Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Whatever Country May win, Either NATO Backed Ukraine led by the United States or Russia Backed by Republic of China, the Winning Country will be the BIGGEST LOOSER of All , because under God's Law of Love Winning is not about Crushing One's Neighbor

As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry observations I make in my freelance articles on social media leads to collapse of superposition of Satan's beguiling deception as a consequence of quantum entanglement in geopolitics. In my freelance article entitled, Since Satan Hacked the Quantum Wave Function language The Most High God in Heaven used to Code Information Architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, Resulting in Quantum Particlization of the Physical Universe, We are Currently Living in Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality, I discuss how Satan's beguiling deception leading to war arises from Satan working to gain full complete total control of quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics:

Satan work to gain full complete total control of the Quantum Wave function language the Most High God in Heaven used to code the Tree of life will allow evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind become the incarnation of antichrist on earth in order to transform human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind into the Image of the beast thereby preventing expansion of consciousness within the physical universe.

Likewise from the quantum perspective,  failure to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion,  will condemn the collective conscious of humanity to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy thereby preventing human civilization from becoming the epitome and pinnacle of love within the physical universe by working in full partnership with The Most High God in Heaven in order to meet God in the heavens and return our earth back to Him as a precious blue gem. The end of science is the end of democracy. 

The Chinese Embassy & Consulates in Ukraine are working normally. We call on all parties to be cool-headed and avoid doing things that may escalate the tensions & hype up the crisis. It's necessary to return to the starting point of Minsk-2 agreement to solve the Ukrainian issue.

#European @EU_Commission, #MiddleEast, @USAsiaPacific, & @LatinAmericans countries must #Immediately #Suspend contractual agreements related to #ChineseBeltSilkRoad
#EconomicDevelopment #Projects IF #ValdmirPutin goes to #WAR with @NATO backed @UN_Ukraine

Since #China @MFA_China is in strong #Geopolitical #Alliance with #RussianFederation, #Banker for #Moscow, & close #Confidante of #ValidmirPutin IF @mfa_russia goes to #War with @Ukraine then @China must #Immediately #Withdraw from #WesternHemisphere

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept 
#GaffneyUkraineRussia #PeaceProposal:
Will not be any war between @Ukraine and #Russia @RusConsulateDC because the #RepublicOfChina has become #TooBigtoFail as a #Powerbroker within the #GlobalCommunity

#China, #Russia, #USA,  #SaudiaArabia, #Iran, #Syria, #Israel, #Africa nor any #Nation on #Earth will not have #Audacity to assault the #KingdomOfGod. Any nation, no matter how powerful, that assaults the #Kingdom of God will suffer #Wrath of #GodAlmighty

#GaffneyUkraineRussia #PeaceProposal 
#UnfinishedBusiness on Behalf of my #3rdCousin former #POTUS33 @HarrySTruman75 includes saving World from #NuclearHolocaust resulting from War between @NATO backed @UN_Ukraine with #ValidmirPutin @RusConsulateDC Russia leading to a nuclear standoff between United States and China

The #MostHighGod in Heaven has #FullPower and #Authority to Send Out an #Army of #Angels to #Stop #Stupidity of an #Ukraine #Russia #War as an #Assault upon #KingdomOfGod

War between Ukraine and Russia will mean that human civilization as Gods masterpiece will loose no matter who may win. Whatever country may win, either NATO backed Ukraine led by the United States or Russia backed by the Republic of China, that country will be the BIGGEST LOOSER of all , because under God's law of love winning is not about crushing one's neighbor. War is about living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. 

In my freelance article entitled, The Lyrics, " Look at all my Trails and Tribulations" from the Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack is Fitting to Commemorate My Work as a Writer and Lobbyists for the High Tech Industry Establishing a New Branch of Christianity Dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics, I made the following observation:

War between Ukraine and Russia will only feed coffers of Republic of China thereby making Russia more economically dependent upon Beijing while political unrest grows within Russian federation as consequence of dire poverty resulting from decades of war. When the Russian federation collapse after decades of war between Ukraine and Russia the Republic of China as a major trading partner of the United States of America will colonize the Russian federation. 

Colonization of the Russian federation by the Republic of China after decades of war between Ukraine and Russia will demonstrate that the collective conscious of humanity does not have any real true value system while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. In a Facebook article soon to be published on Google eblogger I discuss the role of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to validate boolean operators of God's truth within quantum entanglement comprising 
information architecture of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil as a consequence of Satan hacking a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden.

Related Twitter:

As #Translator of #QuantumWaveFunction #Language for #MostHighGod my #Warning to #VladimirPutin about #Colonization of #Russia by #China after #DecadesOfWar with @NATO backed #Ukraine akin to #Danial warning #Nebuchadnezzar #Babylon will be crushed

As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry observations I make in my freelance articles on social media leads to collapse of superposition of Satan's beguiling deception as a consequence of quantum entanglement in geopolitics. In my freelance article entitled, Since Satan Hacked the Quantum Wave Function language The Most High God in Heaven used to Code Information Architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, Resulting in Quantum Particlization of the Physical Universe, We are Currently Living in Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality, I discuss how Satan's beguiling deception leading to war arises from Satan working to gain full complete total control of quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics:

Satan work to gain full complete total control of the Quantum Wave function language the Most High God in Heaven used to code the Tree of life will allow evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind become the incarnation of antichrist on earth in order to transform human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind into the Image of the beast thereby preventing expansion of consciousness within the physical universe.

Continued later 

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