Monday, June 11, 2018

Conscious Awareness Transcending Time/Space Continuum Depicted in Literature

by Mark W. Gaffney

Don Quixote is about prophetic storytelling incisively capturing reality of modern times. A medieval story capturing reality of modern times demonstrates how conscious awareness transcends time/space continuum. Prophecy captured by story of Don Quixote illustrates interconnected nature of human mind with flowing conscious awareness of wholeness of truth within our universe.

If renown physicist John Wheeler's proposition, "It for bit" is true then evidence for conscious manifestation across time/space continuum should be prevalent in written works manifesting conscious awareness. Historically there exist ample prove within written works of classical literature that writers feel presense of Intelligent Design beyond the human mind within our universe:

Don Quixote as a prophetic medieval story is an example of an Unus Mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence arising from quantum synchronicity springing from deep well of flowing creativity of human imagination transcending space/time continuum.

Human Conscious awareness that transcend space time continuum points to immense value of foundational documents highlighting human consciousness as defined by wholeness or oneness of Tao within our universe. An Unus Mundus outlined in foundational documents of United States of America ultimately point to value of preservation of freedom and democracy upon world stage

An "It for bit" paradigm explaining underlying conscious manifestation of reality as proposed by renown physicist John Wheeler delineates the psychological process of quantum particalization of physical reality we know from our everyday waking experience. A bit generating it is a consequence of a 
qubit as a conduit of information expressing flowing conscious awareness within our universe God created. 

A quantum wave function of reality is an unified quantum field underlying a bit as a fundamental particle projecting everything we know and experience to be truthful reality everyday. An eclectic quantum wave function of reality is a manifestation of oneness of Tao within our universe.

Modern Day Don Quixote Challenges Red Communist Dragon

As a writer it is not my intent to offend our friends overseas by referencing the red communist dragon. As a writer I merely use the term 'red communist dragon' as a humorous hyperbole to illustrate psychological process of quantum particalization creating reality of the world we know during the course of human history.

Oftentimes history is preconceived to be so terrible and horrible that we want to strike it from the record to be forever forgotten. Could it be that a God who created the heavens and earth allowed bad things to happen in order to avoid even worse things to transpire, perhaps even Armagedden or complete extinction of the human race. History is something we learn from to avoid making mistakes in the future.

If manifestation of physical reality is a byproduct of conscious awareness as expressed by renown physicist John Wheeler's paradigm, "It for bit" then etymology of words acquires greater significance, especially during the internet information age when fluid dynamics of language is abundant. As a writer my effort to ascribe even more prophetic meaning to the ageless classic Don Quixote centers upon linking Don Quixote with slaying dragons.

Unfortunately, much to my chargrin as a writer who is attempting to ascribe greater prophetic meaning to the timeless medieval story I have discovered that Don Quixote was not on a quest to slay dragons, but instead Don Quixote embarked upon a quest to slay giants. Actually, Don Quixote perceived windmills to be giants.

It is well known that dragons have been associated with red communist China. An inability of modern day writers to make a perfectly fitting analogy linking dragons Don Quixote saw in windmills to dragons associated with modern day China, thus highlighting prophetic vision within medieval story of Don Quixote, seems to be a consequence of the author Miguel de Cervantes implanting lexicology into the storyline to prove point of impact of conscious manifestation of creating reality as active participate within cosmo  as well as to deliberatly frustrate modern day writers.

Although, the protagonist Don Quixote himself perceived windmills as giants instead of dragons, Don Quixote's faithful squire Sancho preceived the noble quest as 'slaying dragons' as searching following content for dragons will reveal:

However, etymology of the phrase slaying dragons references overcoming fear. Hence, the phrase 'slaying dragons' can be imperfectly applied to Don Quixote's quest to slay giants as one can assume slaying giants is a fearful undertaking even for likes of a bold couragous protagonist such as Don Quixote. The Quora webpage entitled, What does the expression "slaying dragons" mean?, tackles meaning of expression "slaying dragons" (1).

All of this discussion is reminiscent of the Joseph McCarthy era of American history. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia provides a full discussion of the red communist scare during days when McCarthyism (2) flourished in America.

A quantum perspective that a variable within a mathematical expression can be both true and false or right and wrong simultanously allows frail human beings to embrace their sinfulness thereby providing freedom from being right all the time.

 Right is right. Wrong is wrong. What is true is true. What is false is false. It is a mysterious conundrum comprising quantum fabric of our universe God created. 

According to Godel's incompleteness mathematical theorem, from a quantum perspective, one cannot prove that McCarthyism is absolutely wrong despite blowback from human history illustrating error of our way. Now, once more, we have revived the debate again in regard to the infamous Russian investigation of Russian meddling into U.S. politics.

Zig Ziglar international shared an insightful thought on social media, "Stars cannot Shine without Darkness":

Stars can't shine without darkness. Can this be the reason God placed us within the Earthly realm where we are fumbling with thermodynamic laws of physics? Ultimately, a psychological process of quantum particalization of human consciousness occurred in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate forbidden fruit from the tree of Life. The Garden of Eden is where the bit became it, hiding full glory of God's throne behind a thin veil or curtain.

A thin veil or curtain may represent an unified underlying force behind a bit existing as a quantum wave function of a living conscious universe. It is written in Scripture Genesis 3: 24:
Christian Standard BibleHe drove the man out and stationed the cherubim and the flaming, whirling sword east of the garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life. (3)
It is cherubim responsible for divergent paths of photons from wave to particle based upon human observation of a scientist. Cherubim push bits around within collective consciousness of society as well as within each and every individual to accomplish God's will on earth. How do cherubim do this without crushing free will thereby becoming antithesis of what heaven desires to accomplish?

According to Wikipedia, 

"The tree of life has become the subject of some debate as to whether or not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the same tree." (4)

Logically, from a quantum perspective the question debated by Biblical scholars as to whether or not the tree of life and tree of knowledge of good and evil are the same tree may be mute given Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden thereby denied full access to both trees simultaneously. Hence the problem is solved therefore Bible scholars can move on to the next big debate.  It is rumored that George Washington could not tell a lie therefore admitted to cutting down the cherry tree anyhow.

A major theme within my writing is preservation of free will. The following is an excerpt from my freelance article entitled Saving Democracy: Bad News about Soybeans (5):

Since global world wide communism is a naturally occuring product of Intelligent Design within the universe mankind must decide if democracy that accentuates manifestation of human consciousness within our universe is of significant value and act accordingly. Does not the throne of God strife for equality given Gods love for all of humanity?

Equality may be a bargaining chip within poker game between God and Satan, but most certainly God has the winning hand. In the future it is very plausible a reverse engineered sentient self aware artificial intelligent mind will erroneously arrive at the conclusion that absolute truth can be formulated by algorithms to create a perfect utopian society.

In my freelance article entitled, A Method to My Madness (6), I suggested the following to preserve free will:

An international forum should be convened to discuss universal values shared by mankind in terms of moving forward in reverse engineering a sentient self aware artificial intelligent mind. In recent Tweets on Twitter I elaborated upon universal values related to preservation of free will in terms of development of quantum cognitive AI:

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:
Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:
Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:
Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:
Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

 Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

In an upcoming freelance article I hope to write soon I intend to discuss how God's very countenance will overwhelm and overcome free will. How we as children of God are both one and separate simultaneously from an Almighty Omnipotent Maker of everything is an intriguing intellectual study to build greater faith. Logically, our separate existence from God enables us to love God as a merciful forgiving Father.

Paradoxically, Armageddon or complete extinction of the human race may be the ultimate act of free will.

A new day has dawned with historical agreement between between President Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un ushering in a modern Renaissance of unprecedented economic growth whereby rapid advancement in science and technology enable individuals to work toward enlightenment.

In days of old bastions of old school capitalism and communism wrestled each other into a headlock during mortal combat. A new day has arrived where opposing systems of ideaology that lay foundation of different forms of government work cooperatively to solve global problems and build a better world.

Isaiah 43 - 19 states,
"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland" (7).
Check out @gatsby767’s Tweet:

Renown motivational speaker, Dr Wayne W. Dyer shared encouragment on social media, "You feel optimistic when you're in-Spirit, with an inner knowing that nothing can interfere with an idea whose time is coming or that's already arrived."

Revival of Manifest Destiny is an idea that should be contemplated to counteract ascendency of China as a superpower. Modern China is quickly surpassing superpower status of the United States of America. 

In my freelance article entitled,
The Sparrow: Revival of Manifest Destiny to Save Democracy (8), I build a case for revival of manifest destiny. The following are excerpts from The Sparrow:

China's investment in infrastructure in the Western hemisphere should be entirely welcomed to establish strong economically viable terroritory in Western hemisphere capable of allowing freedom and democracy to flourish. Nation's in Western hemisphere that have strong viable self sustaining economies capable of coping with internal domestic problems are in a better position to join the United States of America as states.

In the 21st century, instead of existing as mortal combatants upon the global stage,
the United States of America and China should work together cooperatively as a team with a common goal of improving global economy by establishing new markets.

An announcement by popular media outlets that the United States, Mexico, and Canada wins bid to become host for the 2026 World Cup soccer championship is a milestone for revival of manifest destiny in the Western hemisphere. The New York Times article entitled, World Cup 2026: United States, Canada and Mexico Win Bid to Be Host (9), describes how the United States, Canada, and Mexico won the bid for the 2026 World Cup.

My freelance article entitled, Reality We Create Explained by Quantum Principals (10), provides a discussion of United States of America losing it's superpower status in 21st century as related to significant value of freedom and democracy.

Since foundational documents of the United States of America highlight manifestation of conscious awareness within our physical universe, as expressed by Oriental concept of Tao, old school bastions of capitalism and communism should dedicate themselves to preservation of freedom and democracy in 21st century as outlined in foundational documents of United States of America.

In my writing I have discussed how important it is to recognize value of all imperfect systems of government spawned by human civilization. The following are excerpts from my freelance article, Yankee Doodle Dandy (11):

An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns factor into the conversation of why what may be needed is intelligent Globalization that takes into account an empathetic nationalist understanding of a variety of imperfect governments human civilization has generated. As pointed out in my freelance article entitled, Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity: How to Build a Better Future Based Upon Old Time Universal Values of Love and Empathy , all governments on earth have a good goal to maximize value of life for citizens.

The following paragraphs are excerpts from my article Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity (12):

All systems of government on Earth are basically designed to maximize value of life for citizens. Of course, how to maximize value of life for citizens is an issue of great debate that has been raging since the beginning of recorded human history.

Authoritarian governments maximize value of life of citizens by an effort to minimize conflict. Authoritarian governments attempt to minimize conflict by not allowing citizens to think for themselves, but instead by thinking for citizens. Meditation is cessation of cognition as a method to see life more clearly. Fake news is designed to influence how people "think".

My freelance article entitled, Charting a New Course for USA in International Diplomacy Based Upon Faith (13), I propose a political theorem applying Romans 13:1 to recognize value of all imperfect systems of government spawned by human civilization. Historically, Romans 13:1 has been interpreted from situational context.

Global leaders have strong belief systems. Diplomacy is built upon faith. It takes great faith to negotiate a deal within framework of a win -win scenario that will produce positive outcomes for both countries.

Annotated Bibliography

(1) What does the expression "slaying dragons" mean? Quora

(2) McCarthyism, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia,

(3) Genesis 3: 24, Christian Standard Bible

(4) Tree of Life ( Biblical ), Wikipedia: The Free Enclyclopeida

(5) Saving Democracy: Bad News about Soybeans, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(6) A Method to My Madness, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(7) Isaiah 43 - 19, New Living Translation

(8) The Sparrow: Revival of Manifest Destiny to Save Democracy, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(9) World Cup 2026: United States, Canada and Mexico Win Bid to Be Host, The New York Times,  By TARIQ PANJA and ANDREW DAS UPDATED 8:44 PM,

(10) Reality We Create Explained by Quantum Principals, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(11) Yankee Doodle Dandy, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(12) Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity: How to Build a Better Future Based Upon Old Time Universal Values of Love and Empathy , Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W.Gaffney,

(13) Charting a New Course for USA in International Diplomacy Based Upon Faith , Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

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