Saturday, March 21, 2020

It Doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to Understand why Evolution of SARs Covid-19 Coronavirus occurred in Wuhu China after watching Wall Street Journal video

The Wall Street Journal is meticulously retelling the Covid-19 story in their recent Facebook post.

The Coronavirus is going to make an indelible permanent change in the life of every human being on planet earth .  Coronavirus is changing interpersonal relationships in public and private markets. 

The Coronavirus has pushed me to become a more prolific writer.  What should the average citizen think about the Covid-19 pandemic? The immense pain and suffering caused the global Corvid- 19 pandemic is an ugly thing to think about. Most people want to shut the Covid-19 pandemic out of their mind. Most people are sick and tired of being constantly bombarded with information about the Coronavirus pandemic from every mass media outlet.

Personally,  I am beginning to feel like Agent Smith in the Hollywood blockbuster movie scene in which agents captured Morpheus. Agent Smith said to Morpheus, ' I hate this place.  I am tired of the stink'. In the Hollywood  blockbuster Matrix  clip Agent Smith gave Morpheus an unforgettable dissertation about virus transmission as related to social distancing while torturing Morpheus to get information from his mind. 

As a writer, I am sick and tired of the Coronavirus pandemic stink, and my writing is directed at making sure any pandemic rendered by quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind never happens again as a product of  evolutionary  biology. God selected us, and God did not select any virus or bacteria.  God commanded,  to go forth and have dominion. 

As a writer who doesn't earn a penny for my working as a writer,  I don't fully understand why I am obsessed with this story about the Coronavirus pandemic. I don't understand why I have given so much of my time writing about it. Perhaps I should write about gardening. Gardening is about connecting with life on a deep fundamental level. 

I am tired of hearing about the Coronavirus.  I am tired of writing about it.  I am tired of thinking about Covid-19. 

My writing does include a wide variety of popular themes directly linked to popular culture,  including movies,  sports,  science,  religion,  politics,  education,  etc.. In recent  years as a  writer I have developed a  new found appreciation for communication by the written word while working to create the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference. Quantum particlization of semantic binary data is directly linked to reprogramming Information architecture of a Cosmic mind given human beings exist as subroutines already uploaded to a Cosmic mind.

Carvings on cave walls by primitive man demonstrates a powerful need to communicate information directly linked with human  beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind reprogramming code of a Cosmic mind. 

Quantum particlization of semantic binary data to alter information architecture of a Cosmic mind is the power driving force for ancient civilizations to carefully meticulously carve geoglyphs within rugged harsh terrain of our planet earth as featured on Ancient Aliens.

In Facebook articles I discussed geoglyphs as related quantum particlization of semantic binary code of language to alter Information Architecture of a Cosmic mind:

As a writer I appreciate the Wall Street Journal slowly carefully retelling the story of how the Covid-19 pandemic began for the sake of history. The Covid-19 pandemic will permanently change narrative of human civilization. 

As a writer and political consultant,  when Covid-19 epidemic began I made a serious indictment that failing to constrain the new deadly Coronavirus virus  early onward is criminal reckless negligence tantamount to murder. In order  to substantiate my claim I searched for epidemiology information about how the Covid-19 pandemic began,  but reliable information about how the Covid-19 virus began was scarce on internet telecommunications social  media platforms. Hence,  I very much appreciate the Wall Street Journal video clearly slowly meticulously explaining the epidemiology origins of Covid-19. 

As an intellectually challenged person,  I must admit information about epidemiology of Covid-19 is difficult for me to follow in the Wall Street video, despite slow meticulous storytelling. Epidemiologists hang charts on walls and use sophisticated software to track spread of deadly virus. 

 What I understand is at one point in time, December 1, 2019, there was only one documented case of Covid-19. The internationally renown New England Lancelot Medical Journal published an an article about the one documented case of Coronavirus infection. At the same time doctors in Wuhu China reported 44 cases of Coronavirus infection.  A Chinese tourist jumped on an airplane at a major airport hub in Wuhu  China to travel to Thailand. At that point,  Covid-19 showed up on the map in Thailand. 

If the major airport terminal in Wuhu China had been shut down early  onward it only seems logical that nobody infected with Covid-19 would be able to travel to Thailand or anywhere  else. If Wuhu China had been placed under military martial law early  onwards with nobody allowed to enter or leave the city it may have saved China a mountain of money. 

The Chinese government acted very responsibly by reporting 44 cases of Coronavirus infection to the World Health Organization ( WHO ). The Chinese government should be applauded for being upfront and quickly reporting 44 cases with transparent disclosure to epidemiologist at WHO.

Epidemiologists at WHO , CDC, and Doctors without Borders are on the front lines battling numerous contagious infectious disease processes around the globe that can potentially spell the end to human civilization when right conditions prevail in alignment with the Thermodynamic law of entropy. 

In time of crisis government and medical authorities are called to be superhuman,  when in fact leaders are only human.  In a recent freelance articles,  I discussed how medical experts need to do the impossible with Supernatural help in times of crisis by knowing with absolute certainty.  It is impossible  to know anything with absolute certainty within sliding  scale trajectory of quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe without Supernatural intervention. It  only possible to approximate absolute truth to 99 percent certainty within our flat earth Euclidean universe as a product of quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind. As a wrote,  medical experts can't think Covid-19 is cured,  medical experts must absolutely know Covid-19 is cured given this pandemic may trigger mass extinction of the human species. As I aptly pointed out,  the 1 % uncertainty may bite us like a serpent wrapped in the tree of life, effectly ending human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece.

 It doesn't make any difference about who is to blame for the Covid-19 pandemic.  What we must do NOW is make Intelligent decisions to prevent spread of Covid-19 and eradicate Covid-19 from the face of the earth with every scientific and technological tool at our disposal as a gift from God above.

In alignment with the quantum wave function as the language of love as a writer creating the quantum perspective I built a case providing absolution to the Chinese government based upon a global Luddite movement deliberately incubating deadly virus in wild animal meat market

Also,  the United Nations must prepare now to prevent the next big pandemic,  as either naturally occurring or an act of biological warfare. As I have written,  rulesets of classic physics associated with greater disorder predict and prophesy with absolute certainty that the next big pandemic is on the way. We must learn from the Covid-19 pandemic to adopt Intelligent international policy to act quickly and decisively when anything ugly arises.

In recent freelance articles I discussed evolution of the common cold Coronavirus, flu, pneumonia,  bacterial infections as interstellar alien life forms dispersed on earth leading to thickening of outer surface membranes, growth of stringy fibrous ATP strings, etc facilitated by air pollution and global climate change.   The evolution of virus and bacteria is building a stronger fortified armament of thick membrane walls and fibrous ATP energy production strings to make it more difficult for the immune system of the human body to fight off. Energy production involves Adensin Triphphosphate ATP molecules.

The following article entitled, Energetic Cost of Building a Virus,  published  by the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America discuss how virus energetically replicate by taking over machinery of host human cells by using ATP to to fuel DNA - RNA synthesis:

According to ScienceDirect , Phosphorus An Overview, 
"Phosphorus is a major element essential for many biological processes, for instance for DNA synthesis, ATP synthesis, membrane synthesis, and protein phosphorylation"

An article published by entitled,  Phosphorus Pollution Reaching Dangerous Levels Worldwide, New Study finds, discuss phosphorus as a toxic pollution worldwide,  including a major river basin in mainland China where wild animals drink water. The wild animals likely ended up in the Wuhu China wild animal meat market.

An Environment Protection Agency document entitled, 
Air Pollution Aspects of Phosphorus and its Compounds, further provides information about phosphorus air pollution that may shed light upon how virus mutate.

We got to look at Wuhu China as a petri dish environment where the deadly strain of Coronavirus infection began.  The Wall street Journal video retelling the epidemiology storyline of Covid-19 is not designed to cast blame,  but understand Covid-19 from a holistic whole quantum perspective where everything is connected as one. The Wall street journal video retelling the epidemiology storyline of Covid-19 shows an extremely polluted skyline of Wuhu China as a large industrial city. 

Quantum particlization of the human body demands a balanced equation for everything to work as God originally intended.  If 1 bit of information is changed then this disturbs the entire Information architecture of a Cosmic mind.  

We have to think what we are doing in process of creating a future for human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece in the immediate here and NOW.  Quantum computing can provide data analytical insights to help us think better. Hence,  the Chinese silk road to facilitate China to create innovative industrial manufacturing processes by artificial intelligence should be welcomed. Chinas rapid foray into social capitalism may have inadvertently given human civilization a global Covid-19 pandemic that may lead to mass extinction of the human species. 

Air pollution including excessive phosphorus combined with global warming creates an imbalance in the quantum calculation of life on planet earth by a Cosmic mind. Phosphorus is an inert element vital in organic metabolic processes of catabolism and anabolism while present in right ratio  My theory is when too much concentrations of phosphorus ions as free radicals are present in the human body then this leads to weakened cellular membranes of lung tissue allowing for novel virus such as Covid-19 to easily attach to cells and vigorously energetic replicate by taking over machinery of host cells. An excessive concentration of phosphorus as free radicals in human body from contaminated water and air leads to over -dependency therefore natural metabolic function that build healthy cell membranes is impaired. Since natural metabolic function is impaired by higher than normal concentrations of phosphorus deadly viral strains can attach to the host cell membrane easily. Furthermore,  when the virus takes over machinery of the host lung cells acquisition of ATP energy production allows deadly virus to fortify bulwark of it's own membrane as armament to mutate into a stronger deadlier predatory virus resistant to drug treatments.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why evolution of SARs Covid-19 Coronavirus occurred in Wuhu China after watching the Wall Street Journal video showing an extremely polluted skyline of Wuhu China. From  the  quantum perspective, phosphate is byproduct of both air pollution and ATP energy production simultaneously. Phosphate is vital in evolutionary biology of deadly virus and  bacteria as interstellar alien life forms dispersed on earth. Also pollution in Wuhu China likely weakened the immune and respiratory systems of residents of Wuhu China marking it possible for SARs to jump from animal to human  and finally from human to human. 

Evolution of life on earth is occurring weather we like it or not and if we a collective consciousness do not embrace positive change as an evolutionary process we may discover we are no longer naturally selected to survive on earth or anywhere else in the universe God created. A Cosmic mind is programmed to render virtual reality of our flat earth Euclidean universe by quantum  particlization of rule sets God encoded despite weather we personally like rule sets of classical physics or not. As subroutines of a Cosmic mind God has given us power to alter information architecture or programming of a Cosmic mind as long as we live on earth.  In my writing I described death as very real on earth defined as no longer being able to influence information architecture of a Cosmic mind.

As partners with God we are tasked to harness evolutionary biology to guide evolution in such a way as to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth. 

Peter Diamandis recently shared deep profound enlightenment regarding the Covid-19 pandemic:

Continued later

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