Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Quantum Perspective Applied to Understand Russian Investigation in USA Politics

by Mark W. Gaffney

Citizens with inquiring minds may be asking why is the Russian investigation going on for so long at considerable cost to taxpayers? At this juncture over midway into Trump administration taxpaying U.S. citizens likely consider the Russian investigation as malarkey.
As a writer and political consultant exercising leadership I have called into question value of an extended Russian investigation given (A) all federal politicians have questionable shadowy collusions with officials of foreign embassies, and (B) politicians must act with some measure of self-interest because total complete absolute altruism is a fantasy within a capitalist society. Financial demands of fulfilling high level government positions require some measure of self-interest.
Freedom is not a static event, but instead freedom is an ever changing process of learning to discover greater meaningfulness for each and every individual and collective society as a whole. In my freelance article entitled, Personal Growth, Learning Curve, and Education from a Quantum Perspective (1), I discussed learning as related to discovering greater meaningfulness in life. 

Russian investigation is questioning assumptions of core foundation of democracy. Questioning assumptions is vital to learning because from a quantum perspective a variable in a mathematical expression can be both true and false or right and wrong simultaneously.

Existential quantum fabric of universe where qubit is conduit of consciousness flowing within universe attest that absolute truth is Divine preogative of God. From a quantum perspective, simultanous nature of of what right and wrong or true and false implies struggle for freedom is a constant within daily life.  Musical lyrics, " His truth is marching on" within Battle Hymn of the Republic is an expression that struggle for freedom is a constant within daily life and absolute truth is a Divine preogative of God.

Satan desires to preserve the status quo because a static environment precludes individual growth. Individual growth allows one to develop a closer relationship with God. Satan seeks to prevent an individual from developing a closer relationship with God, therefore, satan attempts to stymie individual growth by creating sociaeconomic conditions that maintain a static environment. 

Since Satan prowls like a lion disturbing the status quo can cause innocent people to get hurt. In my freelance article entitled, Saving Democracy: Bad News about Soybeans (2), I made the following observations:
The concept of democracy and freedom does not imply violent overthrow of existing rulers. Violent overthrow of existing rulers is a misunderstanding of freedom and democracy.
In my freelance article entitled, Charting a New Course for USA in International Diplomacy Based Upon Faith (3),  I have outlined a foundational building block of United States diplomacy based upon faith instead of foibles of shifting sand of fickle capitalism. In the past Romans 13:1 has been interpreted from situational context. In my freelance article entitled, Zenith of Human Consciousness , I provide a full discussion of the meaning of Romans 13 : 1 in terms of charting a new course for international diplomacy.

An act of questioning assumptions about core foundation of democracy by extending investigation of Russian interference in U.S. Politics has become more urgent because the United States of America is quickly losing its superpower status to become an underdog within international affairs. 

In my freelance article entitled, Epitome of Hope for Mankind (4), I assert the United States is becoming an underdog within international affairs because of (a) China's rise to superpower status due to technological superiority in artificial intelligence (b) China's rapid economic growth due to modernization, (c) history of Europe and Western hemisphere wallowing in socialism ( Socialism tends to diminish value of individualism in favor of government systems ), and (d) unification of North and South Korea potentially presenting a challenge to democracy given other developments decreasing influence of United States of America upon global stage. 

In my freelance article entitled, Out of the Game (5), I made the following observations:

Although no human being can predict the future with 100 percent accuracy, what we do know is that artificial intelligence is having a profound social impact today. Hence, my effort to reduce fake news to help President Donald Trump sleep better is a noble aspiration. The game of chess involves extrapolation or anticipation of moves. An analytical understanding of function of cognitive AI within an ideological spectrum is insight required to win the game for the greater good of humanity.

An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is making such profound global impact upon institutions that ideological dogma pertaining to seismic rift between communism and democracy in past generations must be reexamined. A reexamination of seismic rift between communism and democracy in 20th century can put ideas into perspective so that both democracy and new liberal socialist version of communism will flourish and grow peacefully without falling into a snare that may lead to war.
To Be Continued Later

Annotated Bibliography

(1) Personal Growth, Learning Curve, and Education from a Quantum Perspective, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(2) Saving Democracy: Bad News about Soybeans, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(3) Charting a New Course for USA in International Diplomacy Based Upon Faith, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(4) Epitome of Hope for Mankind, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(5) Out of the Game, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

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