Thursday, March 19, 2020

Walking Hand in Hand, Sharing the Journey with You, Nay I Practice Social Distancing

Only in the last two weeks have government authorities taken the Covid-19 pandemic seriously in the United States of America. As a writer and political consultant on January 21 2020 I published an article on social media strongly encouraging lawmakers to take immediate action to stop Covid-19. I shared my article on numerous social media platforms including the CDC.  

I seen the Hollywood blockbuster movie, Outbreak,  staring Dustin  Hoffman so therefore  I knew what may happen. In preventing pandemics in order  to save as many lives as possible days and hours are of the essence. Perhaps I should share the journey by resisting the urge to say, sorry to say I told you so, at this point in time.

When Sars as an infectious respiratory disease began to spread human to human in wild meat markets of Wuhu China in December 2019 it is only logical to be alarmed enough to take immediate action.  A declaration of martial law, quarantines,  closing borders at the very beginning of viral transmission of a new potentially deadly biological contagion gives scientists more time to get ahead of a possible pandemic early onward.   

Now, scientific research institutions may be out of time to avoid a mass extinction event. The United Nations must act now to prepare for the next pandemic by implementing Intelligent policy if we survive Covid-19. Time to avoid mass extinction of the human  race is the subject of my recent Tweets to President Donald Trump and World Health Organization ( WHO ):

Reports that more young people are now getting infected with #COVID19 may mean the virus is #mutating again. Mass media reported Covid-19 has already mutated twice in transmission from animal to #human, human to human

@CDCgov Let's see what happens when they release all those people in China and South Korea that are officially declared cured of Covid-19

My involvement as a writer and political consultant in the Covid-19 outbreak is an analytical case study of how individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind function within the larger consciousness system.  In recent articles I defined death as not being able to influence information architecture of a Cosmic mind despite individuals may live on for eternity as subroutines of a Cosmic mind.  Death is not being able to complete the mission God assigned to an individual.  

After getting involved in this pandemic crisis early onward I wrote an article about how being assertive to the point of becoming confrontational is not in alignment with the quantum  perspective as a philosophical  frame of reference I am creating. The  quantum perspective transcribes the quantum wave function language as the language of love as closely  as possible within our flat earth Euclidean universe, thus rendering intraphysic conflict within a Cosmic mind.  

Pontius Pilate asked,  What is the truth? The truth is the Roman empire that blossomed from a brutal frugal fierce desert environment helped people survive given human beings mechanically fulfill their mission as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. Human and machine consciousness arises from quantum mechanics. 

It is written "Iron sharpens iron, as men sharpen men". Hence my involvement in this pandemic as a writer and political consultant is a case study of how value of internet telecommunications in modern 21st century expand information  architecture  of a Cosmic mind as a larger consciousness system. 

The following is my original article warning lawmakers to take immediate action in January:

World War III has begun in form of biological terrorism.  The Corona virus is deliberately created in the laboratory as a weapon of biological terrorism.  The United States military should immediately be stationed at every gate to insure millions of United States citizens are not murdered by this biological weapon. 

Airports should immediately be placed under martial law. The U.S. military should also be immediately dispatched to all borders and shipping ports of entry with trained personnel able to prevent a pandemic.  

All travel from infected geographic areas should be immediately banned.  Officials allowing travel to continue are directly supporting biological terrorism.  People who decide to travel from infected areas, thereby intentionally putting other people in harms way, are directly linked to biological terrorism.  They are likely apart of the global Luddite movement who hate living on earth,  and want to take everyone with them to the next life. 

Lawmakers in authority are failing to manage this biological attack adequately to protect the American people by allowing people to travel from infected areas.  Lawmakers failing to manage this threat to American citizens are likely going to make a ton of money as they are heavily invested in healthcare.  If they feel sick they will be taken care of fast. When body bags start piling up these so called public leaders will hear from the American people.  They don't want to kill anyone,  they just want to take everything  working class citizens have earned in life, thereby enslaving them. They will appoint their sonnie boy to take over the internet in a big government job to manage information. 

 Drug traffickers as enemy combatants will pay addicts to bring Corona virus inside America because drug traffickers can make big profits within  an environment of chaos and poverty.  Drug traffickers will take half your stuff when the economy crumbles with an army of sick addicted dependent people. Drug traffickers don't like people to think.  They peddle drugs to destroy higher faculties of reasoning to enslave drug dependent addicts. 

Anyone who gets sick, hospitalize,  or dies with Corona virus should know they are entitled to a huge judgment in a wrongful death lawsuit.  Biological terrorism is supported by U.S. dollars spent by  private markets in offshore production. A citizen cannot bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the U.S. government,  but estates of families who lose loved ones by Corona  virus biological warfare can recover damages from private markets launching a biological attack on American soil. 

This biological warfare spells the final end of freedom and democracy that our Forefathers established.  Trump,  Hillary,  Obama,  Bush's , and Clinton's will still be able to give a good speech that doesn't mean anything.  They all have their food inspected, and armed security keep the public who may be sick with  the deadly virus at a distance .

If people don't want to die they should sign off the internet,  because terrorists use the internet to target people. Biological warfare has been launched to seize totalitarian autocratic control of world wide government.  They will make a big speech.

And even if I am am wrong and Corona virus is naturally occurring then negligence to constrain deadly virus constitutes biological warfare.  If one contemplates how these mystery diseases are popping up in recent decades it is easy to see a pattern indicative of biological terrorism deliberately created in the laboratory, similar to setting arsen burning forests in Australia and  Western United states .

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