Monday, February 21, 2022

加夫尼 乌克兰 俄罗斯 和平提案

The Biden administration needs to be upfront and transparent about ascendency of the Republic of China to preeminent Superpower status as a major factor prompting Validmir Putin to go to war with NATO backed Ukraine. The Biden administration upfront and transparent approach to ascendency of the Republic of China to a global Superpower exceeding Superpower status of the United States of America as motivation for Valdmir Putin's  decision to go to war with NATO backed Ukraine will generate empathic understanding of Validmir Putin's position within the International community.

Since Beijing is banker , strongest geopolitical alliance, and confidante of Validmir Putin's Russian federation then Validmir Putin is not going to openly discuss China's rise to Superpower status as related to imperialism of the Chinese Silk Belt Road economic development projects throughout Europe,  Middle East, Asia, Africa  and Latin America NATO countries as a major factor in Vladimir Putin's decision to go to war with NATO backed Ukraine .

World powers are strangely silent upon the role of the Republic of China in impending war between Ukraine and Russia . Ascendency of the Republic of China to rank of a global  Superpower exceeding Superpower status of the United States of America is the foremost primary issue in today's conflict between NATO backed Ukraine and Validmir Putin's Russian federation. 

What does it mean for the International community to be 依赖的 dependent upon China? War between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia will make the International community more 依赖的 upon China. 

War is not about creating,  building,  innovating, engineering, discovering, exploring, but instead war is about destruction that drains precious resources of a nation. Precious resources of a nation can be used for something better, like eradicating hunger and starvation from the face of the earth. War is not like competition exhibited at sporting events. How will Validmir Putin or President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy answer to their people after precious resources of their respective nations are completely drained and exhausted after decades of war? Will they be any more free then they are now?

An article published by Aljazeera Magazine entitled,
China’s rise and America’s decline spell conflict, provides insight into ascendency of the Republic of China to predominate Superpower status

Since Beijing is banker , strongest geopolitical alliance, and confidante of Validmir Putin's Russian federation then Validmir Putin is not going to openly discuss China's rise to Superpower status as related to imperialism of the Chinese Silk Belt Road economic development projects throughout Europe,  Middle East, Asia,  and Latin America NATO countries as a major factor in Vladimir  Putin's decision to go to war with NATO backed Ukraine .

As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I am having trouble this morning accessing intelligent articles about China's meteoric rise to Superpower status as related to impending war between Ukraine and Russia. It appears my mobile device has been hacked as an effort to impose censorship upon the international community. 

Censorship is a feature, not a bug, within the Central communists party platform of Beijing.  It is one small step to be surrounded digitally in the Metaverse to be surrounded by big men with guns appointed by the state to administer laws of a One World Government under guise of state religion. 

The Italian mafia has no qualms about conducting business with the Central communists party in Beijing on behalf of the Global Luddite movement to advance their cause. The concept of rule of law, heavily promoted within conservative circles, facilities identification with authoritarianism of China as a Republic thereby eliminating fair competition by individuals exercising their right to free speech to promote the Gaffney Ukraine Russia Peace Proposal ( 加夫尼 乌克兰 俄罗斯 和平提案 ).

In my freelance article entitled, How to Make the Economy Work for Everyone by Implementing Creative Financial Instruments to Establish a Hedge Fund Underwritten by Mortgage Backed Securities and Venture Capital for Start Ups that Add Significant Value to the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP) in Terms of Reaching a Near Zero Low Entropy Highly Energy Efficient Garden of Eden like State of Existence during the Technosingularity more conducive to manifesting Gods Law of Love, I discuss establishing a Hedge fund Venture Capital firm to facilitate open source collaborations within International markets for
creating,  building,  innovating, engineering, discovering, and exploring:

Subtle undertones protesting oppression of highly skilled athletes by the state spilling over into the Olympics is discussed in an article published by Yahoo News entitled, Skater's defiant act against China on Winter Olympics podium:

The Biden administration needs to be upfront and transparent about ascendency of the Republic of China to preeminent Superpower status as a major factor prompting Validmir Putin to go to war with NATO backed Ukraine. The Biden administration upfront and transparent approach to ascendency of the Republic of China to a global Superpower exceeding Superpower status of the United States of America as motivation for Valdmir Putin's  decision to go to war with NATO backed Ukraine will generate empathic understanding of Validmir Putin's position within the International community.

An article published by Foreign Policy Magazine entitled, Russia Loosens Its Belt, discuss how Valdimir Putin is ecstatic 欣喜若狂with the Chinese Belt Silk Road only to the degree the Chinese Belt Silk Road advances the cause of the Russian federation. The absence of Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister at a high level virtual conference reflects Moscow's suspicion about Beijing's liaisons between NATO Chinese Belt Silk Road countries.

An article published by the New York Times 2 hours ago entitled, Citing U.S. Intelligence Russia has Decided to Invade Ukraine, discuss the tense standoff between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia:

We should not forget that U.S. Intelligence agencies have gotten it wrong before. The United  States of  America led a NATO invasion of Iraq based upon false intelligence data that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction provided to U.S. intelligence agencies as false intelligence data 
from screwball,  an Iraqi defector. Covert operations of the Global Luddite Movement skew Intelligence data collected by U.S. Intelligence agencies around the world and make such data unreliable. 

The only thing that is real on this earth is God's love.  People all across the globe want peace,  and not another stupid war.

An article published by The Moscow Times entitled, ‘We Are One People. Why Would We Fight Our Brothers?’ Russians React to Ukraine War Threat, provides insight into sentiments of brotherly love by Russian citizens for the Ukraine people:

An article published by The China Journal, a publication of the University of Chicago, entitled The New Silk Road and China’s Evolving Grand Strategy, points out Beijing insist that the Chinese Belt Silk Road economic development projects throughout Europe , Middle East,  Asia, Africa, and Latin America focus upon multipolarity of international power.

If Beijing is truthfully sincere about pursuing multipolarity within International relations then Beijing shouldn't have any objection about Validmir Putin's Russian federation as a sovereign nation joining the NATO alliance to balance the geopolitical equation of Global power as human civilization rapidly moves toward the Technosingularity in order to create a New world order more conducive to manifesting Gods law of love. As a sovereign nation the Republic of China cannot dictate the internet policies of Validmir Putin's Russian federation by forbidding Russia from joining the NATO alliance. 

Related Twitter:

#RepublicOfChina is in #Strategic position to #Block my #GaffneyUkraineRussia #PeaceProposal within @UN assemblies given #Beijing is #Banker who will #Underwrite #WarMachine therefore #China will #Win #BothWays

Beijing's implementation of National Security Laws in Hong Kong is not in alignment with Beijing's pursuit of multipolarity associated with imperialism of the Chinese Belt Silk Road economic development projects throughout Europe,  Middle East,  Asia,  Africa,  and Latin America. Implementation of National Security Laws by Beijing
in Hong Kong is like a psychotic split multiple personality disorder 
characterized by Nationalistic withdrawal plus exercising excessive power and control 
as an overreaction of entering the foray of Socialist capitalism in the late 20th century. 

Socialist capitalism is mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest according to Satan's Strategy for human civilization to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology. Yet, paradoxically economic growth of the Republic of China depends upon Beijing's participation in Socialist capitalism in the modern 21st century. The Republic of China entering the foray of Socialist capitalism by enticing invitation of former President Richard Nixon is driving Beijing crazy. 

In my freelance article entitled , Appealing to Wisdom Emulating from the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks to the Heart and Mind of World Leaders in Grownings of the Spirit Beyond Words of Human Language as according to the Quintessential Definition of Jihad is How the Collective Conscious of Humanity will Help the Most High God in Heaven Win the Battle in Afghanistan, Syria, and Everywhere by Gods Grace. Our Bombs, Missiles, and Nuclear Warheads have Failed, I discuss Beijing's implemenation of National Security Laws in Hong Kong as related to the Rule of law in terms of immense sociological change in the modern 21st century arising from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly leading toward the Technosingularity:

The following is an excerpt from my freelance article Appealing to Wisdom Emulating from the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks:

Foremost, I want to point out that as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I am not antagonistic toward Biejing or any other government. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is to help the Republic of China become more successful by advocating for free international open source sharing of scientific and technological discoveries to
create a more perfect utopian communism by implementing Superintelligent AI systems powered by quantum computing to return our earth back to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state by  near zero entropy highly efficient manufacturing methods. Near zero entropy  highly efficient clean energy manufacturing methods will primarily be achieved by engineering of Utility Fog at the the end of the 21st century according to renown futurist Dr. Raymond Kurzweil. 

Furthermore,  in my article I outline a plan to mediate immense sociological change within the modern 21st century within framework of the Rule of law without violent street protests leading towards world wide anarchy:

Once again, as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I am not antagonistic of the Republican of China, but instead outline how working toward near zero entropy energy efficient manufacturing methods can create a more perfect utopian communism leading to successful adaptation to change in the modern 21st century as human civilization rapidly moves forward toward the Technosingularity.

As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I spoke out against protest in Hong Kong that could have toppled the Republic of China. In my freelance article entitled, My University of California Berkeley Dissertation Project is Designing Non Profit Analytical Study to Orchestrate a Coordinated Effort by Internet Social Media Platforms, Higher Education Online Curriculums, and OpenAI Project to Bring More Value to Markets by Increasing Reciprocity of Mutual Profit in Complex Supply Demand Chain Networks Instead of Merely Making Consumers Cash Cows as Targets of Sophisticated Marketing Schemes Powered by Artificial Intelligent Systems, I discussed role of small focus groups for constructive civic participation. The following is an excerpt from my article:

It is very sad the United States of America Judiciary does not understand the 1st amendment of the United States constitution as written by our Forefathers. All street  protests are huge mobs of individuals who each have their own agenda. Mobs blocking city streets is violent. The 1st amendment of the United States of America does not guarantee the right to street protests.  The 1st amendment guarantees the right to assemble to redress grievances in courts of law and legislative assemblies. If courts of law and legislative assemblies are broken then we the people need to fix it. In my writing I discuss fixing courts of law and legislative assemblies within dynamics of small focus groups enabling constructive civic participation by individuals. 

In order to understand anything, including the United States Constitution,  individuals must be attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Our Founding fathers in the  United States of America were attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Satan seeks to block receptionist of the Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to the heart and minds of individuals in grownings of the spirit too deep for words. 

Today in the modern 21st century as the collective conscious of humanity moves forward toward the Technosingularity to become an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale 
the Most High God in Heaven is blessing human civilization with the gifts of knowledge and understanding so that mankind kind can finally escape from being pinned down into the dirt while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. War between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia is Satan's strategy for the collective conscious of humanity to continue to be pinned down into the dirt while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

An empathic understanding of Beijing's dilemma can be better understood from China's efforts to minimize conflict among population subgroups by appealing to the Taoist Buddhist concept everything is interconnected as one, hence authoritarian centralized government administer collective fruits of labor of the common worker as China's Gross domestic product ( GDP ) according to communists philosophy all citizens share everything in common. The dire need for the Republic of China to minimize conflict among population subgroups arises from Mainland China's huge indigenous population. 

According to an article published by The Visual Capitalist entitled, The Population of China Compared with the Rest of the World,

"China is the world’s most populous country with an astounding 1.44 billion citizens. Altogether, the size of the population of China is larger than nearly four regions combined: South America, Europe (excluding Russia), the U.S. & Canada, and Australia & New Zealand."

Pluralism of Democracy of many population subgroups
exuding mutual cooperation for survival of the fittest according to Satan's strategy will not work in mainland China due to China's large indigenous population. 

War between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia will revive the communist block alliance between the Russian federation and the Republic of China. It is not in the best interest of the International community to revive the Communists block alliance given huge indigenous population of the Republic of China.

In the Hollywood blockbuster movie Star Wars Obi-Wan is quoted as saying,

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."

In my freelance article entitled,  Unfinished Business ( 未完成的工作 )
on Behalf of My 3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed Former President Harry Truman as Related to Quantum Particlization of an Alternative Parallel Timeline to Avoid Armageddon Resulting from War Between Ukraine and Russia Leading to World War III, I outline my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry to prevent a nuclear stand off between the Republic of China and United States of America given construction of Nuclear power plants in Argentina can be easily converted to manufacture nuclear weapons:

An article published by CNBC entitled, Western leaders put up a united front as Russia commences nuclear exercises, suggest that war between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia may result in nuclear holocaust:

In my freelance article entitled, The Gaffney Ukraine Russia Peace Proposal ( 加夫尼 乌克兰 俄罗斯 和平提案 ), I made the following observation:

While living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy human civilization is sitting upon a powder keg of deep primeval anger buried within the subconscious. My work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry is to help the collective conscious of humanity escape from being pinned down into the dirt under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy and move forward toward the Technosingularity more conducive to manifesting Gods law of love ( 上帝的爱法则 ) by obeying God's command,  ' Go forth and have dominion '.

Paradoxically,  Chinese emperors were reluctant to enter the foray of Socialist capitalism in the late 19th to 20th century because of fear surrounding dynamite as a newly discovered explosive. 

According to an article published by The Conversation entitled, This December is the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Soviet Union – how does an empire collapse?:

"It’s been 30 years since the Soviet Union dissolved in the wake of a bungled reform effort by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, elected General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party in 1985."

Today in the year 2022 of the modern 21st century world leaders are dealing with a NEW Russian federation under leadership of Validmir Putin.  The hot fiery furnace of Socialist capitalism to which all nations now belong has forged international geopolitics into a new type of beast. 

Satan's beguiling deception has possessed world leaders in the year 2022 of the modern 21st century to scrap 30 years of diplomacy.  World leaders are no longer dealing with the old Soviet Union that began during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 before the cold war:

According to the Conversation referenced above, 

"The Soviet Union, created by the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, consisted of 16 constituent republics, named for their majority nationality (Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian and so on)."

Validmir Putin has a lawful right to be angry World leaders do not recognize the New Russian federation by attempting to annex Ukraine under NATO Western power, especially after 30 years of international cooperation with the West. Why shouldn't Ukraine remain apart of the new Russia federation under leadership of Validmir Putin?

An article published by the Carnegie Endowment Institute entitled, After Silicon Valley: U.S.-Russia Economic Cooperation, outlines Russian cooperation with the West to create a New world order more conducive to manifesting Gods law of love by obeying God's command,  'Go forth and have dominion '.

In a recent freelance article I referenced a train derailment in 2021 as a major trading route between California and Eastern United States as sabatoge by the Italian mafia on behalf of the Global Luddite movement. The end of science is the end of individual freedom and democracy. The train derailment to California in 2021 is likely collaboration between Beijing and the Italian mafia to derail scientific progress in the United States of America. 

An article published by entitled, NASA, Russia stress that space partnership remains strong after Nauka incident at space station, outlines Validmir Putin's Russian federation cooperation with the NASA International Space Station since the 1970s.

More information about Russia partnership with NASA  on construction of the International Space station can be found in an article published by entitled, Russian and Soviet space stations throughout history:

An article published by the Wilson Center entitled, Why Russia and America Need Each Other,  shared the following insight pertaining to improving diplomatic relations between the Russian federation and United States of America:

"In spite of these disagreements, Trenin emphasized that Russia and the United States need one another and that cooperation between the two countries is essential. On a wide range of issues, U.S. and Russian interests coincide, including non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, managing the rise of China, dealing with the difficult situation in the Middle East, and resolving "frozen conflicts." In addition, Russia needs American assistance to modernize and integrate its economy into the global market, and to gain access to American markets, he said. The United States needs Russia's cooperation in the fight against terrorism, he said. Positive relations between the two countries would lead to a more stable world, and would enhance both countries' security.

In connection with this, Trenin believes that a new global institution needs to be formed to maintain stability and security. This organization would be similar to the G-8, in that it would provide a forum for the discussion of major problems confronting the world, he said, but would be more inclusive than the G-8, because it would not require a country to be "democratic." The group could include all the G-8 members, as well as China, India, and Brazil. Russia wants to be given a seat at the table where decisions are made, Trenin stressed, and such an organization could be one way to accomplish this goal. "

Related Twitter:

As a #Writer #PoliticalConsultant working as #Lobbyist on behalf of #HighTech #Markets to establish an #OpenSource #TransparencyModel to move toward #Technosingularity to build #OneNationUnderGod, I #ShouldBePaid $3.5 million dollars by #Russian #Oligarch

Validmir Putin is an amazing world leader who has displayed great skill in holding the Russian federation together despite formidable internal domestic and external foreign challenges to the Russian motherland. 
Labor unions in Russia are a coup d'etat by Central communists party in Beijing disguised as Democracy movements. 

We are not dealing with the same communists Soviet union before the cold war.  Russia has made great strides toward Democratization. Mass mob rule as Republican/Democrat duopoly are trying to Institute in United States by covert operations of the Republic of China does not impart individual liberty and freedom as outlined in Foundational documents of the United States of America. 

What about the rights and liberties of Russian separatists living in Ukraine? NATO sponsored mob rule as a covert action of Beijing has mercilessly driven Russian separatists living in Ukraine from their homes with weapons of mass destruction. 

Russian separatists living in Ukraine can be instrumental in continued peaceful Democratization of the Russian federation by establishing business partnerships to empower the Russian people. The goal of  peaceful Democratization of the Russian federation by Russian separatists living in Ukraine  establishing business partnerships to empower the Russian people will be to eventually unite Russian and Ukraine as a new sovereign democracy. The first step is to reject Satan's strategy of transforming human beings into Image of the beast during decades of war between NATO backed Ukraine/Russia and 
accept the Gaffney Ukraine Russia Peace Proposal to create a New World order more conducive to manifesting Gods law of love as human civilization rapidly moves forward toward the Technosingularity. 

An article published by Radio Free Europe entitled, How China Became A Force In The Former Soviet Space After The Fall Of The U.S.S.R., discuss challenges to Vladimir Putin's Russian federation posed by the Republic of China:

Is Ukraine free living under auspices of Beijing as a NATO Chinese Belt and Silk Road country?

Although the Republic of China has become the foremost preeminent Superpower on earth surpassing Superpower status of the United States of America,  China is not invincible given World leaders as subroutines of a Cosmic mind must answer to the Most High God in Heaven:

An article published by the Wall street Journal entitled, Beyond Evergrande, China’s Property Market Faces a $5 Trillion Reckoning, exposes the Republic of China's vulnerability according to authority of the Most High God in Heaven.

Decades of bloody violent warfare between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia will only consolidate the Republic of China as the foremost preeminent Superpower on earth surpassing Superpower status of the United States of America by feeding coffers of Beijing while United States,  Russia, and Ukraine become insolvent bankrupt nations. Once the United States,  Russia,  and Ukraine become insolvent bankrupt Nations then NATO Chinese Belt Silk Road countries throughout Europe, Middle East,  Asia,  Africa,  and Latin America will arrange the five star red flag of Communists China to  fly over the Capital in Washington DC. with the United States added as a 6th star, according to the mark of the beast. 

Hence,  although the Republic of China is #TOOBIGTOFAIL if war breaks out between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia then both China and Russia must immediately be expelled from the Western hemisphere and all #NATO Chinese Belt Silk Road countries throughout Europe,  Middle East, Asia,  Africa,  and Latin America must immediately severe economic ties with the Republic of China as outlined in my freelance article entitled, The Gaffney Ukraine Russia Peace Proposal:


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