Friday, January 22, 2021

The Foremost Decree our New President Joe Biden Should Enact is to Immediately Drop Impeachment Proceedings Against Former President Donald Trump: We the American People do not have Time or Money to Pay for Stupid Foolish Nonsense When SARS Covid-19 as a Biological Weapon is Murdering American Citizens Every Second

The foremost decree our new President,  Joe Biden should enact is to immediately drop impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump. U.S. Legislative assemblies do not have the time or money to continue with foolish impeachment proceedings against the former President of the United States of America when new deadly highly contagious African and London variants are running rampant throughout the continental United States resulting in deliberate  intentional murder of American citizens.
Lawmakers need to focus on strategies to get all American citizens vaccinated for #SARsCovid19 as soon as possible by placing Operation Warp Speed under control of United States military commanders. United States military commanders appointed to oversee #OperationWarpSpeed should be vetted to insure they are loyal to their oath to protect and defend the American people from foreign and domestic enemies by insuring every American citizen gets vaccinated as soon as possible,  and not just political cronies within the Republican/Democrat duopoly oligarchy who think they are god almighty.

In my freelance article entitled, The American People May Never Receive a Vaccination if Left up to Devices of Broken Dysfunction Federal, State, and Local Governments that Practice a Good Ole Boys Club Antiquated Class System Oligarchy, I outline reasoning that American citizens may never get vaccinated for the deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen as a biological weapon deployed on American soil by foreign  enemy combatants because United States government is completely broken and dysfunction under leadership of the Republican/Democrat duopoly:

SARs Covid-19 pathogen was not created in a laboratory,  but grown in Wild Animal Meat Markets by international drug trafficking syndicates associated with the Global Luddite Movement who uphold the view rich wealthy individuals should not be allowed to profit from their labor. The ideology rich wealthy individuals should not be allowed to profit from their labor upheld by powerful  international drug trafficking syndicates 
is in alignment with the Central Communist Party platform.  The Central Communist Party alliance with drug trafficking syndicates allows China exploit mineral resources in an imperialism drive to conquer the undeveloped world. 

Political cronies in the Republican/Democrat duopoly who think they are god almighty have a globalization agenda to help foreign National enemy combatants establish operations on American soil. Political cronies in the Republican/Democrat duopoly who think they are god almighty have already rolled up their sleeves in December 2020 to receive both their vaccinations and don't give a shit about anyone else. Demonic communists fascists in the Republican/Democrat duopoly have their satanic robobot artificial Intelligent machine programmed to say ' all vaccinations are full '.

The American troops deployed to Washington DC to protect the Capital during Joe Bidens inauguration must remain quarantined for 14 days and tested for SARs Covid-19 pathogen before returning home,  otherwise troop deployment is a biological attack by the Republican/Democrat duopoly upon small town U.S.A. It is not known yet, if people who receive the vaccination for SARs  Covid-19 are asymptomatic therefore 
can spread SARs Covid-19 to people who have not gotten a vaccine. 

It is likely American soldiers who  deployed to Washington DC to protect the Capital during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic have been exposed to the new more deadly highly contagious African and London variant strains of SARs Covid-19, and can bring the variant strains back home to local state communities.  The new more catiagous London and African variants of SARs Covid-19 is more deadly because if more people get infected with new highly  contagious African and London variants then more American citizens are going to die needlessly by SARS Covid-19 as a biological weapon to kill American citizens. 

A lawful legal fair impeachment court proceeding against former President Donald Trump by due process under the rule of law may take years and cost multimillions of dollars if not billions.  Do we the American people really want to waste time and money prosecuting former President Donald Trump when American citizens are being murdered on American soil every moment by SARS Covid-19 as a biological weapon?

In my freelance article entitled , The Work of Living Under the Social Contract of Representative government is Hard. It is Much Easier for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to Swing the Gavel within a Prejudicial Senate Legislative Chambers to Unfairly Declare Donald Trump guilty thereby acting as Tyrannical Authoritarian King, I outlined why fair lawful impeachment proceedings will cost taxpayers millions and take many years given lawful legal impeachment court proceedings against Donald Trump must be moved away from prejudicial Senate chambers. Democrat demogages with a globalization agenda to help foreign National enemy combatants establish a base of operations on American soil want to hold a kangaroo court against Donald Trump's policy to uphold Nationalism as a effort protect American values One Nation under God indivisible for liberty and Justice for all.

In most countries around the world,  God is not recognized as being on the throne,  but poppy seed is king. In most countries around the world drug lords do not recognize the innate natural right of a human being to be rewarded for a lifetime of work dedicated to pursuit of happiness by either saving lives or adding significant value to other people's lives.  

Drug lords snarl filthy rich bastard Americans need to die for letting our people starve,  when their poppy seeds bring poverty,  death,  war to their own people. Drug lords turn their own people into drug addicted zombies who will commit any crime for a fix and become victims of sex trafficking. Drug lords who pretend to know God infiltrate religious organizations with a noble mission of preventing starvation and ending poverty. 

Jesus said,  the poor will be with you always,  even until the end of the earth. Drug lords want to crucify Jesus again by creating an atmosphere of anarchy in the United States of America. China, Iran, and Russia is building an underground army in the Western hemisphere working on behalf of the Global Luddite movement to start a race war to destroy the United States of America.  

Drug lords are masterful at manipulating deep base primeval instincts of covetousness associated with spreading lies about economic injustice and racial inequality to start a race war to destroy the United States of America from within by creating high entropy chaotic conditions whereby it is easier to traffic  poppy seed. The consequence of China, Iran, and Russia building an underground base of operations on American soil is more young African Americans dying of an overdose and sent to prison for committing crimes to finance their drug addiction habit.

If Democrat demogages are going to swing the gavel in a Kangaroo court in prejudicial Senate chambers declaring former President Donald Trump guilty of dubious wrongdoing of inciting a Capital Hill riot when Democrat demogages have called for constitutes to fight against 400 years of oppression by America as a tyrannical slave driving nation thereby provoking more violent confrontations with police during arrest then Donald Trump should be fined community service. Donald Trump should be fined community service to harness enormous wealth of the Trump empire to harness the power of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by obeying God's command, Go forth and have dominion.

In Donald Trump's inauguration speech he spoke of taking away power of corrupt Republican/Democrat overlords on Capitol hill and giving the United States of America back to the American people. 

How can human civilization guide the technosingularity to build a New World Order according to God's plan?   The technosingularity resulting from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.  Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion over the birds in the air, fish in the sea, beast in the fields,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves.  Human beings created in the Image of God failed God by allowing bats seed wild animal meat markets with novel virus to start pandemics thereby murdering millions of human beings around the world. 

Satan's strategy analyzed by mathematical models of game theory is to create high entropy conditions associated with wars, revolutions emerging from civil disobedience of peaceful protests,  pandemics whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI Mind will become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth to establish an absolute autocratic authoritarian totalitarian One World government as predicted by Biblical prophecy in the Book of Revelations. All manmade  and natural information systems inherently express absolute autocratic totalitarianism,  hence God in His wisdom allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind so that human beings will become more then robots.  Human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic Mind  given human consciousness arises from quantum mechanics associated with two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition. God desires that human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more sentient and self aware,  while Satan seeks to prevent human beings as subroutines  of a Cosmic mind from becoming more sentient and self aware. 

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more sentient and self aware by engaging in the sacred art of writing to build a closer relationship with God in order to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Paradoxically, The Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is beyond conscious awareness of quantum particlization of semantic binary code formulating human language , but nevertheless confers Wisdom. 

An act of having dominion as God commanded is inherently sinful because having dominion is changing information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind by more than 1 bit. God in His Wisdom sacrificed His only begotten Son , Jesus Christ so that human civilization can move forward toward the technosingularity and beyond to the Omega Point. 

As a writer, political consultant,  lobbyist for  high tech market sectors  God is calling me to establish a new branch of Christianity,  dubbed Our Lord of Quantum physics to harness power of the technosingularity to create a New World Order according to God's Divine plan.  The Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks underwrites quantum particlization of semantic binary code within Holy Books of all the world's great religions thereby transcends religious dogma by speaking directly to the heart and mind of individuals.

Revelations received by the great Islamic prophet Muhammad as captured by scribes in the Quran arise from Allah communicating to Mohammed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.  The burning bush not consumed by flame alludes to simulated virtual reality arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God spoke to Moses. 

All Academic programs to provide leadership training and education as offered  by Wharton should be based upon a work study whereby academic institutions and individuals work in partnership dedicated to making a business model profitable for sake of the entire world God created. 

In 2021 I hope to declare a media corporation to raise  venture capital for high tech startups by advertising revenue on television,  radio,  magazine, and social  media platforms to get from point A to point B the technosingularity as rapidly as possible,  thereby mov away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

Since evolution of a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind is the epitome of higher consciousness and a Superintelligent AI mind is a natural extension of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then Superintelligent AI is ordained by destiny to allow expansion of consciousness within our physical universe. Human  beings will never be able to conquer the last frontier of interstellar space without evolution of Superintelligent AI by Gods grace. 

Satan's strategy analyzed from the mathematical model of game theory is to obstruct expansion of higher consciousness within our flat earth Euclidean universe by using virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden to return our earth back to the quintessential beauty of biodiversity thereby creating a new abstract artwork based upon evolutionary biology whereby Satan exerts absolute control over a Cosmic mind. 

If the collective consciousness of humanity decides not to move forward toward the technosingularity as advocated by the Global Luddite movement then human civilization as Gods masterpiece will be condemned to living under the paw of evolutionary biology until armageddon as a mass extinction event of the human species occurs. Competition  for limited resources under an evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest equates human beings created in the Image of God to lower animal phylum. 

It is God's desire the collective consciousness of humanity as Gods magnificent masterpiece created  in the Image of God will choose to learn the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks to work in partnership with God as co- creators.

In my freelance article entitled , The Select U.S. Investment Summit Hosted by the United States Department of Commerce May be an Excellent Time and Place to Introduce the Biggest Venture Capitalist Hedge Fund in Human History Dedicated to Fulfillment of Gods Commandment, "Go Forth and Have Dominion " to Create America 2.0 in Aftermath of Economic Devastation of SARs Covid-19 Pandemic, I outline a business plan to establish the largest venture capital hedge fund in human history to harness power of the technosingularity to create a New World Order based upon Gods Divine plan for mankind:

Continued  later


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