Monday, March 30, 2020

Resistant is Futile to New Mutagenic Viruses of the Future.

It is interesting how medical experts can get it wrong. It is reported on social media that medical experts at the prestigious John Hopkins university claim viruses are not living predatory organisms. A Washington Post article entitled, The Coronavirus isn't Alive,  that is Why it's so Hard to Kill, further purports inorganic nature of viruses.

As a parasitic molecular machine viruses are a hybrid between living organisms and inert matter simultaneously. An scientific article published by the  Microbiology  Society ask the question,  " What is Life?

Since virus are a parasitic molecular machine existing as a hybrid between living organisms and inert matter then environmental pollutants comprised of both organic and inert elements help virus thrive and mutate into stronger predators with more fortified membrane  protective armaments.  Eventually molecular formulas of bacteria and virus killing cleaning agents will be assimilated within the DNA instructions of new novel virus to build resistance to cleansing agents as a mutagenic property.  

Resistant is futile to new mutagenic viruses of the future. Bacteria phages have already demonstrated incredible mutagenic properties of assimilating ( learning) molecular structures of antiobiotics to adapt and thrive.  Human beings shall either learn and grow or die.

Viruses as a parasitic machine existing  as a hybrid between both living organisms and inert matter simultaneously are the quintessential expression of the quantum  principle of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation. Viruses don't care who is right or wrong,  but will eradicate both from planet earth. 

In a recent freelance article I discussed virus as a paintbrush for quintessential beauty of biodiversity for a Cosmic mind God designed. A Cosmic mind is hacked in the Garden of Eden,  but God blessed human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind with intellectual prowess to fix erroneous error in coding of a Cosmic mind to harness evolution to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth. Survival of the human species depends upon mankind learning the quantum wave function language as the language of love. 

In searching for extraterrestrial life on other planets scientists working at SETI have struggled with the question , What is life?

Virus as parasitic molecular machine existing  
as hybrid between living organisms and inert matter simultaneously cast insight into nature of our panphysic conscious universe as the hard-drive of a Cosmic mind God integrated within our flat earth Euclidean universe .

Continued later 

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