Tuesday, January 16, 2018

My Unus mundus

According to the relationship calculator in my geneolgy application Harry Truman is my 3rd cousin 3 times removed. Harry Truman's thoughts about fear is especially meaningful to a person like myself who has experienced fearfulness of neurotic introversion as outlined in my freelance article entitled Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media may Aggravate Mental Health Disorders.

As a Psychology major I have spent a lifetime figuring all this out about myself.

Neurotic introversion and blank expression is a cognitive strategy of compensation for very slow cognitive processing speeds deployed by mentally challenged people. Introversion, which is essentially withdraw from social situations, is a cognitive strategy of limiting data sets that comprise stimuli from social situations.

Slow cognitive processing allows an individual to think and ponder philosophically indept about specific issues. A slow cognitive processing style that allows mentally challenged individuals to think philosophically indept about various issues also provides heightened levels of creativity.

The entire field of Psychology, as pioneered by William James, is based upon introspection, so therefore scientific value in an introspective conscious experience of living life cannot be discounted. The physical universe God created is constantly trying to teach us something new.

In my freelance article entitled, Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity: How to Build a Better Future Based Upon Old Time Universal Values of Love and Empathy, I referenced a Wikipedia page providing a discussion about Carl Jung's psychoanalytical insights into quantum mechanics and Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

Wikipedia provides an intriguing discussion of Synchronicity in terms of renown psychoanalyst Carl Jung's thoughts about Relativity and Quantum mechanics operating within the universe God designed.


"Following discussions with both Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli, Jung believed that there were parallels between synchronicity and aspects of relativity theory and quantum mechanics.[13]

Jung was transfixed by the idea that life was not a series of random events but rather an expression of a deeper order, which he and Pauli referred to as Unus mundus. This deeper order led to the insights that a person was both embedded in an orderly framework and was the focus of that orderly framework and that the realisation of this was more than just an intellectual exercise, but also had elements of a spiritual awakening. "

As a writer and philosopher I am beginning to see an emerging pattern in my writing that suggest an orderly framework that may lead to a "spiritual awaking"

I do not share ancestry to be boastful or arrogant in any way but simply as an expression for love of positive mental health as related to a deeper understanding of history and psychodynamics of human consciousness. If there is a message from the universe encoded in my ancestry who am I not to be a conduit for the universe by sharing this message.

It is not my story. It is an American story.

Historically, it would be very strange to discover that our 10th great grandfather on our fathers side, Captain William Claiborne, and our 10th great grandfather on our mothers side, Dr. Thomas Gerrard, may share a 10th great grandson today, namely myself. During the 16th century it would have been an intense dynamic social situation to invite these two men to dinner.

According to Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopia, the Province of Maryland in 1632 -1776 was claimed to be owned by Pennsylvania. In fact, Captain William Claiborne, my 10th great paternal grandfather, identified by Wikipedia as a Puritan, led many offensive battles with Maryland over Kent Island which eventually resulted in "the landmark Maryland Toleration Act of 1649", which declared religious tolerance for Catholics and Protestants in Maryland".

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