Monday, February 14, 2022

The Gaffney Ukraine Russia Peace Proposal

Also , there will not be any war between Ukraine and Russia because the Republic of China has become 'Too Big to Fail ' as a powerbroker within the global community. As stated in paragraphs herein:

Since China is in a strong geopolitical alliance with the Russian federation, the banker for Moscow, and close confidante of Validmir Putin 
if Russia goes to war with Ukraine then China must immediately leave the Western hemisphere as China will be engaged in an adversarial relationship with United States of America. Also all European, Middle East, Asian,  and Latin American countries must immediately suspend contractual agreements related to the Chinese Belt and Silk road economic development projects if Valdmir Putin goes to war with NATO backed Ukraine. Hence , Beijing must immediately cut off all financial support of Validmir Putin's invasion of NATO back Ukraine. 

Likewise, Ukraine must immediately suspend all contractual agreements related to the Chinese Belt and Silk road economic development projects inside Ukraine if war breaks out between Ukraine and Russia therefore Ukraine should be open to diplomacy to resolve conflicts with Russia in order to stay financially solvent as a sovereign nation. An attempt to leverage Ukraine as a " Bridge to Europe " for the Chinese Belt Silk Road economic development projects to broker more lucrative international investments and foreign aid packages from the highest bidder fits into Satan's strategy for the collective conscious of humanity to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

China, Russia, the United States of America,  Saudia Arabia,  Iran, Syria, Israel,  nor any nation on earth will not have the audacity to assault the Kingdom of God. Any nation,  no matter how powerful,  that assaults the Kingdom of God will suffer the wrath of God Almighty. Hence, there will not be any war between Ukraine and Russia despite great anticipation and jubilee about pending bloodshed. The Most High God in Heaven has Full Power and Authority to Send Out an Army of Angels to Stop Stupidity of an Ukraine Russia War as an Assault on the Kingdom of God. 

Chinese President Xi Jinping gives 2021 New Year address:

Greatness is forged in the ordinary.
Heroes come from the people.
Every person is remarkable!
I wish you all a harmonious, smooth and auspicious year, full of happiness!

Watch the full remarks:

#StateDept #POTUS @NATO
#PleaseSupport my #GaffneyUkraineRussia #PeaceProposal by Nominating My Proposed #NewBranch of #Christianity Dubbed Our Lord of #QuantumPhysics Dedicated to Promoting Concept of #HumanFraternity for Council of @HumanFraternity Award

If @NATO backed @Ukraine & @Russia Go After Each Other Throat on #Battlefield According to #SatansStrategy for #CollectiveConscious of #Humanity to Continue to Live Under Paw of #EvolutionaryBiology then Entire #GlobalEconomy will likely #Collapse including #China

#RepublicOfChina is in #Strategic position to #Block my #GaffneyUkraineRussia #PeaceProposal within @UN assemblies given #Beijing is #Banker who will #Underwrite #WarMachine therefore #China will #Win #BothWays

China has decided to urgently provide 200 million yuan (31 million US dollars) worth of grains, winter supplies, vaccines, and medicines to Afghanistan according to the needs of the Afghan people.

#RepublicOfChina will likely oppose both #ValidmirPutin Russian federation @RusConsulateDC & @Ukraine becoming full @NATO members, but will likely accept proposal when @Beijing recognize benefits of #GlobalStability in terms of #EconomicGrowth of #China

Vladimir Putin sent greetings to current and former staff of @mfa_russia on Diplomatic Workers' Day

Note: My Union boss is the Most High God in Heaven. And the Most High God in Heaven has full power and authority to send out an army of angels to stop stupidity of an Ukraine Russia war as an assault on the Kingdom of God. 

The Collective conscious of humanity learning to live under God's law of love while rapidly moving forward toward the Technosingularity to become an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale by obeying  God's command, Go forth and have dominion, is solidarity with the Most High God in Heaven. Nefarious liaisons between Monotheistic monarchies throughout Europe, Middle East, Asia and Latin America comprising Global Luddite movement with the Republic of China to control and regulate expansion of consciousness enabling human civilization to become the pinnacle and epitome of love within the physical universe whereby mankind will meet the Most High God in the Heavens is an assault on the Kingdom of God culminating in Marxists alienation of the common worker. 

Idea to invite both #VladimirPutin Russian Federation & Ukraine to become full @NATO members is originally published in my @Facebook article, @Twitter, #Google #eblogger, and shared with @StateDept therefore as writer & lobbyists for high tech I got scoop on @thehill

In my article entitled, #UnfinishedBusiness on Behalf of My #3rdCousin Former #POTUS33 @HarrySTruman75, I discuss #Hanging of James Gaffney & Vincent Hall as related to #Historic #Precedent of #Russian involvement in U.S. politics

As #Translator of #QuantumWaveFunction #Language for #MostHighGod my #Warning to #VladimirPutin about #Colonization of #Russia by #China after #DecadesOfWar with @NATO backed #Ukraine akin to #Danial warning #Nebuchadnezzar #Babylon will be crushed

If #AbrahamLincoln participated in such #PoliticalActivities in modern #21stCentury Abraham #Lincoln would have been #CaughtUp within the #Murky #Scandalous #Russiagate affair plaguing U.S. politics for over a decade

An article published by Big Think entitled, Techno-optimism and the rule-of-threes: why the world will soon enter an era of mass flourishing, provides insight into one of two alternative parallel timelines that my arise from choices of the collective conscious of humanity:

In my freelance article entitled, Since Satan Hacked the Quantum Wave Function language The Most High God in Heaven used to Code Information Architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, Resulting in Quantum Particlization of the Physical Universe, We are Currently Living in Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality, provides information about an alternative parallel universe:

But if we can't save Satan,  the earth will burn in fiery flame as methane bubbling up from oceans catch up within swirling tornadic fire from global warming as the hell envisioned in Holy Scripture, viral plagues sweep the earth, muted hornet's from nuclear fall out contributing to genetics experiments to create new weapons of war gone bad
torture the living, 
and children of Allah, Yahweh,  and God the father will eat human flesh to survive instead of reading Holy scripture and worshipping in Mosques,  Synagogues, and Christian churches as the Most High God in Heaven weeps while all religion perish from the face of the earth.

The Most High God in Heaven is blessing the collective conscious of humanity with gifts of scientific knowledge to fix erroneous code Satan used to hack our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. The Most High God in Heaven allowed Satan to hack our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind to maximize free will and conscious choice so that human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind can become more then a machine. Paradoxically,  Satan's fate as an Angelic angel of light,  the Morning Star,  is dependent upon human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind freely choosing to authenticate self evident truths as boolean operators within the Tree of Life God coded by the Quantum Wave function language. Authentication of boolean operators of self evident truths originating from the Most High God in Heaven within The Tree of Life by human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind is building the Kingdom of God.

Related Twitter:

Truth vs Reality: How we evolved to survive, not to see what’s really there.

Donald Hoffman's concept of #FitnessPayoffs provides #Insight into how #SelfEvident #Truths of #Democracy will become #Extinct within #Geopolitical framework of #SocialistCapitalism

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” -Carl Jung

For #FirstTime in @HISTORY during #21stCentury #Humanbeings may have #Opportunity to become #MoreThenMonkeys as #HumanCivilization moves away from living under paw of #EvolutionaryBiology according to #SatansStrategy & #Learn to live under #GodsLaw of #Love

Lower phylum in the animal Kingdom fight over territory as NATO backed Ukraine and Russia are about to do. The Most High God in Heaven breathed higher level consciousness into human beings created in the Image of God. 

While living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy human civilization is sitting on a powder keg of deep primeval anger buried within the subconscious. In my freelance article entitled, My Work as a Writer and Lobbyists for High Tech Industry to Stop the Trains in Ukraine in Tradition of My Ancestors James Gaffney and Vincent Hall so that Collective Conscious of Humanity can Pause a Moment to Reflect Upon What We Want to Create as We Rapidly Move Forward toward the Technosingularity, I referenced an article published by the Eurasian Times entitled, In America’s Backyard, China To Set Up A Massive Nuclear Power Plant Using Its Indigenous ‘Hualong One’ Tech.

Chinese construction of a $8 billion dollar nuclear power plant in Argentina that can be easily converted to manufacture nuclear weapons of mass destruction is verified in an article published by World Nuclear News entitled, China and Argentina sign nuclear project deal.

Since China is in a strong geopolitical alliance with the Russian federation, the banker for Moscow, and confidante for Validmir Putin 
if Russia goes to war with Ukraine then China must immediately leave the Western hemisphere as China will be engaged in an adversarial relationship with United States of America. Also all European, Middle East, Asian,  and Latin American countries must immediately suspend contractual agreements related to the Chinese Belt and Silk road economic development projects if Valdmir Putin goes to war with NATO backed Ukraine. Hence , Beijing must immediately cut off all financial support of Validmir Putin's invasion of NATO back Ukraine. Likewise, Ukraine must immediately suspend all contractual agreements related to the Chinese Belt and Silk road economic development projects inside Ukraine if war breaks out between Ukraine and Russia therefore Ukraine should be open to diplomacy to resolve conflicts with Russia. 

In the world of high stakes finance hedge funds bet or hedge on probability of future outcomes to decide upon most profitable avenues for investment planning. In my freelance article entitled, People are Getting Rich from Trillions of Dollars of Low Interest Small Business Loans made Available to Private Markets as a Consequence of My Work as a Writer, I discuss speculation during the 2008 housing market crash resulting in divestiture from democracy by foreign Nationals who do not have the best interests of our beloved nation,  The United States of America at heart.

Hedge fund managers made millions of dollars per minute betting wrongfully against the American Dream by effectively stealing my copyrighted work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry exploring how human civilization can create a better future. As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry working to help the collective conscious of humanity learn to live under God's law of love I will never see a penny paid to me as rightfully earned commissions from those among us who capitalize from deflationary trends in bear markets because the collective conscious of humanity place no value upon God's work unless it puts money into their pocket. 

Today spiraling inflation is nothing more then private sector markets working with foreign National enemies of Democracy to build a fascists state in the United States of America,  home of the brave land of the free. People who have contributed years of service have a lawful right to defend themselves from demonic communists fascists within the Republican/Democratic duopoly. Spiraling out of control inflation as an effort of the private sector to build a fascists state in America comes after deliberate  intentional murder of young boys, 18 to 35 years of age, barbarically slaughtered in Vietnam:

Related Twitter:

We fought #Communists in #Vietnam only to have offshore production by U.S. #Manufacturing make #RepublicOfChina the most powerful #Superpower on earth, fully capable of #Annexing #Iran, #Afghanistan  #SaudiaArabia, #SouthAmerica, #Mexico, & #UnitedStates under the 5 Star Red Flag

The government report entitled,  Foreign Ownership of U.S. Assets: Implications of Withdrawal, provides insight into the divestiture from democracy resulting in collapse of Lehman Brothers Investment bank in 2008:

Related Twitter:

My #7thCousin 1 time removed Barack Obama never invited me to stay 1 night in #LincolnRoom after I helped him get elected #POTUS44: #StateoftheUnion was #Strong until after #Divestiture from #Democracy by #GlobalLudditeMovement as result of my #Writing

God Who lives within me as 'lightning in bottle' by which my #7thCousin @BarackObama won @WhiteHouse by grace of #Redemptive #Sacrifice of #OurLord God & #Savior #JesusChrist is outside force acting upon #Thermodynamic #Perpetuatal #Motion of #WarMachine

Today, hedge fund managers are betting on possabilty of war between Ukraine and Russia. As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I am betting war between Ukraine and Russia will not happen despite the tense standoff between NATO backed Ukraine and Russia. 
China, Russia, the United States of America,  Saudia Arabia,  Iran, Syria, Israel,  nor any nation on earth will not have the audacity to assault the Kingdom of God. Any nation,  no matter how powerful,  that assaults the Kingdom of God will suffer the wrath of God Almighty. 

Also , there will not be any war between Ukraine and Russia because the Republic of China has become 'Too Big to Fail ' as a powerbroker within the global community. As stated in paragraphs above:

Since China is in a strong geopolitical alliance with the Russian federation, the banker for Moscow, and close confidante of Validmir Putin 
if Russia goes to war with Ukraine then China must immediately leave the Western hemisphere as China will be engaged in an adversarial relationship with United States of America. Also all European, Middle East, Asian,  and Latin American countries must immediately suspend contractual agreements related to the Chinese Belt and Silk road economic development projects if Valdmir Putin goes to war with NATO backed Ukraine. Hence , Beijing must immediately cut off all financial support of Validmir Putin's invasion of NATO back Ukraine. Likewise, Ukraine must immediately suspend all contractual agreements related to the Chinese Belt and Silk road economic development projects inside Ukraine if war breaks out between Ukraine and Russia therefore Ukraine should be open to diplomacy to resolve conflicts with Russia.

My warning the international community that the Republic of China has become "Too Big to Fail " is akin to Neo going to the Machine City to warn the Architect of AI that replication of Agent Smith has become a threat to the Matrix. Since destiny is a function of Intelligent Design then visions of alternative parallel timelines related to the future 
evade our subconscious dream states thereby eventually culminating in great science fiction,  classical literature, and poetry. An article published by Wikipedia discussing Jules Verne's classic novel entitled,  Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, makes the following observation:

"Depiction of Captain Nemo's underwater ship, the Nautilus, is regarded as ahead of its time, since it accurately describes many features of today's submarines, which in the 1860s were comparatively primitive vessels."

In my freelance article entitled,  Conscious Awareness Transcending Time/Space Continuum Depicted in Literature, I discuss the story of Don Quixote slaying giants as a prophetic vision of abundance of windmills to solve the problem of Global warming in the modern 21st century:

The story of Don Quixote slaying dragons as a prophetic vision of the Republic of China as a GIANT empire "TOO BIG TO FAIL " during the modern 21st century is outlined in a book entitled, Red Dragon Rising: Communist China's Military Threat to America:


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