Friday, February 18, 2022

How to Make the Economy Work for Everyone by Implementing Creative Financial Instruments to Establish a Hedge Fund Underwritten by Mortgage Backed Securities and Venture Capital for Start Ups that Add Significant Value to the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP) in Terms of Reaching a Near Zero Low Entropy Highly Energy Efficient Garden of Eden like State of Existence during the Technosingularity more conducive to manifesting Gods Law of Love

My latest work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry for which I may need 1st Amendment protection is to counterbalance ascendency of the Republic of China as the most predominant strongest Superpower on earth exceeding power of the United States of America by inclusion of Validmir Putin's Russian federation and Ukraine into the NATO alliance plus establishing free open source exchange of scientific research within the International community in order to create a New World order more conducive to living under God's law.  God's law is love.

We, the collective  conscious of humanity are at a pivotal juncture in human history where we must decide between alternative parallel timelines.  War between Ukraine and Russia as a hidden agenda of the Global Luddite Movement to regulate science and technology with the Republican of China at the helm of a One World Government will create immense global poverty and suffering. We , the collective conscious of humanity must decide between :

(1) War as Satan's strategy for human civilization to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology eventually resulting in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becoming an incarnation of the antichrist on earth 


(2) Apply artificial Intelligent systems and open source exchange of scientific and technological research data 
to create reciprocity of mutual  profit within complex supply demand chain networks of international markets,  including the Republic of China, thereby learning to live under God's law of love to build the Kingdom of God for our children's children. The International Community must immediately accept the Gaffney Ukraine Russia Peace Proposal to preserve a balanced equation within geopolitics by inviting Validmir Putin's Russian federation to join NATO and hammer out free open source exchange of scientific research agreements in accordance to God's command, 'Go forth and have dominion'. 

The following is URL address for the Gaffney Ukraine Russia Peace Proposal:

Russiagate in United States politics is mistrust creating social division that sprouted from lack of transparency within framework of Socialist capitalism that exudes mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest under Satan's strategy of evolutionary biology. Republicans and Democrats say bad things about each other,  and they are both right simultaneously. 

In my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I have explored how to how to make the economy work for everyone by implementing creative financial instruments by establishing a Hedge fund underwritten by Mortgage backed securities and venture capital for start ups that add significant value to the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP) in terms of reaching a near zero low entropy highly energy efficient Garden  of Eden like state of existence during the Technosingularity more conducive to manifesting Gods law of love. Obviously,   an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns resulting in rapid advances in material science can add significant value to residential and commercial properties.

The American Dream of home ownership is how responsible working class individuals who have dedicated years of service  become invested partners in One Nation,  Under God, Indivisible,  for liberty and Justice for all. In recent years since the economic collapse of 2008, manipulation of deflationary and inflationary trends in real estate markets by the Republican/Democrat duopoly have created obstacles to the American Dream of home ownership in the same vein as Mr. Potter in the classic Frank Capra Hollywood blockbuster, Its a Wonderful Life. 

The big lie surrounding the 2008 housing market crash sparked the Occupy Wall Street  Movement. 
The big lie surrounding the 2008 housing crash is exposed by inflationary prices of home values today when not too long ago people lost their homes  as a consequence of foreclosure.  Obviously,  smart con artists who manipulated markets by pushing responsible working class citizens to dishonor their moral contractual obligations by selling their homes at deflated 2008 foreclosure prices are now capitalizing from inflationary prices of real estate properties purchased at foreclosure prices.

In my freelance article entitled, Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire, I referenced a TED talk by Zeynep Tufekci entitled, Machine Intelligence makes Human Morals more Important.

In my freelance article entitled, Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire,
I pointed out obedience to the 10 Commandments could have prevented the Financial Collapse of 2008. Specifically, obedience to the commandment, Thou Shalt Not Covet, could have prevented the financial collapse of 2008. I strongly advocate that the 10 Commandments should be displayed in every local, state, and federal office throughout our beloved country, the United States of America.

Paradoxically,  the American dream of home ownership is more out of reach today due to inflation in real estate markets than before the economic collapse of 2008 when interest rates on mortgage notes were higher. An article published by Science Magazine entitled, Quantum paradox points to shaky foundations of Reality, provides insight into quantum particlization of paradox in large systems:

In terms of shaky foundations of reality the only thing that is real is God's law of love. In my freelance article entitled, Since Satan Hacked the Quantum Wave Function language The Most High God in Heaven used to Code Information Architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, Resulting in Quantum Particlization of the Physical Universe, We are Currently Living in Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality, I point out that it is incumbent upon the Collective conscious of humanity to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind by obeying God's command,  ' Go forth and have dominion.

Home ownership is about investment in one's community. A willingness to invest in one's community in order to create a family legacy is a major factor in reducing prepayment risk for mortgage backed securities.  Good paying jobs allowing one to support a family do not appear magically out of thin air. Good paying jobs are created by reciprocity within complex supply demand chains of international markets. 

The American Dream of home ownership is how responsible working class citizens become major consumers within complex supply demand chain networks. Application of artificial intelligence systems in combination of free open source exchange of scientific and technological research data 
can create tremendous value in terms of reciprocity of mutual profitability within complex supply demand chain networks of international markets thereby creating good paying jobs for working class citizens. Creation of tremendous value in terms of reciprocity of mutual profitability within complex supply demand chain networks of international markets resulting in good paying jobs enable working class citizens to achieve the American Dream of home ownership to become major consumers.

Democracy requires transparency.  Capitalism demands discretion to withhold sensitive information to be successful within the framework of Socialist capitalism. Socialist capitalism is mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest according to Satan's strategy for human civilization to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

An article published by Reuters in 2008 entitled, UPDATE 1-Russia says has $100bln in US agencies bonds, discuss investment by Moscow in real estate mortgage backed securities. 

Today the Global Luddite Movement is pressing for a war between Russia and Ukraine that will culminate in collapse of Validmir  Putin's Russian federation despite whether or not Russia should either win or lose the war. Colonization of Russia by the Republican of China after decades of war between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia will revive Communists bloc era that emerged during the 20th century.

In my freelance article entitled, The Lyrics, " Look at all my Trails and Tribulations" from the Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack is Fitting to Commemorate My Work as a Writer and Lobbyists for the High Tech Industry Establishing a New Branch of Christianity Dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics, I made it clear to Validmir Putin the consequences of prolonged war with NATO backed Ukraine.

If Russia should win the war with NATO backed Ukraine decades of war will only feed coffers of Republic of China thereby making Russia more economically dependent upon Beijing while political unrest grows within Russian federation as consequence of dire poverty thereby resulting in vulnerability of the Russian federation to colonization by the Republic of China. 

Related Twitter:

As #Translator of #QuantumWaveFunction #Language for #MostHighGod my #Warning to #VladimirPutin about #Colonization of #Russia by #China after #DecadesOfWar with @NATO backed #Ukraine akin to #Danial warning #Nebuchadnezzar #Babylon will be crushed

Tao expressed as simulated virtual reality underlying quantum particlization of the laws of classic physics formulating our physical universe as a balanced mathematical equation rendered by the Quantum Wave Function language by which the Most High God coded the Tree of Life results in the Ying and Yang of #SinoAmerican diplomacy.  An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly moving human civilization towards the Technosingularity when all economic laws will crumble demands the collective conscious of humanity work to preserve a balanced equation within geopolitics of the international community. The process of transcendental meditation to reach higher states of enlightenment is being open to our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind whereby everything is interconnected as one.

State religion institutionalized by a One World Government with Beijing at the helm is in alignment with centralized government of Monotheistic monarchies throughout Europe,  Middle East,  Asia,  and Latin America comprising the Global Luddite Movement. Hence,  the Global Luddite Movement is pushing Validmir Putin to go to war with Ukraine to institutionalize state religion with the centralized government of the Republic of China at the helm of a One World Government in order to regulate science and technology for the purpose of exercising power and control over human civilization. 

It is written in Proverbs 29: 18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish "

An article published by the Harvard Business Review entitled, How Venture Capital Works, discuss innovation as a driving force within free market capitalism:

An article published by CNBC entitled, DeepMind co-founder plans to help U.S. VC firm Greylock penetrate Europe,
points to need for the collective conscious of humanity to learn to live under God's law of love given quantum particlization of semantic binary data within the elegant scripture verse Proverbs 29 - 18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish"

Continued later

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