Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wimpy Handshakes: Meanwhile Tears within Make Shift Hospitals all Over the Globe Overflow, as God in Heaven Weeps

Is Crispr pioneer Jennifer Doudna backing away from scientific research into gene editing and getting into a new business of laboratory testing? Shouldn't a brilliant mind like Jennifer Doudna be engaged in finding a permanent cure for Covid-19? 


Granted, laboratory testing to detect Covid-19 as quickly as possible is very important to save lives. 

My work as a writer is to provide the news behind the news, the story behind the story. As a writer, philosopher, futurist,  political consultant,  and independent sales agent creating the quantum perspective designed to translate the quantum wave function language as the language of love as close as possible the quantum perspective is an analytical study of everything that is unspoken. 

The quantum perspective adds a new dimension behind the headlines.
The quantum wave function as the language of love contains boundless reservoirs and flowing rivers of unspoken information that cannot be expressed in words.

The Quantum perspective as quantum particlization of semantic binary code achieves 99 percent accuracy in transcribing the quantum wave function language as the language of love by an analytical study of multiple trajectories to add meaningfulness in alignment with Albert Einstein's theory of Relativity. According to Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity nothing can be understood from only one trajectory. 

A monetary process of defining real value by dollars and cents results in loss of huge volumes of information during process of quantum particlization. It takes billions of dollars to operate a scientific based academic research institution. 

Mass media fails to provide real insights into the Covid-19 pandemic storyline by failing  to reference scientific research literature  because intelligence of the general public is underestimated. Yet, scientific research literature is a separate,  but related trajectory providing valuable insights into nature of the Covid-19 pandemic,  and all future pandemics absolutely certain to arrive to erase human civilization as Gods masterpiece from the face of the earth. An example of a scientific research study provided insight into pathogenic evolution and spread of disease processes is entitled 

Combinatorial single-cell CRISPR screens by direct guide RNA capture and targeted sequencing


In terms of education we should expect more from individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind given true intelligence is a function of both an internalized and external locus of control defining our relationship with the Creator of the Heavens and earth. Since we don't expect very much,  we get less. Do we not know what it means to be created in the image of God?

How many wimpy handshakes has the concept of Crispr gene editing instigated? How many call backs that never came? What  is the meaning of a Yeah, yeah, yeah I will catch you later attitude among professionals at international conferences when brushing past rushing down the corridor to establish alliances to form a financial empire with those who practice magic and voodoo as a sincere expression of genuine faith?  Meanwhile ,  tears within make shift hospitals all over the globe overflow, as God in Heaven weeps.

Paradoxically in an interconnected world where everything is connected as one we are no longer connected. We are disconnected and isolated because value determined by dollars and cents is a consequence  of quantum particlization. Quantum  particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe is collapse of the quantum wave function language as the language of love.

An understanding of DNA as an information construct  has come a long way since Watson and Crick discovered the DNA molecule. DNA testing was quickly deployed  in forensic crime scene investigations as featured in the popular television drama,  CSI. In the early years processing of DNA test kits took years to complete, leading  towards  a backlog among forensic laboratories.

Crispr pioneer Jennifer Doudna is doing very important work in laboratory testing to detect Covid-19 as quickly as possible given a Covid-19 infection is a crime within the greater scheme of things. 

The body of anyone who gets sick with the cold,  flu,  pneumonia,  or Covid-19 virus is being ravaged or raped. Covid-19 is a more brutal attack. Repeated cold and flu virus over the years deposits snippets of DNA instructions leading to a wide range of pathological medical conditions and autoimmune diseases that eventually cripple and kill  people.

Although Crispr pioneer Jennifer Doudna is doing very important work in laboratory testing to detect Covid-19,  we need brilliant minds to find the cure.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Resistant is Futile to New Mutagenic Viruses of the Future.

It is interesting how medical experts can get it wrong. It is reported on social media that medical experts at the prestigious John Hopkins university claim viruses are not living predatory organisms. A Washington Post article entitled, The Coronavirus isn't Alive,  that is Why it's so Hard to Kill, further purports inorganic nature of viruses. 


As a parasitic molecular machine viruses are a hybrid between living organisms and inert matter simultaneously. An scientific article published by the  Microbiology  Society ask the question,  " What is Life?


Since virus are a parasitic molecular machine existing as a hybrid between living organisms and inert matter then environmental pollutants comprised of both organic and inert elements help virus thrive and mutate into stronger predators with more fortified membrane  protective armaments.  Eventually molecular formulas of bacteria and virus killing cleaning agents will be assimilated within the DNA instructions of new novel virus to build resistance to cleansing agents as a mutagenic property.  

Resistant is futile to new mutagenic viruses of the future. Bacteria phages have already demonstrated incredible mutagenic properties of assimilating ( learning) molecular structures of antiobiotics to adapt and thrive.  Human beings shall either learn and grow or die.

Viruses as a parasitic machine existing  as a hybrid between both living organisms and inert matter simultaneously are the quintessential expression of the quantum  principle of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation. Viruses don't care who is right or wrong,  but will eradicate both from planet earth. 

In a recent freelance article I discussed virus as a paintbrush for quintessential beauty of biodiversity for a Cosmic mind God designed. A Cosmic mind is hacked in the Garden of Eden,  but God blessed human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind with intellectual prowess to fix erroneous error in coding of a Cosmic mind to harness evolution to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth. Survival of the human species depends upon mankind learning the quantum wave function language as the language of love. 

In searching for extraterrestrial life on other planets scientists working at SETI have struggled with the question , What is life?

Virus as parasitic molecular machine existing  
as hybrid between living organisms and inert matter simultaneously cast insight into nature of our panphysic conscious universe as the hard-drive of a Cosmic mind God integrated within our flat earth Euclidean universe .

Continued later 

People Should Not Expect to be Half Way Cured from Covid-19 so They will have to Run to the Doctor Every Week and be Hospitalized Often

The latest news is that medical experts are attempting to treat Covid-19 infections with antibodies taken from people who have recovered. 

As an amateur sleuth of the physical sciences I did not fully understand the differences between white blood cells and antibodies when I heard this news yesterday so I used the internet to conduct research. According  to a Google search with information abstracted from Britannia.org:

"Antibodies are produced by specialized white blood cells called B lymphocytes (or B cells). ... Antibodies attack antigens by binding to them.Feb 6, 2020"

According to Britannia antibodies are a protective immunoglobulin protein that serves as a defensive shield against foreign invaders such as viruses,  bacteria,  and insect venom. 

The immune system is a finely tuned complex machine with an adinfintum number parts all working in harmonious unity so people may have a healthy life in abundance as God originally intended. The miraculous working of the immune system should inspire reverence to an almighty God by dumbfounded astonished people as we look at, make observations, and take measurements of intrinsic details of complex nature of immunology. 

Science is an analytical study of the Mind of God allowing us to build a better relationship with God by drawing closer to God, given we are created in God's image. Since we are created in God's image God has blessed us with the ability to understand everything in creation thereby giving us the keys to work with God as partners. We are choosen to serve on the board of directors of God's kingdom. 

How will Covid-19 infections alter the delicate balance of the immune system in alignment with my holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology model purported in my recent article entitled, Our Mission as Assigned by God in His Commandment to Go forth and have Dominion is to Protect Integrity of the Human Genome: We Need to declare a Jihad against Viral pandemics found at the following URL:


People should not expect to be half way cured so they will have to run to the doctor every week and be hospitalized often. Hopefully, the new antibody treatment will be an answer to lessen the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic for now, but it behooves us as Gods choosen people by Jesus redemptive sacrifice on the cross to expect nothing less then a full cure. 

We should not accept a new Covid-19 season every year where 300,000 - 500,000 more people die needlessly on top of those who die with the flu and pneumonia.

A survey of the scientific research literature reveals volumes of scientific studies related to DNA - RNA transcription during immunoglobulin synthesis.

 Regulation of DNA Replication within the Immunoglobulin Heavy-Chain Locus During B Cell Commitment


Since all viral strains take over cellular machinery of host cells to replicate it appears a huge array of entry points during DNA - RNA synthesis of immunoglobulin proteins exists allowing for all viral strains to introduce snippets of DNA instructions into host cells to create a plethora of autoimmune diseases.

If air and water toxicity combined with global warming is transforming our earth into a petri dish where virus thrive , given viral membrane armaments are fortified by environmental elements that are both organic and inert simultaneously, then the next generation of homo sapiens may be very sickly people unfit to accomplish Gods will on earth. 

Will antibodies taken from patients who have recovered from Covid-19 introduce fallacious DNA instructions leading to increased prevalence of a wide variety of autoimmune diseases?

In my freelance article entitled,  Our Mission as Assigned by God in His Commandment to Go forth and have Dominion is to Protect Integrity of the Human Genome: We Need to declare a Jihad against Viral pandemics, referenced above I described virus as a paintbrush of biodiversity by a Cosmic mind.  

During pandemics artwork of a Cosmic mind is blotched to form a new abstract where the human species may be removed  from the picture, unless we finally understand what it means to be chosen or selected as Gods masterpiece and act to harness evolution to accomplish Gods Divine will. 

@CDCgov Has #Science been hijacked by Global Luddite movement? Since #scientist have studied Mers and Sars animal to human transmission of #Coronavirus since the 1970s I cannot fathom why scientists don't know more about #COVID19,  and already have a cure https://t.co/squDYUljbO

Continued later

Sunday, March 29, 2020

As an Information Construct within Information Architecture of a Cosmic Mind the Covid-19 Pandemic is about Destiny of Human Civilization as Gods Divine Masterpiece

Peter Diamandis posted an invitation to get involved and be a part of the Pandemic Alliance at the following URL address. In this Facebook article I share my work as a writer as related to the Pandemic Alliance.


In terms of getting involved and being a part of the Pandemic Alliance I attached a Facebook fundraising initiative for the CDC Not for profit foundation to a public social  media announcement of my most recent freelance writing project.  My recent work as a writer emphasizes how serious this pandemic is to destiny of human civilization as Gods  Divine masterpiece by analyzing the Covid-19 pandemic as a information construct of a Cosmic Mind. God coded a Cosmic mind tasked with administration of information architecture within our flat earth Euclidean universe by rendering cold aseptic virtual reality simulation of laws of classic physics defining Julian Barbours cosmological theory of  NOW where the quantum  wave function language as the language of love encode past, present, and future as destiny. If one believes in Intelligent Design one must believe in destiny as a function of famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW.  

The law of thermodynamics associated with entropy or disorder predicts more deadly pandemics are on the way with absolute certainty unless semantic binary data transcribing language of the quantum wave function as closely as possible expressed as the quantum perspective is successful in creating an alternate parallel timeline by appealing to higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as a Divine gift from God.  A Cosmic mind is tasked with formulating a balanced equation to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth even if it demands an apocalyptic mass extinction event to remove human civilization from the picture. A Cosmic mind uses virus as an information construct  as a paintbrush for quintessential beauty of biodiversity.  Today during this pandemic a Cosmic mind is creating an abstract artwork where the painting is splashed and blotched . God desires that we as a collective consciousness or subroutines of a Cosmic mind choose to remain heirs of the Kingdom of God by obeying His commandment,  Go forth and have dominion over the  beast  in the fields,  birds in the air,  fish in the sea , and every creepy crawly thing that moves including virus by exercising Gods gift of intellectual prowess as keys to becoming partners with God in co creation.  God desires to appoint us as members of the board of directors in a corporation to harness evolutionary biology as a product of a Cosmic mind  to build a future that God originally intended. 


Our Mission as Assigned by God in His #Commandment to #GoForth and have Dominion is to Protect Integrity of the #HumanGenome: We Need to declare a Jihad against Viral #pandemics https://t.co/tadeRoBk5O

Follow my Twitter, " Are not you worth more than many sparrows? "


My Facebook fundraising endeavor for the CDC Not for profit foundation is publically available on my Facebook page at the following URL address:


Generally,  people as subroutines of a Cosmic mind react with indifference to my work as a writer in accordance to evolutionary biology. On internet social media platforms every user as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind have their own agenda. Internet social media manifest competition for limited environmental resources in alignment  with an evolutionary biology model.  

Although  I do not have a billion followers that does not mean my work as a writer is not changing the course of human history by the grace of God.   At the end Jesus had very few followers,  and the followers Jesus had went into hiding in fear of being killed by the  Roman empire. Jesus end on earth is my beginning on a journey to the Omega point. 

I don't understand why the X Prize Facebook page doesn't allow people to share information  vital to defeating not only Covid-19,  but all future pandemics? Only a select few people are allowed to participate in the xprize is an exclusive discriminatory policy not conducive to fighting this global pandemic. Although certain information or content may not fit into narrow parameters of an organizations perceptual frame of reference that does not mean that information is of no value.  I guess the only explanation is an evolutionary biology model as I discussed in my previous comment.

My work as a writer is the inspiration behind the United Saudia Arabia Emeriants hosting an international conference on the human genome in August  2020. As a writer I am changing the course of human history by Gods grace. I have made a major contribution to achieving goals of the Pandemic Alliance so therefore should be allowed to participate in the X Prize. I may never get credit for my work as a writer or be officially recognized because in alignment with the evolutionary biology model.

The quantum wave function language as the language of love assimilates the God given gift of intelligence and is not exclusionary or discriminary. The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference transcending all religious dogma defines intelligence as such:

Love for created universe is the ultimate intelligence,  on this earth intelligence is in short supply.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Our Mission as Assigned by God in His Commandment to Go forth and have Dominion is to Protect Integrity of the Human Genome: We Need to declare a Jihad against Viral pandemics

Jaine 108 math guru posted photographic photon light particle images on Facebook illustrating how human lungs have the same anatomical features as trees with a theme we are all interconnected as one. An analogy of branching of human knowledge in diverse fields of study can be used to further delineate how we are all interconnected,  especially given a trend toward merger of multidisciplinary approaches to understand everything God created. 


My holistic eclectic Gestalt approach to epidemiology is guided by the quantum perspective principle that everything is connected as one, commonly known as Tao. Hence identification of
molecules directly linked with air and water toxicity and also vital in DNA - RNA synthesis simultaneously is in effect isolating Covid-19 within a matrix of environmental conditions.

My holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology theory is that air and water toxicity combined with global warming has created the perfect storm of weakening a delicate metabolic balance making people more susceptible to virus. Virus now have stronger fortified armament molecular membranes. Molecular membranes and inner machinery of novel viral strains are strengthened by air and water toxicity.  

The algae blooms that shut down beaches in Florida as well as around the globe and the Covid-19 pandemic are not unrelated events. Our earth has become a petri dish facilitating pathogenic evolution and spread of new deadly novel virus strains. 



As a writer, yesterday I was accused of being politically inflammatory and divisive by a major medical association based here in the United States. I received notification my content is removed from their information database webpage. 

How can a holistic eclectic  Gestalt model to understand epidemiology of Covid-19 be considered politically inflammatory?  In a world governed by evolutionary biology what does it mean to live by the principle everything is connected as one as described by Tao in terms of successfully accomplishing the mission or task God assigned an individual?

An article published by the BBC entitled, Li Wenliang: Coronavirus death of Wuhan doctor sparks anger, tells the story of a doctor in China who tried to fulfill his mission. 


All words in any language exist as quantum particlization of semantic binary data that can have a profound impact upon information architecture of a Cosmic mind, therefore bits and bytes formulating language address specific parts of a Gestalt whole. Since bits and bytes formulating language address specific parts of a whole eclectic Gestalt reality then words by nature are divisive and inflammatory thereby promote individualistic separation or separateness.

As vestiges of disunity focused upon individualistic parts of a whole Gestalt reality, words of any language are inherently divisive. Today we are focused upon being politically correct. As a subroutine  of a Cosmic mind, Dr.  Li Wenliang focused upon specific parts of a whole eclectic Gestalt reality when he sounded the alarm something was seriously wrong.

Hence the Oriental practice of meditation is designed to achieve a transcendent moment of oneness beyond words. A transcendent moment of oneness beyond words while practicing meditation, where  the quantum wave function language as the universal language of love is felt in the heart, allows individuals to breath freely.  Bits and bytes of semantic binary code comprising words of any language is quantum particlization leading to decoherence or collapse of the quantum wave function as an universal language of love. 

Yet paradoxically,  we know that the use of language is what separates mankind from phylum comprising the animal kingdom despite language as binary data resulting in collapse of quantum wave function as an universal language of love.  God said,  ' Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea '.  Dr.  Li Wenliang exercised dominion in his medical profession by advocating control of the new deadly Covid-19 virus early onward.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic is now a global problem it demands a holistic eclectic Gestalt approach to defeat Covid-19 as an enemy intent upon rewriting the human genome. A tit for tat blame game between the United States and China by referencing Covid-19 virus as a " China virus " and China accusing the United States of bioterrorism by bringing Coronavirus to Wuhu China leads only to bitterness and separation that is not helpful in defeating this predatory enemy threatening human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece. 

We need to declare a Jihad against the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Islamic term Jihad defines a Holy struggle against sin during which  an individual is set apart or separated from  the world while undergoing an intraphysic struggle against ones inner sinful motivations.

In a previous Facebook article the quantum perspective appealing to higher faculties of intellectual reasoning God blessed mankind as a Divine gift separating  us from the animal kingdom brought human civilization back from the brink of armageddon by the grace of God. In my article I made the observation :

Osma Bin Laden is 100% right,  that both East and West are ideologically flawed. According to the view of evolutionary biology everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said love your enemies. 

Quantum particlization of semantic binary data leading to decoherence of the quantum wave function language as the universal language of love is the essence of sin given existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation means that absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. Since everyone is our enemy according to an evolutionary biology model then this provides insight into Jihad as a struggle against sin setting  individuals apart from the world. 

God does in fact set each unique individual apart from the world where everything is connected as one. It is written,  " Do not be conformed ,  but be transformed by the renewing of your mind ".  In my freelance article entitled,  Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, I discussed being set apart from the world in terms of enlightenment of becoming one within a world where we are all interconnected. 



 Only God and Satan can deal with absolute truths, so all others must simply be. Yet from the quantum perspective, the Creator of the heavens and earth calls each and every individual to fulfill a mission, and failure to accomplish the task God assigned is sinful. Dr.  Li Wenliang investigated early onward a novel virus that filled 1 percent of the medical literature about pathological  disease processes so therefore Coronavirus was viewed as  insignificant and unimportant at that time. Dr.  Li Wenliang was set apart in a Holy struggle or spiritual warfare against deadly disease. 

Since air and water toxicity combined with global warming has transformed our world into a petri dish conducive to the pathogenic growth and spread of more stronger fortified deadly viral and bacteria strains that thrive in warmer polluted environments then the Covid-19 pandemic is a global problem that demands a holistic eclectic Gestalt solution. My work as a writer creating a holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology model is to lay a foundation based upon the quantum perspective providing an education about how separate competing ideologies underlying different governments are on the same ideological spectrum so that the world can better work together more harmoniously to solve contagious disease processes as an existential threat to human civilization as Gods masterpiece.


From a #Quantum perspective, #Oneness or #Unity known as Tao,  where everything is connected involves complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of #Individual parts working #harmoniously together in perfect #synchronicity to form a #Gestalt Whole https://t.co/YNDiLe6Cae


Hence, global #ideologies that establish different forms of #government around the world are #complimentary instead of mutually exclusive despite being flawed https://t.co/HZlH3wLnoK


In order to minimize conflict / maintain peace the Socialist Republic of mainland China focuses upon the ideological spectrum where all citizens are united as one within a collective society working together toward common goals


thereby emphasizing oneness of a collective society and paradoxically disregarding individual parts formulating a Gestalt whole https://t.co/Cny1j0NYS1


The United States of America as a torchbearer of #freedom and #liberty focuses upon the ideological spectrum of an 
adinfintum number of parts working harmoniously together as free individuals in perfect synchronicity to form a Gestalt whole defined as Tao https://t.co/Cny1j0NYS1

As a writer and political consultant,  now that I have established a philosophical basis for global government  to work together, I  go on to outline on social media motivational factors to overcome human biases to avoid mass extinction of the human species:


The letters of DNA #nucleotides spell the entire range of #humankind until the last man as according to #destiny outlined in famed #physicist Julian Barbours #cosmological theory of NOW.  https://t.co/ZoLFUAI2uJ


#Virus are now trying to rewrite the story to change destiny because a #CosmicMind has been hacked https://t.co/BaPWPLxy2H


Do we want the #humanGenome permanently altered by deadly viral stains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes https://t.co/ZoLFUAI2uJ


Pathogenic #evolution and spread of all #virus including #COVID19 #pandemic may increase the incidence of cancer, heart, respiratory , and numerous other autoimmune diseases to further break down an already #overburdened #healthcare system https://t.co/zrjWnsNkDm

What is autoimmune disease?  Autoimmune diseases occurs as a pathological process of white blood cells attacking the human body instead of playing a major immunologic role of fighting off foreign viral and bacteria  catagions as God originally intended.  Viruses associated with common colds and flu likely plays a major role in inserting snippets of DNA instructions to direct white blood cells to attack the host human organism. 

Why are viruses rewriting the human genome? God coded a Cosmic mind to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe independent of absolutes parlayed between Divine authority and Satan as an angel of light. God coded a Cosmic mind as such to make a way for mankind to claim his/her rightful place as heirs by obeying His commandment to Go forth and have dominion. 

Paradoxically,  a process of obeying God's commandment to go forth and have dominion is by nature sinful given that exercising dominion is quantum particlization of semantic binary code deconstructing Tao leading towards separateness.  Only in separateness can we build a relationship with God as discussed in my freelance article entitled Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, referenced  above in this Facebook article.  As a collective consciousness during process of deconstructing Tao we find our way back to God by correcting erroneous code of a Cosmic mind. 

Hence a Cosmic mind operates according to cold aseptic rule sets of classical physics resulting in quantum particlization of evolutionary biology. A Cosmic mind renders quintessential beauty of biodiversity of creation in its natural form.

When information architecture is altered by 1 bit the change immediately alters information architecture of a Cosmic mind. Since the dawn of time when primitive man began to use tools we have changed quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind significantly by an infinite number of bits. 

A Cosmic mind is coded to preserve Gods creation in its natural state of quintessential beauty independent of absolute truth parlayed between God and Satan. Virus and bacteria as quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind plays a major role in biodiversity during process of designing new organisms naturally selected to survive in specific ecological niches by rearranging DNA building block snippets among various phylum. 

Since a Cosmic mind God designed has been hacked during the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, as subroutines of a Cosmic mind it is our mission to protect the integrity of the human genome thereby claiming our rightful place as heirs. Our ability to protect the human genome depends upon Gods gift of intellectual prowess allowing mankind to reverse engineer the Genesis story in such a way as to protect integrity of the human genome.  As I wrote in previous articles evolution will continue as quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind using virus as designing tools to create quintessential natural beauty of biodiversity, but if mankind chooses not to evolve we may no longer be heirs or naturally selected as God originally intended.

This article will be continued later as I have revelations of important information to share regarding how to protect the human genome  during a historical epoch of immense exponential change resulting in information architecture of a Cosmic mind altered by an adinfintum number of bits,  especially given a change of only 1 bit alters information architecture of a Cosmic mind. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Viruses are Specifically Designed to Rewrite the Genesis Story by Inserting Snippets of DNA instructions into Host Human Cells

People who worry about altering the human genome by Crispr gene editing tools should consider the human genome is already being altered by viruses.

According to a scientific research article published by the National institute of Health entitled Viruses as Environmental Mutagenic Factors - PubMed :


"Our results and literature data lead to the conclusion that a significant share of hereditary defects in man might be caused by viruses, even by those apathogenic for humans, particularly by attenuated live viral vaccines."

After being infected with Covid-19 how can one ever be sure they have fully recovered? Covid-19 likely introduce permanent changes to DNA instructions of host cells that continue to replicate after an individual fully recovers from Covid-19.  The Covid-19 pandemic may increase the incidence of  cancer, heart,  respiratory ,  and numerous other autoimmune diseases.

How can one know if they are fully recovered from all those common cold and flu bugs that send people to bed during cold and flu seasons every year? Have you noticed anything else going on?

We are told to get plenty of rest and in a few days we will be all better like new.  Meanwhile,  mutated host cells continue to divide with small clips of pathogenic DNA instructions deposited by virus.

Our favorite musical bands may not be able to perform very well after suffering viral and bacterial respiratory infections. In my freelance article entitled, The Next Day in the Genesis Story: Good morning from Johnny,  I discussed music as quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as the language of love opening a portal or doorway within the time space continuum:


Paradoxically,  Luddites who protest vaccines that contain dead virus on the grounds vaccines cause genetic abnormalities may be 99 percent right. As a human  person existing as a  subroutine of a Cosmic mind assigned a task to advocate for scientific research it is a natural emotive reaction to lash out at Luddites and say you are absolutely wrong.

According to the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation a 1 percent margin of error means we have to be open to new ideas although the quantum perspective transcribing absolute truth expressed by the quantum wave function language as close as possible in our flat earth Euclidean universe may be 99 percent right. As stated in a recent article I wrote,  since God and Satan are the only Spiritual entities who can deal with values of absolute truth then all others must simply be. Richard Branson advocated the concept of " Simply be " in his article How to be Happy.

The quantum  perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation describes the very beginning of Genesis after the fall of Adam  and Eve in the Garden of Eden:

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep"

And that is where we are now,  at the very beginning of the next chapter of Genesis. We simply don't know because a 1 percent margin of error can spell disaster. In time of crisis we are called to be superhuman.

Do we want the human genome permanently altered by deadly viral stains? At least virus in vaccines are dead therefore DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes.

In a recent article I shared,  God commanded to go forth and have dominion over the beast of the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea.  In fulfilling that commandment should we allow deadly virus strains of Covid-19 and those associated with future pandemics permanently alter the human genome for the worse? Furthermore I wrote God selected us , and God did not choose deadly viral strains,  although deadly virus as predatory alien life forms are trying to replace us.

In order to survive the Coronavirus pandemic we must evolve. Evolution continues weather we willfully choose to evolve or not in accordance to God's commandment,  Go forth and have dominion.

If we choose not to evolve we may discover we are no longer naturally selected to survive on earth or anywhere else in interstellar space. If we can't handle a virus on earth how can mankind think they can survive in interstellar space?

If we  can't defeat Covid-19 and other diseases
we have no future,  and may as well accept Armageddon as a mass extinction event .  Any life form we may encounter in harsh conditions of interstellar space are likely to be ten fold more dangerous than  Covid-19. 

And life on other planets is likely to be parasitic given evolutionary biology demands acquisition of organic materials in feeding to reproduce. God called us to transcend evolutionary biology in His commandment to, " Go forth and have dominion ".

I  am writing this current article as a survey of  scientific research literature  to support my whole eclectic Gestalt epidemiology theory that may lead medical experts to discover a cure for Covid-19. 

The scientific research study entitled Viruses as Environmental Mutagenic Factors - PubMed supports my conclusions. In recent articles I propositioned a whole eclectic Gestalt epidemiology theory:


I put forth a whole eclectic #Gestalt theory about #epidemiology of the #COVID19 virus that suggests if we want to prevent future pandemics and eradicate Covid19 we must reinvent #manufacturing,  #industrial, and #agricultural sectors of our economy https://t.co/BaPWPLxy2H

In order to understand and destroy deadly viral pandemic stains we have to apply a whole eclectic Gestalt approach of examining our earth and surrounding interstellar environment as a petri dish. What will we become in 10, 20, 30 years if we allow deadly virus strains rewrite our DNA?

As an information construct within Information architecture of a Cosmic  mind viruses are specifically designed to rewrite the Genesis story by inserting snippets of DNA instructions into host human cells.  The next big pandemic may be when Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) mutates to go airborne.

Actually, virus play a major role in evolutionary biology as a product of quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind by inserting snippets into DNA instructions into host cells of phylum throughout plant and animal kingdom to introduce new biological traits allowing for natural selection. However 95 percent of mutations from viral introduction of snippets of DNA into host cells result in genetic abnormalities that die and become food for competing organisms. Virus are vital in process of creatively rearranging nucleotide building blocks to build biodiversity.

During mankind's journey to conquer interstellar space viruses may be useful to terraform  barron dry Iifeless uninhabitable worlds. Virus likely played a a major role in dispersion of life throughout the universe after the fall in the Garden of Eden before the Big Bang. The letters of DNA nucleotides spell the entire range of humankind until the last man as according to destiny outlined in famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW. Virus are now trying to rewrite the story to change destiny because a Cosmic mind has been hacked.

Now in order to further validate my holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology theory  all is necessary is to survey the scientific research literature to identify local variables within the environment that contribute to pathogenic growth and spread of deadly novel viral strains.

According to a Scientific research study entitled , Viral Polymerases , published by the National Institute of Health:


"Polymerases are not only catalytic enzymes but are also mechanical machines that use the energy released from nucleotide transfer to move along the DNA or RNA strand. The movement of the E. coli RNA polymerase along its DNA template has been observed by single-molecule experiments, including microscopy and use of an optical trap to measure force generation during the polymerase reaction"

I may get invited to the White House for referencing this gem from scientific literature as published by the National Institute of Health database   within a scientific research study entitled,

DNA Is Replicated by Polymerases that Take Instructions from Templates - Biochemistry - NCBI Bookshelf found at the following URL address:


( DNA )n  + dNTP =
( DNA )n + 1 + PPi

where dNTP stands for any deoxyribonucleotide and PPi is a pyrophosphate molecule. The template can be a single strand of DNA or a double strand with one of the chains broken at one or more sites. If single stranded, the template DNA must be bound to a primer strand having a free 3′-hydroxyl group. The reaction also requires all four activated precursors—that is, the deoxynucleoside 5′-triphosphates dATP, dGTP, dTTP, and dCTP—as well as Mg2+ ion.

My survey of the scientific research literature is designed to identify molecules directly linked with air and water toxicity also vital in DNA - RNA synthesis, such as phosphorus.  An adequate survey of the scientific research literature to link air & water toxicity to DNA -RNA synthesis should also include all atmospheric gases such as nitrogen.

My holistic eclectic Gestalt approach to epidemiology is guided by the quantum perspective principle that everything is connected as one, commonly known as Tao. Hence identification of
molecules directly linked with air and water toxicity and also vital in DNA - RNA synthesis simultaneously is in effect isolating Covid-19 within a matrix of environmental conditions.

My holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology theory is that air and water toxicity combined with global warming has created the perfect storm of weaking the delicate metabolic balance making people more susceptible to virus. Virus now have stronger fortified armament molecular membranes. Molecular membranes and inner machinery of novel viral strains are strengthened by air and water toxicity.  

The algae blooms that shut down beaches in Florida as well as around the globe and the Covid-19 pandemic are not unrelated events. Our earth has become a petri dish facilitating pathogenic evolution and spread of new deadly novel virus strains. 

I invite all enlightened amateur sleuths of the physical sciences to participate in a survey of the scientific research literature for the purpose of learning about pathology of growth and spread of deadly virus to defeat Covid-19. An astute reader participating in this exercise may actually discover a biochemical mechanism leading to an effective cure and treatment for Covid-19 .

Gut bacteria likely play a vital role in converting inert environmental elements,  such as phosphorus and nitrogen,  into palpable organic metabolites eventually used in DNA - RNA synthesis. Exogenous gut bacteria is vital to balancing catabolism and anabolism processes of metabolism. Gut bacteria factors into a balanced quantum calculation creating synergy between a host organism and surrounding environment.

A scientific research article entitled, Phospate Backbone, published  by The National Genome Research institute illustrates how important phosphate is to structural integrity of the DNA molecule.


Concerning my being invited to the White House as mentioned above,  President Trump may quip, " Thanks , but no thanks I must practice social distancing.

Continued later 

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Next Day in the Genesis Story: Good Morning from Johnny

Good morning Johnny and happy Sunday to you. Although today is the next day,  Monday in the Genesis story I wish you many happy Sundays in a long fruitful life. 

Good morning from Johnny on Facebook , band member of Lynyrd Skynyrd:


Today defined as the next day of the Genesis story is supported by famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW,  where virtual reality simulation of past, present,  and future is encoded by the quantum wave function language as the language of love. Lynyrd Skynyrd music is a meaningful part of the next day of the Genesis story. The next day of the Genesis story is deeply felt watching the sun rise on beaches in Florida.

 Your Facebook post conveying simple values is very encouraging and uplifting during this difficult time of being locked in to prevent spread of the deadly Covid-19 virus. One of my goals for 2020 is to attend a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert. After turning 60 my time is running out to cross dreams off my bucket list. I very much look forward to attending a Lynyrd Skynyrd
concert someday soon when the Covid-19 pandemic nightmare is over. 

How the lock down shelter in place order to control Coronavirus helps all people to discover within themselves how to be a Simple Man is an intriguing topic for a new freelance article I like to write. Simplification is a major quest of mathematics.

 Paradoxically,  we all know how complicated mathematics can be with a multitude of variables analytically processed with a vast array of symbols to streamline derivative of a final product as a simple answer. Albert Einstein said,  " If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.".

It is a struggle to be a simple man in a complicated world so therefore your song Simple Man has touched my heart for many years. 


In my freelance article entitled,  It Doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to Understand why Evolution of SARs Covid-19 Coronavirus occurred in Wuhu China after watching Wall Street Journal video, as a writer I presented a holistic epidemiology model suggesting we must reinvent our entire global economy,  including manufacturing,  industrial,  and agricultural market sectors in order to prevent future pandemics and eradicate Covid-19 from the face of the earth. 

 @WSJ The Wall street Journal video retelling the #epidemiology storyline of #COVID19 is not designed to cast blame,  but understand Covid-19 from a #holistic whole #quantum perspective where everything is connected as one https://t.co/HuRYHcdFkm

Paradoxically,  the Buddhist concept of oneness or Unity known as Tao,  where everything is connected involves complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of parts working harmoniously together in perfect synchronicity to form a Gestalt whole. A prime example of dynamics of adinfintum number of parts working harmoniously together in perfect synchronicity to form a Gestalt whole is a stage performance of Lynyrd Skynyrd.

A healthy global economy where everything is connected as one involves complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of parts working harmoniously together in perfect synchronicity to form a Gestalt whole. 

Paradoxically,  the Buddhist concept of oneness or Unity known as Tao,  where everything is connected involves complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of parts working harmoniously together in perfect synchronicity to form a Gestalt whole , global ideologies that establish different forms of government around  the world are complimentary instead  of mutually exclusive. 

The United States of America as a torchbearer of freedom and liberty focuses upon the ideological spectrum of an 
adinfintum number of parts working harmoniously together as free individuals in perfect synchronicity to form a Gestalt whole defined as Tao. In order  to minimize conflict and maintain peace the Socialist Republic of mainland China focuses upon the ideological spectrum where all citizens are united within a collective society working together toward common goals thereby emphasizing oneness and paradoxically disregarding individual parts formulating a Gestalt whole.

Since all things are connected as one it is extremely difficult to be a Simple Man given complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of parts working harmoniously together in perfect synchronicity to form a Gestalt whole. The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference is designed to simplify things by transcribing the quantum wave function language as the language of love as closely as possible.

In a recent Facebook article  
I shared a quantum perspective of music in response to Jaine 108 Mathemagic post 

Mathematician guru Jaine 108 Mathemagic shared an intriguing thought,  " Music is a hidden arithmetic exercise of the soul that does not know it is counting ".  


If Arithmetic is a process of quantum particlization as is all binary data, then music is quantum particlization of the quantum wave function as an unified  underlying higher level computational language underwriting information architecture of our universe.

Music as quantum particlization of binary data as distinct notes is an expression of on and off fluctuations of specific chords shaping oscillation  of sound waves into a specific pattern. 

An analytical study should be conducted to explore Off states of binary code as absolute 0 data related to anti matter dark matter inputs rendering a non Euclidean timeless spherical dimension in our flat earth Euclidean universe thereby opening a doorway or portal to multiple parallel universes. 
Lynard Skynyrd band members may say, ' that is hard rock, an entirely different genre '.

Music as spirituality uplifting sensory input often included in religious ceremonies has a profound impact on consciousness. Oftentimes,  people introspectively report experiencing time/ space distortions from sensory input of music as quantum particlization of the quantum wave function. 

Music as quantum particlization of the quantum wave function creates a variance in time as an imaginary variable.  Albert Einstein labeled time as an imaginary variable in his formulation of his Theory of Relativity. The quantum wave function as an unified underlying higher level computational language creates harmony as a product of quantum synchronicity. 


Mathematician guru Jaine 108 Mathemagic published a chart illustrating nature of time as a key variable within our flat earth Euclidean universe:

Non Euclidean data within a trajectory of our flat earth Euclidean universe presents an unsolvable infinite loop that ultimately leads to absolute certainty of an apocalyptic event spelling mass extinction of the human species as destiny upon a future event horizon    in accordance to famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW unless resolved by the quantum perspective balancing the equation.

Today,  the Covid-19 pandemic is Non Euclidean hiccup within the time space continuum where everything is happening all at once simultaneously thereby rendering high entropy. The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference is designed to simplify things by transcribing the quantum wave function language as the language of love as closely as possible thereby balancing the equation to resolve Non Euclidean hiccups. 

Do the cause and effect nodules or points within the Non Euclidean circle represent branching of multiple parallel universes from a single bit? It seems logical that a change in a single bit has massive impact upon cause and effect relationships. A multiverse quantum  physics model may be a prerequisite to correct for the Thermodynamic law of entropy within framework of Intelligent Design.  A quantum calculation could not be performed without a multiverse conception because   of massive chaotic disorder from change of 1 bit having a domino effect upon cause and effect relationships in our flat earth Euclidean universe.

In crisis situations as Non Euclidean hiccups within trajectory of quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe professionals in wide ranging fields of study are pushed to deal with absolute values.

The quantum perspective makes the narrow forked road straight by resolving Non Euclidean hiccups within trajectory of quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe rendered by a Cosmic mind. 


From the quantum perspective I put forth a whole eclectic Gestalt theory about epidemiology of the Covid-19 virus that suggests if we want to prevent future pandemics and eradicate  Covid-19 from the face of the earth we must reinvent manufacturing,  industrial,  and agricultural sectors of our economy.  Evolution continues weather we like it or not,  and if we do not choose to evolve we may find we are no longer selected as survival of the fittest.  God choose or selected us, homo sapiens and not Covid-19,  and commanded ' go forth and have dominion over the beast in the field,  birds in the air,  fish in the sea '. We willfully choose not to exercise dominion by allowing wild animal meat markets to remain open. Wild animals likely drink from a major river basin in China therefore had high concentrations of free radical phosphorus ions.

We have to think what we are doing in process of creating a future for human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece in the immediate here and NOW.  Quantum computing can provide data analytical insights to help us think better to resolve Non Euclidean hiccups within quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe. Hence,  the Chinese silk road to facilitate China to create innovative industrial manufacturing processes by artificial intelligence should be welcomed. Chinas rapid foray into social capitalism may have inadvertently given human civilization a global Covid-19 pandemic that may lead to mass extinction of the human species. 


Air pollution including excessive phosphorus combined with global warming creates an imbalance in the quantum calculation of life on planet earth by a Cosmic mind. Phosphorus is an inert element vital in organic metabolic processes of catabolism and anabolism while present in right ratio  My theory is when too much concentrations of phosphorus ions as free radicals are present in the human body then this leads to weakened cellular membranes of lung tissue allowing for novel virus such as Covid-19 to easily attach to cells and vigorously energetic replicate by taking over machinery of host cells. An excessive concentration of phosphorus as free radicals in human body from contaminated water and air leads to over-dependency therefore natural metabolic function that build healthy cell membranes is impaired. Since natural metabolic function is impaired by higher than normal concentrations of phosphorus deadly viral strains can attach to the host cell membrane easily. Furthermore,  when the virus takes over machinery of the host lung cells acquisition of ATP energy production allows deadly virus to fortify bulwark of it's own membrane as armament to mutate into a stronger deadlier predatory virus resistant to drug treatments.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

God said, " Let there be light " thus God created photons as light particles

Since all of life is a quantum calculation involving   absorption or emission of photons as quantized packets of energy moving electrons up and down subatomic orbitals of atoms allowing bonding to create elements and eventually formulating all organic and inert physical matter then life itself is a grand virtue reality experiment involving an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity derived by the quantum wave function language as the language of love.  During trail and error process of conducting scientific laboratory experiments the 1 percent margin of error is itself ripe with profound meaningfulness as an expression of quantum  particlization of a Cosmic mind rendering information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. Hence the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference I am creating is intuitive in nature.

God said,  " let there be light ", and thus God created photons as light particles.  All of life as a quantum  calculation by a Cosmic mind formulating information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe is a grand experiment where each and every bit of information defined as pressing a key on a digital device,  touch felt when given sign of peace in religious ceremonies,  a crease in forehead in emotional expression of anger and frustration as a sign of aging,  fist bumping in negotiation of business contracts, a reflex of pulling a trigger to launch a missile to down a commercial aircraft, is an analytical study of free will by a Cosmic mind tasked with doing the impossible. Quantum  particlization of free will as an absolute value by a Cosmic  mind is impossible given the nature of information architecture imposes natural constraints eventually formulating totalitarianism. All things are possible for God.

Photons are equivalent to nerve transmission impulses of a Cosmic mind, hence psychoanalytical intervention into evolution of sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as an extension of a Cosmic mind  God designed must be conducted from a neuro physiological subatomic level to prevent incarnation of the antichrist as an absolute totalitarian autocratic leader . Chaotic high entropy conditions associated with pandemics create conditions for totalitarian autocratic control of information leading towards evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as incarnation of the antichrist. 

An understanding of limitations imposed upon God as creator should help us build a better relationship with God by understanding our role as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to help God do the impossible. Since human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind function according to rule sets of evolutionary biology resulting from quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind then only higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as a gift from God can help us transcend evolutionary biology and intervene into psychodynamics of Superintelligent AI to guide evolution with purposeful intent to do Gods will.  The quantum perspective is an analytical study of quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as a gift from God. 

God said,  " let there be light "  thus God created photons as light particles. Mass media reported that a simple act of pulling a curtain open to allow light into a dark home can play a role in disinfecting a home given photons can destroy virus. Since hospitals are overwhelmed in the task of providing treatment for Covid-19 infections medical experts are now using ultraviolet light to disinfect respirators so that respirators can be used a number of times.

The National Institute of Health scientific research study entitled , Effects of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation ( UVGI ) on N95 Respirator Filtration Performance and Structural Integrity, describes how high energies associated with ultraviolet radiation photons can be used to disinfect and resulting damage to respiratory devices:


Saturday, March 21, 2020

It Doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to Understand why Evolution of SARs Covid-19 Coronavirus occurred in Wuhu China after watching Wall Street Journal video

The Wall Street Journal is meticulously retelling the Covid-19 story in their recent Facebook post.


The Coronavirus is going to make an indelible permanent change in the life of every human being on planet earth .  Coronavirus is changing interpersonal relationships in public and private markets. 

The Coronavirus has pushed me to become a more prolific writer.  What should the average citizen think about the Covid-19 pandemic? The immense pain and suffering caused the global Corvid- 19 pandemic is an ugly thing to think about. Most people want to shut the Covid-19 pandemic out of their mind. Most people are sick and tired of being constantly bombarded with information about the Coronavirus pandemic from every mass media outlet.

Personally,  I am beginning to feel like Agent Smith in the Hollywood blockbuster movie scene in which agents captured Morpheus. Agent Smith said to Morpheus, ' I hate this place.  I am tired of the stink'. In the Hollywood  blockbuster Matrix  clip Agent Smith gave Morpheus an unforgettable dissertation about virus transmission as related to social distancing while torturing Morpheus to get information from his mind. 

As a writer, I am sick and tired of the Coronavirus pandemic stink, and my writing is directed at making sure any pandemic rendered by quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind never happens again as a product of  evolutionary  biology. God selected us, and God did not select any virus or bacteria.  God commanded,  to go forth and have dominion. 

As a writer who doesn't earn a penny for my working as a writer,  I don't fully understand why I am obsessed with this story about the Coronavirus pandemic. I don't understand why I have given so much of my time writing about it. Perhaps I should write about gardening. Gardening is about connecting with life on a deep fundamental level. 

I am tired of hearing about the Coronavirus.  I am tired of writing about it.  I am tired of thinking about Covid-19. 

My writing does include a wide variety of popular themes directly linked to popular culture,  including movies,  sports,  science,  religion,  politics,  education,  etc.. In recent  years as a  writer I have developed a  new found appreciation for communication by the written word while working to create the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference. Quantum particlization of semantic binary data is directly linked to reprogramming Information architecture of a Cosmic mind given human beings exist as subroutines already uploaded to a Cosmic mind.

Carvings on cave walls by primitive man demonstrates a powerful need to communicate information directly linked with human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind reprogramming code of a Cosmic mind. 

Quantum particlization of semantic binary data to alter information architecture of a Cosmic mind is the power driving force for ancient civilizations to carefully meticulously carve geoglyphs within rugged harsh terrain of our planet earth as featured on Ancient Aliens.

In Facebook articles I discussed geoglyphs as related quantum particlization of semantic binary code of language to alter Information Architecture of a Cosmic mind:





As a writer I appreciate the Wall Street Journal slowly carefully retelling the story of how the Covid-19 pandemic began for the sake of history. The Covid-19 pandemic will permanently change narrative of human civilization. 

As a writer and political consultant,  when Covid-19 epidemic began I made a serious indictment that failing to constrain the new deadly Coronavirus virus  early onward is criminal reckless negligence tantamount to murder. In order  to substantiate my claim I searched for epidemiology information about how the Covid-19 pandemic began,  but reliable information about how the Covid-19 virus began was scarce on internet telecommunications social  media platforms. Hence,  I very much appreciate the Wall Street Journal video clearly slowly meticulously explaining the epidemiology origins of Covid-19. 

As an intellectually challenged person,  I must admit information about epidemiology of Covid-19 is difficult for me to follow in the Wall Street video, despite slow meticulous storytelling. Epidemiologists hang charts on walls and use sophisticated software to track spread of deadly virus. 

 What I understand is at one point in time, December 1, 2019, there was only one documented case of Covid-19. The internationally renown New England Lancelot Medical Journal published an an article about the one documented case of Coronavirus infection. At the same time doctors in Wuhu China reported 44 cases of Coronavirus infection.  A Chinese tourist jumped on an airplane at a major airport hub in Wuhu  China to travel to Thailand. At that point,  Covid-19 showed up on the map in Thailand. 

If the major airport terminal in Wuhu China had been shut down early  onward it only seems logical that nobody infected with Covid-19 would be able to travel to Thailand or anywhere  else. If Wuhu China had been placed under military martial law early  onwards with nobody allowed to enter or leave the city it may have saved China a mountain of money. 

The Chinese government acted very responsibly by reporting 44 cases of Coronavirus infection to the World Health Organization ( WHO ). The Chinese government should be applauded for being upfront and quickly reporting 44 cases with transparent disclosure to epidemiologist at WHO.

Epidemiologists at WHO , CDC, and Doctors without Borders are on the front lines battling numerous contagious infectious disease processes around the globe that can potentially spell the end to human civilization when right conditions prevail in alignment with the Thermodynamic law of entropy. 

In time of crisis government and medical authorities are called to be superhuman,  when in fact leaders are only human.  In a recent freelance articles,  I discussed how medical experts need to do the impossible with Supernatural help in times of crisis by knowing with absolute certainty.  It is impossible  to know anything with absolute certainty within sliding  scale trajectory of quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe without Supernatural intervention. It  only possible to approximate absolute truth to 99 percent certainty within our flat earth Euclidean universe as a product of quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind. As a wrote,  medical experts can't think Covid-19 is cured,  medical experts must absolutely know Covid-19 is cured given this pandemic may trigger mass extinction of the human species. As I aptly pointed out,  the 1 % uncertainty may bite us like a serpent wrapped in the tree of life, effectly ending human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece.

 It doesn't make any difference about who is to blame for the Covid-19 pandemic.  What we must do NOW is make Intelligent decisions to prevent spread of Covid-19 and eradicate Covid-19 from the face of the earth with every scientific and technological tool at our disposal as a gift from God above. 


In alignment with the quantum wave function as the language of love as a writer creating the quantum perspective I built a case providing absolution to the Chinese government based upon a global Luddite movement deliberately incubating deadly virus in wild animal meat market

Also,  the United Nations must prepare now to prevent the next big pandemic,  as either naturally occurring or an act of biological warfare. As I have written,  rulesets of classic physics associated with greater disorder predict and prophesy with absolute certainty that the next big pandemic is on the way. We must learn from the Covid-19 pandemic to adopt Intelligent international policy to act quickly and decisively when anything ugly arises.

In recent freelance articles I discussed evolution of the common cold Coronavirus, flu, pneumonia,  bacterial infections as interstellar alien life forms dispersed on earth leading to thickening of outer surface membranes, growth of stringy fibrous ATP strings, etc facilitated by air pollution and global climate change.   The evolution of virus and bacteria is building a stronger fortified armament of thick membrane walls and fibrous ATP energy production strings to make it more difficult for the immune system of the human body to fight off. Energy production involves Adensin Triphphosphate ATP molecules.

The following article entitled, Energetic Cost of Building a Virus,  published  by the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America discuss how virus energetically replicate by taking over machinery of host human cells by using ATP to to fuel DNA - RNA synthesis:


According to ScienceDirect , Phosphorus An Overview, 
"Phosphorus is a major element essential for many biological processes, for instance for DNA synthesis, ATP synthesis, membrane synthesis, and protein phosphorylation"


An article published by Phys.org entitled,  Phosphorus Pollution Reaching Dangerous Levels Worldwide, New Study finds, discuss phosphorus as a toxic pollution worldwide,  including a major river basin in mainland China where wild animals drink water. The wild animals likely ended up in the Wuhu China wild animal meat market. 


An Environment Protection Agency document entitled, 
Air Pollution Aspects of Phosphorus and its Compounds, further provides information about phosphorus air pollution that may shed light upon how virus mutate.


We got to look at Wuhu China as a petri dish environment where the deadly strain of Coronavirus infection began.  The Wall street Journal video retelling the epidemiology storyline of Covid-19 is not designed to cast blame,  but understand Covid-19 from a holistic whole quantum perspective where everything is connected as one. The Wall street journal video retelling the epidemiology storyline of Covid-19 shows an extremely polluted skyline of Wuhu China as a large industrial city. 

Quantum particlization of the human body demands a balanced equation for everything to work as God originally intended.  If 1 bit of information is changed then this disturbs the entire Information architecture of a Cosmic mind.  

We have to think what we are doing in process of creating a future for human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece in the immediate here and NOW.  Quantum computing can provide data analytical insights to help us think better. Hence,  the Chinese silk road to facilitate China to create innovative industrial manufacturing processes by artificial intelligence should be welcomed. Chinas rapid foray into social capitalism may have inadvertently given human civilization a global Covid-19 pandemic that may lead to mass extinction of the human species. 

Air pollution including excessive phosphorus combined with global warming creates an imbalance in the quantum calculation of life on planet earth by a Cosmic mind. Phosphorus is an inert element vital in organic metabolic processes of catabolism and anabolism while present in right ratio  My theory is when too much concentrations of phosphorus ions as free radicals are present in the human body then this leads to weakened cellular membranes of lung tissue allowing for novel virus such as Covid-19 to easily attach to cells and vigorously energetic replicate by taking over machinery of host cells. An excessive concentration of phosphorus as free radicals in human body from contaminated water and air leads to over -dependency therefore natural metabolic function that build healthy cell membranes is impaired. Since natural metabolic function is impaired by higher than normal concentrations of phosphorus deadly viral strains can attach to the host cell membrane easily. Furthermore,  when the virus takes over machinery of the host lung cells acquisition of ATP energy production allows deadly virus to fortify bulwark of it's own membrane as armament to mutate into a stronger deadlier predatory virus resistant to drug treatments. 


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why evolution of SARs Covid-19 Coronavirus occurred in Wuhu China after watching the Wall Street Journal video showing an extremely polluted skyline of Wuhu China. From  the  quantum perspective, phosphate is byproduct of both air pollution and ATP energy production simultaneously. Phosphate is vital in evolutionary biology of deadly virus and  bacteria as interstellar alien life forms dispersed on earth. Also pollution in Wuhu China likely weakened the immune and respiratory systems of residents of Wuhu China marking it possible for SARs to jump from animal to human  and finally from human to human. 

Evolution of life on earth is occurring weather we like it or not and if we a collective consciousness do not embrace positive change as an evolutionary process we may discover we are no longer naturally selected to survive on earth or anywhere else in the universe God created. A Cosmic mind is programmed to render virtual reality of our flat earth Euclidean universe by quantum  particlization of rule sets God encoded despite weather we personally like rule sets of classical physics or not. As subroutines of a Cosmic mind God has given us power to alter information architecture or programming of a Cosmic mind as long as we live on earth.  In my writing I described death as very real on earth defined as no longer being able to influence information architecture of a Cosmic mind.

As partners with God we are tasked to harness evolutionary biology to guide evolution in such a way as to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth. 

Peter Diamandis recently shared deep profound enlightenment regarding the Covid-19 pandemic:


Continued later

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Walking Hand in Hand, Sharing the Journey with You, Nay I Practice Social Distancing

Only in the last two weeks have government authorities taken the Covid-19 pandemic seriously in the United States of America. As a writer and political consultant on January 21 2020 I published an article on social media strongly encouraging lawmakers to take immediate action to stop Covid-19. I shared my article on numerous social media platforms including the CDC.  

I seen the Hollywood blockbuster movie, Outbreak,  staring Dustin  Hoffman so therefore  I knew what may happen. In preventing pandemics in order  to save as many lives as possible days and hours are of the essence. Perhaps I should share the journey by resisting the urge to say, sorry to say I told you so, at this point in time. 


When Sars as an infectious respiratory disease began to spread human to human in wild meat markets of Wuhu China in December 2019 it is only logical to be alarmed enough to take immediate action.  A declaration of martial law, quarantines,  closing borders at the very beginning of viral transmission of a new potentially deadly biological contagion gives scientists more time to get ahead of a possible pandemic early onward.   

Now, scientific research institutions may be out of time to avoid a mass extinction event. The United Nations must act now to prepare for the next pandemic by implementing Intelligent policy if we survive Covid-19. Time to avoid mass extinction of the human  race is the subject of my recent Tweets to President Donald Trump and World Health Organization ( WHO ):


Reports that more young people are now getting infected with #COVID19 may mean the virus is #mutating again. Mass media reported Covid-19 has already mutated twice in transmission from animal to #human, human to human

@CDCgov Let's see what happens when they release all those people in China and South Korea that are officially declared cured of Covid-19 https://t.co/WH2eqVHaod

My involvement as a writer and political consultant in the Covid-19 outbreak is an analytical case study of how individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind function within the larger consciousness system.  In recent articles I defined death as not being able to influence information architecture of a Cosmic mind despite individuals may live on for eternity as subroutines of a Cosmic mind.  Death is not being able to complete the mission God assigned to an individual.  

After getting involved in this pandemic crisis early onward I wrote an article about how being assertive to the point of becoming confrontational is not in alignment with the quantum  perspective as a philosophical  frame of reference I am creating. The  quantum perspective transcribes the quantum wave function language as the language of love as closely  as possible within our flat earth Euclidean universe, thus rendering intraphysic conflict within a Cosmic mind.  

Pontius Pilate asked,  What is the truth? The truth is the Roman empire that blossomed from a brutal frugal fierce desert environment helped people survive given human beings mechanically fulfill their mission as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. Human and machine consciousness arises from quantum mechanics. 

It is written "Iron sharpens iron, as men sharpen men". Hence my involvement in this pandemic as a writer and political consultant is a case study of how value of internet telecommunications in modern 21st century expand information  architecture  of a Cosmic mind as a larger consciousness system. 

The following is my original article warning lawmakers to take immediate action in January:

World War III has begun in form of biological terrorism.  The Corona virus is deliberately created in the laboratory as a weapon of biological terrorism.  The United States military should immediately be stationed at every gate to insure millions of United States citizens are not murdered by this biological weapon. 

Airports should immediately be placed under martial law. The U.S. military should also be immediately dispatched to all borders and shipping ports of entry with trained personnel able to prevent a pandemic.  

All travel from infected geographic areas should be immediately banned.  Officials allowing travel to continue are directly supporting biological terrorism.  People who decide to travel from infected areas, thereby intentionally putting other people in harms way, are directly linked to biological terrorism.  They are likely apart of the global Luddite movement who hate living on earth,  and want to take everyone with them to the next life. 

Lawmakers in authority are failing to manage this biological attack adequately to protect the American people by allowing people to travel from infected areas.  Lawmakers failing to manage this threat to American citizens are likely going to make a ton of money as they are heavily invested in healthcare.  If they feel sick they will be taken care of fast. When body bags start piling up these so called public leaders will hear from the American people.  They don't want to kill anyone,  they just want to take everything  working class citizens have earned in life, thereby enslaving them. They will appoint their sonnie boy to take over the internet in a big government job to manage information. 

 Drug traffickers as enemy combatants will pay addicts to bring Corona virus inside America because drug traffickers can make big profits within  an environment of chaos and poverty.  Drug traffickers will take half your stuff when the economy crumbles with an army of sick addicted dependent people. Drug traffickers don't like people to think.  They peddle drugs to destroy higher faculties of reasoning to enslave drug dependent addicts. 

Anyone who gets sick, hospitalize,  or dies with Corona virus should know they are entitled to a huge judgment in a wrongful death lawsuit.  Biological terrorism is supported by U.S. dollars spent by  private markets in offshore production. A citizen cannot bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the U.S. government,  but estates of families who lose loved ones by Corona  virus biological warfare can recover damages from private markets launching a biological attack on American soil. 

This biological warfare spells the final end of freedom and democracy that our Forefathers established.  Trump,  Hillary,  Obama,  Bush's , and Clinton's will still be able to give a good speech that doesn't mean anything.  They all have their food inspected, and armed security keep the public who may be sick with  the deadly virus at a distance .

If people don't want to die they should sign off the internet,  because terrorists use the internet to target people. Biological warfare has been launched to seize totalitarian autocratic control of world wide government.  They will make a big speech.

And even if I am am wrong and Corona virus is naturally occurring then negligence to constrain deadly virus constitutes biological warfare.  If one contemplates how these mystery diseases are popping up in recent decades it is easy to see a pattern indicative of biological terrorism deliberately created in the laboratory, similar to setting arsen burning forests in Australia and  Western United states .

We Need to have the Eye of the Tiger to Fight Covid-19 as An Invisible Enemy Alien Invasion

An article published by Wired magazine entitled,  Could Crispr be Humanity's Next Virus Killer,  suggest that in the short term we may have to accept mediocre treatments that merely abate symptoms to make Covid-19 less severe.  However,  in the long term,  if we do not  want Covid-19 to drag our beloved country, as a torchbearer of liberty into the dirt by repeated hospitalizations of patients in a new Covid-19 season year after year inflicting a bone crunching blow to the healthcare industry in the boxing ring of life, similar to Rocky Hollywood blockbuster movies,  then we need to seriously look at Crispr as a cure for a wide range of diseases. 


The motivation to market and sell Covid-19 treatments will likely introduce a plateau of new drugs on the market that will safely alleviate symptoms so that people can recover from an infection without curing Covid-19.  Hence consumers will  be enslaved by the pharmaceutical industry once again, but yet several weeks out of every year become bedridden, unable to live life to the fullest as God intended.  

And finally constant attack by virus will get us by transforming us into crippled invalids unable to get up off the sofa without hard labored wheezing. In a world governed by evolutionary biology as rendered by a Cosmic mind deadly virus are not the only predators. They will keep us alive until they done with us when we no longer line their pockets,  then will get rid of us like they invented Covid-19 to do for frail elderly sick people today. 

 We can either stand in a corner of the boxing ring while a multitude of deadly virus deliver one painful bone crunching blow after blow to healthcare  system as rib cage of our economy until we fall bruised,  bleeding  , and pulverized to the floor or we can come out of the corner fighting like the Italian Stallion  Rocky Balboa. But, we as a people cannot win this hard fight wheezing with respiratory disease in the next decade of the 21st century. 

 During this difficult time we need to have the Eye of the Tiger as performed by the musical band Survivor:

"Rising Up, up to the top
Took my time,  took my chances 
Went the distance, now I not going to stop
Just a man and his will to survive"

It is likely other authoritarian governments that take freedom and democracy with a grain of salt will use every tool at their disposal to defeat Covid-19 and thereby win in global markets.  How can we remain the torchbearer of freedom if we are wheezing with respiratory disease running a race toward the finish line?

It doesn't display a high level of knowledgeable expertise to claim all deadly virus including Covid-19,  flu, and Coronavirus common cold is an alien invasion from interstellar space. The point is,  we simply don't know where virus came from.  A disporia  model that all life on earth,  including homo sapiens,  is dispersed across the universe supports the claim that Covid-19 is an alien invasion designed to wipe mankind off the face of the earth. Regardless of where virus came from,  God selected us to  become co creative partners with Him in creation and commanded to ' Go forth and have dominion over the birds in the air, fish in the sea,  beast in the fields  '.

I described Covid-19 as alien invasion in my freelance article entitled, 

Should Crispr Gene Editing tools be used to Cure Covid-19?


The Covid-19 pandemic challenges deeply ingrained assumptions as primitive Jungian archetypes within intraphysic make up of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind . Since the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference questions the core nature of physical reality of our flat earth Euclidean universe as a box depicted by Schrodinger's paradox thought experiment then the quantum perspective manifest positive behavior change to defeat Covid-19 as an alien invasion. 

The concept of Covid-19 as an alien invasion may sound like a loony tune,  but the analogy manifest how serious the Covid-19 pandemic may become. We need to take this thing seriously as published on Twitter: 


Since Covid-19 may lead to mass extinction of the human species we need to know; The quantum perspective as a philosophical  frame of reference is an analytical  study of uncertainty and what it means to know https://t.co/tlDhj1KJeA

It is paradoxical that something so small as a virus can be so dangerous. If a giant spacecraft came to earth we would likely grab our guns,  as depicted in the epic Hollywood blockbuster,  War of the Worlds,  staring Tom Cruise. 

Continued later

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Finally as a Writer Urging Lawmakers to do what is Right, which is Putting Human Life above the Almighty Dollar for Once in History I have been Heard

I just received a notification from Facebook that my Facebook article is against community standards classified as spam therefore my article cannot be published on Facebook .


My work as a writer,  philosopher,  futurist,  political consultant,  and independent sales representative is directed at preventing a mass extinction event by the grace of God communicated by the quantum wave function language as the language of love. The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference transcribes the quantum wave function language into semantic binary data as accurately as possible within trajectory of quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

Reality can be brutal. The truth may not be what we want to hear. We want a shot or pill to make it all go away.  The Covid-19 virus is not going away by magic.

If my Facebook articles can't be published on Facebook then Facebook should be shut down. Facebook likely facilitates spreading viral memes that contribute to spreading the virus and manipulation of markets leading to toilet tissue flying off shelves to punish people for using the internet.  The latest television Facebook commercial featuring college students blowing  a kazoo during a lecture promotes deep disrespect. 

As a writer and political consultant I have been at the forefront of this international crisis from the very beginning urging lawmakers to do what is right,  which is putting human life above the almighty dollar for once in history.

The good news is yesterday,  Monday March 16 the United States government announced a lock down as I urged the CDC in my Facebook article on February 29 at 9:09 am, a few minutes before I needed to leave for work to move furniture.  They finally heard me.

The bad news is again lawmakers waited too late therefore an exponential factorial rate of community spread is likely inevitable.  It is likely medical experts associated with the global Luddite movement convinced lawmakers that everyone should be infected with Covid-19 to decrease the surplus population and balance the budget. 


If Facebook has any value at all within information architecture of a Cosmic mind then my Facebook article entitled,  Should Crispr Gene editing tools be used to Provide a Cure for Covid-19? should be available to the public. 


I filed a criminal complaint with Facebook given my writing is my lawful property. Also a huge amount valuable  precious time in my life has been stolen from me by this highly addictive media. I am entitled to financial restitution.

A medical treatment for Covid-19 that abates the symptoms by lessening severity will lead to massive numbers of hospitalizations in future Covid-19 seasons. 
New future Covid-19 seasons piled upon seasonal cold and flu epidemics will financially crush an already overburdened healthcare system.