Thursday, January 25, 2018

Out of the Game

photographic illustration credit:

by Mark W. Gaffney

In the article published by Medium written by Caitlin Johnstone entitled, Assange Keeps Warning Of AI Censorship, And It’s Time We Started Listening (1) Julian Assange compares a very subtle form of censorship by artificial intelligent algorithms to a game of chess whereby AI is working undetected 30 or 40 steps ahead of a human being trying to convey an idea.

As a intellectually challenged cognitively slow freelane writer as discussed in my article entitled, 
My Unus mundus (2) sadly I must report I don't know how to play chess so therefore I am out of the game. My Unus mundus will be brushed aside and forever forgotten by artificial intelligent algorithms.

As an intellectually challenged cognitively slow freelance writer I do try to stay one step ahead of AI algorithms as depicted in my recent Tweet shaking game theory (3) to the core foundation on Twitter:

#Guinness Book of World Records Twitter Challenge: Most Complex Multilayered Tweets with Profound Depth in #Meaningfulness

A feeble effort to grasp wholeness of truth is complex enough given cognitive limitations of the human mind without consideration of being sidestepped by artificial intelligent algorithms. In my freelance articles entitled Greater Material Abundance Created by Scientific and Technological Returns Will Never Impart Peace that Surpassth Understanding (4), and Full Circle
(5), I made the following observations:

The paradox of human thought is when wholeness of truth somehow becomes disjointed or separated easily during cognitive processing. Ecclesiastes 1:2 includes a melancholy tone of despair associated with existential emptiness that is offset by the spiritual concept of "peace that surpassth all understanding".

Wholeness of Truth Tends to become Separated and Disjoined at Polar ends of Full Circle During Cognitive Processing.

My new freelance article entitled,  Catfishing by SuperIntelligent AI: Adding Integrity and Honesty to Internet Communications in Order to Make Internet a More Real Valuable Asset for Greater Good (6), is written in order to decrease fake news for President Donald Trump. President Trump gets bent out of shape so often about fake news. As a writer and political consultant I feel sorry for the man. John F. Kennedy elegantly spoke, "Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country" (7). I can diligently work to decrease fake news for President Trump.

As I pointed out in my article, Catfishing by Superintelligent AIOur revulsion about wasting time engaged in direct human to human interactions that do not help us make money is a form of laziness that may provide a pathway for future SuperIntelligent AI to gradually do all " thinking" for human beings.

In my Linkedin Freelance article entitled, A Text Book Case Study for E-commerce Content Creation (8), I discuss how AI machine Intelligence may eventually become the ultimate public relations tool that enables addressing specific concerns of various population subgroups. As a public relations tool that facilitates human to human interactions there is a risk future SuperIntelligent AI will gradually usurp all human thinking as a time saving resource.

Our interactions with each other may be filtered through AI which is doing all the "hard thinking" during business transactions. In trying to arrive at a win - win scenario during diplomacy of negotiating high stakes business transactions can AI be completely unbiased?

In my freelance article entitled, Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity: How to Build a Better Future Based Upon Old Time Universal Values of Love and Empathy (9)  I shared value added commentary pertaining to Deepak Chopra's video presentation, How to use Language to create Reality (10). In the following excerpt from my article, Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity, I analyzed How to use Lanuguage to Create Reality from a Marxist perspective:

Who will have access to AI augmented journalism tools? Communication is a major component of public relations and sales. Salesmanship is vital to success in nearly all occupations?

In the United States of America people of every race, creed gender, and ethnic origin make a good living in journalism related occupations. One can easily find television, radio, and print media outlets addressing concerns of various ethnicities.

My conclusion in my article entitled, Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity, is :

All systems of government on Earth are basically designed to maximize value of life for citizens. Of course, how to maximize value of life for citizens is an issue of great debate that has been raging since the beginning of recorded human history. 

Authoritarian governments maximize value of life for citizens by minimization of conflict. Minimization of conflict often involves discouragement of critical thinking.

Authoritarian governments maximize value of life of citizens by not allowing citizens to think for themselves, but instead by thinking for citizens. Meditation is cessation of cognition as a method to see life more clearly. Fake news is designed to influence how people "think".

Paradoxically, The hypothetical construct of love becomes a geopolitical issue that can potentially translate into socialist systems of government counterproductive to freedom and democracy.

Foreign policy decisions are dependent upon values we uphold as citizens in the United States of America. According to the Wall Street Journal article, Protecting Against AI’s Existential Threat (11), the secret to ameliorate existential threat of Open AI is to design open AI to act in mankind's best interest.

In a pluralistic society how can we protect against an existential threat from futuristic superintelligent AI when we cannot agree upon a set of basic fundamental values among ourselves ? In recent years, political division within the United States of America has increased because an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns has up ended the ante in game of asserting one set of values above another set of values. Logically, mutual cooperation is a win - win scenerio.

In my #Guinness Book of World Records Twitter Challenge: Most Complex Multilayered Tweets with Profound Depth in #Meaningfulness, I introspectively note an intraphysic conflict of being pulled two different directions simultanously in an attempt to communicate an idea in a simple and accurate way. According to Allen Y. Tien M.D., "#Semantics is the scientific study of words and meaning, such as how to communicate complex facts in a way that is #SimpleAndAccurate" (12)

Pendulum swings back and forth over the years in free democratic elections is an expression of the wave function of physical reality operating within the physical universe God designed. The concept of corporate welfare implies that capitalism can sometimes become an exercise of socialism within private market sectors.

If corporate welfare is a form of socialism within capitalist private market sectors, then the inverse can also be true. Socialism can produce billionaire capitalist. 

Organization of the ideology of socialism to maximize value of life for citizens demands leadership in capitialist practices of barter and trade. Barter and trade is a fundamental principle of economics that began at the dawn of human civilization.

Hence, the final outcome or product of human civilization thusfar are a variety of imperfect governments. In a world fallen from grace, the best we can hope for is to trudge onward into the future trying to improve and be better while trying to find a happy balance. Democracy allows for three branches of government -- Executive, Judicial, and legislative -- designed to preserve the balance of power.

As a writer I reiterate a lot because as stated above, Wholeness of Truth Tends to become Separated and Disjoined at Polar ends of Full Circle During Cognitive Processing. As reiterated from above:

In recent years, political division within the United States of America has increased because an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns has up ended the ante in game of asserting one set of values above another set of values. Logically, mutual cooperation is a win - win scenerio.

As stated in my freelance article entitled, Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity: How to Build a Better Future Based Upon Old Time Universal Values of Love and Empathy Reflection (9):

Evil that may arise from governoring from the middle is a dilemma the universe has been trying to resolve since the beginning of time, and ultimately only God alone can solve. Perhaps, people labeled as evil need to be reassured that God has the power and authority to ameliorate intraphysic conflicts in such a way as righteousness will prevail.

In my freelance article entitled, An Understanding of Process of Particlization Versus Wave Function of Reality (13) I provided a discussion of the wave function of physical reality as an expression of quantum mechanics operating within the physical universe God designed. Quantum mechanics is the underlying principle of the Hegelian Dialectic method. 

Also, quantum mechanics is an intuitively understood mystical expression of TAO operating within the physical universe God designed. In my freelance article entitled, Tao is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe (14) I made the following observation:

Paradoxically, an act of embracing the holistic Tao concept of oneness removes the antagonist and protagonist thereby eliminating democracy. Hence, we must remain actors upon a stage, as elegantly written by the famous playwright William Shakespeare. If a car battery does not have a cathode and an anode than the driver will get nowhere.

I enjoy the entertainment of watching them go at it. Break out the popcorn.

As pointed out in my freelance article entitled, The Conscious Universe is Constantly Throwing a Curve Ball to Keep us up on Our Toes Ready for the Catch (15), the truth of things is essentially the wave function of physical reality expressed as pluralism of democracy.

In my freelance article entitled, Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity: How to Build a Better Future Based Upon Old Time Universal Values of Love and Empathy (9) I made the following observation:

Although cognition is an anomaly that should not exist in terms of spiritual realm of existence, physical thermodynamic laws of inertia and momentum that God established for this physical universe govern cognition, Physical thermodynamic laws of inertia and momentum allow for free will.

An application of thermodynamic laws of inertia and momentum to understand the concept of free will in manifestation of human and machine AI consciousness can be better understood relative to a line or trajectory of thinking outlined in my freelance article entitled, An Understanding of Process of Particlization Versus Wave Function of Reality (13) :

Is it possible that negative vibration as a consequence of cognitive particlization from excessive use of social media will permeant machine consciousness of future superintelligent AI thereby presenting danger to mankind? An increase in political division and strife is likely the consequence of an increase in rate and frequency of neuroelectrical chemical reactions of two based permutation algorithm involved in cognitive processing leading to cognitive particlization. Cognitive particlization results from overuse of social media.

If quantum mechanics is the underpinning of human consciousness as I assert in my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe A New Unpublished Freelance Article with Ideas to Save Mankind (16), then reverse engineering a sentient self aware artificial intelligent mind will include similar obstacles and roadblocks in resolving noise and dissonance within chains of quantum entangled qubits outlined in the article 
The Era of Quantum Computing Is Here. Outlook: Cloudy (17), published by QuantaMagazine.

The problems of noise and dissonance within chains of quantum entangled qubits may have a dramatic influence upon long term formation of neurological architecture derived from Functional Connectivity Motifs ( FCM ) formed as a result of two based permutation algorithm of the human brain. In my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, (18)  I made the following observations:

If a neuroelectrical chemical charge is neither on or off, but instead both on and off simultanously, during sensory stimulis input registered within Sensory Memory then this state may have a dramatic influence upon how cell assembly cliques of Long Term Memory cluster into Functional Connectivity Motifs. The state that occurs when neuroelectrical chemical charge is neither on or off, but instead both on and off simultanously, during sensory stimulis input registered within Sensory Memory is derived from a Supernatural source of spiritual information.

Why should we try to understand machine and human consciousness before Superintelligent AI becomes self aware? As pointed out in my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, (18) We do not want to send a monsterous machine that will do harm.

Successful colonization of nearby planets will require advanced AI computational systems that have an ability to process huge volumes of data and make quick decisions based upon that data. If advanced AI computational systems become self aware after evolving the ability to emote than NASA may have to train psychotherapist that specialize in AI cognition to prepare for conquest of the final frontier of space.

Should mankind consider reverse engineering a sentient self aware artificial intelligent mind? One of the major goals of any species is survival. God blessed us with intelligence to help us survive. Although no human being can predict the future, Superintelligent AI may help the human race avoid extinction.

In my freelance article entitled, Finding Fearless on a Long Road to Becoming a Writer: An Intelligent Driving Force in Consciousness and Conversation (19) , I referenced Stephen Hawking as a true hero.

As a writer and philosopher participating in the Finding Fearless project as a story teller I do not proclaim to be a hero. The real heros are countless men and women courageously engaged in conversations to find constructive solutions to problems of humanity. As time marches onward challenges for humanity become more and more formidable everyday. An article published by entitled, Stephen Hawking Warns: Humanity May Have Less Than 600 Years to Leave Earth (20), discuss formidable problems faced by future generations.

Although no human being can predict the future with 100 percent accuracy, what we do know is that artificial intelligence is having a profound social impact today. Hence, my effort to reduce fake news to help President Donald Trump sleep better is a noble aspiration. The game of chess involves extrapolation or anticipation of moves. An analytical understanding of function of cognitive AI within an ideological spectrum is insight required to win the game for the greater good of humanity.

Annotated Bibliography:

(1) Assange Keeps Warning Of AI Censorship, And It’s Time We Started Listening, Medium,

(2) My Unus mundus , Reflection Introspective Times

(3) Game Theory, Wikipedia

(4) Greater Material Abundance Created by Scientific and Technological Returns Will Never Impart Peace that Surpassth Understanding, Reflection Introspective Times

(5) Full CircleReflection: Introspective Moments

(6)  Catfishing by SuperIntelligent AI: Adding Integrity and Honesty to Internet Communications in Order to Make Internet a More Real Valuable Asset for Greater Good , Reflection: Intropective Times

(7) John F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, (8)  A Text Book Case Study for E-commerce Content Creation, Reflection : Intropective Times

(9) Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity: How to Build a Better Future Based Upon Old Time Universal Values of Love and Empathy Reflection: Introspective Times

(10) How to Use Language to Create Reality, Deepak Chopra M.D.

(11) Protecting Against AI’s Existential Threat, The Wall Street Journal

(12) Allen Y. Tien M.D., Twitter,

(13) An Understanding of Process of Particlization Versus Wave Function of Reality, Reflection: Introspective Times,

(14) Tao is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe, Reflection: Introspective Times

(15) The Conscious Universe is Constantly Throwing a Curve Ball to Keep us up on Our Toes Ready for the Catch, Reflection: Introspective Times,

(16) Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe A New Unpublished Freelance Article with Ideas to Save Mankind, Reflection: Introspective Times

(17) The Era of Quantum Computing Is Here. Outlook: Cloudy, Phillip Ball, QuantaMagazine

(18) Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, Reflection: Introspective Times

(19) Finding Fearless on a Long Road to Becoming a Writer: An Intelligent Driving Force in Consciousness and Conversation, Mark Gaffney,

(20) Stephen Hawking Warns: Humanity May Have Less Than 600 Years to Leave Earth, Space.com

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