Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Reunification of Russia and Ukraine as Economic Stimulus for European Global Gateway can Potentially Restore Balance to Geopolitical Equation of Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican Diplomacy

I am calling on Xi Jinping to end the war between Ukraine and Russia by helping me build a train station in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine so that the Central communists party in Beijing can continue working to create a more perfect utopian communism that will add value and edify the Chinese people. Decades of violent bloody violent warfare between Ukraine and Russia will degrade infrastructure of both Ukraine and Russia simultaneously thereby increasing probability of ascendency of a fascist regime that pose a threat to Chinese sovereignty.

Why are world leaders blind to the truth? It is written the truth shall set you free. Why is Satan so dishonest and underhanded?

Satan's beguiling deception is powerful because Satan hacked the quantum wave function language the Most High God in Heaven used to code the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.  Xi Jinping is ensnared in quantum entanglement of corruption within free markets because regardless of  whether China's financial support of either Vladimir Putin's Russian federation  wins or Ukrainian Chinese European NATO Western Global Alliance wins because after decades of bloody violent warfare a powerful fascist state may arise in Asia that threatens Chinese sovereignty.

 Xi Jinping ensnared within corruption of quantum entanglement as Satan's beguiling deception within world markets has lost control over all of China's economic resources invested in Worldwide markets. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry translating truthful reality of Gods Plan can help set Xi Jinping free from quantum entanglement of corruption in free markets by holding World leaders accountable to Gods law. Gods law is love.  Gods law is about either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people instead of using people as a cash cow for personal gain.

Corruption in free market capitalism arises from Satan's strategy to transform human civilization as Gods masterpiece into Image of the Beast by living under the paw of evolutionary biology. Corruption in free market capitalism within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism is betrayal of traditional value systems outlined within Foundation documents of the United States of America by our Founding fathers. 

Founding fathers of the United States of America translated Gods Plan into quantum particlization of semantic binary data as Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words. Corruption in free market capitalism is devaluation of individuals for personal gain according to Satan's strategy. Devaluation of individuals for personal gain results in fascism. Corruption in free market capitalism within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism is leading to revival of Aristocracy of the Old World European Order that existed before 1776.

A New Global Institution established in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism will become a train station directing traffic on mankind's journey toward the Technosingularity. A new Global Institution established within Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to revival of higher ideas of a modern 21st century renaissance age will dismiss the need for defensive militarization by emphasizing renewal of Universal value systems.

As stated in my writing reunification of Ukraine and Russia can rev up the speed dragster engine of the Chinese economy because increased  trade with the Western markets will make the new Democratic Russian federation a better trading partner with China.

Why is Satan so dishonest and underhanded resulting in Xi Jinping ensnarement in corruption of free market capitalism within worldwide markets whereby Xi Jinping, 
Putin, Zenlensky,  Biden,  not all other world leaders 
cannot truly trust anyone?

Satan did not code information architecture rendering the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. Satan only hacked the Quantum Wave function language God used to code information architecture rendering the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. Since Satan did not code information architecture rendering the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden then Satan must be dishonest and underhanded. 

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept 

My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry translating Gods Plan into quantum particlization of semantic binary data as
Wisdom that proceedeth from the Quantum Wave Function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words is leading Vladimir Putin to accept Gods Plan by withdrawal of Russian military back to Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine.

An article published by Aljazeera entitled,  Russian focus on ‘liberating’ Donbas hints at shift in strategy, points toward Vladimir Putin accepting Gods plan for peaceful resolution of the Russian Ukraine war.

When Russian troops have completely withdrawn to Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine the International community must immediately demand a cease fire. When Russian troops have withdrawn to Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine the United Nations Security Council must immediately deploy cease fire monitors to insure both Ukraine and Russia lawfully abide by a ceasefire. 

When Russian troops have completely withdrawn to Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine and both sides abide by a ceasefire for 3 days then all international sanctions upon Russia should be immediately lifted.

An article published by CNBC entitled, Zelenskyy says Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality status; Blinken says U.S. not seeking regime change, verifies my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is rapidly bringing an end to war between Ukraine and Russia. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry translating Gods Plan for peaceful resolution of the Russian Ukraine war into quantum particlization of semantic binary data as Wisdom that proceedeth from the Quantum Wave Function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is rapidly bringing an end to war between Ukraine and Russia.

An article published by The New York Times entitled,  Russia Says Focus Is Shifting Away From Kyiv, Toward Eastern Ukraine, verifies Vladimir Putin is beginning to accept Gods Plan for Peaceful Resolution of the Russian Ukraine war.

World leaders, including Vladimir Putin, Zenlensky,  Biden administration,  Xi Jinping accepting Gods plan for peaceful resolution of the Russian Ukraine war displays God's power and authority over the Internet Information Superhighway as a tool God gave us to defeat Satan's strategy and fill the earth  with God's love according to God's law during the Technosingularity. The Technosingularity as a gift of knowledge from God above can be rightfully compared to  the stone not cut with human hands that becomes a mountain in accordance to Daniel's prophetic vision of Nebuchadnezzar's Dream. Satan hacked the Quantum Wave function language God used to code the Tree of Life so that the mountain will crush human civilization. 

Since in the Garden of Eden
Satan hacked the Quantum Wave function language underwriting simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our physical universe Satan wants the mountain to crush human civilization as Gods masterpiece in alignment with censorship of centralized government. 
An attempt by centralized government to control information systems by censorship is Satan's strategy to prevent revelations to help human civilization as Gods masterpiece learn to live under God's law of love. Gods law of love is translated into quantum particlization of Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words. 

Censorship by centralized government is Satan's strategy to transform the Technosingularity into a pagan idol by denial of God's power and authority. Technosingularity can only move forward according to God's plan to create high efficiency low entropy Garden of Eden like conditions more conducive for collective conscious of humanity learning to live under God's law of love. If the Global Luddite movement tries to prevent or control the Technosingularity from moving forward according to God's plan then human civilization as Gods masterpiece will be condemned to living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. 

Since Democratization movements are a coup d'etat by the Central communists party in Beijing
to establish a One World Government according to Satan's strategy then the International community must carefully study process of Democratization after Reunification of Ukraine and Russia. Reunification of Ukraine and Russia as a Democratization movement  according to Satan's strategy of mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest within hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism must be brought into alignment with Gods Plan to either save lives and/or add significant value to lives of other people in accordance to God's law of love.

Democratization must obey  Gods Law. Gods law is love. Otherwise,  Democratization movements fit into Satan's strategy. 

Historically, it has been very difficult for mankind to abide by Gods law of love
while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. After Satan hacked the Quantum Wave function language God coded the Tree of Life in the  Garden of Eden in order to transform human civilization as Gods masterpiece into Image of the Beast it has been very difficult for mankind to abide by Gods law of love.

In the modern 21st century the Most High God in Heaven is blessing us with knowledge as human civilization rapidly moves toward the Technosingularity to become an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale thereby allowing the Collective Conscious of humanity to create conditions more conducive for learning to live under God's law of love. Hence,  a NEW Global Institution established in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism advocates free open source exchange of scientific research data to accelerate reaching the Technosingularity. The Central Communists party in Beijing seeks to promote censorship of internet platforms thereby exercising power and control over the rapidly approaching Technosingularity.

The Most High God in Heaven has always faithful to provide everything we needed after Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden. Quantum particlization of Carbon as a versatile element is everywhere. Tons of tons of carbon adinfintum is compressed under our feet underground.  It is only by the human mind being open to beauty and love within God's creation have we successfully reversed engineered transformative technologies like graphene. 

An article published by France24 entitled, 
With its ‘Global Gateway’, EU tries to compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative, provides insight into loosing battle of the European Beltway
Global Gateway trading route successfully competing against the Chinese Silk Road Beltway economic development projects throughout Europe,  Middle East,  Asia , Europe,  Ukraine,  Africa,  India,  and Latin America.

A failure of the European Beltway
Global Gateway trading route to successfully compete against the Chinese Silk Road Beltway is a consequence of economic dependency upon Beijing within Europe. 

The Reunification of Russia and Ukraine as economic stimulus for European Global Gateway can potentially restore balance to the geopolitical equation of Yin and Yang of #SinoAmerican diplomacy. Decades of violent bloody war between Ukraine and Russia financed by the Chinese European NATO Global Alliance led by the United States of America and Republic of China will result in crumbling infrastructure of both Russia and Ukraine thereby allowing occupation of Russia and Ukraine reunified under the Five Star Red Flag of the Central Communists Party in Beijing. 

If Russia is obliterated by the Ukrainian Chinese European NATO Global alliance then what autocratic power will fill the void is the reason for worldwide shock at U.S. President Joe Biden calling for regime change. An article published by U.S.A. Today entitled, Was it a gaffe or an escalation? Biden prompts concern after saying Putin 'cannot remain in power', discuss U.S. President Joe Biden calling for regime change during a speech in Poland.

The following  is an excerpt from the U.S.A. Today article, Was it a gaffe or an escalation? Biden prompts concern after saying Putin 'cannot remain in power: 

"The White House backtracked after President Biden said in a speech in Poland that Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in power." Aides said the U.S. isn't pushing regime change."

It is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence that quantum particlization of semantic binary data of the word "gaffe " is applied by thought leaders to reference Bidens call for regime change in Biden's 
speech in Poland.  My last name is Gaffney so therefore the use of the word "gaffe" is recognition of my contribution as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry in bringing an end to the Russian Ukraine war by God's grace.

The Hollywood blockbuster movie,  A Beautiful Mind,  told the story of Nobel laureate John Forbes Nash reading between the lines of mass media to decode encrypted messages:

 A Beautiful Mind

The term "gaffe" is an encrypted message within mass media referencing my contribution as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry to ending the war between Russia and Ukraine. 

In my freelance article entitled , Mao Zedong Lamented About Fight Over Power and Money as Corrupting Influence of Free Market Capitalism in His Critique of Truman Administration China White Paper, In terms of War Between Ukraine and Russia Today Xi Jinping is Ensnared Within Fight Over Power and Money Within Hot Fiery Flaming Melting Pot Furnace of Socialist Capitalism, I discussed how Xi Jinping ensnared in corruption of free market capitalism will likely culminate in reunification of Ukraine with Russia as a fascist state.  A fascist state arising from reunification of Russia and Ukraine will ultimately threaten Chinese sovereignty if Vladimir Putin is removed from power by the Ukrainian Chinese European NATO Global alliance . In my article I asked the question,  What will fill the void if Vladimir Putin's Russian federation is destroyed by the Ukrainian Chinese European NATO Global Alliance?

Related Twitter:

JUST IN: President Joe Biden called for regime change in Russia, saying in a speech in Poland that Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power” after the Ukraine invasion

#ChineseEuropeanNATO #GlobalAlliance #MilitaryAggression incited Putin Invasion 
Making Putin #Enemy distraction from #Beijing #BuyingOff USA #Chinagate: Beijing don't want #Reunification @MFA_Ukraine with @mfa_russia moving toward #Democratization

War between #Ukraine & #Russia can be #STOPPED today by #Worldwide #LockDown of #GlobalEconomy. #WorldLeaders playing games with God which will result in our #Beautiful #Earth God blessed us with becoming #HotFieryFlamingHell depicted in scripture

Note: Since war is Satan's strategy to transform human civilization as Gods masterpiece into Image of the Beast,  World wide lock down of the Global economy may be a way to stop all war. War is devaluation of lives of people around the world, whereby the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.  A new Global Institution established in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to revival of the renaissance age in the modern 21st century will uphold God's law that World leaders should act to add significant value to lives of others.

New Video: Is Humanity Doomed? | Carl Jung on Healing a Sick Society

Since #Satan Hacked Our #Sentient #SelfAware #Panpsychic #Conscious #Universe God #Coded as a #CosmicMind and #HumanBeings are #Subroutines of a Cosmic Mind #SeedsOfDestruction are #Planted Within Every #Person on #Earth, and Only #Truth #Can Set Us Free

In my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I call for a revival in traditional value systems given within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism traditional values underpinning various forms of government are lost. As I aptly pointed out Mao Zedong Lamented About Fight Over Power and Money as related to corruption associated with free market capitalism. 

Corruption in free market capitalism arises from Satan's strategy to transform human civilization as Gods masterpiece into Image of the Beast by living under the paw of evolutionary biology. Corruption in free market capitalism within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism is betrayal of traditional value systems outlined within Foundation documents of the United States of America by our Founding fathers. 

Founding fathers of the United States of America translated Gods Plan into quantum particlization of semantic binary data as Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words. Corruption in free market capitalism is devaluation of individuals for personal gain according to Satan's strategy. Devaluation of individuals for personal gain results in fascism. 

Since all economic resources belong to the Most High God in Heaven world leaders need to apply artificial intelligence to the data intensive task of increasing reciprocity within complex supply demand chains of worldwide markets to either save lives and/or add significant value to lives of other people. An extreme level of competition within worldwide markets within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism leads to war as Satan's strategy for the collective conscious of humanity to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology. The Most High God in Heaven is blessing human civilization with gifts of knowledge so that the collective conscious of humanity can reduce extreme competition within international markets. 

Why are world leaders blind to the truth? It is written the truth shall set you free. Why is Satan so dishonest and underhanded?

Satan's beguiling deception is powerful because Satan hacked the quantum wave function language the Most High God in Heaven used to code the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.  Xi Jinping is ensnared in quantum entanglement of corruption within free markets because regardless of  whether China's financial support of either Vladimir Putin's Russian federation  wins or Ukrainian Chinese European NATO Western Global Alliance wins because after decades of bloody violent warfare a powerful fascist state may arise in Asia that threatens Chinese sovereignty. 

Xi Jinping ensnared within corruption of quantum entanglement as Satan's beguiling deception within world markets has lost control over all of China's economic resources invested in Worldwide markets. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry translating truthful reality of Gods Plan can help set Xi Jinping free from quantum entanglement of corruption in free markets by holding World leaders accountable to Gods law. Gods law is love.  Gods law is about either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people instead of using people as a cash cow for personal gain. 

A New Global Institution established in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism will become a train station directing traffic on mankind's journey toward the Technosingularity. A new Global Institution established within Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to revival of higher ideas of a modern 21st century renaissance age will dismiss the need for defensive militarization by emphasizing renewal of Universal value systems.

As stated in my writing reunification of Ukraine and Russia can rev up the speed dragster engine of the Chinese economy because increased  trade with the Western markets will make the new Democratic Russian federation a better trading partner with China.

Why is Satan so dishonest and underhanded resulting in Xi Jinping ensnarement in corruption of free market capitalism within worldwide markets whereby Xi Jinping, 
Putin, Zenlensky,  Biden,  not all other world leaders 
cannot truly trust anyone?

Satan did not code information architecture rendering the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. Satan only hacked the Quantum Wave function language God used to code information architecture rendering the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. Since Satan did not code information architecture rendering the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden then Satan must be dishonest and underhanded. 

I am calling on Xi Jinping to end the war between Ukraine and Russia by helping me build a train station in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine so that the Central communists party in Beijing can continue working to create a more perfect utopian communism that will add value and edify the Chinese people. Decades of violent bloody violent warfare between Ukraine and Russia will degrade infrastructure of both Ukraine and Russia simultaneously thereby increasing probability of ascendency of a fascist regime that pose a threat to Chinese sovereignty. 

Continued later

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