Sunday, March 27, 2022

Mao Zedong Lamented About Fight Over Power and Money as Corrupting Influence of Free Market Capitalism in His Critique of Truman Administration China White Paper, In terms of War Between Ukraine and Russia Today Xi Jinping is Ensnared Within Fight Over Power and Money Within Hot Fiery Flaming Melting Pot Furnace of Socialist Capitalism

Vladimir Putin does indeed have a valid point that the Ukrainian people share more cultural heritage with the motherland of Russia than with China. Historic cultural heritage is important in the modern 21st century during an historical epoch of immense sociological change arising from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly leading toward the Technosingularity. 

If Vladimir Putin is serious about honoring Saint Vladimir's choice to turn away from paganism and establish Orthodox Christianity throughout Ukraine and Russia, Vladimir Putin must accept Gods Plan by ordering an immediate cease fire,  withdrawing Russian troops back to Russian Separatists regions of Ukraine,  after which United Nations talks will begin for reunification of Ukraine with Russia moving toward Democratization.  If Vladimir Putin is serious about honoring Saint Vladimir choice to turn away from paganism and establishing Orthodox Christianity throughout Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will reject Satan's Strategy of Russia seizing control of the Chinese Iron Beltway and Ukraine Chinese Silk Belt Road as Bridge to Europe thereby exercising absolute power and control over world wide trade on behalf of Beijing. Reunification of Ukraine and Russia can only occur if Vladimir Putin accepts God's plan for peaceful resolution of the Russian Ukraine war. 

If the Chinese European NATO Gobal Alliance crush Vladimir Putin's Russian federation then occupation of Moscow by Ukraine President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy will allow Keiv exercise power and control over both the Chinese Silk Belt Road economic development projects running through Ukraine as the Bridge to Europe and Iron Silk Beltway running through Russia and Belarus simultaneously,  thereby exercising totalitarian control over world trade routes.

What if the Chinese European NATO Global Alliance obliterates Vladimir Putin's Russian federation? If Russia is destroyed by the Chinese European NATO Global Alliance then what will fill the void? 

Will Zenlensky occupy Moscow and establish an alliance with Beijing? Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy military occupation of Moscow on behalf of the Chinese European NATO Global Alliance will seize control of both the Iron Silk Road Beltway in Russia and the Ukraine Bridge to Europe,  therefore Beijing will control worldwide trading routes .

Beijing ensnarement in morally corrupting influence of Socialist capitalism as mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy will certainly cause rancor and strife among Chinese people as free market capitalism goes against the grain of communist idealism of sharing everything in common. Beijing alliance with Ukraine President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy after occupation of Moscow by Ukraine on behalf of Beijing will give Xi Jinping absolute power and control over world wide markets thereby violating idealism expressed by Communists philosophy. Absolute control over world wide markets is capitalist ownership by Beijing. Capitalist ownership 
sparked communists revolutions. In terms of war between Ukraine and Russia today Xi Jinping is ensnared within a fight over power and money within hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism.  Mao Zedong lamented about fight over power  and money as corrupting influence of free market Capitalism in his critique of Truman administration China White Paper. 

The Academy of Ideas published an intriguing video presentation entitled,  Is Humanity Doomed, Carl Jung on Healing a Sick Society.

The war between Ukraine and Russia representing a historic juncture in human history may be the last call for ideas given Revival of the  Communist Block will lead to institutionalization of State Religion administered by a Centralized One World Government despite whichever side may win , either Chinese Europe NATO Republic or Vladimir Putin's Russian Federation military seizure of world trade routes on behalf of Beijing. 

An article published by Oil Price Magazine entitled, Russia Invasion Is Crushing China's Belt and Silk Road Ambitions, points to opportunity to promote positive constructive change within hot fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism in Global markets to create more perfect #Utopian societies around  the world that uphold value systems more in alignment with Gods Plan of helping individuals become everything God created them to be, whatever religion or way of life they may practice.

Related Twitter:

#MoneyTalks. Money does not always talk same #Language as The Most High God in Heaven within #HotFieryFlaming #MeltingPot furnace of #SocialistCapitalism that exudes #MutualCooperation for #SurvivalOfFittest while living under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology

As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry called to help the collective conscious of humanity to learn to live under God's law of love  the Global Institution I seek to establish within Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine will undertake an analytical study of how to make money talk the same language as the Most High God in Heaven.

In past articles I discuss how Washington DC and Beijing entering the foray of Socialist capitalism results in a betrayal of value systems underpinning both Democracy and communism simultaneously. A major goal of government is to add significant value to the lives of citizens. 

Since the day the Most High God in Heaven banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden human civilization as Gods masterpiece has lived under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. Today,  in the modern 21st century the Most High God in Heaven is blessing human civilization with gifts of knowledge from above to allow the collective conscious of humanity to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology and learn to live under God's law of love. 

Historically,  the process of adding value to lives of other people is a complex problem given while living under the paw of evolutionary biology reciprocity of love is a misnomer because people tend to follow machiavellian strategies to maximize survival of the fittest at expense of others. In my writing I made the observation that historically a discussion of love in context of economics is a crazy idea because historically love is considered a silly thing that doesn't have anything remotely to do with economics. The world is changing by Gods grace by an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns that can manifest conditions more conducive to living under God's law of love as human civilization as Gods masterpiece rapidly moves toward the Technosingularity to become an advanced Type V civilization by obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion. 

Most people associate simulated virtual reality with digital desktop computer generated video games. What is the end game of decades bloody  violent war between Russia and Ukraine? What happens if the Chinese European NATO Republic obliterates the Russian federation while defending Ukraine? What happens when Vladimir Putin's Russian federation conquers Ukraine and moves on to seize control of World trading routes throughout Europe,  Middle East,  Asia,  Africa,  India,  and South America on behalf of Beijing?

The collective conscious of humanity can ONLY WIN by accepting Gods plan. Although people may get rich at the expense of others following Satan's strategy will be a loosing game for human civilization as Gods masterpiece.

An article published by The Boston Review entitled,  China and the Lure of Global Capitalism,  provides insight into Beijing's participation in capitalism within global markets in terms of impact upon core foundational values of communism pertaining to decreasing alienation of the common worker.

According to the Boston Review article entitled,  China and the Lure of Global Capitalism,  

"Markets have played a central role in the country’s explosive development since the 1980s. But as GDP rose, inequality has soared—a stark turn away from earlier socialist ideals."

The China White Paper is a public relations document issued by the Harry Truman administration designed for damage control over public outrage surrounding the rise of communism within China for which my 3rd cousin 3 times removed, former  President Harry Truman got all the blame.
Wikipedia's critique of The China White Paper includes sharp criticism by the Maoists government
referencing morally corrupting influence of free market capitalism as compared to higher idealism of enlightened ideology giving rise to ascendency of communism as People's Republic of China:

According to Wikipedia, 

"Mao's sarcasm accuses Acheson of not understanding the revolution:

Quite unaccountably, the Chinese fought among themselves for power and money, suspecting and hating each other. An inexplicable change took place in the relative moral strength of the two contending parties, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party; the morale of one party dropped sharply to below zero, while that of the other rose sharply to white heat. What was the reason? Nobody knows. Such is the logic inherent in the “high order of culture” of the United States as represented by Dean Acheson."

So within Global capitalist markets exuding mutual cooperation for machiavellian strategies to maximize survival of the fittest at expense of others according to Satan's strategy how can monetary currency within global markets be reoriented to edify or add significant value to lives of other people? Mao Zedong, former chairman of the Central Communists party,  is absolutely right that quantum particlization of free market capitalism leads to division, separation, and eventually moral bankruptcy ultimately culminating in establishing a centralized communist authoritarian autocratic government.

After World War I,  machiavellian strategies to maximize survival of the fittest at expense of others according to Satan's strategy lead to  division and separation of Germany resulting in immense social decay and poverty within post WWI Germany which ultimately contributed to ascendency of Adoft Hitler. Vladimir Putin claims that OLD Soviet Union communists policies under Stalin and Lenin created a loose federation of independent states eventually leading to separation of Ukraine from Russia. Will mutual cooperation as Machiavellian strategies to maximize survival of the fittest at expense of others according to Satan's strategy lead to ascendency  of yet another dictator in the modern 21st century? Which player in Satan's simulated virtual reality game will become the new global dictator? Vladimir Putin,  Xi Jinping,  Joe Biden, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy?

An article published by the Jerusalem Post entitled , How is Putin justifying Russia's invasion of Ukraine? - explainer, provides insight into Vladimir Putin's view of Reunification of Ukraine and Russia within a historical context:

According to the article,

"He ( Putin ) views Ukraine as being an “inalienable” part of Russia’s “history, culture and spiritual space.”

From “time immemorial,” Putin claimed, Ukrainians defined themselves as being part of the Russian nation or part of the same religious body – Orthodox Christianity. Modern Ukraine is merely a “superfluous” invention.

According to Putin, two conflicting approaches to Soviet sovereignty emerged at the onset of the USSR.

The Stalinist approach was that the republics of the union should be given broad powers only if they integrate into one great state, while the Leninist approach stipulated that the USSR should be a confederation and the republics should exist independently. Lenin’s approach eventually won out, and the results, both because of the flawed initial approach and failed policy, proved that it was a big mistake, as it led to the emergence of nationalism.

Nationalism meant that Ukraine came to believe that it had a right to secede from Russia. But for Putin, Ukrainian nationalism is illegitimate and is merely a new version of Nazism."

What if the Chinese European NATO Global Alliance obliterates Vladimir Putin's Russian federation? If Russia is destroyed by the Chinese European NATO Global Alliance then what will fill the void? 

Will Zenlensky occupy Moscow and establish an alliance with Beijing? Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy military occupation of Moscow on behalf of the Chinese European NATO Global Alliance will seize control of both the Iron Silk Road Beltway in Russia and the Ukraine Bridge to Europe,  therefore Beijing will control worldwide trading routes .

An article published by The Council for Foreign Relations entitled, What’s at Stake for China’s Economic Relationship With Ukraine?, provides insight into strong economic ties between China and Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin does indeed have a valid point that the Ukrainian people share more cultural heritage with the motherland of Russia than with China.

An article published by The Hong Kong Free Press entitled, Russia-Ukraine war gives a glimpse of China’s new world order, and of Beijing’s faltering reputation, identified Russian President Vladimir Putin as best friends with China's leader Xi Jinping. Ukraine President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy also is best friends with China's leader Xi Jinping given Ukraine is the " Bridge to Europe " for China.

An article published by Aljazeera Magazine entitled, 
After ‘bridge to Europe’ bid, Ukraine’s China ties face test, provides insight into how Ukraine President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy is vying to become China's " Bridge to Europe " while competing against Iron Silk Road Beltway running through Russian federation and  Belarus.

Indeed,  Mao Zedong, former chairman of the Central Communists party, criticism of the Truman administration China White Paper is absolutely right that quantum particlization of free market capitalism leads to division, separation, and eventually moral bankruptcy ultimately culminating in establishing a centralized communist authoritarian autocratic government.

An article published by the Kremlin in Moscow entitled, 
Article by Vladimir Putin ”On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians“,  outlines shared heritage as cultural identity between the Ukrainian and Russian people. As I pointed out above, Vladimir Putin does indeed have a valid point that the Ukrainian people share more cultural heritage with the motherland of Russia than with China.

According to Vladimir Putin, 

"Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians are all descendants of Ancient Rus, which was the largest state in Europe. Slavic and other tribes across the vast territory – from Ladoga, Novgorod, and Pskov to Kiev and Chernigov – were bound together by one language (which we now refer to as Old Russian), economic ties, the rule of the princes of the Rurik dynasty, and – after the baptism of Rus – the Orthodox faith. The spiritual choice made by St. Vladimir, who was both Prince of Novgorod and Grand Prince of Kiev, still largely determines our affinity today."

Historic cultural heritage is important in the modern 21st century during an historical epoch of immense sociological change arising from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly leading toward the Technosingularity. If the Chinese European NATO Gobal Alliance crush Vladimir Putin's Russian federation then occupation of Moscow by Ukraine President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy will allow Keiv exercise power and control over both the Chinese Silk Belt Road economic development projects running through Ukraine as the Bridge to Europe and Iron Silk Beltway running through Russia and Belarus simultaneously,  thereby exercising totalitarian control over world trade routes.

The article published by The Hong Kong Free Press entitled, Russia-Ukraine war gives a glimpse of China’s new world order, and of Beijing’s faltering reputation, referenced in paragraphs above provides insight into Beijing's financial support of Vladimir Putin's Russian invasion of Ukraine despite sanctions imposed by the International community upon Russia as related to Beijing getting ensnared within morally corrupting influence of free market capitalism as compared to higher idealism of enlightened ideology giving rise to ascendency of communism as People's Republic of China. China's foray into Socialist capitalism in the late 20th century is a betrayal of Foundational value systems of communism.

"To quote one of Xi’s many public statements on the importance he gives to protecting sovereignty: “The Chinese people share a common belief that it is never allowed and it is absolutely impossible to separate any inch of our great country’s territory from China.” 

If every inch of China’s territory is inviolable, why are huge swathes of the Ukraine up for grabs? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. China’s hypocrisy speaks volumes about its willingness to say one thing for decades, and do another when given the choice between condemning an unjust war and being an apologist for an autocratic ally."

Beijing ensnarement in morally corrupting influence of Socialist capitalism as mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy will certainly cause rancor and strife among Chinese people as free market capitalism goes against the grain of communist idealism of sharing everything in common. Beijing alliance with Ukraine President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy after occupation of Moscow by Ukraine on behalf of Beijing will give Xi Jinping absolute power and control over world wide markets thereby violating idealism expressed by Communists philosophy. Absolute control over world wide markets is capitalist ownership by Beijing that sparked communists revolutions. In terms of war between Russia and Ukraine Xi Jinping is ensnared within a fight over power and money within hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism as Mao Zedong lamented in his critique of Truman administration China White Paper. 

An article published by Vox entitled, China’s trillion-dollar plan to dominate global trade, reports upon China's ambition to establish a One World Government by exercising power and control over world wide trade routes.

In Validmir Putin's article entitled, Article by Vladimir Putin ”On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians“, Putin claimed OLD Soviet Union communists policies under Stalin and Lenin created a loose federation of independent states eventually leading to separation of Ukraine from Russia. Since the OLD Soviet Union and Republic of China engaged in war at one point in history then
Central Communist Party in Beijing likely played a decisive definitive role in separating Ukraine from Russia.

Related Twitter:

JUST IN: President Joe Biden called for regime change in Russia, saying in a speech in Poland that Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power” after the Ukraine invasion

#ChineseEuropeanNATO #GlobalAlliance #MilitaryAggression incited Putin Invasion 
Making Putin #Enemy distraction from #Beijing #BuyingOff USA #Chinagate: Beijing don't want #Reunification @MFA_Ukraine with @mfa_russia moving toward #Democratization

As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I made it clear World leaders must STOP this fight over power and money today by accepting Gods Plan for peaceful resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia:

War between #Ukraine & #Russia can be #STOPPED today by #Worldwide #LockDown of #GlobalEconomy. #WorldLeaders playing games with God which will result in our #Beautiful #Earth God blessed us with becoming #HotFieryFlamingHell depicted in scripture

#RussiaUkraineWar digging #Grave for #HumanCivilization as Gods #Masterpiece 
#DeepDark #GlobalDepression from #Decades #BloodyViolentWarfare between @MFA_Ukraine & @mfa_russia leads to #Extinction of all #HomoSapiens due to new #Pandemics & #GlobalWarming

Critics who deny overwhelming scientific evidence for climate change and debunk alternative energy solutions better pray that unlimited clean fusion energy is only 10 years away because when fossil fuels are depleted in 54 years Satan will be closer to take full absolute total control over simulated virtual reality rendered by the quantum wave function language the Most High God used to code The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. A new  Global Institution established in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to free open source exchange of scientific research data to create a balanced geopolitical equation as Yin and Yang of #SinoAmerican diplomacy by modulation of Western NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism will empower individuals to build the Kingdom of Heaven within whatever religious faith they may choose to practice instead of becoming mindless subservient subroutines of state government fighting over power and money as according to Mao Zedong. 

If Vladimir Putin is serious about honoring Saint Vladimir's choice to turn away from paganism and establish Orthodox Christianity throughout Ukraine and Russia, Vladimir Putin must accept Gods Plan by ordering an immediate cease fire,  withdrawing Russian troops back to Russian Separatists regions of Ukraine,  after which United Nations talks will begin for reunification of Ukraine with Russia moving toward Democratization.  If Vladimir Putin is serious about honoring Saint Vladimir choice to turn away from paganism and establishing Orthodox Christianity throughout Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will reject Satan's Strategy of Russia seizing control of the Chinese Iron Beltway and Ukraine Chinese Silk Belt Road as Bridge to Europe thereby exercising absolute power and control over world wide trade on behalf of Beijing. Reunification of Ukraine and Russia can only occur if Vladimir Putin accepts God's plan for peaceful resolution of the Russian Ukraine war. 

The Vox Media article entitled, , China’s trillion-dollar plan to dominate global trade, referenced in paragraphs above provides insight into risk of the Republic of China  in terms of Xi Jinping ensnarement within dark murky secretive clandestine under the table deals of free market capitalism that invite corruption as Satan's strategy of fighting over power and money as according to Mao Zedong. 

"Many of the countries involved in the BRI are authoritarian, corrupt, and in conflict — risky places for China to invest money in."

A new Global Institution established within Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism should protect sovereignty of the Republic of China. Fascism arising from reunification of Ukraine and Russia either under Vladimir Putin winning the war with help of Beijing or resulting from Ukraine President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy occupation of Moscow presents risk of foiling Beijing's attempt to exercise power and control over world wide trade routes thereby posing a serious threat to sovereignty of the Republic of China. 

In the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism as Satan's simulated virtual reality it is impossible to trust anyone,  as Mao Zedong wisely pointed out in his rebuff of the Truman China White Paper. American currency includes the truism, " In God We Trust ". 

Quantum particlization of the word modulation associated with my proposed new Global institution dedicated to modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism has important ramifications for Christians discovering their purpose. Modulation is about renewal.  

Modulation is associated with human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind translating Wisdom that proceedeth from the Quantum Wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words into quantum particlization of semantic binary data. 

Related Twitter:

#HolyBooks of all #WorldsGreatReligions is #QuantumParticlization of #SemanticBinaryData received by #GreatProphets within #AbrahamicFaithTradition,  
becoming attuned to 
#QuantumWaveFunction #Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel language of #Love by which #GodSpeaks

@NobelPrize #NobelPrize
The #QuantumWaveFunction #Language as an expression of the purest form of #Love from God above underwrites text existing as #QuantumParticlization of #SemanticBinaryData of #HolyBooks of all the #WorldsGreatReligions

Modulation as a process of renewal is vital given change as a constant variable within simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics rendered by Satan hacking the Quantum Wave Function language by which God coded The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden means that a New World order will either occur by Gods plan or Satans strategy depending upon choices of the collective conscious of humanity. The intraphysic spiritual battle known by the Islamic community as Jihad is modulation as a process of renewal.

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