Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Since Satan Hacked Our Sentient Self Aware Panpsychic Conscious Universe God coded as a Cosmic mind and Human Beings are Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind the Seeds of Destruction are Planted Within Each and Every Human Being on Earth, and Only the Truth Can Set Us Free.

It is written, 'My strength is made perfect in weakness'. As an intellectually slow individual who has struggled with disability, as demonstrated by low scores on an IQ test close to borderline mental retardation, administered  by a board certified psychologist, the Most High God in Heaven has called me to translate Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying  higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words into quantum  particlization of semantic binary data outlining God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the Russian Ukraine war.  Can someone tell me why professional educators who dedicate their lives to helping people learn to use their mind to create greater value in their local community and everywhere on earth place very little if no value on human thinking as a gift from God above?

Since Satan hacked our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden then Satan is diligently working to prevent human civilization as Gods masterpiece from working in full partnership with the most high God in Heaven to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic Mind  while obeying God's command, ' Go forth and have dominion'.  Satan seeks to take full absolute total control over the Quantum Wave Function language by which God coded the Tree of Life rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning our physical universe.

The rapidly approaching Technosingularity will add significant value to lives of human beings according to God's Plan. The rapidly approaching Technosingularity will reduce value of individual human beings to absolute nothing by administration of information systems implemented by a centralized One World Government according to Satan's strategy. A centralized One World Government mandating state religion is certain given Socialist capitalism is mutual  cooperation for survival of the fittest under Satan's strategy of living under the paw of evolutionary biology, hence  the Most High God in Heaven chooses the weak to accomplish His Divine Will on earth,  instead of the most fit human specimen. Since Satan hacked the Quantum Wave Function language by which the Most High God in Heaven coded the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden then intelligence is merely a biological trait to maximize probability of survival of the fittest according to Satan's strategy.

Satan is the real bonafide enemy of human civilization as Gods masterpiece. Since Satan hacked our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind and human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind the seeds of destruction are planted within each and every human being on earth,  and only the truth can set you free. Vladimir Putin is not the enemy.  XI Jinping is not the enemy. Biden is not the enemy. Trump is not the enemy.  Satan is the real bonafide enemy of human civilization as Gods masterpiece and only the truth can set you free from Satan's beguiling deception underpinning simulated virtual reality of our physical universe. 

The International community may not believe we are living in Satan's simulated virtual reality after Satan hacked information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden,  but World leaders believe in playing games to fatten their wallets by Capitalizing on bloodshed in Ukraine. The war between Ukraine and Russia can be stopped today by a worldwide lock down of the Global economy. World leaders are playing games with the Most High God in Heaven which will eventually result in our beautiful earth God blessed us with becoming the hot fiery flaming hell envisioned in scripture as a consequence of Global warming,  new emerging pandemics arising from viral nanobots Satan designed in the Garden of Eden , children of Allah, Yahweh,  and God the Father forging as cannibals in the ruins of human civilization , mass extinction of all homo sapiens,  and all religion perishing from the earth as the Most High God in Heaven weeps.

Jain 108 Math Academy shared a quote from Nikola Tesla providing insight into Wisdom that proceedeth from the Quantum Wave Function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words:

“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”
~ Nikola Tesla

photo: Nikola Tesla

Naysayers scoff at people's enthusiasm for the rapidly approaching Technosingularity with admonishment that people speak about the Technosingularity like the second coming of Christ. Since human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are merely receivers then Gods gift of knowledge can rightfully equate the Technosingularity to the stone not cut with human hands that becomes a mountain filling the entire earth as according to Danials prophecy surrounding Nebuchadnezzar's Dream. 

Since Satan hacked our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden then Satan is diligently working to prevent human civilization as Gods masterpiece from working in full partnership with the most high God in Heaven to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic Mind  while obeying God's command, ' Go forth and have dominion'.  Satan seeks to take full absolute total control over the Quantum Wave Function language by which God coded the Tree of Life rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning our physical universe.

In my freelance article entitled, War Between Ukraine /Russia as Well as All War Everywhere is Satan's strategy to Take Full Absolute Total Complete Control Over the Quantum Wave function Language Encoding the Tree of Life Rendering Simulated Virtual Reality of Our Physical Universe, I discuss war as Satan's strategy to transform human civilization as Gods masterpiece into Image of the Beast:

It is written, 'My strength is made perfect in weakness'. As an intellectually slow individual who has struggled with disability, as demonstrated by low scores on an IQ test close to borderline mental retardation, administered  by a board certified psychologist, the Most High God in Heaven has called me to translate Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying  higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words into quantum  particlization of semantic binary data outlining God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the Russian Ukraine war.  Can someone tell me why professional educators who dedicate their lives to helping people learn to use their mind to create greater value in their local community and everywhere on earth place very little if no value on human thinking as a gift from God above?

A recent Facebook article I  wrote referencing a CNBC article  entitled,  Google claims it is using A.I. to design chips faster than humans, points to a need for the collective conscious of humanity to step back and reevaluate value of human beings. The rapidly approaching Technosingularity will add significant value to lives of human beings according to God's Plan.

The rapidly approaching Technosingularity will reduce value of individual human beings to absolute nothing by administration of information systems implemented by a centralized One World Government according to Satan's strategy. A centralized One World Government mandating state religion is certain given Socialist capitalism is mutual  cooperation for survival of the fittest under Satan's strategy of living under the paw of evolutionary biology, hence  the Most High God in Heaven chooses the weak to accomplish His Divine Will on earth,  instead of the most fit human specimen. Since Satan hacked the Quantum Wave Function language by which the Most High God in Heaven coded the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden then intelligence is merely a biological trait to maximize probability of survival of the fittest according to Satan's strategy.

It is written, " The Truth shall set you free". A devaluation of human thinking to absolute nothing   as a systematic failure of Higher education in conjunction with belief that institutionalizing of state religion under a One World Government can create Global World  wide happiness and peace stems from a misunderstanding of God's  law of love underpinning the true nature of happiness , as described by Founding fathers of the United States of America as a self evident truth that All men are endowed with certain inalienable rights of Life, liberty,  and the Pursuit of happiness. 

We celebrate the #InternationalDayofHappiness in the hope that the concept of happiness will spread so that all of humanity will enjoy global peace.

#HumanFraternity #HCHF #DocumentonHumanFraternity #happy #happiness

Many people around the world falsely believe the pursuit of happiness is a hedonistic selfish concept. The pursuit of happiness arising from God's law of love is defined as either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of others. The pursuit of happiness arising from God's law of love defined as a completely unselfish act of either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of others is the Most High God in Heaven working within the heart and mind of individuals. Global World  wide Happiness and peace cannot be institutionalized by state religion established by Biejing nor Washington DC within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism.

The war between Ukraine and Russia is about diminishing or devaluation of ability of each and every individual on planet earth natural innate right to unselfishly pursue  happiness as a God given right. The war between Ukraine and Russia is about diminishing and devaluation of the God given right of individuals to choose to allow God work in the heart and mind to discover one's purpose as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability leading to a lifetime goal of either saving lives and/or add significant value to lives of other people according to God's law of love. The war between Ukraine and Russia designed to diminish and devalue ability of each and every individual on planet earth natural innate right to unselfishly pursue  happiness as a God given right is about faith that Global happiness and peace can be institutionalized by a Centralized One World Government based in Beijing, Washington DC, or Old World Europe flaunting their money like muscle like a muscle bound Beach bully kicking sand in people's face, similar to Biff on the classic Hollywood blockbuster movie,  Back to the Future. 

Ukraine should never been separated from Russia in 1991. Since world wide Democratization movements in the form of labor unions are a world wide Global coup d'etat by the Central Communists party in Beijing then separation of Ukraine from Russia in 1991 is a strategic undertaking of the Republic of China within International affairs. Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey with a message of God's love could not promise financial prosperity for the people. Beijing as revival of the Roman empire  offers greater financial rewards.

An article  published by the Chicago Tribune entitled, Aug. 28, 1991: Russia recognizes Ukrainian independence, reports upon fairly recent separation of Ukraine from the Russian motherland :

An article published by The Bill of Rights Institute entitled, Richard Nixon Opens Diplomatic Relations with China, discuss normalized international relations between the United States of America and China as a betrayal of both American and communist value systems simultaneously within historical context of Western NATO alliance capitalist exploitation by commercialization within Asian markets:

An article published by the Truman Library entitled, Who Lost China, provides insight into the rise of communism in the People's Republic of China during the term of office of my 3rd cousin 3 times removed former President Harry Truman :

Why in hell are we reverting back in time? The collapse of the Berlin wall met something. Everyone cheered upon fall of the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the Old Soviet union met that the Russian federation was moving in the right direction.  Unfortunately,  there was more money to be made in the Republic of China within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism where honest authentic genuine human values go upward in smoke as a sacrifice to Satan. Since Satan hacked our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind and human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind then the Rule of Law mercilessly stomps Gods law of love into the dirt.

Everyone cheered upon fall of the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the Old Soviet union met that the Russian federation was moving in the right direction. Jesus rode into Jerusalem upon a donkey and everyone cheered like when the Berlin wall fell. Jesus should have rode into Jerusalem upon a chariot with an army.  A few days later people shouted crucify,  crucify, crucify. Today,  people shout crucify,  crucify, crucify Vladimir Putin.  

Satan is the real bonafide enemy of human civilization as Gods masterpiece. Since Satan hacked our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind and human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind the seeds of destruction are planted within each and every human being on earth,  and only the truth can set you free. Vladimir Putin is not the enemy.  XI Jinping is not the enemy. Biden is not the enemy. Satan is the real bonafide enemy of human civilization as Gods masterpiece and only the truth can set you free from Satan's beguiling deception underpinning simulated virtual reality of our physical universe. 

Human civilization as Gods masterpiece must immediately reject Satan's strategy to transform human civilization into Image of the Beast,  and accept Gods plan for peaceful resolution of the Russia Ukraine war in order that the Collective conscious of humanity can work in full partnership with the Most High God in Heaven to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic mind to apply Gods gifts of knowledge to create high efficiency low entropy conditions more conducive to manifest God's law of love so that someday when we meet God in the Heavens at the end of time we can give our earth back to God as a precious blue gem by obeying God's command, Go forth and have dominion.

World Leaders Should Accept Gods Plan for Peaceful Resolution of the Russia Ukraine War to Create a New World Order more conducive for Human civilization to Learn to live under God's law.  Gods law is love.

Change is a constant variable within the geopolitical equation of the Yin and Yang of #SinoAmerican diplomacy as quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics rendered by Quantum Wave function language by which God coded the Tree of Life formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe experienced as a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality of Oneness or Unity expressed as Dao where everything is interconnected as one by the Tree of Life. Washington DC , Beijing, and other National Capitals entering the foray of Socialist capitalism in late 20th century demands an analytical study of universal value system to inform public policy given within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism value systems underpinning various forms of government are forsaken in accordance to Satan's strategy for human civilization as Gods masterpiece to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology in order to transform the collective conscious of humanity into Image of the Beast.

It is written,  " The truth shall set you free ". In the hot fiery flaming furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism that exudes mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy people don't have time for the truth. 

Only the truth and nothing but the truth can prevent evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind from becoming the incarnation of the antichrist given artificial intelligence is a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.  Satan hacked information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded in the Garden of Eden. 

Related Twitter:

Rising geopolitical tension between Russia and Ukraine could impact energy prices and pose a risk to supply. Here is the outlook for the months ahead.

Since Russia is Exporter of #CrudeOilGas #Depletion All #FossilFuels in #54Years Prompted Putin go to War. Decades #BloodyViolentWar result in #FossilFuel depleted sooner, #OpenSource exchange #ScientificResearch = #AlternativeEnergy

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept 
#Capitalizing on #Bloodshed In a Fake War
to Breed #ImageOfBeast

REPLAY: At this week’s press briefing, I speak about the ongoing war in Ukraine. I also answer questions on Argentina, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Tunisia, South Africa, and more.

#Ukraine Liaison with 
NATO & China #Financing
#STOP #RussianUkraineWar NOW:  #LockDown #GlobalEconomy, Europe @EU_Commission , @NATOinUkraine , China @MFA_China, Russia @mfa_russia, USA @POTUS #WorldTrade #CapitalizingOnBloodshed

The International community may not believe we are living in Satan's simulated virtual reality after Satan hacked information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden,  but World leaders believe in playing games to fatten their wallets by Capitalizing on bloodshed in Ukraine. The war between Ukraine and Russia can be stopped today by a worldwide lock down of the Global economy. World leaders are playing games with the Most High God in Heaven which will eventually result in our beautiful earth God blessed us with becoming the hot fiery flaming hell envisioned in scripture as a consequence of Global warming,  new emerging pandemics arising from viral nanobots Satan designed in the Garden of Eden , children of Allah, Yahweh,  and God the Father forging as cannibals in the ruins of human civilization , mass extinction of all homo sapiens,  and all religion perishing from the earth as the Most High God in Heaven weeps.

China’s relationship with Russia is an asset, not a liability, China’s Ambassador to the U.S., Qin Gang, tells @margbrennan. He does not say if President Xi has urged President Putin to end his invasion of Ukraine, but said Xi has asked him to “think about resuming peace talks”

@POTUS #POTUS  @StateDept #StateDept
@HumanFraternity @naftalibennett
@MFA_Ukraine @MFA_CHINA @mfa_russia 
Until #WorldLeaders accept #GodsPlan for #PeacefulResolution of #RussiaUkraineWar then ALL #Worldwide #EconomicTrade is #CapitalizingFromBloodshed

All #Worldwide #Trade #CapitalizingOnBloodshed
God #OwnsEverything Everything #BelongstoGod World Leaders Must accept #GodsPlan today for #PeacefulResolution of #RussiaUkraineWar

The #MostHigh God in #Heaven #OWNS #Everything, so either use all #EconomicResources for #GodsPlan or #Forfeit #GodsGoodGifts as #BlessingsFromAbove while you #Foolishly try to fulfill #SatansStrategy by living under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology

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