Friday, January 15, 2021

The American People May Never Receive a Vaccination if Left up to Devices of Broken Dysfunction Federal, State, and Local Governments that Practice a Good Ole Boys Club Antiquated Class System Oligarchy

An article published by The Washington Post entitled , Shots are slow to reach arms as Trump administration leaves final steps of mass vaccination to beleaguered states, demonstrates poor leadership of elected leaders to protect the American people.

Today, instead of wasting precious time and taxpayers money voting to impeach Donald Trump, Congress should have worked formulating plans to provide resources to States to get all American citizens vaccinated. How much do Congressmen get paid per year?

Wikipedia published salaries of Congress:

Donald Trump, Joe Biden,  and all members of Congress have already rolled up their sleeves and received their vaccine.  Plus all loved ones of Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Congress have been vaccinated. 

Joe Biden and Congress are looking forward to a bright year traveling all over the world, staying at exclusive resorts,  enjoying exquisite chef prepared meals at state banquets.

Could the slow roll out of vaccines be an effort to deliberately intentionally murder American citizens arranged by Global Luddite Movement anti maskers, antivaccine, extremist foreign National enemy combatants? We are witnessing the height of psychopathic insanity within the Republican/Democrat duopoly who reject Representative government as established by our Founding fathers, but instead encourage peaceful protests on the streets.

Once more, the 1st amendment of the United States of America does not guarantee the right to peacefully protest.  The 1st Amendment of the United States of America guarantees the right to assemble to redress grievances within courts of law and legislative assemblies under the framework of representative government. Since all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology then peaceful protests do not exist.  It is not peaceful for individuals or groups to block city streets, sidewalks,  or public buildings to prevent citizens  from conducting business. Civil disobedience associated with peaceful protests on  the streets by either the right or left is the first step to revolutionary overthrow the United States of America to abolish U.S. government. Truth and nothing but the truth can only be found within courts of law. Solutions to any problem cannot be found on chaotic disorder of street protests with people screaming at the top of their lungs blowing deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen in a cloud floating 25 to 35 feet. 

States do not have adequate resources to manage massive roll out of a vaccine program to stop a deadly pandemic. The Federal government displays great ineptitude for leaving a vaccination program to stop a deadly pandemic up to the wherewithal of state government. A case in point is the beleaguered Kentucky state government under Governor Andy Bresher.  The Brasher administration is besieged by crazy lunatic antimasker antivaccine psychopaths who have filed impeachment proceedings against Andy Bresher for restricting superspreader events, limiting crowd sizes,   closure of businesses to control spread of Corvid , and enacting laws a mask is required in public venues. More bipartisan exist in Federal, state, and local governments then people realize. The Republican/Democrat duopoly team up against the American people, mostly to legislate laws to fatten their wallets by embezzling from hard working American citizens. 

State governments are dysfunctional therefore do not have wherewithal to manage a massive vaccination program to stop a deadly pandemic. State governments operate based upon a discriminatory antiquated class system oligarchy that violent civil rights of citizens. The big shot good ole boys and girls club top 1% who flout around like god almighty will get their vaccines, but our vaccines will be dumped into the bottom of a river or allowed to spoil in some warehouse. 

A case in point of dysfunction state government is Andy Bresher and union mafia thugs endangering lives of American citizens by sending people to state capital to stand in a long crowded line in middle of a deadly pandemic get help filing for unemployment benefits they earned by hard work. The Republican/Democrat duopoly don't give a shit if anyone gets infected with SARs Covid-19 or if they ever receive a vaccine that may protect their lives.

The Federal government is shirking responsibility or passing the buck for leaving a vaccination program up to state government. 

The enormous ineptitude for leaving a vaccination program up to state government is criminal reckless negligence failure tantamount to intentional deliberate murder by Congressional members who enjoyed getting off today impeaching Donald Trump. 

For decades,  and most recently U.S. Intelligence agencies have spent more time attacking the Commander and Chief of the United States of America for collusion with foreign enemies then working to protect the American people. U.S. Intelligence agencies should have collected intelligence data about the reemergence of human to human SARs Covid-19 when Dr. Li Wenliang identified 7 cases of SARs Covid-19 in Wuhu China. Lawmakers should have taken this data to the United Nations to enact international policy to shut down aircraft, trains, railroads, surrounding the entire city with a military presence so that no human being leaves or enters.  The United Nations should have implemented policies at bequest of United States lawmakers to prevent a business executive from getting aboard a commercial aircraft to fly to Australia with the SARs Covid-19 virus.  The World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control, and other epidemiology experts should have been dispatched to Wuhu China to provide treatment to residents, study the SARs Covid-19 novel virus, and develop a vaccine while the SARs Covid-19 pathogen was contained a small population subgroup in Wuhu China. 

No, instead of U.S. Intelligence agencies doing their job of protecting the American people from foreign threats as they are paid handsomely to do U.S. Intelligence agencies investigated the Commander and Chief. U.S. Intelligence agencies may have conducted an operation to organize rioting at the Capitol January 6, 2021 since U.S. Intelligence agencies consider President Donald Trump so dangerous to democracy. 

The American people need to take this opportunity to fix Democratic institutions to operate under the rule of law. Elected leaders need to condemn all peaceful protesting as unlawful civil disobedience not guaranteed by the 1st Amendment of the United States of America Constitution. 

The American people need to take this opportunity address all issues on the right and left under the rule of law so that we may move forward as "One Nation under God indivisible for liberty and Justice for all ".

In my freelance article entitled, An Open Letter to U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, I elaborated upon using the current constitutional crisis sparked by the Capitol Hill riots as a learning experience to unite the American people under the rule of law:

The following is an excerpt:

We need  to move forward with free and fair impeachment proceedings against incumbent President Donald Trump in order to resolve all these issues on both the left and right such that hence forth issues will be resolved in courts of law and legislative assemblies within framework of representative government instead of peaceful protests on the streets.

When the pandemic began closure of international commerce and businesses on Mainstreet U.S.A. presented a looming threat of bankruptcy of the United States of America and severe economic depression. President Trump downplayed the seriousness of the SARs Covid-19 pandemic to counteract looming threat of bankruptcy of the United States of America and severe economic depression.

Donald Trump's downplaying seriousness of the SARs Covid-19 pathogen in terms of a threat to an inalienable right to life of individuals around the world illustrates the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation translating into absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone given an inability to deconstruct cause and effect relationships resulting from everything is interconnected as one. Profit by private market sectors does not supersede an individual's inalienable right to life. Inconvenient live saving mask do present difficulties in terms of conducting business in private markets. 

Since quantum  particlization of truth is based upon a probabilistic statistical continuous sliding scale in our flat earth Euclidean universe then Donald Trump's downplaying the seriousness of the pandemic as a threat to the inalienable right to life of American citizens is permissible political rhetoric to preserve economic stability. Economic instability threatened a greater loss of life during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic. 

The SARs Covid-19 pandemic became politicized among the Republican/Democrat duopoly. Donald Trump did not tell Trump supporters to storm the Capitol. Trump supporters stormed the Capitol based upon their own strong convictions that closing business during the pandemic by government seeking to protect inalienable right to life of American citizens is a violation of their lawful rights under the U.S. constitution. Right wing conservative Republican State Attorney General's all over the United States of America have filed lawsuits against state government challenging the legal rights of State government to close businesses,  limit crowd sizes at social events,  wearing mask , and ban interstate travel.  Frivolous lawsuits pressed by Conservative Republican right wing Attorney General's against State government for efforts to protect the inalienable right to life of American citizens  are a causative factor contributing to chaotic mayhem associated with January 6, 2021 Capital rioting, hence Republican conservative Attorney General's all around the United States of America can be arrested for provoking Capital rioting as well as incumbent President Donald Trump. 

However, from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God,  efforts by State governments to protect the inalienable right to  life of America citizens are a unlawful violation of lawful rights of individuals to operate a business guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution hence we are experiencing a Constitutional crisis in the United States. Since all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology it all comes down to fisty cuffs, especially during a Constitutional crisis. A Constitutional crisis is a Non Euclidean distortion of the time space continuum resulting from existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone given an inability to deconstruct cause and effect relationships as a consequence of everything is interconnected as one. 

It is very simple. The central question is,  Is the pandemic real? The greater consensus of the Scientific community have spoken out in full unanimous testimony that large numbers of American citizens are dying from SARs Covid-19 pathogen. Every human being has some type of underlying chronic condition, but every human being has a lawful inalienable right to life. It doesn't make any logical sense that hospitals are lying about people dying of SARs Covid-19 on death certificates to get more money from the Federal government.  Hospitals are profitable enough without fraudulently concocting a pandemic. Although SARs Covid-19 may be like a common cold respiratory illness for some people,  many other people end up on a respirator fighting for their lives. The body bags loaded on trucks as a consequence of people dying with SARs Covid-19 are very real. 

Yes, individuals have the Constitutional right to attend church services, go clubbing in large crowds at nightclubs, go to crowded beaches without wearing a mask or social distancing where party goers are drinking alcoholic beverages, hugging, engaging in casual sex, engage in peaceful protests on the right or left as superspreader events, etc., but people who choose  to expose themselves to the deadly SARs  Covid-19 pathogen better quantine for 14 days at home and get tested afterward before going out in public to violate the inalienable right to life of other American citizens. People have the lawful right to defend their lives from those who deliberately intentionally wield the SARs Covid-19 pathogen as a deadly biological weapon.

The United States of America should immediately declare #MartialLaw and U.S. military take command of roll out of vaccines to prevent needless deaths. The inauguration of Joe Biden should be postponed until fair lawful impeachment court proceedings finally resolve many issues on both right and left given an inauguration is just another superspreader that will lead to death of thousands of American citizens.  The Republican/Democrat duopoly have hosted superspreader events in form of peaceful protests on both right and left,  political rallies,  campaign speeches,  all year of 2020 during a deadly pandemic to deliberately spread the SARs Covid-19 pathogen,  and then have the gull to reopen schools when carnage is at its highest pinnacle.

#CourtMartials should immediately begin with Execution death sentences for those pretending to be public servants who claimed public offices by violent mobs.

As a writer I do apologize for the harsh rhetoric in recent freelance articles I have written to my reading audience with more gentle hearts,  but when a writer seeks to address those individuals living under the paw of evolutionary biology a writer must use language they can understand. 

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