Sunday, November 8, 2020

Joe Biden Begins His Presidency with a Nation Wide Super Spreader Event Celebrating Victory

Political candidates running for office of President of the United States of America, both Republican  candidate Donald Trump and Joe Biden should have asked their base to quietly celebrate by staying safe at home so that more Americans can survive the pandemic and live a longer life.  Once more,  Democratic and Republican duopoly are showing a flagrant disregard for human life by ignoring the pandemic.

Another big super spreader of SARS Covid-19 pathogen.  Joe Biden has gotten a poor start protecting safety of America citizens from SARS  Covid-19 wielded  as a deadly biological weapon by massive crowds of people celebrating Joe Biden/ Harris victory on streets. 

Mask help to protect people,  but when huge crowds pack the streets transmission of SARs Covid-19 as a highly contagious communicable  virus dramatically increases. When people talk , sing, and cheer mask get wet and a cloud of microbes escape , floating in the air for 25 feet. Also, big celebrations for Joe Biden victory aired by mass media show very little social distancing on crowded streets.  The White House is under sieze which displays a high degree of disrespect for all the good the Trump administration accomplished for people of every race,  creed,  gender,  and ethnic origin. 

We will never be able to get our schools open so that children can learn to lawfully participate in legislative decision making within framework of representative government.

How can anyone be elected to the office of President by the popular vote who energize their base by encouraging civil disobedience when a plethora of lawful options to redress grievances within courts of law and  legislative assemblies exist as outlined by the 1st amendment of the constitution of the United States of America? How can America elect a president who energize their base to shoot law enforcement officers dead in the car while eating lunch, kills point blank range children playing in their yard because they are white,  and kills carcasion Americans who express different views on the streets because of color of their skin .  

Dance a victory dance everyone. Nobody will fill the streets because of these deaths. I guess their lives didn't matter to the Joe Biden campaign. Throw a big celebration and tomorrow hundreds of thousands of more people will die needlessly in a hospital on a respirator. Maybe the Democrats, Joe Biden buddies dancing on the streets celebrating victory will get those miracle drugs that are raining down from heaven given to Donald Trump when he was hospitalized for SARS Covid-19. 

Congratulations. I hope Joe Biden saves you.  Joe Biden ran on a platform plank of saving the American people from the deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen wielded as a biological weapon to kill people on American soil and started out with a nation wide super spreader  event of crowded streets packed with people . I hope Joe Biden puts you on tv., gives you your own show. 

Political candidates running for office of President of the United States of America, both Republican  candidate Donald Trump and Joe Biden should have asked their base to quietly celebrate by staying safe at home so that more Americans can survive the pandemic and live a longer life.  Once more,  Democratic and Republican duopoly are showing a flagrant disregard for human life by ignoring the pandemic. They are all the same, violent demonic communists fascists murders controlled by foreign National enemy combatants associated with the global Luddite movement .

Donald Trump's super spreader campaign events during the 2020 election year contributed  to the spike of SARs Covid-19 today, but peaceful protests  all across America by Joe Biden's base are also a super spreader events that contributed to extremely high numbers of America citizens seriously ill in the hospital and dead because of the SARs Covid-19 pathogen today.  The people who died because of  the spike in SARS Covid-19 as a result of the peaceful protests did not walk inside a bank to threaten or intimidate anyone to the point that they felt a need to call the police.  

The people who died with SARs Covid-19 after the spike due peaceful protesting by Joe Biden's campaign base contributing to the epidemiological spread of the deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen as a biological weapon were law abiding citizens trying to live their lives.  They did not fight with the police to make a video to get on television. Joe Bidens own legislation he crafted during  his political career contributed to African Americans being targeted by police to reduce crime in African American neighborhoods. Crime in African American neighborhoods prevented young African Americans from achieving success in life. 

The fake  mass media made a ton of money running through the streets keeping people riled up by myopically focusing on selective facts instead of airing the lawful trail of police officers accused of a crime in a court of law. Joe Bidens base, demonic union mafia thugs, will make a ton of money winning municipal construction contracts to repair costly damage to cities all across America as a consequence of peaceful protests at the expense on non union employees who have worked hard for everything they got in life. They have the audacity flashing their $100,000 dollar perfect teeth accusing everyone of being racist.  Why don't they repent before God, beat their own chest , and say I am racist and will start today to try not to be as racist instead of accusing everyone of being racist on television and playing god by judging people who lived hundreds of years ago. Maybe racism will then finally disappear when people look inside their own heart while standing before God.

Jesus could have marched into Jerusalem with an army if Jesus wanted. As the Word of God made flesh and fulfillment of all law, both manmade and natural law of classic physics, Jesus stood before Potius Pilot as an Individual who radiated truth of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Potius Pilot won the popular vote of the people. 

After Super spreader campaign events and peaceful protest as Joe Biden campaign rallies fully supported, encouraged, and hosted by Republicans and Democrats contributed to an enormous spike in SARs Covid19 cases under leadership of the Republican and Democratic duopoly party leaders made a stupid decision to send our children back to school when the cases of SARs Covid-19 were higher then when the pandemic originally began.  Does that make any sense to you?  The reopening of schools when cases were already extremely high due to Republican and Democratic peaceful protests and campaign rallies as Super spreader events endangered children and further added to higher cases and needless deaths due to the SARs Covid-19 pandemic. 

Leadership of the Democratic and Republican duopoly likely will have quick access to miracle drugs from heaven that Donald Trump referenced after hospitalization for SARS Covid-19, but most children of ordinary average  citizens will not receive the same quality of medical care. The Republican and democratic duopoly should not be reelected for making decisions that endangered children in the United States of America, therefore the Electoral college should overturn the popular vote and elect Transhumanist party candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish. 

A Call for the Electoral College to Overturn the Popular Vote and Elect Transhumanist Party Candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish to Office of President and Vice President of the United States of America

Two articles provide insight into peaceful protests and campaign rallies as SARS Covid-19 superspreader events :

Information in a scientific research study entitled, Long-distance airborne dispersal of SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 wards, can be extrapolated to understand shifting airflow currents on crowded streets packed with massive numbers of people:

One tiny invisible microbe particle escaping from a wet mask floating on a current of air has millions of the SARs Covid-19 demonic nanobot killing  machine virus inside.

According  to a scientific research study entitled , Estimation of Viral Aerosol Emissions From Simulated Individuals With Asymptomatic to Moderate Coronavirus Disease 2019 :

"In this modeling study, breathing and coughing were estimated to release large numbers of viruses, ranging from thousands to millions of virus copies"

Air on the streets is inhaled by multitudes of people on a densely packed crowded streets and then exhaled.  If it is a windy day it is feasible to hypothesize that millions of microdroplets each containing millions of the deadly highly contagious SARS  Covid-19 virus can be carried on a cloud for over a quarter or half mile. 

An article published by CNN,  the flagship of liberal media entitled, Protests could spur coronavirus outbreaks, and protesters should get tested, the CDC chief says, warned about severe consequences of being slapped in the face by an invisible cloud of microdroplets containing millions of the highly contagious SARs Covid-19 virus at peaceful protests and campaign rallies sponsored by the Republican and Democrat duopoly as a biological attack upon America by the Global Luddite Movement:

Due to criminal reckless negligence of the Republican/ Democratic duopoly the electorate college should overturn the popular vote and elect Transhumanist party candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish to office of President and Vice President of the United States of America. After SARs Covid-19 cases climbed to the highest level the Republican/Democratic duopoly made a stupid decision to reopen schools. A reopening of schools when the cases of SARs Covid-19 are at the highest level due to massive peaceful protests and campaign rallies sponsored by the Republican/Democratic duopoly demonstrates the chokehold of the Global Luddite movement upon American politics. Our enemy is taking advantage of democracy , which is why Intelligence agencies in the United States of America are sounding the alarm about foreign interference in American politics. 

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