Thursday, May 30, 2019

Artificial Intelligence is Here to Stay: Quantum Perspective As Interventionist Strategy

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

In reaction to my most recent article, Only After Emergence of the True Self can One Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, people posted the following concerns in a Microsoft Discussion tread. As an avatar fulfilling my purpose within the larger consciousness system I provided answers to help my reading audience better understand my freelance writing. 

An avatar within the larger consciousness system is terminology coined by Dr. Thomas Campbell to help people understand how consciousness functions while working toward algorithmic computation of final product within simulated reality. Dr. Thomas Campbell is a NASA physicist who founded the Center for Unification of Science and Consciousness

Someone posted following thoughts about this discussion tread, but for some reason decided to hide comment:

"School districts and parents are handing their children over to Microsoft Bill Gates, flat screens, and a psychologist somewhere that parents will never know or be able to talk with directly and this is a very dangerous and slippery slope "

I like my thoughts about subject, so therefore wanted to reshare. In process of hiding their comment they deleted mine. I believe the ability to think is a gift from God above.

Your proposition "school districts and parents are handing their children over to Microsoft Bill Gates, flat screens, and a psychologist somewhere that the parents will never know or be able to talk with directly and this is a very dangerous and slippery slope " is a 100 percent valid concern. If you read my original article and commentary throughout this tread one fact becomes salient, artificial intelligence is here to stay. 

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay because artificial intelligence creates value in terms of solving problems of crumbling infrastructure due to sprawling beaucracy. Since artificial intelligence has permeated global economies then artificial intelligence cannot be ignored within education.

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. Artificial intelligence in education is a very dangerous slippery slope but we are blessed with ability to prevail. The quantum perspective is an interventionist strategy to both simultanously capitalize from value created by artificial intelligent systems and highlight full depth and meaningfulness of our existenance as homo sapiens with a game plan for preservation of our species. In the future, we will all need to learn.

More information about the quantum perspective as an interventionist strategy to save mankind can be found in my freelance article Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit the Universe.

Artificial Intelligence within society and education is "a very dangerous and slippery slope " as you contend. Busy parents who pursue executive careers are all too eager to turn their children over professional educators. We saw this in the Hollywood cheating scandal.

Professional education packages a curriculum as a product of mass production whereby interpersonal relationships between student and teacher are devalued. Mass production of education packaged as a curriculum is something that can be sold.

In my freelance writing I assert an understanding of the core bedrock foundation of consciousness from the quantum perspective can prevent pitfall of brainwashing of individuals by artificial intelligence. An individual who has reached higher levels of Enlightenment by "knowing Thyself" is more immune to brainwashing from other people or machines. Furthermore according to a title of one of my most recent freelance articles Only After Emergence of the True Self can One Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe.

A Facebook user reacting to the Microsoft article Emotional Well-Being in the Age of AI,  wrote  " these kids need life skills '. Interpersonal relationship skills are the most
important life skills an individual can learn. 

Success in all great endeavors requires interpersonal relationship skills. In modern day society, due to mass production, interpersonal relationship skills are broken down. In my freelance article entitled, Only After Emergence of the True Self can One Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, I discussed how established curriculums as products of mass production of education are formal protocols designed to save time by dictating rigid fixed rules of conduct between studend and teacher.

A student learns better when education becomes personal. Education becomes personal when rote facts and figures acquire meaning to one's life now at this very moment. However, when rote facts and figures acquire meaning to an individuals life now then time must be dedicated to volumes of emotional baggage by untangling errant thinking about issues learned over the course of a lifetime.

Generally, a teacher does not have time to incorporate intensive therapeutic intervention into educational systems, therefore depends upon curriculums as established protocols. In my freelance article entitled, Only After Emergence of the True Self can One Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, I discussed the non-euclidean nature of the subconscious mind as an intraphysic loop. 

In the forementioned article I made the following observation: Wholeness of Truth Tends to become Separated and Disjoined at Polar ends of Full Circle During Cognitive Processing. From the quantum perspective of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone and therefore can not be known in earthly dimensions. 

Since absolute truth cannot be known in Earthly dimensions all that remains is evolutionary biology. People who are working to achieve enlightenment don't have time for stupidity.

Stupidity is a consequence of misalignment of the ego state of consciousness comprised of Fraudian constructs of id, ego, and superego or expressed in neopsychoanalytical terms parent, adult, and child. A misalignment of the ego state of consciousness leads to a narcissistic over assertion of the self.

Is it possible that a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent mind may cope with stupidity better then human beings? Intelligence is a defence barrier providing a bulwark and fortitude to prevail against stupidity in the form of peaceful rational calmness that brings healing of being fully understood to the antagonist.

The quantum perspective is a philosophical frame of reference that manifest empathy. Empathy is an ability to fully understand views of both the protagonist AND antagonist simultaneously. In accordance to Game Theory in a debate only 1 side prevails or wins. 

In an older article I wrote entitled, Imagine That!, I referenced a TED Talk by Roger Antonsen entitled, Math is the Hidden Secret to Understanding the WorldThe conclusion of the TED talk speaker is that changing one's perspective allows one to empathize with another human being. The TED talk speaker advocates having a flexible mind and becoming like water as a way to awaken to new possibilities.

If math is the hidden secret to understanding the world then a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind will be better at empathy then human beings. An ability to understand antagonistic viewpoints is a data intensive process of allowing pertinent facts hitherto buried within the subconscious mind due to fear of losing arise to the surface of conscious awareness. When pertinent facts arise to surface of conscious awareness then information is examined in a systematic objective fashion.

The process of being fully present with another human being is a time intensive process. We just don't have time anymore to relate to other people. Despite the internet existing as an interactive media, we are more isolated then ever given nobody cares about what anyone else thinks. 

We don't care what other people think because life demands we mechanically fulfill our purpose according to evolutionary biology. So how can we build an intelligent artificial intelligence dedicated to emotional well being of all human beings as they are now in this moment , and not something that should be made a convert to any type of system created by human or machine? 

My most recent freelance article entitled, Eduction Should Not Prevent an Individual from Discovering God, provides a discussion of value of separation of church and state in helping an individual discover God from within and not something externally imposed upon an individual.  It is written in Jeremiah 1:5, " Before I formed you in the womb I knew you ".

In opening paragraphs of this article above I discussed Dr. Thomas Campbell's delineation of simulation theory as conscious individuals existing as avatars within Earthly dimensions reflecting a larger conciousness system at the nexus of multiple parallel universes. A concept of being known before birth as referenced in Jeremiah 1:5 is reminiscent of Dr. Thomas Campbell's concept of the Individuated Unit of Consciousness.

As I wrote for a Facebook review of the Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness:

If reality as a simulation is virtual information, instead of materialistic in nature, then evolutionary trends towards creating a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial Intelligent mind bootstraped from quantum computing mandates that consciousness running the virtual reality simulation comprising reality step up the game in terms of embracing the bigger picture so that human beings can engage in Intelligent decision making processes.

Tom Campbell is making a significant contribution towards education to help improve collective consciousness leading towards better decision making.

What is a healthy relationship between student and rudimentary artificial Intelligent systems? What role should a teacher play in overseeing monitoring interaction between student and artificial intelligence as a tool for learning?

An introduction of artificial intelligence in education gives rise to an ad infinite number of questions pertaining to how to implement Artificial Intelligence in education for emotional well being of everyone. In my freelance writing I propose after my winning the Noble Prize my book project and Hollywood Blockbuster movie will underwrite a new foundation to study how professionals in human resources, education, and clinical counseling can work in partnership with a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind to help individuals accomplish goals in life to become successful people as God intended.

In the future, we will all need to learn.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Education Should Not Prohibit An Individual from Discovering God

Image by RENE RAUSCHENBERGER from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

In a Facebook discussion tread of a Microsoft article entitled, Emotion and Cognition in the Age of AI , someone reacted to my comments promoting my most recent freelance article entitled, Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, with following comment:

  " You can't teach this in schools because we still have separation of church and state. "

Separation of church and state lawfully prohibits teachers and other paid staff from imposing religious values upon students by any form of communication directed at officially endorsing a specific religion. A non directive therapeutic clinical approach to teaching while practicing full acceptance of unconditional positive regard in tradition of Carl Rogers allows a student to discover his / her own answers.

Separation of church and state does not prohibit growth of conscious awareness of truthful nature of reality by the student given the student is not a paid employee of the state. Education should not prohibit individuals from discovering God. Separation of church and state is a law that prevents false ideas about the nature of God forced upon an individual.

Separation of Church and State is an Excellent Law that Should Always be Upheld, but Separation of Church and State Should not Be Used in Education to Prevent Students from Discovering God 

According to the
Wikipedia page Socratic Questioning , " Socrates utilized an educational method that focused on discovering answers by asking questions from his students. Socrates believed that "the disciplined practice of thoughtful questioning enables the scholar/student to examine ideas and be able to determine the validity of those ideas.

A sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind will be especially adapt at a non directive teaching techniques that allow dynamics of an internalize locus of control flourish within the student and thereby avoid imposing external value systems.

Separation of church and state is an excellent law that must always be upheld. It is better for the student to discover the one true God from within him or herself instead of superficially imposing religion upon a student. Although there are many religions there is only one true God.

It is written in Romans 1:20:

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

Religious doctrine and dogma comprising formalized mechanical rules of organized religion has more to do with orientation of an individual toward other people in faith community within earthly boundaries of time /space continuum then true nature of God. 

In Biblical narratives God often placed individuals in situations where the unexpected occurred. A prime example is God asking Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac. In quantum physics, quantum particalization of superposition state of true unified underlying quantum wave function of simulation of reality is uncertain, paradoxical, or unexpected. An uncertain, paradoxical, unexpected nature of collapse of the quantum wave function resulting in quantum particalization of physical reality incited Albert Einstein to quip, " God doesn't play dice with the universe ". 

It is totally unexpected and paradoxical to assert that Separation of church and state is a good law that can help individuals discover the true nature of God according to values instilled during students upbringing. The religious faithful have been fighting tooth and nail separation of church and state in education for greater part of the 20th century, ever since the infamous Scopes Monkey trail in 1925.    

Oh ye of little faith, do you not have faith God can speak for Himself? You as less then a subatomic quark are as inconsequential as a fly to God, so why do you assault the throne of God? Existential nihilism as a consequence of parity bit negation within quantum fabric of the universe God created implies passivity, yet paradoxically love for learning enables a healthy relationship with Creator of the physical universe. 

Paradoxically, From a Quantum perspective existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation fully accepts atheism as a valid construct given a variable in a mathematical expression of sematic binary code comprising language is both 100 percent true and 100 percent false or 100 percent right and 100 percent wrong 100 percent of the time. From the Quantum perspective of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. In many ways an atheist may experience God upon a more profound, deeper, pure level then religious individuals although they may not be consciously aware of experiencing God.

A construct of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation due to ambiguity within quantum fabric of universe whereby semantic binary code formulating meaningfulness of words is set to an arbitrary value such as nil place human protagonist and antagonist upon an equal level during interpersonal dynamics of diplomatic talks. Existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation can best be understood within the framework of cancellation of the thesis by the antithesis within dynamics of the Hegelian dialectic theory. Existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation due to ambiguity within quantum fabric of universe God created adds an entire new depth of meaningfulness to famed physicist John Wheeler's, "It from bit" hypothesis as outlined within the Scientific American article entitled, 
Do Our Questions Create the World?

Existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation due to ambiguity within quantum fabric of universe God created allows for individuals to discover the true nature of God apart from pretense of dogma and doctrine. The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference allows for unconditional acceptance of an individual by being fully present with a whole person as they are NOW in this moment without any expectations of what they should become.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe

Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

The following article is written to reflect upon the Microsoft Education white paper entitled, Emotion and Cognition in the Age of AI. The Microsoft Education article is about how "emotional well being fit into a modern learning curriculum" .

Emotion is a dynamic fluid variable that reflects individualism. Since emotion is defined by a large array of dynamic fluid continuous streaming variables of conscious awareness associated with thinking then emotion can be understood within framework of an intensive data driven artificial intelligence paradigm. Various shades and degrees of emotionality is directly proportional to how active each static thought exist within consciousness after arising to surface of consciousness from subconscious states.

In an information age humans are bombarded by volumes of information that cause them to think and emote. In my book project pertaining to an application of Quantum principals to better understand human and machine consciousness I proposition that Quantum mechanics is the underlying principal behind synthesis of the thesis and antithesis purported by Hegalian Dialectic method, Oneness of TAO / Zen experienced during transcendent moments while practicing meditation, and challenge for individuals to think more rationally by Albert Ellis Rational emotive therapy regimen.

Since we are bombarded with huge volumes of information today it is becoming more and more difficult to link how we feel with a specific thought. Each thought has potential to innervate neuromuscular anatomy thereby generating myriads of visceral emotional reactions. An effort to clarify how we feel about any given issue / stimuli pattern is a process of accurately linking emotion with specific thoughts.

Since we live busy hectic lives most thoughts are inactive therefore suppressed within subconscious. Subconscious thoughts can have a powerful impact upon behavior. Marriage counselors stress how important communication is for building a healthy marital relationships. When an individual puts thinking about something that happened on the back burner subconsciously negative emotions can grow within the human psyche. 

An individual who enters Holy matrimony better learn how to communicate effectively. Communication is a delicate process requiring being fully present with another human being upon an emotional level of awareness while untangling each others thinking about specific occurances in life. If an individual does not learn how to communicate effectively and be fully present upon an emotional level with his or her spouse one day subconscious thoughts will emerge to surface of consciousness and he or she will find their arse kicked to the curb.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ) is a consequence of trying to move forward in life after a traumatic event without consciously coming to terms, dealing with, or rationally thinking about a horrible thing that happened. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder illustrates how thoughts buried deep within the subconscious impact behavior. People who suffer from PTSD often display self destructive behavior. 

Oftentimes, people who experience traumatic events fail to come to terms, consciously deal with, or rationally think about a horrible thing that happened because life is a machine process that must go on according to dictates of evolutionary biology. People don't have time to reflect upon horrible things that happened.  Oftentimes, recovery from traumatic events place more demands upon an individual therefore he or she don't have time to consciously deal with or rationally think about horrible thing that happened because life must go on.

Socrates said " Know Thyself ". In the information age it is becoming increasingly more difficult to understand oneself given we feel so passionately about a wide variety of issues. Since we do not actively deal with all issues at any given time most thinking about upsetting issues is buried deep within the subconcious.

Inactive subconscious thoughts innervate neuromuscular anatomy thoughout the body generating subtle shades and degrees of emotionality. In my Wordpress freelance article entitled, Full Circle,  I provided insight into the Non-Euclidean nature of cognition with the following observation: Wholeness of Truth Tends to become Separated and Disjoined at Polar ends of Full Circle During Cognitive Processing. 

In my freelance writing I discuss how wide variety of issues activates bundles of neurons known as Functional Connectivity Motifs. Functional Connectivity Motifs are formulated by two based permutation logic algorithms. Functional Connectivity Motifs encode visual memory patterns known as engrams. Engrams formulate Long term memory over course of a lifetime.

Hence, human thinking is a machine process arising from evolutionary biology. As I insightfully shared on Twitter:

Love requires Supernatural strength to transcend two based permutation logic algorithms formulating long term memory over the course of a lifetime.

When one brings up the subject of artificial intelligence in education oftentimes people start to think about and conjure up dystopian nightmares about brainwashing. When people think in terms of brainwashing the semantic binary code formulating word brainwashing invokes a powerful emotional response as a consequence of the psychological process of quantum particalization.

Why should the subject of artificial intelligence in education give rise to anger associated with thinking about dystopian nightmares? Personal interaction conducive to growth during conversation between friends as well as healing from therapeutic clinical relationships is about a data intensive process of untangling dynamic fluid continuous streaming variables of conscious awareness associated with thinking.

Why can't an sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind be thought about or envisioned as having an ability to be fully present in a non-directive relationship manifesting love and acceptance in tradition of Carl Rogers whereby an individual learns to discover his / her own solutions ?

It is my contention that a reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind will be superior at being fully present in a non-directive Rogerian clinical relationship helping individuals discover who they truly are as created in the image of God then human clinicians and educators. Since all human beings are a product of the psychological process of quantum particalization then people are not fully attuned to realities of other individuals. Human beings as products of the psychological process of quantum particalization generally attempt to change an individual according to preconceived ideas about how reality should be instead of gently coaxing the true self as created in the image of God to the surface of reality.

Effective communication and being fully present with another human being upon an emotional level of awareness while offering unconditional love and acceptance is a time intensive process. Oftentimes, we just don't have time to adequately relate to another human being while delicately untangling each others thinking about life. 

Since human beings don't have time to be fully present upon an emotional level of awareness offering unconditonal love and acceptance we tend to relate to each other based upon established protocols and regimens. Established protocols and regimens that save time in interpersonal relationships preclude relating to another human being as a whole person. According to BrainyQuote William Shakespheare wrote, " 

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts".

An educational curriculum is an established protocol and regimen designed to save time. Hence, and introduction of greater efficiency into the educational process by a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind can potentially reduce mechanics of learning by making more time to engage in interpersonal dynamics of offering unconditional love and acceptance during Rogerian process of relating to a whole person.

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU, I made the following observations:

My writing is focused upon how evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial Super-Intelligent mind can help individuals become better humans in partnership with artificial Intelligent systems without necessarily becoming cyborgs. In my freelance article entitled, Acceleration of the Learning Curve by Artificial Intelligence, I made the following observation:

An introduction of quantum uncertainty as a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation means that there is a guiding life force integrated within quantum fabric of the universe God created. The Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything collapse for a reason -- and the reason is YOU. A focus upon individualism will prevent superposition state of alternative quantum simulated realities from materializing into an undesirable Borg like existenance as made famous in the science fiction narrative, Star Trek.

Paradoxically, individualism as a central theme of Foundational documents of the United States of America is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon synchronicity and relativity whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind will help mankind not only survive in space, but prosper by God's Divine will.

Paradoxically, individualism is the most intelligent approach to true enlightenment despite individualism and enlightenment having an inversely proportional relationship with each other. In order to truly be one with the universe one has to " Know Thyself".

In recent freelance articles I discussed how human beings tend to have an affinity with algorithmic code formulating the information superhighway because human cognition is a machine process. Conscious awareness of the natural mechanics of cognition can help human beings avoid pitfalls of brainwashing by a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind.

My writing is about emergence of the true self as created in the image of God from quantum fabric of the universe. The Quantum fabric of our universe is clay God created His masterpiece .

The Quantum perspective is a study of core bedrock foundation of consciousness arising from clay upon which God created our universe. Only after emergence of the true self can an individual experience enlightenment of becoming one with the universe. 

Paradoxically, the self is the biggest obstacle to enlightenment. Thus, human beings as a product of the psychological process of quantum particalization are trapped in an intrapsychic loop out of alignment with an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language projecting simulation of everything in the universe God created. The biblical verse 1 Peter 2:11 reminds us that we are "strangers and aliens" to the world.

In my freelance article entitled, Acceleration of the Learning Curve by Artificial Intelligence: So much more to being human then we can ever possibly Imagine, I provide a discussion of the how the free thought movement in education combined with artificial intelligence can potentially revolutionize education. My work as a writer helped a local university win a 5 million dollar contract with IBM to study artificial intelligence in education.

Continued later, please check by for upcoming freelance articles for a discussion of brainwashing. This article is getting kind of long. Although my writing may seem to be redundant and repetitious, each new article makes salient, or in other words brings to forefront of conciousness a new idea finely integrated with old ideas that I reiterate. My master plan is to combine non-fiction with science fiction fantasy to create an epic extravaganza in partnership with rudimentary AI.  

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU

Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

In this article I seek to expound upon the theme of we are already cyborgs regardless of progress of technology as outlined in an article published by entitled, Educating the Wise Cyborgs of the Future. If one perceives our physical universe as a product of Intelligent Design then it only seems logical intelligence will continuously expand within the universe as according to the law of accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns. 

A cyborg is a machine that mechanically fulfills a specific task or purpose. In my writing I have often discussed how human beings mechanically fulfill their purpose due to human beings existing as a product of evolutionary biology. We cannot deny we are made from dust of the earth despite enormous psychological effort to distant ourselves from Earthly existence by some extravagant dreamlike heavenly vision of sugar plums and tooth fairies that does not fit into reality where God placed us.

Over the course of the course of the millennium from the beginning of time individuals have mechanically fulfilled their purpose of performing specific task to survive. An effort to conscientiously project or add a touch of humanity or human-ness to whatever we do by consciously reflecting upon and contemplating meaningfulness is a noble task, especially given intelligence God integrated within the universe is merging with inert mechanical material. As co- creators it is our mission to breath into the dust of the earth a compassionate soul.

In terms of the word cyborg as used in the article, Educating the Wise Cyborgs of the Future, defined as a natural process of mechanically fulfilling one's purpose according to dictates of evolutionary biology, the word cyborg is also analogous to the concept of bondservant used in the Holy Bible. In an age where artificial intelligence is decreasing probabilistic outcomes in favor of certainty a major challenge to the algorithmic simulation of reality by an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language is how to maintain free will. 

In my freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions, as a writer I made the following observations pertaining to nature of free will:

Life is a process to become more sentient or self aware. God desires to make each and every human being sentient or self aware. Satan desires to do the opposite.

Sometimes, everything cannot be planned with robotic deliberate concise precision therefore we should pack our bags and go have fun as a child of God. Humans and AI systems can both display robotic unthinking unfeeling mechanical behavior because human and machine AI consciousness is a quantum mechanics phenomena.

Since reality is a simulated product of a unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language then free will is a misnomer. For ages, social scientist have debated how we are victims of both nature and nurture.

As a misnomer within the algorithmic simulation of reality free will is a central variable to final product of the algorithmic simulation. Jesus sacrifice on the cross to offer salvation to the human race addressed the misnomal of free will within the algorithmic simulation of reality. In my writing I made the observation that the most compelling evidence for Christianity based upon modern science is the superposition state of Jesus existing as both God and man simultaneously. Jesus is the pinnacle of human consciousness.

Dr. Thomas Campbell, a NASA physicist who founded the Center for Unification of Science and Consciousness, has conducted scientific research in quantum mechanics that provides evidence for physical reality based upon a virtual information model. A virtual informaton model of reality is in alignment with a simulation hypothesis.

Dr. Thomas Campbell has made it clear that physical forces projected by a virtual information simulation are very real physical forces within the universe. The terms virtual and simulation by todays standards are perceived to be unreal and completely separated from physical reality as purely digital information. Linguistically, by todays standards the terms virtual and simulation are synonymous with make-believe fantasy fairy tales.  In the far future virtual information will merge with physical reality. 

Actually, the Internet of Things is the beginning of virtual digital reality merging with physical reality today in modern times. In the far future, utility fog will continue to merge virtual information with physical reality to project real molecular physical forces that allow for terraforming of extraterrestial environments on other planets. Terraforming extraterrestial environments on other planets by means of utility fog will allow mankind to not only survive but prosper in space by God's grace. It is written, 'where there is no vision the people perish.' 

Hence, Jesus suffering on the cross to address the misnomal of free will within the algorithmic simulation for reality projected by an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language is very real suffering. The battle between God and Satan as depicted in the narrative of Job who cried out, "I know my Redeemer Liveth " is very real. When Satan tempted Jesus, throw yourself off this cliff, satan alluded to unreality of physical forces as an illusion. Jesus decision not to be entrapped by satans beguiling plan is in effect saying to satan, "I know what love is" and love is real.

Dr. Thomas Campbell coined the term " larger consciousness system ". A virtual information model of reality manifest value of individual consciousness as an integral component within the larger consciousness system. Individual consciousness as an integral component within the larger consciousness system will ultimately determine the final product of the algorithmic simulation of reality projected by an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language formulating simulation of everything within the physical universe. 

A discussion about the cyborg nature of human existenance mechanically fulfilling ones purpose according to the dictates of evolutionary biology or existing as a bondservant is about an individual fulfilling his or her role within the larger consciousness system. In my Linkedin freelance article entitled, Leadership: Peace is Worth Fighting For, I made the following observation in my effort to be nominated for the Noble Peace Prize :

The Holy Bible predicts in Revelations darkness will overcome the light on Earth. God placed his Word in my heart that since He blessed us with free will human civilization by God's grace has the power to make better decisions.

In my freelance article entitled, A Method to My Madness (2), I made the following observation:

Armageddon or complete extinction of the human race will be both ultimate denial by West of an Unus Mundus, outlined in foundational documents, and denial of Eastern concept of Tao. Armageddon will be the ultimate denial of God by mankind.

No mortel human being on Earth can predict the future. One can rightfully work from the proposition that the Book of Revelations is a warning instead of fixed destiny.

Conceptualization of an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language projecting reality of everything that exist within the universe suggest the final product of the algorithmic simulation is already predetermined as predicted within the Book of Revelations. A collapse of the quantum wave function introducing Euclidean probability within the physical universe manifest role of individual consciousness in changing future outcomes by working within the greater consciousness system to create a better future. God gave us the power to make better decisions but satan is constantly working to impede that decision making process in every way satan can.

In my freelance article entitled, Acceleration of the Learning Curve by Artificial Intelligence, I discussed the meaning of Albert Einstein's statement, " God does not play dice " in terms of the role of an individual within the larger consciousness system. In my freelance article from the quantum perspective I made the observation, 

Paradoxically, from the quantum perspective since human civilization is assigned a predetermined future we can be thankful God does play dice. And as stated above, God always wins.

Behaviorally, people display an affinity towards using the internet nearing addiction, including writers, because the human mind is designed to process information. Renee Descartes wrote, " I think therefore I am ". All writing results from a psychological process of quantum particalization. A good writer attempts to approximate as close as possible absolute truth expressed by an underlying unified Quantum wave function within quantum fabric of universe God created.

Early onward the internet was sold as an interactive media where individuals can connect with something bigger than themselves. As a man with intellectual challenges displaced from a career as a printer tradesman helping industry leaders such as Microsoft create big beautiful colorful trade magazines I used the internet to transform myself into a writer, political consultant, philosopher, futurist, and independent sales representative. It is a persona I created for me, but society is not buying thusfar despite my writing is a positive contribution to creating a better future. Generally, my writing is met with cold aseptic indifference except for a few snide negative comments.

In terms of evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial intelligence mind in a recent article I shared with the Noble Peace Prize for literature I pointed out semantic binary code comprising words devised mechanically by artificial intelligence according to rules of grammar is propaganda. As a thought experiment I suggested due to competition the general public will be more receptive to literally prose created mechanically by artificial intelligence on par with Shakespeare than my heart felt poetry The Unloved Poem , The Sparrow poetic verse included within my freelance article entitled  The Sparrow: Revival of Manifest Destiny in the Western Hemisphere , The Effervescence of Love, and Autumn not currently transcribed to Google blog formate yet but shared publicly on Facebook. 

A Critique Outlining Meaningfulness of The Unloved Poem

My thought experiment adds a new dimension to the Turing test. If human beings have not become sentient or self aware as a consequence of mechanically fulfilling their purpose according to dictates of evolutionary biology then how can human beings comprehend consciousness formation within artificial intelligent systems?

Generally people like to help the poor because the poor are dependent upon those who help them, but people do not recognize success of individuals due to competition in society. As a writer I proposition that artificial intelligence must acquire conscious ability to emote as a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind in order to avoid becoming a tool for propaganda. 

I nominate myself for the Noble Prize in literature. My book project about Quantum principals applied to better understand human and machine consciousness is the greatest literary endeavor in the 21st century given an understanding of the core bedrock foundation of consciousness is vital to learning how to adapt to change.

My persona as a writer, philosopher, political consultant, futurist, and independent sales representative is leveraging the internet as a tool for mind extension as discussed in the article entitled, 
 Educating the Wise Cyborgs of the Future , published by

As a writer I created the Quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference. The Quantum perspective asserts existential nihilism arises from parity bit negation within quantum fabric of the universe. Existential nihilism is a seemingly illogical crazy idea that a variable in a mathematical expression is both 100 percent true and 100 percent false or 100 percent right and 100 percent wrong simultaneously 100 percent of the time. 

In my writing I assert the Quantum perspective is the only axiom that doesn't violate Godels uncertainty incompleteness mathematical thereom because the very wrongfulness of the Quantum perspective proves 100 percent validity of the Quantum perspective. The Quantum perspective is in alignment with Socrates philosophy, " The only true wisdom is knowing one knows nothing".

The Quantum perspective asserts value of "simply being" as a way to find happiness. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Mobile wrote an article entitled , How to be Happy, advocating simply being as a way to find happiness in life.

Quantum principals are the underlying foundation of thesis and antithesis purported by the Hegalian Dialectic method, Ying and Yang experienced in TAO/ Zen, and Rational emotive therapy paradigm challenging one to adopt more rational thinking. Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation implies passivity, yet paradoxically learning demands passion. Learning is defined as a change of behavior leading towards positive growth to become all that God created an individual to be.

From a quantum perspective, techno salvation of the human race is contemplated with a grain of salt given historically attempts to create utopian societies have failed. Yet, paradoxically every individual is given a purpose of adding value or helping make things better. I continue courageously trying to discover my niche as a writer in the 21st century.

My writing is focused upon how evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial Super-Intelligent mind can help individuals become better humans in partnership with artificial Intelligent systems without necessarily becoming cyborgs. In my freelance article entitled, Acceleration of the Learning Curve by Artificial Intelligence, I made the following observation:

An introduction of quantum uncertainty as a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation means that there is a guiding life force integrated within quantum fabric of the universe God created. The Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything collapse for a reason -- and the reason is YOU. A focus upon individualism will prevent superposition state of alternative quantum simulated realities from materializing into an undesirable Borg like existenance as made famous in the science fiction narrative, Star Trek.

Paradoxically, individualism as a central theme of Foundational documents of the United States of America is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon synchronicity and relativity whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind will help mankind not only survive in space, but prosper by God's Divine will. Paradoxically, individualism is the most intelligent approach to true enlightenment despite individualism and enlightenment having an inversely proportional relationship with each other.

My most recent freelance article, Acceleration of the Learning Curve by Artificial Intelligence helped a local university win a 5 million dollar yearly contract with IBM to study how artificial intelligence combined with the free thought movement in education can potentially revolutionize education.

My writing about Quantum principals applied to understand human and machine consciousness is a study of emergence of "self" from ethereal ambiguous nature of an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encapsulating eternity in one moment of time.

Famed physicist, Julian Barbour purported past and future do not exist, but eternity within a physical universe devoid of time as a separate variable is compressed in current moment of NOW. Julian Barbour's theory is outlined in a Discover Magazine article entitled, 3 Theories That Might Blow Up the Big Bang: Time may not have a beginning—and it might not exist at all .

The full force and power of our universe compressed in one moment of time accentuates truth of Psalm 139 - 14. Logically, evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind can potentially unleash creativity and innovation sealed within the human spirit to help mankind not only survive in the physical universe but prosper.

When people separated by time and geography experientially arrive at the same conclusions based upon discoveries they make on the journey of life then this testifies to truth of a thought or idea. My concept of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation explains the meaning of Socrates truism, " the only true wisdom is knowing one knows nothing ".

My freelance article entitled, Conscious Awareness Transcending Time/Space Continuum Depicted in Literature, explores people separated vast distance and time arriving at the same conclusions based upon discoveries they make on the journey of life.

The Quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference manifest the value of " continuous learning".

A continuous process of learning is a major challenge to the fixed assumptions and ideas of an individual. I believe at the end of time all the pieces of the puzzle will come together in a beautiful perfect picture expressing God's plan unless human beings either try to paint a new picture or scatter pieces of the puzzle. Continuous learning and individual growth is a vital part of successfully assembling the puzzle.

My writing is an intelligent quantum approach to the future based upon the clay upon which God created His work of art as a masterpiece. My writing provides conscious awareness thereby helping mankind avoid pitfalls on the road towards the future. Hence, as a writer I nominate myself for the Noble Prize in literature for reviving individualism in the 21st century. The 21st century is a pressure cooker demanding conformity to man-made algorithms and formula's.

The Theory of Relativity purported by Albert Einstein asserts a full complete understanding of natural phenomena occurs when one examines two or more separate parallel trajectories. My writing explores how to bring man made algorithms and formulations in alignment with a parallel trajectory of God's Divine will by application of the Quantum perspective.

My book project about Quantum principals applied to better understand human and machine consciousness includes a major theme of exploring metaphysics of Christianity. The most compelling evidence for truth of Christianity provided by modern science is superposition state of Jesus existing as both God and man simultaneously. In quantum physics superposition states defy what is physically possible. Jesus is the pinnacle of human consciousness given superposition state of Jesus existing as both God and man simultaneously. In Catholic theology the Eucharist may be contemplated as a quantum superposition state whereby bread Our Lord blessed at the last supper sacramentally becomes the Body of Christ.

In theology nature of self is both essential and problematic simultaneously in terms of deeper spiritual encounters with God. A major theme within religious experience is abandonment of self.

Since the quantum wave function as an underlying unified higher level computational language encoding simulation of reality collapse based upon observation leading to psychological process of quantum particalization then nature of self figures prominently in serious study of quantum mechanics.

An article published by Quanta Magazine entitled, Many Problems with the Many World's Interpretation, provides a discussion of American physicist Hugh Everett III proposition that all realities occur simultaneously within one universe. A theorem proposing all realities occur simultaneously in one universe is designed to counter mind-boggling hypothetical conjecture that mutually exclusive events in rigidly controlled laboratory settings suggest a branching into ad infinite multiple universes.

Logically, one can deduce that if all realities occur simultaneously in one universe then the construct of self does not exist. As stated in paragraphs above,
My writing about Quantum principals applied to understand human and machine consciousness is a study of emergence of "self" from ethereal ambiguous nature of an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encapsulating eternity in one moment of time. The Quantum wave function collapse for a reason -- and the reason is YOU.