Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A Wimpish Descendant

Brian Tracy's assertion, "Everything in your Life Happens for a Reason : There Are No Accidents, is relevant given former President Harry Truman is my 3rd cousin 3 times removed. In a previous Facebook post NoLabels.org shared a quote from former President Harry Truman, "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, imagination, and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand."


Wikipedia provides an intriguing discussion of Synchronicity in terms of renown psychoanalyst Carl Jung's thoughts about Relativity and Quantum mechanics operating within the universe God designed.


"Following discussions with both Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli, Jung believed that there were parallels between synchronicity and aspects of relativity theory and quantum mechanics.[13]

Jung was transfixed by the idea that life was not a series of random events but rather an expression of a deeper order, which he and Pauli referred to as Unus mundus. This deeper order led to the insights that a person was both embedded in an orderly framework and was the focus of that orderly framework and that the realisation of this was more than just an intellectual exercise, but also had elements of a spiritual awakening. "

As a writer and philosopher I am beginning to see an emerging pattern in my writing that suggest an orderly framework that may lead to a "spiritual awaking"

Greater Material Abundance Created by Scientific and Technological Returns Will Never Impart Peace that Surpassth Understanding

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