Wednesday, January 27, 2021

An Open Letter to Senator Patrick Leahy: No Justice for Donald Trump, No Peace

Pro democracy forces must unit under the rule of law. Jesus is the One upon whose shoulders all law rest.

Senator Leahy,  how can you in good conscious accept responsibility of presiding over the impeachment court proceedings of former president Donald Trump.  In your inauguration day address posted on YouTube you fully admit that Joe Biden is a long time comrade therefore you are biased and prejudicial.  Can't you see how the impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump is making a mockery of Justice in the United States?

It is unconscionable that the Supreme Court of the United States of America does not want to get in involved in the biggest Constitutional crisis in the history of the United States. In Senator Leahy inauguration address, Senator Leahy admitted his prejudicial bias against former President Donald Trump by sharing Joe Biden and himself have been comrades for many decades.  Senator Leahy must immediately recuse himself from presiding over former President Donald Trump's impeachment court proceeding due to conflict of interest,  otherwise the impeachment of Donald Trump within prejudicial Senate chambers is nothing but a #KangarooCourt.

Chief Justice John Roberts refuses to preside over Kangaroo court in Senate during unlawful illegal impeachment proceedings that make a mockery of due process of law . 

What kind of example is the United States of America setting for China, Russia,  Iran , by failing to insure a fair impeachment court proceeding against former President Donald Trump by due process of law ? DNC Democrat demogages should remember we live in the United States of America and not China, Russia, and Iran. Globalization policy of DNC Democrat demogages must have caused liberal socialists forget about American values.

Democrat demogages have encouraged siege of American cities all year long during the Presidential election of 2020, thereby allowing Joe Biden/Kamala Harris claim public office by violence of burning of American cities and take over of Federal buildings. 

Today Democrat demogages have shamefully made the United States of America a laughing stock of the world by pursuing Michevellian impeachment proceedings to crush former President Donald Trump as a political opponent.  In China,  Russia, and Iran communists hold unlawful illegal Kangaroo courts without due process of law to crush political opponents.

How convenient, Demonic communists fascists can toss out the rule of law just because former President Donald Trump is not in office.  Due process of law applies to every human being,  and Chief Justice John Roberts knows this , therefore did not volunteer  to preside over an Impeachment court proceeding as is customary during impeachments. It is very strange that the United States of America Supreme court does not want to get involved in the biggest Constitutional crisis in the history of the United States. 

Demonic communists fascists with a globalization  agenda  do whatever is convenient to line their pockets instead of obeying due process under the rule of law.  Yes, powerful rich tyrannical kings within U.S. Senate chambers with a globalization agenda antagonistic of former President Donald Trump's Nationalism policy 
can swing the gavel and declare President Trump guilty in a Kangaroo court costing taxpayers millions of dollars , but they will have proven nothing but they are treasonous traitors to the United States of America who betray the American people by pursuing a globalization agenda to establish business partnerships with foriegn National enemy combatants on American soil. 

Joe Biden and Kamala  Harris lost the Presidential election of 2020 because Joe Biden took office by promoting protests that turned violent,  including siege of federal government buildings and streets that belong to the American people,  instead of upholding 1st Amendment rights of assembly to redress grievances in courts of law and legislative assemblies under the framework of representative government as originally established by our Founding fathers. The Black lives protest interfered with a free and fair election.  If Donald Trump must be held accountable for every unlawful act of his base then Joe Biden must also be held accountable for unlawful actions of his constituents.

Related Twitter:

#ImpeachJoeBiden for inciting #Insurrection to #Obstruct #FreeFair #Election2020: A #WhiteEuropean #AmericanSoldier #ShotDead in our Nation #Capital loaded up on an ambulance with #Blood spurting from her neck is a #Terrorist while George Floyd is a #Saint

#ImpeachJoeBiden and @DNC Demogages with a #GlobalizationAgenda 
for inciting #Insurrection on streets to start a #RaceWar to expand operations of #International #DrugTrafficking #Syndicates associated with the #GlobalLudditeMovement who want their boy Joe Biden Elected #POTUS

#ImpeachJoeBiden @DNC #Demogages with  #GlobalizationAgenda for rejecting #1stAmendment rights to #RedressGrievances within #LegislativeAssemblies & #CourtsOfLaw under framework of #RepresentativeGovernment as established by our Founding fathers,  but instead encourage protests that turn violent on the streets thereby obstructing a FreeFair Presidential #Election2020 preventing Republican conservative loyalists from speaking truth of the Republican platform to uncommitted independents on the streets  enabling Joe Biden to take office by violent coercion.

The following is a Tweet from #ChuckSchumer:

I have spoken to @SpeakerPelosi. The articles of impeachment will be delivered to the Senate on Monday.

Make no mistake: There will be a full trial. There will be a fair trial.

My reply: 

A fair trial by due process of law cannot be conducted within prejudicial Senate chambers with Senators appointed as jurors. U.S. Senators are prejudicial and biased due to bipartisan efforts to wrangle out a deal on behalf of constituents in state districts is payment for finding former President Donald Trump guilty in a Kangaroo court.

 A fair trial can only be conducted when objective unbiased independent jurors from the body politic are selected from ranks of professional educators from higher academia, law, chief executive officers within private market sector. Jurors from body politic must sign an affidavit that they are neither loyal the #GOP or #DNC party and will exercise their duty as jurors to hear evidence during impeachment proceedings from a completely objective unbiased frame of reference. Jury members selected must be sequestered without access to social media,  radio,  television or any other form of media for 3 months before impeachment proceedings and during impeachment hearings.

Lawful fair impeachment court proceedings against former President Donald Trump will take years and cost multimillions,  if not billions of taxpayer dollars. If impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump must proceed we must conduct a fair lawful trial by due process of law in order to be a #LightUntoTheNations as a shining example of Representative government to China and other authoritarian autocratic governments around the world. The Supreme Court Justice of the United States of America cannot just simply swing the gavel and declare former President Donald Trump guilty in a #KangarooCourt. The Republican/Democrat duopoly must uphold the rule of law.

@TheJusticeDept @DHSgov #DHSGov 
#ImpeachJoeBiden and @DNC #Demogages for inciting #Insurrection during #PresidentialElection2020:
#SayHerName, the #AmericanSoldier #ShotDead in our #Capitol loaded in an ambulance with #Blood spurting from her neck

My statement on introducing Articles of Impeachment against President @JoeBiden:

My reply on Twitter:

#ImpeachJoeBiden for inciting #Insurrection to #Obstruct #FreeFair #Election2020: A #WhiteEuropean #AmericanSoldier #ShotDead in our Nation #Capital loaded up on an ambulance with #Blood spurting from her neck is a #Terrorist while George Floyd is a #Saint

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