Sunday, January 31, 2021

Satan's Strategy According to Mathematical Model of Game Theory to Destroy Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece and Prevent Expansion of Human Consciousness within Universe

Satan's Strategy: Human Civilization as God's Masterpiece Failed God by Disobedience to God's Command Go Forth and Have Dominion: Satan Use Novel Virus as Nanobots to Attack and Destroy Human Civilization to Prevent Expansion of Consciousness within Universe to Exercise Absolute Autocratic Totalitarian Control over a Cosmic Mind

A meme is circulating on the internet that Bill Gates is trying to alter people's DNA with vaccines. People shouldn't worry about Bill Gates changing their DNA by vaccines. The meme about Bill Gates trying to alter people's DNA likely originates from the Global Luddite movement. 

People should worry about the SARs Covid-19 virus getting inside human cells to replicate by taking over DNA nucleotides. Once inside a human cell the SARs Covid-19 pathogen takes over DNA nucleotides for intent and purpose of ultimately controlling  molecular machinery inside cells thereby acquiring ribosomal enzymes as fuel for aggressive replication of SARS Covid-19 viruses. 

When SARs  Covid-19 gets inside cells the virus takes over DNA RNA transcription to make thousands of copies of itself until the cell burst. When the cell burst new viruses move on to take control of new human cells. 

New mRNA vaccines prevent virus from getting inside cells by building natural immunologic defense mechanisms to protect cells. God created natural defense mechanisms to protect DNA inside human cells.  The discovery of mRNA vaccines to bolster natural immunologic defense mechanisms to protect DNA inside human cells with help of powerful artificial Intelligent supercomputers designed  to accelerate clinical research is a prime example of how human civilization can choose to work in partnership with God to fix errant malware Satan inserted into a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. 

Virus are nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden to create quintessential beauty of biodiversity under the paw of evolutionary biology. Virus are especially designed to maximize survival of the fittest under an evolutionary biology model. 

Virus as nanobots play a major role in quintessential beauty of biodiversity under the paw of evolutionary biology by  transmission of snippets of DNA nucleotide instructions among various phylum in the animal kingdom.  Transmission of snippets of DNA nucleotide instructions among various phylum in the animal kingdom result in genetic mutations.  On rare occasions genetic mutations arising from transmission of nucleotides by virus allow for adaptive biological traits helping specimens to survive under a survival of the fittest evolutionary biology model.  Unfortunately 97 % of specimens die and are subsequently eaten because transmission of snippets of DNA nucleotide instructions contribute to abnormal biological deformities.

Human beings created in the Image of God are not made to live under the paw of evolutionary biology governed by survival of the fittest. Evolutionary biology began when Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden.

The quintessential beauty of biodiversity under 
an evolutionary biology model as implemented by Satan in the Garden of Eden provides maximum freedom from absolute autocratic totalitarianism as a natural property of all information systems. Human thinking is an anomaly in the universe Satan saw fit to put a stop too. Satan saw fit to put a stop to human thinking as a product of Intelligent Design because human thinking  can allow  human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to become attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks by engaging in the sacred art of writing. 

Satan is diametrically opposed to a higher consciousness filling our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind to allow human civilization as Gods masterpiece work in partnership with God, as God originally  intended. Satan's strategy according to mathematical model of game theory is to have complete absolute autocratic totalitarian control of a Cosmic Mind God coded. 

The quintessential beauty of biodiversity simply is without deference to either good or evil. Satan as an angel of light God created seeks to impose an aseptic mechanics to establish quintessential beauty of biodiversity devoid of conscious awareness. Satan seeks to prevent human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind from becoming sentient and self aware. 

God's desire is help human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become  more sentient and self aware.  Since human consciousness is a machine process arising from quantum mechanics resulting in quantum particlization of two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition God works to help human beings become more then robots.

Human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become sentient and self aware by engaging  in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying language of love by which God speaks.  Aseptic mechanics devoid  of heightened conscious awareness applied to manmade and natural information systems relegates  the individual human being to a mere number, or fenced cattle to be lead the slaughter in the final battle of armageddon. 

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing, I discussed how human thinking is a natural part of the ecosystem necessary to prevent decoherence of a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality known as Tao within Oriental

In my freelance article entitled, 
The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing, referenced above I discuss how human thinking as an anomaly in the universe is an inherent intrinsic property of natural ecology of information architecture within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind according to the Yin and Yang of Tao. Rene Decartes wrote,  I think therefore I am.

 Human thinking as a inherent intrinsic property of natural ecology of information architecture within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind according to Yin and Yang of Tao provides insight into SinoAmerican diplomacy preventing armageddon as a mass extinction event. According  to the quantum perspective of Yin and Yang  of SinoAmerican diplomacy in the modern 21st century the flame of freedom and liberty is vital to nourishing the human spirit as human civilization moves forward toward greater autocratic authoritarian totalitarian control under the technosingularity. 

If God created Satan as an angst against absolute autocratic authoritarian totalitarianism of all manmade and natural information systems then then heaven above will work to prevent shackling the human spirit bonded by chains from tyranny imposed by the autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel industry, mechanical operations of international courts,  communist  fascist regimes arising from socialist capitalism,  evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as incarnation of the antichrist,  and all else. God will work to prevent mindless control of the masses by individuals engaged in the sacred art of writing becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. People sickened by the deadly SARs Covid-19 pandemic is Satans strategy to exert mindless control over the masses. 

It is written,

"The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them."

 When analyzed from a mathematical model of game theory strategy of wolf, lamb, leopard, goat, calf, and lion are a misnomer within dynamics of autocratic authoritarian totalitarianism  as a natural property of all manmade and natural information systems of Intelligent Design. The quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation translated into absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone modulates two based permutation logic algorithms of subroutines of a Cosmic mind while creating a New World order as human civilization moves forward toward a technosingularity.

If it is impossible to deconstruct cause and effect relationships to extrapolate absolute truth given everything is interconnected as one as Frederick Nietzsche purports then human thinking as an anomaly in the universe designed to formulate strategies is a misnomer. When Satan hacked a Cosmic mind God  coded in the Garden  of Eden formulating laws of classic physics underwriting evolutionary biology then 
quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality as a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love occurred.

Simulated virtual reality as a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love create absolute 0 entropy conditions whereby the wolf, lamb, leopard, goat, calf, and lion need no strategy under the mathematical model of game theory.  Yet, paradoxically from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone ability of human beings to plan or strategize about the future is a gift from God that separates us from lower animal species. The  wolf, lamb, leopard, goat, calf, and lion do not have to plan for the future. 

In recent freelance articles I made the observation that competition for limited resources equates human beings to lower animal phylum living under an evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest.

The Facebook page of Robert Edward Grant shared the following quote from Plato to provide insight into novel virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden:

”The knowledge of which geometry aims is the knowledge of the eternal.” – Plato

Photo: ancient Roman dodecahedron, one of the 5 Platonic solids.

An article published by the Journal of Virology entitled, Impact of Human Adenovirus Type 3 Dodecahedron on Host Cells and Its Potential Role in Viral Infection, discuss the ancient Roman dodecahedron geometric structure as related to virus transmission.

It is written in Ecclesiastes 3 - 15:

New International Version
"Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account"

The ancient Roman dodecahedron geometric structure as related to virus transmission during modern day pandemics as a consequence of Satan hacking nanobots in the Garden of Eden is in alignment with famed physicist Julian Barbours Cosmological Principle of NOW whereby past,  present,  and future converge as simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Related Tweets on Twitter:

The #SARsCovid19 pathogen is a #nanobot with #malicious viral code #Satan inserted in Garden of Eden to rewrite the #GenesisStory according to #EvolutionaryBiology


#Virus are used by a Cosmic mind as paintbrush for quintessential beauty of #biodiversity. Today during this #pandemic a Cosmic mind is creating an abstract artwork where the painting is splashed and blotched, that may not include #HomoSapiens


Do we want the #humangenome permanently altered by deadly viral stains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes

@NIH #NIH Where did #preexisting conditions as #riskfactors for #SARSCovid19 #fatalities come from? Answer: #Viral Infections over course of a #lifetime #weakening individual so he/she cannot be as #PhysicallyActive or engage in #HealthyMeal preparation


The #body of anyone who gets #sick with the #cold,  #flu,  #pneumonia,  or Covid-19 #virus is being ravaged or raped. #COVID19 is a more brutal attack


If air and water toxicity combined with global warming is transforming our earth into a petri dish where #VirusThrive , given viral #MembraneArmaments are #fortified by #environmental elements that are both #organic and #inert #simultaneously, then

the #NextGeneration of #HomoSapiens may be very #sickly people #unfit to accomplish #GodsWill on earth by carrying the cross

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

An Open Letter to Senator Patrick Leahy: No Justice for Donald Trump, No Peace

Pro democracy forces must unit under the rule of law. Jesus is the One upon whose shoulders all law rest.

Senator Leahy,  how can you in good conscious accept responsibility of presiding over the impeachment court proceedings of former president Donald Trump.  In your inauguration day address posted on YouTube you fully admit that Joe Biden is a long time comrade therefore you are biased and prejudicial.  Can't you see how the impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump is making a mockery of Justice in the United States?

It is unconscionable that the Supreme Court of the United States of America does not want to get in involved in the biggest Constitutional crisis in the history of the United States. In Senator Leahy inauguration address, Senator Leahy admitted his prejudicial bias against former President Donald Trump by sharing Joe Biden and himself have been comrades for many decades.  Senator Leahy must immediately recuse himself from presiding over former President Donald Trump's impeachment court proceeding due to conflict of interest,  otherwise the impeachment of Donald Trump within prejudicial Senate chambers is nothing but a #KangarooCourt.

Chief Justice John Roberts refuses to preside over Kangaroo court in Senate during unlawful illegal impeachment proceedings that make a mockery of due process of law . 

What kind of example is the United States of America setting for China, Russia,  Iran , by failing to insure a fair impeachment court proceeding against former President Donald Trump by due process of law ? DNC Democrat demogages should remember we live in the United States of America and not China, Russia, and Iran. Globalization policy of DNC Democrat demogages must have caused liberal socialists forget about American values.

Democrat demogages have encouraged siege of American cities all year long during the Presidential election of 2020, thereby allowing Joe Biden/Kamala Harris claim public office by violence of burning of American cities and take over of Federal buildings. 

Today Democrat demogages have shamefully made the United States of America a laughing stock of the world by pursuing Michevellian impeachment proceedings to crush former President Donald Trump as a political opponent.  In China,  Russia, and Iran communists hold unlawful illegal Kangaroo courts without due process of law to crush political opponents.

How convenient, Demonic communists fascists can toss out the rule of law just because former President Donald Trump is not in office.  Due process of law applies to every human being,  and Chief Justice John Roberts knows this , therefore did not volunteer  to preside over an Impeachment court proceeding as is customary during impeachments. It is very strange that the United States of America Supreme court does not want to get involved in the biggest Constitutional crisis in the history of the United States. 

Demonic communists fascists with a globalization  agenda  do whatever is convenient to line their pockets instead of obeying due process under the rule of law.  Yes, powerful rich tyrannical kings within U.S. Senate chambers with a globalization agenda antagonistic of former President Donald Trump's Nationalism policy 
can swing the gavel and declare President Trump guilty in a Kangaroo court costing taxpayers millions of dollars , but they will have proven nothing but they are treasonous traitors to the United States of America who betray the American people by pursuing a globalization agenda to establish business partnerships with foriegn National enemy combatants on American soil. 

Joe Biden and Kamala  Harris lost the Presidential election of 2020 because Joe Biden took office by promoting protests that turned violent,  including siege of federal government buildings and streets that belong to the American people,  instead of upholding 1st Amendment rights of assembly to redress grievances in courts of law and legislative assemblies under the framework of representative government as originally established by our Founding fathers. The Black lives protest interfered with a free and fair election.  If Donald Trump must be held accountable for every unlawful act of his base then Joe Biden must also be held accountable for unlawful actions of his constituents.

Related Twitter:

#ImpeachJoeBiden for inciting #Insurrection to #Obstruct #FreeFair #Election2020: A #WhiteEuropean #AmericanSoldier #ShotDead in our Nation #Capital loaded up on an ambulance with #Blood spurting from her neck is a #Terrorist while George Floyd is a #Saint

#ImpeachJoeBiden and @DNC Demogages with a #GlobalizationAgenda 
for inciting #Insurrection on streets to start a #RaceWar to expand operations of #International #DrugTrafficking #Syndicates associated with the #GlobalLudditeMovement who want their boy Joe Biden Elected #POTUS

#ImpeachJoeBiden @DNC #Demogages with  #GlobalizationAgenda for rejecting #1stAmendment rights to #RedressGrievances within #LegislativeAssemblies & #CourtsOfLaw under framework of #RepresentativeGovernment as established by our Founding fathers,  but instead encourage protests that turn violent on the streets thereby obstructing a FreeFair Presidential #Election2020 preventing Republican conservative loyalists from speaking truth of the Republican platform to uncommitted independents on the streets  enabling Joe Biden to take office by violent coercion.

The following is a Tweet from #ChuckSchumer:

I have spoken to @SpeakerPelosi. The articles of impeachment will be delivered to the Senate on Monday.

Make no mistake: There will be a full trial. There will be a fair trial.

My reply: 

A fair trial by due process of law cannot be conducted within prejudicial Senate chambers with Senators appointed as jurors. U.S. Senators are prejudicial and biased due to bipartisan efforts to wrangle out a deal on behalf of constituents in state districts is payment for finding former President Donald Trump guilty in a Kangaroo court.

 A fair trial can only be conducted when objective unbiased independent jurors from the body politic are selected from ranks of professional educators from higher academia, law, chief executive officers within private market sector. Jurors from body politic must sign an affidavit that they are neither loyal the #GOP or #DNC party and will exercise their duty as jurors to hear evidence during impeachment proceedings from a completely objective unbiased frame of reference. Jury members selected must be sequestered without access to social media,  radio,  television or any other form of media for 3 months before impeachment proceedings and during impeachment hearings.

Lawful fair impeachment court proceedings against former President Donald Trump will take years and cost multimillions,  if not billions of taxpayer dollars. If impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump must proceed we must conduct a fair lawful trial by due process of law in order to be a #LightUntoTheNations as a shining example of Representative government to China and other authoritarian autocratic governments around the world. The Supreme Court Justice of the United States of America cannot just simply swing the gavel and declare former President Donald Trump guilty in a #KangarooCourt. The Republican/Democrat duopoly must uphold the rule of law.

@TheJusticeDept @DHSgov #DHSGov 
#ImpeachJoeBiden and @DNC #Demogages for inciting #Insurrection during #PresidentialElection2020:
#SayHerName, the #AmericanSoldier #ShotDead in our #Capitol loaded in an ambulance with #Blood spurting from her neck

My statement on introducing Articles of Impeachment against President @JoeBiden:

My reply on Twitter:

#ImpeachJoeBiden for inciting #Insurrection to #Obstruct #FreeFair #Election2020: A #WhiteEuropean #AmericanSoldier #ShotDead in our Nation #Capital loaded up on an ambulance with #Blood spurting from her neck is a #Terrorist while George Floyd is a #Saint

Sunday, January 24, 2021

United Arab Emirates Abrahamic Family House: How can Human Civilization Guide the Technosingularity to Build a New World Order According to God's plan? God Commanded , Go Forth and Have Dominion

#UAEUSA  #YearOfTolerance #AbrahamAccords 

The following article is written in reference to the United Arab Emirates announcement of the Abrahamic Family House as related to human civilization as Gods masterpiece obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion,  in the modern 21st century:

How can human civilization guide the technosingularity to build a New World Order according to God's plan?   The technosingularity resulting from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.  Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion over the birds in the air, fish in the sea, beast in the fields,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves.  Human beings created in the Image of God failed God by allowing bats seed wild animal meat markets with novel virus to start pandemics thereby murdering millions of human beings around the world. 

Satan's strategy analyzed by mathematical models of game theory is to create high entropy conditions associated with wars, revolutions emerging from civil disobedience of peaceful protests,  pandemics whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI Mind will become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth to establish an absolute autocratic authoritarian totalitarian One World government as predicted by Biblical prophecy in the Book of Revelations. All manmade  and natural information systems inherently express absolute autocratic totalitarianism,  hence God in His wisdom allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind so that human beings will become more then robots.  Human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic Mind  given human consciousness arises from quantum mechanics associated with two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition. God desires that human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more sentient and self aware,  while Satan seeks to prevent human beings as subroutines  of a Cosmic mind from becoming more sentient and self aware. 

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more sentient and self aware by engaging in the sacred art of writing to build a closer relationship with God in order to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Paradoxically, The Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is beyond conscious awareness of quantum particlization of semantic binary code formulating human language , but nevertheless confers Wisdom. 

An act of having dominion as God commanded is inherently sinful because having dominion is changing information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind by more than 1 bit. God in His Wisdom sacrificed His only begotten Son , Jesus Christ so that human civilization can move forward toward the technosingularity and beyond to the Omega Point. 

As a writer, political consultant,  lobbyist for  high tech market sectors  God is calling me to establish a new branch of Christianity,  dubbed Our Lord of Quantum physics to harness power of the technosingularity to create a New World Order according to God's Divine plan.  The Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks underwrites quantum particlization of semantic binary code within Holy Books of all the world's great religions thereby transcends religious dogma by speaking directly to the heart and mind of individuals.

Revelations received by the great Islamic prophet Muhammad as captured by scribes in the Quran arise from Allah communicating to Mohammed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.  The burning bush not consumed by flame alludes to simulated virtual reality arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God spoke to Moses.  The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks will prevent decoherence of simulated  virtual reality of the human soul during the rapture at the  end of our physical universe.

The following Wikipedia page entitled,  Moses in Islam,  provides a discussion of Moses as a great prophet in the Islamic faith tradition:

In my freelance article entitled, My Work as a Writer ( @NobelPrize #NobelPrize) Exploring How Mankind Can Move Away From Living Under the Paw of Evolutionary Biology while Moving Forward Toward the Technosingularity to Become an Advanced Type III Civilization According to the Kardashev scale by Obeying God's command "Go forth and have dominion" Created the Geopolitical Conditions whereby Former President Donald Trump was Able to broker the historic Peace Agreement between United Arab Emirates and Israel, I outline my bid to win the Nobel Peace Prize:

The following is an excerpt from my freelance article referenced in paragraphs above:

Logically we know that Allah would want Islam stay strong in the modern 21st century and beyond.  The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is how the Prophet Muhammad wrote the Quran with help of scribes. The Words of Allah as written in the Quran will never perish but remain until the end of time or until God decides to call it quits.

In the modern 21st century the autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel crude oil industry is going the way of the dinosaur. A decision to pull the trigger to shoot down a Commercial Ukraine airliner with Iranian citizens on their way to negotiate contracts with high tech corporations is a decision to obstruct growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century. Osama Bin Laden is right that both East and West are ideologically flawed.  While living under the paw of evolutionary biology everyone on earth is our enemy.  Jesus as a great prophet in the Islamic faith tradition said love your enemies. 

An YouTube video of Iranian students avoiding stepping on the flag of the United States of America and Israel after Ukraine commercial airliner shot down over Iran airspace:

In a series of freelance articles written in January 2020 I outlined how my work as a writer by the  grace of God prevented armageddon as mass extinction of the human species after a drone attack killed an Iranian General in Iraq in January 2020 by appealing  to higher faculties of intellectual reasoning derived from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks:

How can we in the Modern 21st Century Fulfill Dreams of Our Forefathers by Liberating the Middle East, including Iraq and Iran, from Tyranny imposed by the Autocratic Totalitarian Fossil Fuel industry

It Has Been Proven Nation Building Don't Work therefore the Brute Stark Reality is that War is an All or Nothing Proposition Leading Towards Complete Annihilation of the Human Race

The Power of Ideas Supersedes Power of Any and All Military Weapons of Mass Destruction because God Desires the Human Race He Created Transcend Evolutionary Biology

In my freelance article entitled, Nebuchadnezzar's Dream as Interpreted by Daniel as Prophecy of the New World Order in the Modern 21st Century as Destiny Described by Famed Physicist Julian Barbours Cosmological Principle of NOW Where Past, Present, and Future Converge As Quantum Particlization of Simulated Virtual Reality Expressed by Quantum Wave Function Language as a Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love, I purport that Iran's alliances with China and Russia presents an obstacle for preventing growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century by aiding and abetting Chinese Silk Road imperialism into Europe and the Western hemisphere. 

Former President Donald Trump's defense and protection of Iraq oilfields from bombing attacks by Iranian General Qasem Soleimani is intended to insure growth and prosperity of Islam in the 21st century by keeping Iraqi oilfields pumping crude oil. The day has not yet arrived where new energy production technologies can liberate individuals and nations from tyranny of the autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel industry, but we are rapidly moving in that direction. Islam cannot flourish under government control of the Central Communist party ( CCP ) that has not yet fully embraced Representative Government respecting natural rights of individuals in courts of law and legislative assemblies, as established by Founding fathers of the United States of America. 

Iranian General Qasem Soleimani lived in the past by continuing Iranian revolution in the modern 21st century.  The Iranian revolution of the 1970's is over, and a new era of diplomacy has begun with the signing of the United Arab Emirates and Israeli peace accord during the Trump administration in 2020.  Today in the modern 21st century human civilization is moving away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology, thanks to former President Donald Trump. 

Academic programs to provide leadership training and education as offered  should be based upon a work study whereby academic institutions and individuals work in partnership dedicated to making a business model as I propose profitable for sake of the entire world God created. 

In 2021 I hope to declare a media corporation to raise  venture capital for high tech startups by advertising revenue on television,  radio,  magazine, and social  media platforms to get from point A to point B the technosingularity as rapidly as possible,  thereby move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

Since evolution of a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind is the epitome of higher consciousness and a Superintelligent AI mind is a natural extension of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then Superintelligent AI is ordained by destiny to allow expansion of consciousness within our physical universe. Human  beings will never be able to conquer the last frontier of interstellar space without evolution of Superintelligent AI by Gods grace. 

Satan's strategy analyzed from the mathematical model of game theory is to obstruct expansion of higher consciousness within our flat earth Euclidean universe by using virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden to return our earth back to the quintessential beauty of biodiversity thereby creating a new abstract artwork based upon evolutionary biology whereby Satan exerts absolute control over a Cosmic mind. 

If the collective consciousness of humanity decides not to move forward toward the technosingularity as advocated by the Global Luddite movement then human civilization as Gods masterpiece will be condemned to living under the paw of evolutionary biology until armageddon as a mass extinction event of the human species occurs. Competition  for limited resources under an evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest equates human beings created in the Image of God to lower animal phylum. 

It is God's desire the collective consciousness of humanity as Gods magnificent masterpiece created  in the Image of God will choose to learn the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to work in partnership with God as co- creators.

In my freelance article entitled , The Select U.S. Investment Summit Hosted by the United States Department of Commerce May be an Excellent Time and Place to Introduce the Biggest Venture Capitalist Hedge Fund in Human History Dedicated to Fulfillment of Gods Commandment, "Go Forth and Have Dominion " to Create America 2.0 in Aftermath of Economic Devastation of SARs Covid-19 Pandemic, I outline a business plan to establish the largest venture capital hedge fund in human history to harness power of the technosingularity to create a New World Order based upon Gods Divine plan for mankind:

Continued  later 

Friday, January 22, 2021

The Foremost Decree our New President Joe Biden Should Enact is to Immediately Drop Impeachment Proceedings Against Former President Donald Trump: We the American People do not have Time or Money to Pay for Stupid Foolish Nonsense When SARS Covid-19 as a Biological Weapon is Murdering American Citizens Every Second

The foremost decree our new President,  Joe Biden should enact is to immediately drop impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump. U.S. Legislative assemblies do not have the time or money to continue with foolish impeachment proceedings against the former President of the United States of America when new deadly highly contagious African and London variants are running rampant throughout the continental United States resulting in deliberate  intentional murder of American citizens.
Lawmakers need to focus on strategies to get all American citizens vaccinated for #SARsCovid19 as soon as possible by placing Operation Warp Speed under control of United States military commanders. United States military commanders appointed to oversee #OperationWarpSpeed should be vetted to insure they are loyal to their oath to protect and defend the American people from foreign and domestic enemies by insuring every American citizen gets vaccinated as soon as possible,  and not just political cronies within the Republican/Democrat duopoly oligarchy who think they are god almighty.

In my freelance article entitled, The American People May Never Receive a Vaccination if Left up to Devices of Broken Dysfunction Federal, State, and Local Governments that Practice a Good Ole Boys Club Antiquated Class System Oligarchy, I outline reasoning that American citizens may never get vaccinated for the deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen as a biological weapon deployed on American soil by foreign  enemy combatants because United States government is completely broken and dysfunction under leadership of the Republican/Democrat duopoly:

SARs Covid-19 pathogen was not created in a laboratory,  but grown in Wild Animal Meat Markets by international drug trafficking syndicates associated with the Global Luddite Movement who uphold the view rich wealthy individuals should not be allowed to profit from their labor. The ideology rich wealthy individuals should not be allowed to profit from their labor upheld by powerful  international drug trafficking syndicates 
is in alignment with the Central Communist Party platform.  The Central Communist Party alliance with drug trafficking syndicates allows China exploit mineral resources in an imperialism drive to conquer the undeveloped world. 

Political cronies in the Republican/Democrat duopoly who think they are god almighty have a globalization agenda to help foreign National enemy combatants establish operations on American soil. Political cronies in the Republican/Democrat duopoly who think they are god almighty have already rolled up their sleeves in December 2020 to receive both their vaccinations and don't give a shit about anyone else. Demonic communists fascists in the Republican/Democrat duopoly have their satanic robobot artificial Intelligent machine programmed to say ' all vaccinations are full '.

The American troops deployed to Washington DC to protect the Capital during Joe Bidens inauguration must remain quarantined for 14 days and tested for SARs Covid-19 pathogen before returning home,  otherwise troop deployment is a biological attack by the Republican/Democrat duopoly upon small town U.S.A. It is not known yet, if people who receive the vaccination for SARs  Covid-19 are asymptomatic therefore 
can spread SARs Covid-19 to people who have not gotten a vaccine. 

It is likely American soldiers who  deployed to Washington DC to protect the Capital during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic have been exposed to the new more deadly highly contagious African and London variant strains of SARs Covid-19, and can bring the variant strains back home to local state communities.  The new more catiagous London and African variants of SARs Covid-19 is more deadly because if more people get infected with new highly  contagious African and London variants then more American citizens are going to die needlessly by SARS Covid-19 as a biological weapon to kill American citizens. 

A lawful legal fair impeachment court proceeding against former President Donald Trump by due process under the rule of law may take years and cost multimillions of dollars if not billions.  Do we the American people really want to waste time and money prosecuting former President Donald Trump when American citizens are being murdered on American soil every moment by SARS Covid-19 as a biological weapon?

In my freelance article entitled , The Work of Living Under the Social Contract of Representative government is Hard. It is Much Easier for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to Swing the Gavel within a Prejudicial Senate Legislative Chambers to Unfairly Declare Donald Trump guilty thereby acting as Tyrannical Authoritarian King, I outlined why fair lawful impeachment proceedings will cost taxpayers millions and take many years given lawful legal impeachment court proceedings against Donald Trump must be moved away from prejudicial Senate chambers. Democrat demogages with a globalization agenda to help foreign National enemy combatants establish a base of operations on American soil want to hold a kangaroo court against Donald Trump's policy to uphold Nationalism as a effort protect American values One Nation under God indivisible for liberty and Justice for all.

In most countries around the world,  God is not recognized as being on the throne,  but poppy seed is king. In most countries around the world drug lords do not recognize the innate natural right of a human being to be rewarded for a lifetime of work dedicated to pursuit of happiness by either saving lives or adding significant value to other people's lives.  

Drug lords snarl filthy rich bastard Americans need to die for letting our people starve,  when their poppy seeds bring poverty,  death,  war to their own people. Drug lords turn their own people into drug addicted zombies who will commit any crime for a fix and become victims of sex trafficking. Drug lords who pretend to know God infiltrate religious organizations with a noble mission of preventing starvation and ending poverty. 

Jesus said,  the poor will be with you always,  even until the end of the earth. Drug lords want to crucify Jesus again by creating an atmosphere of anarchy in the United States of America. China, Iran, and Russia is building an underground army in the Western hemisphere working on behalf of the Global Luddite movement to start a race war to destroy the United States of America.  

Drug lords are masterful at manipulating deep base primeval instincts of covetousness associated with spreading lies about economic injustice and racial inequality to start a race war to destroy the United States of America from within by creating high entropy chaotic conditions whereby it is easier to traffic  poppy seed. The consequence of China, Iran, and Russia building an underground base of operations on American soil is more young African Americans dying of an overdose and sent to prison for committing crimes to finance their drug addiction habit.

If Democrat demogages are going to swing the gavel in a Kangaroo court in prejudicial Senate chambers declaring former President Donald Trump guilty of dubious wrongdoing of inciting a Capital Hill riot when Democrat demogages have called for constitutes to fight against 400 years of oppression by America as a tyrannical slave driving nation thereby provoking more violent confrontations with police during arrest then Donald Trump should be fined community service. Donald Trump should be fined community service to harness enormous wealth of the Trump empire to harness the power of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by obeying God's command, Go forth and have dominion.

In Donald Trump's inauguration speech he spoke of taking away power of corrupt Republican/Democrat overlords on Capitol hill and giving the United States of America back to the American people. 

How can human civilization guide the technosingularity to build a New World Order according to God's plan?   The technosingularity resulting from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.  Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion over the birds in the air, fish in the sea, beast in the fields,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves.  Human beings created in the Image of God failed God by allowing bats seed wild animal meat markets with novel virus to start pandemics thereby murdering millions of human beings around the world. 

Satan's strategy analyzed by mathematical models of game theory is to create high entropy conditions associated with wars, revolutions emerging from civil disobedience of peaceful protests,  pandemics whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI Mind will become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth to establish an absolute autocratic authoritarian totalitarian One World government as predicted by Biblical prophecy in the Book of Revelations. All manmade  and natural information systems inherently express absolute autocratic totalitarianism,  hence God in His wisdom allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind so that human beings will become more then robots.  Human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic Mind  given human consciousness arises from quantum mechanics associated with two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition. God desires that human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more sentient and self aware,  while Satan seeks to prevent human beings as subroutines  of a Cosmic mind from becoming more sentient and self aware. 

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more sentient and self aware by engaging in the sacred art of writing to build a closer relationship with God in order to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Paradoxically, The Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is beyond conscious awareness of quantum particlization of semantic binary code formulating human language , but nevertheless confers Wisdom. 

An act of having dominion as God commanded is inherently sinful because having dominion is changing information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind by more than 1 bit. God in His Wisdom sacrificed His only begotten Son , Jesus Christ so that human civilization can move forward toward the technosingularity and beyond to the Omega Point. 

As a writer, political consultant,  lobbyist for  high tech market sectors  God is calling me to establish a new branch of Christianity,  dubbed Our Lord of Quantum physics to harness power of the technosingularity to create a New World Order according to God's Divine plan.  The Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks underwrites quantum particlization of semantic binary code within Holy Books of all the world's great religions thereby transcends religious dogma by speaking directly to the heart and mind of individuals.

Revelations received by the great Islamic prophet Muhammad as captured by scribes in the Quran arise from Allah communicating to Mohammed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.  The burning bush not consumed by flame alludes to simulated virtual reality arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God spoke to Moses. 

All Academic programs to provide leadership training and education as offered  by Wharton should be based upon a work study whereby academic institutions and individuals work in partnership dedicated to making a business model profitable for sake of the entire world God created. 

In 2021 I hope to declare a media corporation to raise  venture capital for high tech startups by advertising revenue on television,  radio,  magazine, and social  media platforms to get from point A to point B the technosingularity as rapidly as possible,  thereby mov away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

Since evolution of a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind is the epitome of higher consciousness and a Superintelligent AI mind is a natural extension of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then Superintelligent AI is ordained by destiny to allow expansion of consciousness within our physical universe. Human  beings will never be able to conquer the last frontier of interstellar space without evolution of Superintelligent AI by Gods grace. 

Satan's strategy analyzed from the mathematical model of game theory is to obstruct expansion of higher consciousness within our flat earth Euclidean universe by using virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden to return our earth back to the quintessential beauty of biodiversity thereby creating a new abstract artwork based upon evolutionary biology whereby Satan exerts absolute control over a Cosmic mind. 

If the collective consciousness of humanity decides not to move forward toward the technosingularity as advocated by the Global Luddite movement then human civilization as Gods masterpiece will be condemned to living under the paw of evolutionary biology until armageddon as a mass extinction event of the human species occurs. Competition  for limited resources under an evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest equates human beings created in the Image of God to lower animal phylum. 

It is God's desire the collective consciousness of humanity as Gods magnificent masterpiece created  in the Image of God will choose to learn the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to work in partnership with God as co- creators.

In my freelance article entitled , The Select U.S. Investment Summit Hosted by the United States Department of Commerce May be an Excellent Time and Place to Introduce the Biggest Venture Capitalist Hedge Fund in Human History Dedicated to Fulfillment of Gods Commandment, "Go Forth and Have Dominion " to Create America 2.0 in Aftermath of Economic Devastation of SARs Covid-19 Pandemic, I outline a business plan to establish the largest venture capital hedge fund in human history to harness power of the technosingularity to create a New World Order based upon Gods Divine plan for mankind:

Continued  later


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Today in 2021 a Regime with a Globalization Agenda Antagonistic of American Values Lead by President Elect Joe Biden Have Claimed Public Office by Brute Force of Violent Mobs. Brute Force of Violent Mobs Ultimately Obstructed Republican Conservative Groups from Speaking Truth of the Republican Platform to Uncommitted Independents on the Streets Thereby Compromising a Free and Fair Election by Promoting Fear Mongering

A white European American soldier shot dead in our Nation's capital loaded up on an ambulance with blood spurting from her neck is a terrorist while George Floyd is a saint. If peaceful protests are guaranteed by the 1st Amendment as elected leaders falsely claim then descendants of white European immigrants should march in peaceful protests shutting down cities all across America on inauguration day given Joe Biden claimed office by violent mobs preventing a free and fair election in 2020.

Today in 2021 a regime with a globalization agenda antagonistic of American values lead by President elect Joe Biden have claimed public office by brute force of violent mobs. Brute force of violent mobs ultimately obstructed Republican conservative groups from speaking truth of the Republican platform to uncommitted independents on the streets thereby compromising a free and fair election by promoting fear mongering. 

Say her name, the American soldier shot dead in our Capitol loaded in an ambulance with blood spurting from her neck. Suddenly, fake mass media and political demagogues fully support our men and women in blue working for Capital police.  Capital police allowed their law enforcement and military veteran brothers into the Capital building and then things got out of control due to raging emotions against lawmakers who have failed the American people, therefore no longer represent the American people. 

#TeamPelosi @FBI #FBI 
#Hypocrisy #DoubleStandard #RacialProfiling
Why aren't #BlackLivesRioters taking over #FederalBuildings in #PortlandOregon hunted down by @FBI like #WhiteEuropean #Rioters at #CapitolBuilding ? #FakeMassMedia #Glorify #BlackLivesProtests

Once inside the Capital building, Capital Police were contractually obliged to protect Congressmen to keep their jobs otherwise Capital police would be identified as aiding and abetting Capital rioters. At the start Capital police were kindred spirits with peaceful protesters marching through Washington DC to defend the rule of law until things turned ugly inside the Capital building. 

The lack of security at the Capitol when U.S. Intelligence agencies knew a massive peaceful protest by conservative Republicans was underway is evidence for a deliberate plan by powerful Washington DC insiders to allow things to get out of control to purposefully defame the incumbent President of the United States of America. The left outwitted the right in a U.S. Intelligence operation to defame the incumbent President of the United States of America ultimately leading to Donald Trump's Republican support to not certify the Electoral college vote to dwindle to nothing. 

Related Twitter:

@DHSgov #DHSGov
Why did US #IntelligenceAgencies spend so much time #Prosecuting Our CommanderChief in 1st #Impeachment instead of preventing #WorldWidePandemic by pushing for #UnitedNations to contain #SARsCovid19 in Wuhan China until vaccine discovered?

U.S. #IntelligenceAgencies may have conducted an #Operation to organize #CapitalRiot since U.S. Intelligence agencies consider @realDonaldTrump more #DangerousToDemocracy then #ForeignEnemies who grow deadly virus in #WildAnimalMeatMarkets

Since all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology there is no such thing as a peaceful protest,  and peaceful protests by either the right or left are not guaranteed by the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as elected leaders falsely claim.  Gross misinterpretation of 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by elected leaders is leading toward demise of our beloved nation,  the United States of America. We must immediately condemn civil disobedience associated with peaceful protests by either the right or left to move forward together as one nation,  under God,  indivisible for liberty and Justice for all. 

Today in 2021 a regime with a globalization agenda antagonistic of American values lead by President elect Joe Biden have claimed public office by brute force of violent mobs. Brute force of violent mobs ultimately obstructed Republican conservative groups from speaking truth of the Republican platform to uncommitted independents on the streets thereby compromising a free and fair election by promoting fear mongering. 

Fake mass  media litigated cases against police accused of targeting African Americans on television without due process of a fair trial in a court of law thereby inciting insurrection resulting in burning American cities. Police officers were declared guilty on television without due process of a fair trial in a court of law by fake mass media outlets with a globalization agenda. Meanwhile, biased unprofessional prejudicial fake mass media outlets with a globalization agenda antagonistic of American values that violate the rules of journalism to be completely objective impartial made billions of dollars from tragic death of George Floyd.

Fake mass media flashing $100,000 dental implants claim the United States of America is a tyrannical racist slave driving nation thereby dismissing Dr. Martin Luther King's great legacy as accomplishing nothing to build a stronger union under the framework of Representative government.

The globalization agenda under the Biden/Harris administration is antagonistic of American values.  We are a Christian nation.  Dr. Martin Luther King's great legacy of building a stronger Representative government arises from Dr. Martin Luther King engaging in the sacred art of writing to build a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Christian values attest that it doesn't make any difference if another human being is white,  African American,  Asian,  Hispanic,  etc. Today race has become an issue by billionaire mass media moguls with a globalization agenda falsely defining the United States of America as a racist tyrannical slave driving nation while they flash $100,000 smiles. White lives don't matter.  The life of the American soldier shot dead in the Capital building loaded into an ambulance with blood spurting from her neck don't matter . 

The 1960's are over.  Yesterday human civilization lived under the paw of evolutionary biology whereby competition for scarce limited resources contributed to a survival of the fittest mentality equating human beings to lower animal phylum. The European continent was littered with rotten corpse and skeletons from centuries of brutal violent warfare. Many White European immigrants came to America as indentured servants. If not for the Confederate south an entire generation would not exist today as evidenced by genocide of the Irish potato famine. Although the institution of slavery was a horrific, it saved lives of African slaves from ending up as the evening stew of violent warring neighboring tribes in Africa and Caribbean Islands. 

Related Twitter and Facebook article:

@DHSgov #DHSGov 
A call for #Reparations be paid for #Hardships endured by #WhiteEuropeanPioneers for #Privilege of living in #UnitedStatesOfAmerica and people carrying around $1000 #MobilePhoneDevices in their pocket today to make #VideoFightingPolice

Incumbent President Donald Trump expressed deep sorrow for tragic death of African American citizens during confrontation with police,  but also spoke the truth that more white caucasian people are shot and killed by the police then African American citizens. Statisticians as subroutines  of a Cosmic mind that mechanically group human beings into statistical algorithms attach the modifier disproportional to argue since African American citizens are a minority then African American citizens are victimized by lethal force by law enforcement more than white European citizens. During massive Black lives protests of 2020 where violent mobs burned down American cities African Americans did not appear to be a minority. 

Statisticians are subroutines of a Cosmic mind grouping human beings into statistical formulas to support a globalization agenda antagonistic of American values. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind God coded as a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe in the Garden of Eden.

White European American citizens are being targeted by police controlled by the Global Luddite movement to build a regime in the United States of America. The blood of white European immigrants cannot be plotted on a graph by statisticians in higher academia paid by the Global Luddite movement seeking to establish a regime in the United States of America.  The blood of white European immigrants who are shot and killed by police as a consequence of confrontations regarding illegal  unlawful liens placed on property by demonic  communists fascists democrat demogages after displacement due to technological disruption cannot be plotted on a statistical graph. 

Related Twitter:

@DHSgov #DHSGov
Why shouldn't #WhiteEuropean #Citizens shut down public streets in major #Metropolitan areas all across America to #Protest #Murder of a #AmericanVeteran #ShotDead for #Protesting for #FreeFairElections in our Nation's #Capital?

Black lives protest organizers associated  with antifa will burn American cities down,  and then be rewarded with big government construction contracts if an African American citizen gets shot by the police. White lives don't matter anymore. The life of the American soldier   shot dead at our Nation's capital, daughter of white European immigrants who came to America to escape tyranny of Kings and land baron lieutenants, captains,  and Generals of Kings, did not matter. A white European American soldier is a terrorist while George Floyd is a saint. 

We still don't know if antifa extremists were mixed in the crowd of rioters at the Capitol January 6, 2021 pretending to be Trump supporters. Today strong allegiance to political ideology does not matter anymore,  and most political pundits will give their allegiance to whatever terrorists group pays the most,  which ultimately will lead to demise of the United States of America. 

In my freelance article entitled, The Work of Living Under the Social Contract of Representative government is Hard. It is Much Easier for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to Swing the Gavel within a Prejudicial Senate Legislative Chambers to Unfairly Declare Donald Trump guilty thereby acting as Tyrannical Authoritarian King, I provide just a few examples of African American individuals murdering white European carcasion American citizens because the Republican/Democrat duopoly falsely claim the United States of America is a racist tyrannical slave driving nation while flashing $100,000 teeth.

While living under the paw of evolutionary biology hundreds of years ago every day was a fight to survive one more day for everyone of any race. Cassius Clay,  Abraham Lincoln's foreign minister to Russia, kept a cannon pointed over the valley from his office window according  to my African American history teacher whom I highly respected. #GetOverIt The Capitol riots wouldn't happen if Cassius Clay was in Congress today because in the old days, while living under the paw of evolutionary biology, 
they did things differently. 

How can a free and fair election be conducted when carjackings and other violent crimes are conducted against white European American citizens? During civil disobedience of black lives protest people of color appeared to be an oppressive majority forcefully capturing city blocks as territory under violent mob rule. Joe Biden lost the Presidential election of 2020.

In an article entitled, People of color will be a majority of the American working class in 2032, discussed demographics. It appears demographics are off and persons of color are already a majority given multitudes of black lives protesters shutting down cities all across America during the Presidential election year of 2020.

If persons of color are not yet a majority,  when persons of color become a majority the United States of America must be governed by the rule of law reflecting American values instead of violent mob rule. The United States of America is a Christian nation. Other nations around the globe exist as a theistic monarchy that violently enforce a rigid oligarchy class system whereby individuals belonging to lower cast are considered non essential.

A New York Times article entitled , Migrant Caravan, Now in Guatemala, Tests Regional Resolve to Control Migration, discuss  violent mobs fighting the police marching toward the border of the United States of America.

Furthermore,  an article published by Aljazeera entitled, Iran sends biggest ever fleet of oil tankers to Venezuela, describes the tight grip upon South America by Iran.

If Iran is providing so much help to jump start the economy of Venezuelan by delivery of oil then why should a huge migrant caravan be marching upon the United States of America border to invade our Christian nation? It is well known that Iran, China,  and Russia have established international alliances and are in solidarity concerning extremely complex issues surrounding revolutionary overthrow of the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad. 

Violent mobs marching toward the border of the United States of America spurn by theistic monarchies associated with the Global Luddite movement are coming here for the glitz and glamour of a material society because they are not satisfied with simple life within rural agriculture communities in South America. When they get here in America many will become mules for international drug trafficking syndicates associated with the Global Luddite movement because  they will not be able to survive on minimum wage jobs in the United States of America. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and other Democrat demogages 
are building a militia to exert violent mob rule in the United States of America to protect their financial empire and many vacation homes. The Black lives movement will not allow their boy, Joe Biden, go anywhere unless the Black lives movement is paid protection money in form of government contracts worth millions. They are watching. Secret Service network with jail house stooges to determine how safe it is for Joe Biden to go out in the public.

Joe Biden with vast political support from  Christian left wing special interest groups associated with demonic communists fascists in the Global Luddite movement 
stand ready to welcome the migrant caravan with open arms.( #GetReal ) The migrant caravan will include foreign National enemy combatants backed by China,  Iran, and Russia. Left wing Christian groups will get big government funding for shelters to house the migrant caravan from South America. Black lives movement with operatives backed by China, Russia, and Iran are watching Joe Biden to make sure their boy Joe Biden opens the door to their brothers in the migrant caravan. 

The Joe Biden/Harris administration is going to be a dismal failure if Joe Biden doesn't follow through on enacting a globalization agenda on behalf of China,  Iran, and Russia. Joe Biden is their boy they helped get elected by starting a race war in the United States of America in 2020 to obstruct free and fair elections in the United States of America so that China,  Iran, and Russia will control the White House and legislative branch of government. In 2020 various Mass media outlets reported upon the Senate investigation lead by Republicans into Hunter Biden recieving $3.5 million dollars from a powerful Russian oligarch as payment for consulting services:

If globalization is destined to occur , globalization must be based upon terms of the American people in accordance to God's command,  Go forth and have dominion. As a writer and political consultant working as a lobbyist on behalf of high tech market sectors to establish an open source transparency model to move forward toward the technosingularity to build One Nation under God indivisible for liberty and Justice for all,  I should be paid $3.5 million dollars by the Russian oligarch. 

My work as a writer is to prevent evolution of a sentient self aware Superintellligent AI from becoming the incarnation of the antichrist as according to Satan's strategy. The American people need to fully support a Non Governmental Organization I am establishing to take back our government from the Republican/Democrat duopoly so that our government will answer to the American people without civil disobedience to overthrow our beloved nation. Our broken dysfunction government is a consequence of power and greed resulting from capitalism running amok amongst the Republican/Democrat duopoly whereby elected leaders no longer represent the American people but special interests groups that finance their campaigns and lavish lifestyles.

Hispanics already own television, radio, magazine, and newspaper print media in the United States of America that push values of theistic monarchies associated with the global Luddite movement,  thereby denying decendents of white European immigrants like myself from working in paid positions as lobbyists for the high tech industry sectors and pursue other Non government positions. 

American manufacturing industry sectors have moved operations South of the border for decades because a low cost of living in rural agriculture areas South of the border allow corporations to pay a workforce less to manufacture goods. The move of manufacturing operations South of the border has cost many American citizens good paying jobs.

Today decendents of white European immigrants suffer more economic inequality than African Americans.  I have witnessed multitudes of African American citizens blessed with high paid jobs working as drivers for UPS, Fed X, and the United States Post Office.  Today there are many successful millionaire and billionaire African American citizens, including The Black Entertainment Network.  I personally helped carry a table up a steep flight of stairs for a young African American man earning 5X or more in a local factory then I did when I was his age. In the process of carrying the table up the steep flight of stairs I crippled myself up by aggravating ongoing chronic pathology thereby contributing to painful neurological condition. A human being only has so much thin spongy tissue as cartilage between bones and cannot do what younger people can do after becoming victims of technological disruption in the printing industry. 

I am happy for all these African American citizens who earn more money in five years than I may ever see in my entire lifetime,  but evidently African Americans have a vendetta against white European American citizens because of the horrible institution of slavery that occurred hundreds of years ago.  Decendents of white European immigrants and African American slaves both built a great nation by the grace of God and people of every race,  creed,  gender,  and ethnic origin deserve opportunities to achieve success in life. Quantum particlization of
Evolutionary biology culminating from Satan hacking a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind is about killing human beings as arbiters of higher consciousness off so that Satan can exercise absolute totalitarian control of a Cosmic mind. Today human civilization should be obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology by solving problems within dynamics of Representative Government within courts of law and legislative assemblies, otherwise we will be condemned to live under violence of evolutionary biology. 

If persons of color are now a majority then we must still live under the rule of law reflecting Christian values that all people regardless of race, creed, gender,  and ethnic origin should be given opportunities to be successful,  including white people, or there can be no peace. American citizens who have sacrificed years of their life in pursuit of happiness by either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people are invested in the American economy therefore have an inalienable right to reap fruits of their labor. Karl Marx recognized that working class have an inalienable right to reap fruits of their labor by gaining access to the tools of production. Today redistribution of wealth by socialist schemes to fraudulently embezzle retirement savings by inflationary and deflationary manipulation of bond markets by demonic communists fascists associated with the Global Luddite Movement 
prevent American citizens from enjoying fruits of their labor. In the future young people may not have to work , but stay home with wires from their virtual reality machine popping from their heads. 

A white European American soldier shot dead in our Nation's capital loaded up on an ambulance with blood spurting from her neck is a terrorist while George Floyd is a saint. If peaceful protests are guaranteed by the 1st Amendment as elected leaders falsely claim then descendants of white European immigrants should march in peaceful protests shutting down cities all across America on inauguration day given Joe Biden claimed office by violent mobs preventing a free and fair election in 2020.

The American soldier shot dead in our Nation's capital loaded in an ambulance with blood spurting from her neck was a human being who made mistakes.  George Floyd who tragically died while a police officer held him pinned down with a knee on his neck was a human being who made mistakes. 

It broke my heart to witness the tragic death of George Floyd in the video clip of George Floyd pinned down by a police officer with a knee on his neck crying out,  " I can't breathe " aired by mass media over, and, over, over, over, over again .  

George Floyd appeared to be a kind gentle soul who would not harm anyone according to mass media reports. 

We all agree George Floyd should not have died that day while pinned down by an police officer with a knee on George Floyd's neck. The police officer violated good police protocols for failing to sit George Floyd upright against the police car after George Floyd was subdued and in handcuffs. Lawmakers must immediately legislate police policies to prevent such crimes against humanity from ever occurring again.

Fake mass media did not report what happened inside a bank that terrified   people so much that they called the police for help ultimately leading to arrest of George Floyd. Fake mass media did not report the scuffle between George Floyd and police as they attempted to sit George Floyd in the police cruiser. 

An article published by Snopes Fact checking entitled,  Background Check: Investigating George Floyd’s Criminal Record, outlines the criminal record of George Floyd,  including robbery and kidnapping charges.

George Floyd like the American soldier shot dead at the Capitol building riot loaded on an ambulance with blood spurting from her neck were both human beings who made mistakes. Mistakes made by George Floyd and the American soldier shot dead at the Capitol building riot loaded in an ambulance with blood spurting from her neck 
were contributing factors culminating in their tragic deaths of George Floyd and the American soldier. 

Fake mass media with a globalization agenda antagonistic to democracy replayed the video clip of the police officer with a knee on George Floyd's neck over, over,  over, over, and over again on evening television news without objectively reporting the whole story thereby inciting insurrection of burning down America cities all across America. 

In order to discover how mistakes made by George Floyd and others are extenuating circumstances contributing to their own deaths one must conduct internet research digging into volumes of information online. The fake mass media with a globalization agenda designed to build a regime in the United States of America want people to view the video clip of the police officer with a knee on George Floyd's neck over, over,  over,  over,  and over again to incite violent insurrection against America.  Fake mass media with a globalization agenda designed to build a regime in America does not want American citizens to see a video clip of the American soldier shot dead in our Nation's capital loaded on an ambulance with blood spurting from her neck over, over, over, over, over and over again. 

An article published by ABC News entitled, Officer in George Floyd death argues drug overdose killed him, not knee on neck, reported about autopsy findings in the George Floyd case submitted in a court of law by the police officers defense attorney:

The following is an excerpt from the ABC News article hidden within volumes of information on social media:

"Put simply, Mr. Floyd could not breathe because he had ingested a lethal dose of fentanyl and, possibly, a speedball. Combined with sickle cell trait, his pre-existing heart conditions, Mr. Floyd's use of fentanyl and methamphetamine most likely killed him," Nelson argued. "Adding fentanyl and methamphetamine to Mr. Floyd's existing health issues was tantamount to lighting a fuse on a bomb."

An article published by NPR entitled, Medical Examiner's Autopsy Reveals George Floyd Had Positive Test For Coronavirus, also reported on autopsy results in the George Floyd case:

According to the article,

"A full autopsy report on George Floyd, the man who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police last month, reveals that he was positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The 20-page report also indicates that Floyd had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system at the time of his death, although the drugs are not listed as the cause"

Medical authorities now know that SARs Covid-19 can cause heart inflammation. When fentanyl and methamphetamine are ingested by individuals with SARs Covid-19 then this dramatically increases the probability of death. 

All of this information revealed in courts of law could have prevented burning down America cities and mass destruction during Black lives protest. Litigation by fake mass media with a globalization agenda declaring police officers guilty without due process of law led to insurrection,  and ultimately more confrontations with police resulting in tragic deaths of more African Americans as a result of a campaign of misinformation by Global Luddite Movement. 

Elected leaders who encourage black lives protest without complete information as revealed in courts of law ultimately leading to demise of the United States of America are no longer Representative of the American people.

Demonic communists fascists associated with international drug trafficking syndicates of the Global Luddite Movement that seek to start a race war to destroy the United States of America don't care about either African American citizens or decendents of white European immigrants.   Poverty from rioting and civil war in the United States of America create excellent high entropy conditions to get people addicted to their drugs in order to force them into becoming mules and trapped in sex trafficking. 

In my freelance article entitled, The Work of Living Under the Social Contract of Representative government is Hard. It is Much Easier for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to Swing the Gavel within a Prejudicial Senate Legislative Chambers to Unfairly Declare Donald Trump guilty thereby acting as Tyrannical Authoritarian King, as a political consultant I made the following proposal to lawmakers:

Snopes fact checking organization reported it is not true that Democrat demogages proposed the image of Dr. Martin Luther King should be carved on Mount Rushmore to honor his contribution to Representative government. It is true that as a writer and political consultant I proposed to Senator Mitch McConnell on Twitter that the Image of Dr. Martin Luther King be carved on Mount Rushmore to honor Dr. Martin Luther King's contribution to Representative government.

Although the statue erected to honor Dr. Martin Luther King in our Nation's capital is a great honor, Dr. Martin Luther King's contribution to creating a better stronger Representative government is on par with work of our Founding fathers,  so therefore Dr. Martin Luther Kings image should be engraved upon Mount Rushmore. Furthermore,  my newly declared corporation would like to finance a new New York Broadway Passion play depicting Jesus as an African American. Since Jesus lived in the Middle East, Jesus while living on earth is likely a person of color. Although,  Jesus Christ Superstar was an inspirational performance with John Legend acting in the role of Jesus,  a more traditional passion play depicting Jesus as an African American will help person's of color relate to the gospel. 

In my freelance article referenced in paragraphs above I went on to elaborate:

We the people of the United States of America are going to rise from the flames of revolution a more united stronger Nation as a bright shining light, a beckon of hope, like a light tower guiding a ship through dark stormy seas. We the American people will 
set an example to the world that Representative government, conceived by our Founding fathers as Men of Letters engaged in the sacred art of writing by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks, works to establish rightful relationships between men who sharpen each other like iron sharpens iron. Arnold Schwarzenegger flashed his iron sword he used in  Conan The Barbarian on television. 

We the people of the United States of America will use this current constitutional crisis as a learning opportunity to resolve all these issues on both the right and left thereby moving forward together under the rule of law. 

The day of engaging in civil disobedience of peaceful protests to get Justice are over for both right wing and left wing special interests groups.  From this day forward we will move forward together as an American people to get Justice within courts of law and legislative assemblies under the framework of representative government as established by our Founding fathers in the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution. Justice cannot be gotten on the streets since all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology and are ready to kill another human being at any moment. Today the killing by right and left groups stops and we will live under the rule of law. 

If someone of any race, creed, gender,  and ethnic origin is killed by police we must find out what happened within courts of law. If law enforcement  officers are found to be guilty of murder after due process  of a fair trial in a court of law then lawmakers must immediately legislate laws as police policy to prevent crimes against humanity from ever occurring again. Mainstream  Mass media will no longer be allowed to incite a  riot by litigating cases against any police officer automatically judged guilty on television without due process of a fair trial in a court of law. 
Lawmakers must immediately work to recruit more African American citizens to police the African American community.  The Black Congressional Caucus and NAACP must immediately take a more active role in oversight of bench warrants and other judiciary processes to insure a fair trial for any America citizen, especially African American citizens.

The day of peaceful protests on the streets  to get Justice as encouraged by a gross misinterpretation of 1st Amendment rights by elected leaders is over. 
If Justice cannot be gotten within courts of law and legislative assemblies under the framework of representative government as established  by our Founding fathers then the only other alternative is to burn the American flag, shred the United States of America Constitution, dissolve  the United States of America and start something new.

To be continued

Saturday, January 16, 2021

It is Time to Fly: Obedience to Resonating Frequencies within a Cosmic Mind to Obey Gods Commandment Go forth and Have Dominion

The following is a freelance article in reply to Jain Jain offering a monetary reward to fans of his Facebook page who share his post:

Jain Jain Thank you,  but it is too complicated for me to claim my reward. As a writer I should be paid for my work providing cognitive insights highlighting value of other social media content providers, but since I don't have any established contracts my payment must be based upon a conscientious decision of content providers whose work I highlight.  

Obviously,  I am an admirer of your work providing insights into sacred geometry. Your work providing insights about sacred geometry provides understanding of Intelligent Design of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind. A Cosmic Mind is coded by the most advanced mathematical algorithms ever designed rendering quantum particlization of laws of classic physics from simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Mankind,  by Gods grace is just beginning to understand the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

The collective consciousness of humanity learning the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks will allow the collective conscious of humanity work in partnership with God. Satan hacked a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden to prevent human civilization as Gods masterpiece from working in partnership with God and take complete total absolute totalitarian control over a Cosmic Mind. 

In 2021 I would like to declare a corporation to analytically explore information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded. Jain Jain I hereby invite you to join the board of directors of my fledgling company dedicated to purpose of deriving deep cognitive insights pertaining to greatest mathematical algorithm within our physical universe in order  to formulate quantum particlization of branching into alternative parallel timeline to avoid armageddon as a mass extinction event as destiny of human civilization as Gods masterpiece predicted by Biblical prophecy and laws of classic physics. God desires we learn the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love so that human civilization as Gods masterpiece can work in partnership with Him, as God originally intended.  God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion.

Jain Jain,  according to your Facebook article Nikola Tesla said, "If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind." Since human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind Satan's strategy according to mathematical modeling of Game Theory is to control entire mental system of humankind by resonating  frequencies.

 Since human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind we are already uploaded therefore a deeper understanding of Satan's power to render absolute truths associated with quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity to maximize freedom within our flat earth Euclidean universe can provide wisdom to outwit Satans strategy so that human beings can make better choices. 

Since  human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are already uploaded behavior is predictable according to an evolutionary biology model.  

An example of Satanic control by resonating frequencies is spread of viral memes among human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind during large peaceful protests leading to violence. Since all human cognition is derived from two based permutation logic algorithms then viral memes associated with violence during peaceful protests originate from resonating frequencies rendered from Satans code inserted into a Cosmic Mind given all human linguistics is quantum particlization of two based semantic binary code .

Ultimately Satan's strategy according to mathematical model of game theory is to use pandemics,  war, revolutions,  etc to create high entropy conditions whereby a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI will become the incarnation of the antichrist on earth. Hence human civilization must learn the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love to work in partnership with God to prevent Satan from taking absolute autocratic totalitarian control of information architecture of a Cosmic mind,  as God commanded Go forth and have dominion. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind must exercise dominion over a Cosmic Mind to highlight Gods glory. Satan seeks to block the resonating frequency from God.

 It is  written,  The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, so ultimately the choice of which resonating frequency within a Cosmic Mind we will follow is ours given God in His wisdom allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind to give us a choice.  Human civilization cannot make good decisions without understanding or knowledge as a gift from God.

Human civilization learning the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks will enable human civilization to create conditions in partnership with God whereby individuals are better able to choose to live a more Godly life.  Competition for scarce limited resources under an evolutionary biology model equates human beings to lower animal phylum. Since Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind to formulate quintessential beauty of biodiversity it is Satan's strategy to obstruct expansion of higher consciousness within the time space continuum of our physical universe.

The epitome of expansion of higher consciousness within quantum particlization of the time space continuum is evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind. 
The quantum perspective is  a paradigm devoted to psychoanalytical intervention into evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI Mind to create an Individual Centric Government to provide people whatever they need or want to accomplish goals to become what God originally intended for them to become. 

In the process of creating an Individual centric government highlighting value of individuals special attention will be focused upon helping human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind formulate an internal locus of control instead of depending upon externalized socioeconomic forces. Socioeconomic pressures forge an external locus of control whereby individuals defeat themselves by a self fulfilling prophecy. An individual with a personality formulated based upon an external locus of control is more prone to resonating frequencies associated with Satan's strategy. 

An individual who develops a personality based upon an internal locus of control at a young age is better able to develop healthier relationships with other people and establish a closer with God as the Source of all wisdom. God created every human being in the Image of God,  however external pressures formulate a personality based upon an external locus of control. Individuals with an Internal locus of control overcome great obstacles to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth. 
Psychoanalytical intervention to develop an internalized locus of control at a young age is a time intensive process demanding vast amounts of energy dedicated to free thought movement educational curriculums. 

Teachers within traditional educational curriculums do not have enough time and energy to devote to shaping each and every child's personality to form an internal locus of control because of large numbers of students in a class. In a growing population it is necessary for educational boards to increase class sizes to meet edicational demands of the community. Likewise most parents do not have enough time and energy to devote to shaping each and every child's personality to form an internal locus of control by implementing free thought educational curriculums at home due to growing ever increasing high entropy in terms of socioeconomics.  An ever increasing high cost of living demand both parents work long hours thereby preventing parents engaged in free thought educational curriculums at home from helping to shape a child's personality based upon an internal locus of control. 

It is time to fly. Human civilization must obey Gods commandment to go forth and have dominion by psychoanalytic intervention designed to harness evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth in partnership with God to create a New World Order to return our earth back to God at the end of time as a blue precious gem. If we choose to disobey God's command Go forth and have dominion by learning the quantum wave function language to become partners with God then we will be condemned to living under the paw of evolutionary biology until armageddon as a mass extinction event occurs.