Thursday, March 17, 2022

Jihad: All Underground Sells of Russian Oil and Gas, Seized Russian Oligarch Assets, Embargoed European Monetary Resources, and Chinese Yuan Should be Immediately Diverted into the Gaffney International Hedge Fund Established as New Global Institution within Russian Separatist Regions of Ukraine to Modulate NATO Military Aggression and Chinese Imperialism in Order to Restore Stability in this Volatile Region of the World

All underground sells of Russian oil and gas, Seized Russian oligarch assets, Embargoed NATO European Monetary Resources,  and Chinese Yuan should be immediately diverted into the Gaffney International Hedge fund established within Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine to modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism in order to restore stability in this volatile region of the world. Otherwise,  underground sells of Russian oil and gas, Seized Russian oligarch assets, Embargoed NATO European Monetary Resources,  and Chinese Yuan will be used to finance a bloody violent war waged by NATO upon the Russian federation on behalf of Beijing that will likely last for decades resulting in the United States of America and the Russian federation becoming 3rd world financially bankrupt insolvent countries colonized by the Republic of China. 

The Most High God in Heaven owns everything, so either use all economic resources for Gods Plan or forfeit Gods good gifts as blessings from above while you foolishly try to fulfill Satan's strategy by living under the paw of evolutionary biology. The central problem in the 21st century is that within the hot fiery furnace melting pot of Socialist capitalism exuding mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest while  living under the paw of evolutionary biology individuals,  organizations,  corporations,  and nations are diligently working to own everything to become like god almighty in order to replace the Most High God in Heaven on His throne. All economic resources as gifts from God above must be used to build the Kingdom of Heaven according to God's Plan or human civilization as Gods masterpiece will perish according to Satan's strategy. 

In a Twitter conversation with Islam friends I discuss Jihad as a Spiritual Struggle within a human being that implies balance of both Democracy and Rule of Law. Furthermore,  I point out that God's Law is Love. God's Law of love is in conflict with centralized authority of both Beijing and WashingtonDC given within the fiery melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism both Biejing and Washington  DC have betrayed foundation principles of both Democracy and communism simultaneously. 

According to a Google search in Vietnam 58,220 American soldiers died fighting for our freedoms,  after which private market sectors made the Central communists party #CCP in Beijing the most powerful country on earth by offshore manufacturing ,  exceeding Superpower status of the United States of America. Today,  Washington DC is financing Ukraine's war to obliterate Vladimir Putin's Russian federation on behalf of Beijing,  which will ultimately lead to establishment of a One World Government with Beijing at the helm. Wake up people,  and sign my petition. 

World Leaders Must Accept Gods Plan for Peaceful Resolution of Russia Ukraine War

Validmir Putin is released as a snarling growling foaming at the mouth vicious attack dog on behalf of Beijing to seize control of world trading routes to establish a One World Government with Beijing at the helm.  Hence , both NATO backed Ukraine led by the United States of America and Moscow are working for Beijing,  and despite whatever Nation may win or lose, either NATO backed Ukraine led by the United States or the Russian federation, Central Communists Party in Beijing will win both ways. Hence the only solution is to embargo both the European Union and Republic of China until this stupid war is stopped, and Vladimir  Putin withdraws back to Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine.  

All underground sells of Russian oil and gas as well as Seized Russian oligarch assets should be immediately diverted into the Gaffney International Hedge fund established within Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine to modulate NATO military aggression and Chinese imperialism in order to restore stability in this volatile region of the world. Otherwise,  underground sells of Russian Oil and gas as well as seized Russian oligarch assets will be used to finance a bloody violent war waged by NATO upon the Russian federation on behalf of Beijing that will likely last for decades resulting in the United States of America and the Russian federation becoming 3rd world financially bankrupt insolvent countries colonized by the Republic of China. 

Since Satan hacked the Quantum Wave function language by which God coded The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our physical universe 
the dilemma we face is a consequence of quantum entanglement within international politics. In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing, I discuss quantum entanglement as a Non Euclidean distortion of the time space continuum within the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy conditions resulting in quicksand pulling human civilization spiraling downward instead  of moving forward. In a Wordpress article about impermanence of human thinking in the Buddhist philosophy, I made the observation, Wholeness of Truth Tends to become Separated and Disjoined at Polar ends of Full Circle During Cognitive Processing.

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‏مصادر مطّلعة لوول ستريت
 جورنال :
‎#السعودية تجري محادثات نشطة مع ‎#الصين لتسعير مبيعاتها النفطية إلى الصين بعملة اليوان وهي خطوة من شأنها أن تؤثر على هيمنة الدولار الأمريكي على سوق ‎#النفط العالمية 🇸🇦🇨🇳‎

‏‎يجب أن يقبل زعماء العالم خطة الله لحل سلمي لحرب روسيا وأوكرانيا
‎@HumanFraternity ‎#HumanFraternity
yajib 'an yaqbal zueama' alealam khutat allah lihalin silmiin liharb rusia wa'uwkrania‎

‏‎‎‎‎#SatanStrategy هي تدمير # الإسلام وكل الأديان ‎#Perish من على وجه الأرض. ‎#GodsPlan تؤسس لجنة @ الأمم المتحدة لوضع خطط لضمان بقاء الإسلام # قوي و # مزدهر في القرن الحادي والعشرين الحديث ، في غضون 54 عامًا ، سيتم استنفاد جميع ‎#FossilFuel‎

#SatanStrategy is to destroy #Islam & ALL religion #Perish from face of earth. #GodsPlan is establish @UN committee to develop plans to insure Islam remains #Strong and #Prosperous in modern #21stCentury given in 54 years all #FossilFuel will be depleted

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept 
#StateReligion instituted by #OneWorldGovernment with #Beijing @MFA_CHINA at #Helm #Counterintuitive and #Counterproductive of #Jihad as #SpiritualStruggle to be set apart for #SpecialPurpose of #MostHighGod in Heaven

‏‎‎دين الدولة الذي أسسته حكومة عالمية واحدة مع بكين في هيلم غير بديهي ومضاد للجهاد باعتباره كفاحًا روحيًا يتم تمييزه من أجل غرض خاص للإله العلي في الجنة‎

‏‎الخطوة هذي مجرد الإعلان عن العزم على تنفيذها بتخلي بايدن 
يجي للرياض ركض!

#Jihad is #SpiritualBattle within each #HumanBeing that implies #Balance of both #Democracy and #RuleOfLaw. #GodsLaw is Love in #Conflict with #Centralized #Authority of both #Beijing and #WashingtonDC #Simultaneously

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