Thursday, May 30, 2019

Artificial Intelligence is Here to Stay: Quantum Perspective As Interventionist Strategy

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

In reaction to my most recent article, Only After Emergence of the True Self can One Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, people posted the following concerns in a Microsoft Discussion tread. As an avatar fulfilling my purpose within the larger consciousness system I provided answers to help my reading audience better understand my freelance writing. 

An avatar within the larger consciousness system is terminology coined by Dr. Thomas Campbell to help people understand how consciousness functions while working toward algorithmic computation of final product within simulated reality. Dr. Thomas Campbell is a NASA physicist who founded the Center for Unification of Science and Consciousness

Someone posted following thoughts about this discussion tread, but for some reason decided to hide comment:

"School districts and parents are handing their children over to Microsoft Bill Gates, flat screens, and a psychologist somewhere that parents will never know or be able to talk with directly and this is a very dangerous and slippery slope "

I like my thoughts about subject, so therefore wanted to reshare. In process of hiding their comment they deleted mine. I believe the ability to think is a gift from God above.

Your proposition "school districts and parents are handing their children over to Microsoft Bill Gates, flat screens, and a psychologist somewhere that the parents will never know or be able to talk with directly and this is a very dangerous and slippery slope " is a 100 percent valid concern. If you read my original article and commentary throughout this tread one fact becomes salient, artificial intelligence is here to stay. 

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay because artificial intelligence creates value in terms of solving problems of crumbling infrastructure due to sprawling beaucracy. Since artificial intelligence has permeated global economies then artificial intelligence cannot be ignored within education.

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. Artificial intelligence in education is a very dangerous slippery slope but we are blessed with ability to prevail. The quantum perspective is an interventionist strategy to both simultanously capitalize from value created by artificial intelligent systems and highlight full depth and meaningfulness of our existenance as homo sapiens with a game plan for preservation of our species. In the future, we will all need to learn.

More information about the quantum perspective as an interventionist strategy to save mankind can be found in my freelance article Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit the Universe.

Artificial Intelligence within society and education is "a very dangerous and slippery slope " as you contend. Busy parents who pursue executive careers are all too eager to turn their children over professional educators. We saw this in the Hollywood cheating scandal.

Professional education packages a curriculum as a product of mass production whereby interpersonal relationships between student and teacher are devalued. Mass production of education packaged as a curriculum is something that can be sold.

In my freelance writing I assert an understanding of the core bedrock foundation of consciousness from the quantum perspective can prevent pitfall of brainwashing of individuals by artificial intelligence. An individual who has reached higher levels of Enlightenment by "knowing Thyself" is more immune to brainwashing from other people or machines. Furthermore according to a title of one of my most recent freelance articles Only After Emergence of the True Self can One Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe.

A Facebook user reacting to the Microsoft article Emotional Well-Being in the Age of AI,  wrote  " these kids need life skills '. Interpersonal relationship skills are the most
important life skills an individual can learn. 

Success in all great endeavors requires interpersonal relationship skills. In modern day society, due to mass production, interpersonal relationship skills are broken down. In my freelance article entitled, Only After Emergence of the True Self can One Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, I discussed how established curriculums as products of mass production of education are formal protocols designed to save time by dictating rigid fixed rules of conduct between studend and teacher.

A student learns better when education becomes personal. Education becomes personal when rote facts and figures acquire meaning to one's life now at this very moment. However, when rote facts and figures acquire meaning to an individuals life now then time must be dedicated to volumes of emotional baggage by untangling errant thinking about issues learned over the course of a lifetime.

Generally, a teacher does not have time to incorporate intensive therapeutic intervention into educational systems, therefore depends upon curriculums as established protocols. In my freelance article entitled, Only After Emergence of the True Self can One Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, I discussed the non-euclidean nature of the subconscious mind as an intraphysic loop. 

In the forementioned article I made the following observation: Wholeness of Truth Tends to become Separated and Disjoined at Polar ends of Full Circle During Cognitive Processing. From the quantum perspective of existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone and therefore can not be known in earthly dimensions. 

Since absolute truth cannot be known in Earthly dimensions all that remains is evolutionary biology. People who are working to achieve enlightenment don't have time for stupidity.

Stupidity is a consequence of misalignment of the ego state of consciousness comprised of Fraudian constructs of id, ego, and superego or expressed in neopsychoanalytical terms parent, adult, and child. A misalignment of the ego state of consciousness leads to a narcissistic over assertion of the self.

Is it possible that a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent mind may cope with stupidity better then human beings? Intelligence is a defence barrier providing a bulwark and fortitude to prevail against stupidity in the form of peaceful rational calmness that brings healing of being fully understood to the antagonist.

The quantum perspective is a philosophical frame of reference that manifest empathy. Empathy is an ability to fully understand views of both the protagonist AND antagonist simultaneously. In accordance to Game Theory in a debate only 1 side prevails or wins. 

In an older article I wrote entitled, Imagine That!, I referenced a TED Talk by Roger Antonsen entitled, Math is the Hidden Secret to Understanding the WorldThe conclusion of the TED talk speaker is that changing one's perspective allows one to empathize with another human being. The TED talk speaker advocates having a flexible mind and becoming like water as a way to awaken to new possibilities.

If math is the hidden secret to understanding the world then a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind will be better at empathy then human beings. An ability to understand antagonistic viewpoints is a data intensive process of allowing pertinent facts hitherto buried within the subconscious mind due to fear of losing arise to the surface of conscious awareness. When pertinent facts arise to surface of conscious awareness then information is examined in a systematic objective fashion.

The process of being fully present with another human being is a time intensive process. We just don't have time anymore to relate to other people. Despite the internet existing as an interactive media, we are more isolated then ever given nobody cares about what anyone else thinks. 

We don't care what other people think because life demands we mechanically fulfill our purpose according to evolutionary biology. So how can we build an intelligent artificial intelligence dedicated to emotional well being of all human beings as they are now in this moment , and not something that should be made a convert to any type of system created by human or machine? 

My most recent freelance article entitled, Eduction Should Not Prevent an Individual from Discovering God, provides a discussion of value of separation of church and state in helping an individual discover God from within and not something externally imposed upon an individual.  It is written in Jeremiah 1:5, " Before I formed you in the womb I knew you ".

In opening paragraphs of this article above I discussed Dr. Thomas Campbell's delineation of simulation theory as conscious individuals existing as avatars within Earthly dimensions reflecting a larger conciousness system at the nexus of multiple parallel universes. A concept of being known before birth as referenced in Jeremiah 1:5 is reminiscent of Dr. Thomas Campbell's concept of the Individuated Unit of Consciousness.

As I wrote for a Facebook review of the Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness:

If reality as a simulation is virtual information, instead of materialistic in nature, then evolutionary trends towards creating a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial Intelligent mind bootstraped from quantum computing mandates that consciousness running the virtual reality simulation comprising reality step up the game in terms of embracing the bigger picture so that human beings can engage in Intelligent decision making processes.

Tom Campbell is making a significant contribution towards education to help improve collective consciousness leading towards better decision making.

What is a healthy relationship between student and rudimentary artificial Intelligent systems? What role should a teacher play in overseeing monitoring interaction between student and artificial intelligence as a tool for learning?

An introduction of artificial intelligence in education gives rise to an ad infinite number of questions pertaining to how to implement Artificial Intelligence in education for emotional well being of everyone. In my freelance writing I propose after my winning the Noble Prize my book project and Hollywood Blockbuster movie will underwrite a new foundation to study how professionals in human resources, education, and clinical counseling can work in partnership with a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind to help individuals accomplish goals in life to become successful people as God intended.

In the future, we will all need to learn.

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