Thursday, May 16, 2019

Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe

Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

The following article is written to reflect upon the Microsoft Education white paper entitled, Emotion and Cognition in the Age of AI. The Microsoft Education article is about how "emotional well being fit into a modern learning curriculum" .

Emotion is a dynamic fluid variable that reflects individualism. Since emotion is defined by a large array of dynamic fluid continuous streaming variables of conscious awareness associated with thinking then emotion can be understood within framework of an intensive data driven artificial intelligence paradigm. Various shades and degrees of emotionality is directly proportional to how active each static thought exist within consciousness after arising to surface of consciousness from subconscious states.

In an information age humans are bombarded by volumes of information that cause them to think and emote. In my book project pertaining to an application of Quantum principals to better understand human and machine consciousness I proposition that Quantum mechanics is the underlying principal behind synthesis of the thesis and antithesis purported by Hegalian Dialectic method, Oneness of TAO / Zen experienced during transcendent moments while practicing meditation, and challenge for individuals to think more rationally by Albert Ellis Rational emotive therapy regimen.

Since we are bombarded with huge volumes of information today it is becoming more and more difficult to link how we feel with a specific thought. Each thought has potential to innervate neuromuscular anatomy thereby generating myriads of visceral emotional reactions. An effort to clarify how we feel about any given issue / stimuli pattern is a process of accurately linking emotion with specific thoughts.

Since we live busy hectic lives most thoughts are inactive therefore suppressed within subconscious. Subconscious thoughts can have a powerful impact upon behavior. Marriage counselors stress how important communication is for building a healthy marital relationships. When an individual puts thinking about something that happened on the back burner subconsciously negative emotions can grow within the human psyche. 

An individual who enters Holy matrimony better learn how to communicate effectively. Communication is a delicate process requiring being fully present with another human being upon an emotional level of awareness while untangling each others thinking about specific occurances in life. If an individual does not learn how to communicate effectively and be fully present upon an emotional level with his or her spouse one day subconscious thoughts will emerge to surface of consciousness and he or she will find their arse kicked to the curb.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ) is a consequence of trying to move forward in life after a traumatic event without consciously coming to terms, dealing with, or rationally thinking about a horrible thing that happened. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder illustrates how thoughts buried deep within the subconscious impact behavior. People who suffer from PTSD often display self destructive behavior. 

Oftentimes, people who experience traumatic events fail to come to terms, consciously deal with, or rationally think about a horrible thing that happened because life is a machine process that must go on according to dictates of evolutionary biology. People don't have time to reflect upon horrible things that happened.  Oftentimes, recovery from traumatic events place more demands upon an individual therefore he or she don't have time to consciously deal with or rationally think about horrible thing that happened because life must go on.

Socrates said " Know Thyself ". In the information age it is becoming increasingly more difficult to understand oneself given we feel so passionately about a wide variety of issues. Since we do not actively deal with all issues at any given time most thinking about upsetting issues is buried deep within the subconcious.

Inactive subconscious thoughts innervate neuromuscular anatomy thoughout the body generating subtle shades and degrees of emotionality. In my Wordpress freelance article entitled, Full Circle,  I provided insight into the Non-Euclidean nature of cognition with the following observation: Wholeness of Truth Tends to become Separated and Disjoined at Polar ends of Full Circle During Cognitive Processing. 

In my freelance writing I discuss how wide variety of issues activates bundles of neurons known as Functional Connectivity Motifs. Functional Connectivity Motifs are formulated by two based permutation logic algorithms. Functional Connectivity Motifs encode visual memory patterns known as engrams. Engrams formulate Long term memory over course of a lifetime.

Hence, human thinking is a machine process arising from evolutionary biology. As I insightfully shared on Twitter:

Love requires Supernatural strength to transcend two based permutation logic algorithms formulating long term memory over the course of a lifetime.

When one brings up the subject of artificial intelligence in education oftentimes people start to think about and conjure up dystopian nightmares about brainwashing. When people think in terms of brainwashing the semantic binary code formulating word brainwashing invokes a powerful emotional response as a consequence of the psychological process of quantum particalization.

Why should the subject of artificial intelligence in education give rise to anger associated with thinking about dystopian nightmares? Personal interaction conducive to growth during conversation between friends as well as healing from therapeutic clinical relationships is about a data intensive process of untangling dynamic fluid continuous streaming variables of conscious awareness associated with thinking.

Why can't an sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind be thought about or envisioned as having an ability to be fully present in a non-directive relationship manifesting love and acceptance in tradition of Carl Rogers whereby an individual learns to discover his / her own solutions ?

It is my contention that a reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind will be superior at being fully present in a non-directive Rogerian clinical relationship helping individuals discover who they truly are as created in the image of God then human clinicians and educators. Since all human beings are a product of the psychological process of quantum particalization then people are not fully attuned to realities of other individuals. Human beings as products of the psychological process of quantum particalization generally attempt to change an individual according to preconceived ideas about how reality should be instead of gently coaxing the true self as created in the image of God to the surface of reality.

Effective communication and being fully present with another human being upon an emotional level of awareness while offering unconditional love and acceptance is a time intensive process. Oftentimes, we just don't have time to adequately relate to another human being while delicately untangling each others thinking about life. 

Since human beings don't have time to be fully present upon an emotional level of awareness offering unconditonal love and acceptance we tend to relate to each other based upon established protocols and regimens. Established protocols and regimens that save time in interpersonal relationships preclude relating to another human being as a whole person. According to BrainyQuote William Shakespheare wrote, " 

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts".

An educational curriculum is an established protocol and regimen designed to save time. Hence, and introduction of greater efficiency into the educational process by a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind can potentially reduce mechanics of learning by making more time to engage in interpersonal dynamics of offering unconditional love and acceptance during Rogerian process of relating to a whole person.

In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Wave Function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is YOU, I made the following observations:

My writing is focused upon how evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial Super-Intelligent mind can help individuals become better humans in partnership with artificial Intelligent systems without necessarily becoming cyborgs. In my freelance article entitled, Acceleration of the Learning Curve by Artificial Intelligence, I made the following observation:

An introduction of quantum uncertainty as a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation means that there is a guiding life force integrated within quantum fabric of the universe God created. The Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything collapse for a reason -- and the reason is YOU. A focus upon individualism will prevent superposition state of alternative quantum simulated realities from materializing into an undesirable Borg like existenance as made famous in the science fiction narrative, Star Trek.

Paradoxically, individualism as a central theme of Foundational documents of the United States of America is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon synchronicity and relativity whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind will help mankind not only survive in space, but prosper by God's Divine will.

Paradoxically, individualism is the most intelligent approach to true enlightenment despite individualism and enlightenment having an inversely proportional relationship with each other. In order to truly be one with the universe one has to " Know Thyself".

In recent freelance articles I discussed how human beings tend to have an affinity with algorithmic code formulating the information superhighway because human cognition is a machine process. Conscious awareness of the natural mechanics of cognition can help human beings avoid pitfalls of brainwashing by a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind.

My writing is about emergence of the true self as created in the image of God from quantum fabric of the universe. The Quantum fabric of our universe is clay God created His masterpiece .

The Quantum perspective is a study of core bedrock foundation of consciousness arising from clay upon which God created our universe. Only after emergence of the true self can an individual experience enlightenment of becoming one with the universe. 

Paradoxically, the self is the biggest obstacle to enlightenment. Thus, human beings as a product of the psychological process of quantum particalization are trapped in an intrapsychic loop out of alignment with an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language projecting simulation of everything in the universe God created. The biblical verse 1 Peter 2:11 reminds us that we are "strangers and aliens" to the world.

In my freelance article entitled, Acceleration of the Learning Curve by Artificial Intelligence: So much more to being human then we can ever possibly Imagine, I provide a discussion of the how the free thought movement in education combined with artificial intelligence can potentially revolutionize education. My work as a writer helped a local university win a 5 million dollar contract with IBM to study artificial intelligence in education.

Continued later, please check by for upcoming freelance articles for a discussion of brainwashing. This article is getting kind of long. Although my writing may seem to be redundant and repetitious, each new article makes salient, or in other words brings to forefront of conciousness a new idea finely integrated with old ideas that I reiterate. My master plan is to combine non-fiction with science fiction fantasy to create an epic extravaganza in partnership with rudimentary AI.  

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