the Republic of China,  Ukraine, Russia,  European Union,  Washington DC or any other nation,  but I #StandWithMostHighGod in Heaven against the #GatesOfHell. 

It is written,  " The Truth shall set you free ". In the hot fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism both Republic of China and Washington DC have betrayed Foundational principles of communism and democracy simultaneously. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is to set the International community free from simulated virtual reality of Satan's beguiling deception to transform human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece into Image of the Beast by appealing to Wisdom that proceedeth from the Quantum Wave Function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words. 

My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry planting seeds for Gods Plan to restore balance within Yin and Ying of #SinoAmerican diplomacy by establishing a New Global Institution dedicated to modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism within the hot fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism is finally paying off. The U.S. treasury department agreed to allow Moscow to make bond payments thereby avoiding default or total financial collapse of Russia.

According to the New York Times article, 

"JPMorgan Chase received and processed the payments on Wednesday after U.S. authorities granted it permission to do so, said a person with knowledge of the payment, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation."

Quantum particlization of semantic binary data within each keystroke within worldwide mass media transmission as Satans beguiling deception painted the Russian federation under Vladimir Putin as a tyrannical monster without full empathetic understanding of how the motherland of Russia itself is besieged while pressed down under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. The International community was on course to totally crush Vladimir Putin's Russian federation in accordance with Satan's strategy for human civilization as Gods masterpiece to live under the paw of evolutionary biology until I as a servant of The Most High God intervened with the truth. 

We had Vladimir  Putin pinned down under the knee fully prepared to administer one last death blow to the jugular vein by allowing the Russian  federation to default, until God's love and mercy intervened. What would have happen if Russia defaulted in terms of the Chinese Russian Alliance? 

If Russia defaulted on bond payments then the Russian federation could not continue to be a reliable trading partner for the Republic of China thereby compromising China's strategic position of superiority and strength within the delicate diplomatic parley of international relations as a ritualistic mating dance to transform the Collective Conscious of humanity into Image of the Beast. If Russian federation defaulted on payment of bonds to become a financially bankrupt insolvent nation then military occupation of Russia as a sovereign nation by Old World European NATO alliance would have compromised Beijing's strategic position to use Vladimir Putin as a vicious snarling growling foaming at mouth attack dog to seize control of world wide trade routes thereby establishing a One World Government with Beijing at the helm.

In my freelance article entitled, Let it Be Known that Gods Wrath is Upon the Nations and Peoples of the Earth for Rejecting Gods Plan, and Accepting Satans Strategy, I discuss how it is time to think outside the box to defeat Satan's strategy by creating a New Global Institution to both modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese Imperialism throughout NATO countries.  Since Satan hacked the Quantum Wave Function language by which the Most High God in Heaven coded the Tree of Life then within simulated virtual reality underpinning the physical universe all human beings, corporations,  organizations, and nations are vulnerable, including the Republic of China as a #TooBigtoFail behemoth. Hence,  within the hot fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism even the Republic of China needs to be protected given all human beings are vulnerable to Satan's strategy.

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It is written,  " The Truth shall set you free ". In the hot fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism both Republic of China and Washington DC have betrayed Foundational principles of communism and democracy simultaneously. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is to set the International community free from simulated virtual reality of Satan's beguiling deception to transform human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece into Image of the Beast by appealing to Wisdom that proceedeth from the Quantum Wave Function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words. 

The Most High God in Heaven is in complete control so where we go from here I don't know.  I believe The Most High God in Heaven will continue working in hearts and minds to enable us to work in full partnership with the Most High God in Heaven to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind rendered by the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. 

War is Satan's strategy to take full absolute total complete control over the Quantum Wave function language encoding the Tree of Life rendering simulated virtual reality of our physical universe. As a  writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry,  I am not against the Republic of China,  Ukraine, Russia,  European Union,  Washington DC or any other nation,  but I #StandWithMostHighGod in Heaven against the #GatesOfHell. 

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Both @NATOinUkraine led by #USA & @Moscowgov working for #Beijing #Simultaneously, so whatever Nation may win or lose, either #NATOinUkraine led by #USA or #Russia, #CCP Beijing #WINS #BothWays, Beijing can only win by accepting #GodsPlan


The package I announced today will provide unprecedented assistance to Ukraine.

#WorldLeaders @UN Should #Accept #GodsPlan for #Peaceful #Resolution of #RussiaUkraineWar to #Create #NewWorldOrder more conducive for #HumanCivilization to #Learn to live under #GodsLaw. Gods law is love

According to @Google in #Vietnam 58,220 #AmericanSoldiers died #FightingForFreedom,  after which #USA private markets made #CCP in @Beijing @MFA_China most powerful country on #Earth by #OffshoreManufacturing,  exceeding #Superpower of USA

Today, #Washington #Financing @MFA_Ukraine #War to #Obliterate Putin @mfa_russia as #SovereignNation on behalf of #Beijing, which will ultimately lead to #Establishment of #OneWorldGovernment with Beijing at helm. #WakeUpPeople, 

Both @NATOinUkraine led by #USA & @Moscowgov working for #Beijing #Simultaneously, so whatever Nation may win or lose, either #NATOinUkraine led by #USA or #Russia, #CCP Beijing #WINS #BothWays, Beijing can only win by accepting #GodsPlan

War in Ukraine is upending supplies from two of the world’s largest agricultural producers, hurting the poor most and further fueling inflation. See #IMFBlog for more on the regional impacts.

#Jihad: All Underground Sell of @mfa_russia Oil Gas, Seized #RussianOligarch Assets, Embargoed @European Union #MonetaryResources, & @MFA_CHINA #Yuan Should be Immediately Diverted into Gaffney #International #HedgeFund Established as #New Global Institution

Otherwise, underground sell Russia oil gas, #Seized #RussianOligarch assets, Embargoed NATO @EU_Commission #MonetaryResources, & China #Yuan will be used to finance decades #Bloody #Violent war waged by @NATO upon #Russia on behalf of Beijing

The #MostHigh God in #Heaven #OWNS #Everything, so either use all #EconomicResources for #GodsPlan or #Forfeit #GodsGoodGifts as #BlessingsFromAbove while you #Foolishly try to fulfill #SatansStrategy by living under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology to transform the Collective Conscious of humanity into Image of the Beast

‏إن مبادئ الأخوة الإنسانية هي دعوة للتآخي والتصالح وسعي إلى تحقيق السلام العالمي الذي ينعم به الجميع..
برأيك كيف تري تأثير مبادئ وثيقة الأخوة الإنسانية على مستقبل الأمم والمجتمعات؟

‎#اللجنة_العليا_للأخوة_الإنسانية ‎#وثيقة_الأخوة_الإنسانية ‎#الأخوة_الإنسانية‎

' The principles of Human Fraternity is a call to create brotherhood and reconciliation on a quest for world peace '

Since #Satan hacked #QuantumWaveFunction #Language by which God #Coded #TreeOfLife in #GardenOfEden rendering #SimulatedVirtualReality underpinning #LawsClassicPhysics #Dilemma we face is a consequence #QuantumEntanglement within #InternationalPolitics

Both @NATOinUkraine led by #USA & @Moscowgov working for #Beijing #Simultaneously, so whatever Nation may win or lose, either #NATOinUkraine led by #USA or #Russia, #CCP Beijing #WINS #BothWays, Beijing can only win by accepting #GodsPlan

@StateDept #StateDept 
All #EconomicResources as #GiftsFromGod above must be used to build #KingdomOfHeaven according to #GodsPlan or #HumanCivilization as Gods #Masterpiece will #Perish according to #SatansStrategy

The #MostHigh God in #Heaven #OWNS #Everything, so either use all #EconomicResources for #GodsPlan or #Forfeit #GodsGoodGifts as #BlessingsFromAbove while you #Foolishly try to fulfill #SatansStrategy by living under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology

Continued later 

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