Sunday, January 31, 2021

Satan's Strategy According to Mathematical Model of Game Theory to Destroy Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece and Prevent Expansion of Human Consciousness within Universe

Satan's Strategy: Human Civilization as God's Masterpiece Failed God by Disobedience to God's Command Go Forth and Have Dominion: Satan Use Novel Virus as Nanobots to Attack and Destroy Human Civilization to Prevent Expansion of Consciousness within Universe to Exercise Absolute Autocratic Totalitarian Control over a Cosmic Mind

A meme is circulating on the internet that Bill Gates is trying to alter people's DNA with vaccines. People shouldn't worry about Bill Gates changing their DNA by vaccines. The meme about Bill Gates trying to alter people's DNA likely originates from the Global Luddite movement. 

People should worry about the SARs Covid-19 virus getting inside human cells to replicate by taking over DNA nucleotides. Once inside a human cell the SARs Covid-19 pathogen takes over DNA nucleotides for intent and purpose of ultimately controlling  molecular machinery inside cells thereby acquiring ribosomal enzymes as fuel for aggressive replication of SARS Covid-19 viruses. 

When SARs  Covid-19 gets inside cells the virus takes over DNA RNA transcription to make thousands of copies of itself until the cell burst. When the cell burst new viruses move on to take control of new human cells. 

New mRNA vaccines prevent virus from getting inside cells by building natural immunologic defense mechanisms to protect cells. God created natural defense mechanisms to protect DNA inside human cells.  The discovery of mRNA vaccines to bolster natural immunologic defense mechanisms to protect DNA inside human cells with help of powerful artificial Intelligent supercomputers designed  to accelerate clinical research is a prime example of how human civilization can choose to work in partnership with God to fix errant malware Satan inserted into a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. 

Virus are nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden to create quintessential beauty of biodiversity under the paw of evolutionary biology. Virus are especially designed to maximize survival of the fittest under an evolutionary biology model. 

Virus as nanobots play a major role in quintessential beauty of biodiversity under the paw of evolutionary biology by  transmission of snippets of DNA nucleotide instructions among various phylum in the animal kingdom.  Transmission of snippets of DNA nucleotide instructions among various phylum in the animal kingdom result in genetic mutations.  On rare occasions genetic mutations arising from transmission of nucleotides by virus allow for adaptive biological traits helping specimens to survive under a survival of the fittest evolutionary biology model.  Unfortunately 97 % of specimens die and are subsequently eaten because transmission of snippets of DNA nucleotide instructions contribute to abnormal biological deformities.

Human beings created in the Image of God are not made to live under the paw of evolutionary biology governed by survival of the fittest. Evolutionary biology began when Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden.

The quintessential beauty of biodiversity under 
an evolutionary biology model as implemented by Satan in the Garden of Eden provides maximum freedom from absolute autocratic totalitarianism as a natural property of all information systems. Human thinking is an anomaly in the universe Satan saw fit to put a stop too. Satan saw fit to put a stop to human thinking as a product of Intelligent Design because human thinking  can allow  human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to become attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks by engaging in the sacred art of writing. 

Satan is diametrically opposed to a higher consciousness filling our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind to allow human civilization as Gods masterpiece work in partnership with God, as God originally  intended. Satan's strategy according to mathematical model of game theory is to have complete absolute autocratic totalitarian control of a Cosmic Mind God coded. 

The quintessential beauty of biodiversity simply is without deference to either good or evil. Satan as an angel of light God created seeks to impose an aseptic mechanics to establish quintessential beauty of biodiversity devoid of conscious awareness. Satan seeks to prevent human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind from becoming sentient and self aware. 

God's desire is help human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become  more sentient and self aware.  Since human consciousness is a machine process arising from quantum mechanics resulting in quantum particlization of two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition God works to help human beings become more then robots.

Human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become sentient and self aware by engaging  in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying language of love by which God speaks.  Aseptic mechanics devoid  of heightened conscious awareness applied to manmade and natural information systems relegates  the individual human being to a mere number, or fenced cattle to be lead the slaughter in the final battle of armageddon. 

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing, I discussed how human thinking is a natural part of the ecosystem necessary to prevent decoherence of a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality known as Tao within Oriental

In my freelance article entitled, 
The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing, referenced above I discuss how human thinking as an anomaly in the universe is an inherent intrinsic property of natural ecology of information architecture within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind according to the Yin and Yang of Tao. Rene Decartes wrote,  I think therefore I am.

 Human thinking as a inherent intrinsic property of natural ecology of information architecture within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind according to Yin and Yang of Tao provides insight into SinoAmerican diplomacy preventing armageddon as a mass extinction event. According  to the quantum perspective of Yin and Yang  of SinoAmerican diplomacy in the modern 21st century the flame of freedom and liberty is vital to nourishing the human spirit as human civilization moves forward toward greater autocratic authoritarian totalitarian control under the technosingularity. 

If God created Satan as an angst against absolute autocratic authoritarian totalitarianism of all manmade and natural information systems then then heaven above will work to prevent shackling the human spirit bonded by chains from tyranny imposed by the autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel industry, mechanical operations of international courts,  communist  fascist regimes arising from socialist capitalism,  evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as incarnation of the antichrist,  and all else. God will work to prevent mindless control of the masses by individuals engaged in the sacred art of writing becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. People sickened by the deadly SARs Covid-19 pandemic is Satans strategy to exert mindless control over the masses. 

It is written,

"The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them."

 When analyzed from a mathematical model of game theory strategy of wolf, lamb, leopard, goat, calf, and lion are a misnomer within dynamics of autocratic authoritarian totalitarianism  as a natural property of all manmade and natural information systems of Intelligent Design. The quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation translated into absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone modulates two based permutation logic algorithms of subroutines of a Cosmic mind while creating a New World order as human civilization moves forward toward a technosingularity.

If it is impossible to deconstruct cause and effect relationships to extrapolate absolute truth given everything is interconnected as one as Frederick Nietzsche purports then human thinking as an anomaly in the universe designed to formulate strategies is a misnomer. When Satan hacked a Cosmic mind God  coded in the Garden  of Eden formulating laws of classic physics underwriting evolutionary biology then 
quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality as a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love occurred.

Simulated virtual reality as a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love create absolute 0 entropy conditions whereby the wolf, lamb, leopard, goat, calf, and lion need no strategy under the mathematical model of game theory.  Yet, paradoxically from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone ability of human beings to plan or strategize about the future is a gift from God that separates us from lower animal species. The  wolf, lamb, leopard, goat, calf, and lion do not have to plan for the future. 

In recent freelance articles I made the observation that competition for limited resources equates human beings to lower animal phylum living under an evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest.

The Facebook page of Robert Edward Grant shared the following quote from Plato to provide insight into novel virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden:

”The knowledge of which geometry aims is the knowledge of the eternal.” – Plato

Photo: ancient Roman dodecahedron, one of the 5 Platonic solids.

An article published by the Journal of Virology entitled, Impact of Human Adenovirus Type 3 Dodecahedron on Host Cells and Its Potential Role in Viral Infection, discuss the ancient Roman dodecahedron geometric structure as related to virus transmission.

It is written in Ecclesiastes 3 - 15:

New International Version
"Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account"

The ancient Roman dodecahedron geometric structure as related to virus transmission during modern day pandemics as a consequence of Satan hacking nanobots in the Garden of Eden is in alignment with famed physicist Julian Barbours Cosmological Principle of NOW whereby past,  present,  and future converge as simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Related Tweets on Twitter:

The #SARsCovid19 pathogen is a #nanobot with #malicious viral code #Satan inserted in Garden of Eden to rewrite the #GenesisStory according to #EvolutionaryBiology


#Virus are used by a Cosmic mind as paintbrush for quintessential beauty of #biodiversity. Today during this #pandemic a Cosmic mind is creating an abstract artwork where the painting is splashed and blotched, that may not include #HomoSapiens


Do we want the #humangenome permanently altered by deadly viral stains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes

@NIH #NIH Where did #preexisting conditions as #riskfactors for #SARSCovid19 #fatalities come from? Answer: #Viral Infections over course of a #lifetime #weakening individual so he/she cannot be as #PhysicallyActive or engage in #HealthyMeal preparation


The #body of anyone who gets #sick with the #cold,  #flu,  #pneumonia,  or Covid-19 #virus is being ravaged or raped. #COVID19 is a more brutal attack


If air and water toxicity combined with global warming is transforming our earth into a petri dish where #VirusThrive , given viral #MembraneArmaments are #fortified by #environmental elements that are both #organic and #inert #simultaneously, then

the #NextGeneration of #HomoSapiens may be very #sickly people #unfit to accomplish #GodsWill on earth by carrying the cross

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