Saturday, June 9, 2018

Reality We Create Explained by Quantum Principals

by Mark W. Gaffney

Havard Business Review posted on Linkedin an article entitled, 
To Control Your Life, Control What You Pay Attention To (1), by Maura Thomas
providing a cool graphic illustration capturing attention of an internet user. Information overload is a major problem during the information age. 

As a writer I am in the process of writing a book about how Quantum mechanics is the underlying principal of human consciousness. A study of the sensory process of attention is fundamental to understanding dynamics of human conscious awareness.

As a writer analyzing how a qubit as conduit of information expressing flowing conscious awareness within universe God created I have written extensively about how two based permutation logic algorithms build neurological architecture over the course of a lifetime by establishing functional connectivity motifs of neuron groups. 
Neurological architecture built over the course of a lifetime by two based permutation algorithms is foundation of perceptual processes that control what we attend too. 

Simplicity of conscious manifestation of our physical universe is an act of pure creative genius stamped with God's indelible mark.  In my freelance articles entitled, Gestalt Make Up of the Ultimate Thinking Machine Will Transcend Computer Program Code (2), and Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply (3) , I provide a discussion of simplistic neuroscience allowing for conscious manifestation of our physical universe as related to reverse engineering an artificial intelligent mind. Intelligent Design within our universe highlights mankind as a co-creator.

Perception leads to a psychological process of quantum particalization of conscious awareness similar to when photons diverge from traveling as waves to consolidate into particles upon observation of a scientist. Meditation allows one to embrace an eclectic quantum wave function of reality expressed by Oriental concept of Tao.

I write about discovering greater meaningfulness in life.  My freelance article entitled, 
Personal Growth, Learning Curve, and Education from a Quantum Perspective (4), is about discovering greater meaningfulness in life.

A process of discovering greater meaningfulness in life is about making connections, or connecting the dots to coin a familiar cliché. A new dimension in terms of discovering connections is meaningful coincidence as a byproduct of relativity and quantum synchronicity defined as an Unus Mundus (5) by Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli. A concept of an Unus mundus is a pattern of meaningful events that apparently defy statistical probability based upon underlying quantum synchronicity and relativity within our universe God designed.

As a writer working to overcome mental health issues during the information age the article entitled, To Control Your Life, Control What You Pay Attention To (1), provides useful information I need to learn to apply in my daily life as referenced on Twitter:

Check out @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet: 

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet: 

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet: 

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet: 

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:
Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet: 

In reference to attention the Holy Bible states in Philippians 4: 8:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." New International Version (6)

An article written by John Horgan published by Scientific American entitled, Do Our Questions Create the World (7), provides an intriguing interview with renown physicist, John Wheeler, a leading expert upon quantum physics.

In the Scientific American article renown physicist John Wheeler defines the psychological process of quantum particalization that I often discuss in my freelance articles. In my freelance articles I discuss the psychological process of quantum particalization 
in reference to final destiny of mankind. 

The following are key excerpts from the Scientific American article, Do Our Questions Create the World, in which renown physicist John Wheeler defines psychological process of quantum particalization.:

"Wheeler has condensed these ideas into a phrase that resembles a Zen koan: “the it from bit.” In one of his free-form essays, Wheeler unpacked the phrase as follows: “...every it--every particle, every field of force, even the spacetime continuum itself--derives its function, its meaning, its very existence entirely--even if in some contexts indirectly--from the apparatus-elicited answers to yes-or-no questions, binary choices, bits.”
"The irony is that Wheeler’s it from bit implies that a final theory will always be a mirage, and that truth is something created rather than objectively apprehended. "
"But Wheeler himself has suggested that there is nothing but smoke. “I do take 100 percent seriously the idea that the world is a figment of the imagination,” he remarked to physicist/science writer Jeremy Bernstein in 1985"
In terms of renown physicist John Wheelers delineation of physical reality as a figment of the imagination or smoke in my recent freelance article entitled, Quantum Perspective Applied to Understand Russian Investigation in USA Politics (8), I analyzed Russian investigation as smoke:

Citizens with inquiring minds may be asking why is the Russian investigation going on for so long at considerable cost to taxpayers? At this juncture over midway into Trump administration taxpaying U.S. citizens likely consider the Russian investigation as malarkey.

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet: 

I hear President Trump quip in the stratosphere, 'This is spooky action at a distance'.

My work as a writer is important because in my freelance writing I outline practical implications of Quantum principals to more fully understand personal individual responsibility as related to final destiny of mankind. My Wordpress blog post entitled, Application of Quantum Perspective to Achieve Peace and Good Will on Earth (9), is a Twitter record of my working toward peace and good will on earth by applying quantum perspective to untangle complex variables that are obstacles to peace and good will.

In my freelance article entitled, Leadership: Peace is Worth Fighting For (10), I provided the following insights about working towards peace and good will on Earth based upon quantum principals:

Oftentimes war built upon the premise there is something worth fighting and dying for. From a quantum perspective, there is something worth fighting and dying for is both true and false simultaneously. In reference to the Beatles song, Imagine, assigning meaningfulness that peace is worth fighting for is an exercise of leadership in an existential world devoid of meaningfulness except for meaningfulness human beings prone to error decide to assign based upon cognitive simulation of reality by human beings.
Charles Dickens timeless classic book, A Christmas Carol, thematically explored the concept of alternate parallel timelines as related to fixed destiny. Alternative parallel timelines are predicted by String Theory.

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

In my freelance article entitled Epitome of Hope for Mankind (11), I pointed out implications of United States of America quickly becoming an underdog upon the global world wide stage within international affairs. Secular society of the United States of America has something special to offer the world given that foundational documents outline manifestation of conscious awareness of individualism. 

An Unus Mundus outlined in foundational documents is both the same as Tao and different simultaneously given an Unus Mundus emphasize arriving at wholeness of truth through individualism, whereas Tao strifes to reach wholeness of truth by oneness with our universe during meditation. A poem entitled, The Road Not Taken (12), by Robert Frost alludes to opportunity cost as a consequence of quantum particalization demanding individuals make conscious choices.

Foundational documents of the United States of America highlight human consciousness within our Universe. Human consciousness within our universe God created is a manifestation of Tao.

Secularism of American society is not in alignment with religious systems therefore secularism is primary reason for exertion of socialist values of foreign embassies upon American society. An acknowledgement that there exist greater values to be preserved in order to maintain a balance of power upon an international platform may allow decision makers to surrender to God's Will for the greater good of humanity.

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

My Wordpress blog post entitled, Tweeting for Peace (13), is a Twitter record about preservation of the balance of power to promote peace and good will on earth during a historical epoch defined by an accelarating rate of scientific and technological progress.

In my freelance article entitled, Unus mundus: Human Consciousness framed within Quantum Fabric of our Universe (14), I made the following observations:

When science arrives at an answer for a problem science generates a multitude of new questions within dynamics of an infinite universe God designed. Hence, in past freelance articles I wrote God will always be a long long mile ahead of mankind no matter how smart God allows mankind to become given infinite complexity of Intelligent design. We will always have questions until the day we meet God face to face.

Knowledge and fruitful insights about our universe, such as insight shared by Deepak Chopra, are dead if not applied to real world events. Often, knowledge is assigned to a scrape bin of dusty academia when power of knowledge to explain real world events is not applied. Knowledge assigned to a scrape bin of dusty academia is relegated to a flat one dimensional trajectory.

Hence, Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity asserts value of individual thought. Individual thought reflects an Unus mundus operating within our universe. A variable examined from two or more separate trajectories expands meaningfulness of an expression. Quantum fabric of Intelligent Design as a lattice or matrix of human consciousness is a 'theory of everything'. Carl Jung, Albert Einstein, and Wolfgang Pauli defined an Unus mundus as an orderly pattern of events that defies randomness based upon synchronicty as a principle of quantum mechanics. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopeida defines the Latin word Unus mundus as a "concept of an underlying unified reality from which everything emerges and to which everything returns" .

What is the meaning of all this? My metaphysics Theory purports Paul Revere who sounded an alarm, "The British are coming", is a recarnation of Yankee Doodle made famous by song Yankee Doodle Dandy (15). Yankee Doodle is a reincarnation of Don Quixote. 

Furthermore, Don Quixote is distracted by windmills and needs to learn how to control his life by controlling what he cognitively pays attention too as discussed in the Harvard Business Review article, To Control Your Life, Control What You Pay Attention To (1). Today, Don Quixote may be driven out of his mind due to many distractions of windmills dotting our landscape as a consequence of global warming. The medieval story of Don Quixote may be considered prophetic given global warming is increasing number of windmills.

Jesus said in John 3:8:,  

English Standard VersionThe wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (16)

Annotated Bibliography

(1) To Control Your Life, Control What You Pay Attention To, Harvard Business ReviewMaura Thomas,

(2) Gestalt Make Up of the Ultimate Thinking Machine Will Transcend Computer Program Code , Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(3) Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, Reflection: Introspective Times

(4) Personal Growth, Learning Curve, and Education from a Quantum Perspective , Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(5) van Erkelens H. (1990) The unus mundus (One World) as meeting ground of science and religion. In: Fennema J., Paul I. (eds) Science and Religion. Springer, Dordrecht ,

(6) Philippians 4:8, New International Version

(7) Do Our Questions Create the World, Scientific AmericanJohn Horgan , June 6, 2018,

(8) Quantum Perspective Applied to Understand Russian Investigation in USA Politics, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(9) Application of Quantum Perspective to Achieve Peace and Good Will on Earth, Reflection: Introspective Moments

(10) Leadership: Peace is Worth Fighting For, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney, 

(11) Epitome of Hope for Mankind, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(12) The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost,

(13) Tweeting for Peace, Reflection: Introspective Moments, Mark W. Gaffney,

(14) Unus mundus: Human Consciousness framed within Quantum Fabric of our Universe, Reflection on Linkedin

(15) Yankee Doodle Dandy, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(16) John 3:8, English Standard Version,

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