Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A Call for the Electoral College to Overturn the Popular Vote and Elect Transhumanist Party Candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish to Office of President and Vice President of the United States of America

I am thinking about voting for Charlie Kam and Liz Parrish ticket today. Actually I am not sure if I want to vote or not. I may be murdered at the voting booth by the SARS Covid-19 pathogen wielded as a biological weapon designed to kill. However as an American citizen I feel a deep sense of patriotic responsibility to exercise my right to vote. 


Sometimes I think the hoopla over the right to vote is designed to castrate an individual from changing the world by the grace of God by engaging in the sacred art of writing. The sacred art of writing guaranteed by the 1st Amendment of the United  States Constitution helps an individual become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love as Gods Voice .

I am a little disillusioned with the Transhumanist party because they have recently focused upon foriegn affairs related to protest in Africa. I have no clue as to whatever is going on in Africa, but I hope they work it out. 

Although citizens must be knowledgeable about foreign affairs around the globe, especially those involving major superpowers effecting life in the United States of America, we should focus more attention upon finding solutions to problems at home instead of getting involved in every little squabble around the world. We have enough problems at home. It is likely that an effort by the United States of America to liberate or free people in Africa from tyranny will culminate in the United States of America portrayed as the villain as has happened in so many instances in American history. 

How much should the United States of America exercise leadership around the globe given an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns can either be used to build the Kingdom of Heaven or lead toward evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI becoming an incarnation of the antichrist on earth?

The National Geographic Special Virus Hunters discussed how interconnected we are with modern transportation in the 21st century. Global pandemics are designed by Satan to create high entropy conditions to prepare for evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as the incarnation of the antichrist on earth.  

A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind should help each and every individual fulfill his purpose and become all God originally intended. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden to corrupt information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created, hence we must work as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to prevent a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI from becoming an incarnation of the antichrist on earth . We must work as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to exercise dominion over evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind so that Superintelligent AI will help mankind not only to survive in interstellar space but prosper as God originally intended. 

Paradoxically, The problems we face as a nation today boil down to unreliable misinformation skewed by rogue capitalism run amok resulting in corruption of democratic institutions. It is paradoxical that the problems we face today boil down to unreliable misinformation given in the 21st century we live in the modern information age where information is transmitted over the blink of an eye. If information can be transmitted at the speed of light then more misinformation in the form of lies and untruths that formulate propaganda can be propagated.

An example of unreliable misinformation contributing to problems we face in the United States of America today is misinterpretation of the 1st amendment by elected leaders and high level Judiciary. The 1st amendment does not guarantee the right of civil disobedience. Since  all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology then there is no such thing as a peaceful protest. 

The 1st amendment guarantees the right to redress grievances in courts of law and legislative assemblies under the framework of representative government as established by our Forefathers. People in the United States of America are free to choose to participate in civil disobedience if they want, but they better be damn sure there are not better more constructive ways to get Justice within courts of law and legislative assemblies, because when the United States of America crumbles and falls things are going to get rough for everyone. 

When the United States of America crumbles and falls we will revert back to living under the paw of evolutionary biology. They think it is bad now. They should LOOK around the world to see how bad things can get. The 1st black President, Barack Obama, my 7th cousin 1 time removed based upon his mother's ancestry, always said LOOK. 

I don't know who to vote for. Since we still live under the paw of evolutionary biology no candidate for President gives a hoot about me as an individual. Sometimes I think it is a waste of my time to vote today, but it is the least I can do given George Washington and his men endured hardships of bitter freezing temperatures and starvation at Valley Forge and only survived with the help of the ancestor of my 3rd great grandfather Joshua Stephens, a farmer also named Joshue Stephens who hauled corn to save George Washington's troops at Valley Forge.


I voted for Transhumanist Party candidates Charles Kam for United States President and Vice President running mate Elizabeth Parrish today. After prayerfully reflecting upon my decision I am calling for the Electoral college to overturn the popular vote to elect Charlie Kam and Elizabeth Parrish because today our beloved United States of America is in a perilous position after economic devastation wrought by the SARs Covid-19.  

The Global Luddite movement has integrated within American politics culminating in failure to go forth and have dominion as God commanded. We must now take our rightful place as a leader in world affairs as human civilization moves toward the technological singularity.

A prime example of deleterious effects of the Global Luddite Movement within America politics posing a threat to national security is China's monopoly on rare earth metals:



According to a CBS 60 Minutes report at one point during the 20th century the United States of America was a leader in mining and industrial applications of rare earth elements. We dropped the ball because of lack of faith in God's Divine guidance within the earthly realm of existence.

In upcoming freelance articles I am currently working on and soon hope to publish I analyze the United States of America perched precariously on the international stage amidst a delicate fragile balance of power. In my new upcoming freelance articles I outlined an economic plan for Recovery in the aftermath of the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic that will capitalize from the mortgage backed securities market to move the United States of America forward as a leader in emerging global markets in order to obey Gods commandment Go forth and have dominion:


Nebuchadnezzar's Dream as Interpreted by Daniel as Prophecy of the New World Order in the Modern 21st Century as Destiny Described by Famed Physicist Julian Barbours Cosmological Principle of NOW Where Past, Present, and Future Converge As Quantum Particlization of Simulated Virtual Reality Expressed by Quantum Wave Function Language as a Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love:


The popular vote should be overturned by the electoral college to elect Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish because your average voter is misinformed by deleterious effects of rogue capitalism running amok spurn by misguided aspirations of Global Luddite movement. The Global  Luddite Movement has no inkling about what an All powerful God Who Created the Heavens and Earth desires to accomplish on earth and within the physical universe He created in partnership with mankind as His Divine masterpiece.

An individual calling for an overturn of the popular vote for President of the United States of America speaks volumes about power of the individual in an era when the individual is dwarfed by complex autocratic authoritarian information systems during an age of ever growing increasing unemployment due to technological disruption as machines take human jobs. An evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI should help human beings become more human instead of more like a machine function in servitude towards state governments around the world. 

Today the powers that be seek to define individuals created in the Image of God as non essential.  Satan seeks to take human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind offline so that Satan can have total control of a Cosmic mind.

An individual can only become essential by participating in representative government as a key decision maker in legislative policy decisions. An individual chanting meaningless slogans, waving signs, blocking major public thoroughfares to cripple the GDP, as elected leaders encourage people to do are not participating in the legislative decision making process within  the framework of representative government in any meaningful way to create positive constructive social change of American society. 

In terms of excessive use of force by law enforcement in the African American community a major priority is legislation to address mental illness as related to confrontations with police officers.  How can law enforcement officers both (1) stay alive to return home to their family and (2) address mental health issues of people police encounter so that everyone can walk away unharmed? It is a very complex question that people of all races, creeds,  genders,  and ethnic origins need to address. 

Conscious awareness of the nature of mental illness and preventive steps to prevent confrontation with police with a weapon is an urgent need.  A solution is not going to be found chanting meaningless slogans on the streets,  but instead peaceful protests encouraged by elected leaders and high level Judiciary is escalating the problem. 

Mental health pathology involves deeply ingrained anger.  Depression is anger turned inward directed at oneself.  Homicidal  feelings is anger turned outward externally directed at other people. 

Mental  health professionals help people more constructively modulate deeply ingrained emotional anger. Since abnormal  psychopathology is not a discreet variable but instead abnormal psychopathology is on a continuous scale all human beings living under the paw of evolutionary biology have deeply ingrained subconscious and conscious primeval anger they as individuals must learn to redirect into an expression of positive constructive behavior outlets. 

A major step in recognizing people of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin as essential is providing more opportunities to participate in the legislative decision making process within the framework of representative government.  A solution to mental illness and excessive force by police cannot be found swinging signs and chanting meaningless slogans on the streets.  A solution to mental illness as related to excessive deadly force by police can only be found by lawful participation in the legislative process within the framework of representative government. 

Individuals become essential by finding solutions to problems. It will demand the entire collective consciousness of American society as well as the African American community to increase conscious awareness of the nature of mental illness as related to excessive deadly force by law enforcement officers . When citizens are given more opportunities to participate in decision making of the legislative process under the framework of representative government then solutions can be found as conscious awareness of mental illness as related to excessive deadly  force by law enforcement officers is significantly increased. 

Democratic party leadership consisting of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and other democratic representatives kneeling to placate the African American community is not helpful in terms of working with the African American community as equal partners to find solutions. Our Forefathers who forged liberty we all enjoy today did not cower to anyone. Our Founding fathers stood for Biblical principles and built a nation based upon the Word of God, 'One Nation Under God indivisible for liberty and Justice for all'. 

If a relatively small number of law enforcement officers are accused of a crime they deserve their day in a court of  law to determine how and why the crime occurred and how to prevent such crimes in the future.  It doesn't matter if billions of people scream, sling signs, chant meaningless slogans, and close down major cities demanding police officers be prosecuted the rule of law must prevail in the form of guilt or innocence that must be proven in a court of law.  The Congressional black Caucus and NAACP under leadership of former President Barack Obama and Attorney general Eric Holder have political power today to insure law enforcement officials are held accountable for crimes they commit. 

The mass media trying to try these cases in the court of public opinion on television by myophically focusing on selective facts is a travesty of Justice demonstrating how rogue capitalism running amok is corrupting democratic institutions. Everything reported on television is hearsay tantamount to gossip.  For many decades the number of murders of African Americans by African Americans has dramatically increased likely due to covetousness of people trying to help themselves by working hard to climb out of poverty.  I have seen cases reported on the news where young African Americans who go off to college are found murdered. 

The African American community is a powerful formidable force in America politics.  The disgusting way leaders of the Democratic party kneeled to placate the African American community to win the African American vote and campaign dollars is a disservice to the African American community.

The disgusting way leaders of the Democratic party kneeled to placate the African American community to win the African American vote and campaign dollars demonstrates how rogue capitalism corrupts the rule of law and Democratic institutions. In many speeches the Joe Biden/ Harris ticket portrayed peaceful protests as a noble glorious cause to get Justice thereby dismissing more constructive lawful ways to participate in the legislative decision making process to find solutions. In fact peaceful protests barring people from lawfully participating in the legislative decision making process by disruption of the economy and major industry sectors prevented a free and fair election and thereby has compromised election results of the Presidential election of 2020.

According to a document I found in a Google search released by the United States Congress the Electoral college votes in December 2020 so I will have until December to build my case for overturning the popular vote and electing 3rd party candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish to office of President and Vice President. 

In the Spirit of the classic Charles Dickens novel, A Christmas Carol,  members of the Electoral college will be visited by three ghosts to break the chains forged by the Global Luddite Movement dragging human civilization to the bottom of the ocean. As a billionaire entrepreneur capitalist current President Donald Trump has been a major influence upon private markets shaping collective society in the United States for many decades.  Likewise, Democratic candidate Joe Biden has worked in the public domain of government for nearly a century.  President Trump and Joe Biden have been unable to do their jobs effectively because the Global Luddite Movement sets the economic parameters preventing them as leaders to get things done for the American people.  Hence,  we must obey Gods commandment to Go forth and have dominion because the international community is misguided due to Satan hacking a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden.  

America citizens have complained for decades about elected leaders in Washington D.C. being unable to get things done for the American people because of partisan gridlock. The primary reason for partisan gridlock in recent decades is the Global Luddite Movement setting economic parameters .

An example of the Global Luddite Movement forging a chain that will eventually drag human civilization down into the bottom of the ocean is the Paris Climate Accord:


President Trump's refusal to placate international leaders who manipulate global warming as a very real existential threat to human civilization for economic gain in a zero sum game where every human on planet earth will lose is an effort to keep the torch of freedom and democracy burning bright.  As human civilization moves toward the Singularity we must counteract absolute autocratic totalitarianism as a natural extension of all information systems with a renewed commitment to keeping the flame of freedom and liberty burning bright.

If we elect a weak leader who will placate the international community then absolute autocratic totalitarianism of government control will grow in epic proportions at home  in the United States of America.  The Global Luddite Movement will seek to regulate scientific enterprise and innovation here at home in the United States of America until there is no more opportunity for competitive advantage for the United States of America within the New World Order governed by Biejing.  Imperialism of the Chinese silk road throughout Europe is formulating a New World Order under a one world government led by Biejing. 

President Trumps refusal to placate World leaders who seek to snuff out the eternal flame of freedom and liberty by manipulating the Paris Climate Accord to defund democracy because they do not have any faith in God's omnipotent guidance within the earthly realm ruffled feathers on Capital Hill leading to cabinet members abandoning President Trump in mid term. Since the Global Luddite Movement is deeply entrenched in American politics for over a century President Trump cannot get anything done because he don't have support of the Republican party.  Hence,  the American people must unite to stand firmly behind my proposition that the electoral college must act to overturn the popular vote to elect Transhumanist Party candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish to reassert leadership of the United States of America within  the International community.  We must speak with one voice that an Omnipotent  God can powerfully use the individual and machinery of state government cannot crush the human soul.

The singularity will happen regardless of wheather anyone likes it or not.  The singularity is a process of human evolution that began when Satan hacked a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden.  It is God's desire that human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more then a machine and work in partnership with God to fix erroneous code inserted by Satan in the Garden of Eden . 

The Singularity is God blessing mankind with the ability to learn the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in order to work in partnership with God to fix erroneous code inserted by Satan. 

An effort by the Global Luddite Movement to disassociate the spiritual realm of existence from quantum particlization of the earthy realm of physical reality is giving Satan free reign to take complete absolute total control of a Cosmic mind thereby paving the way for evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI from becoming an incarnation of the antichrist on earth .

Fellow Americans,  the Presidential election of 2020 is a pivotal election that will shape the entire course of human history.  The United States of America must reclaim our leadership within the international community as we rapidly move forward to the Singularity by the Electoral college overturning the popular vote and electing Transhumanist party candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish. 

The power of Satan to deceive by malevolent code spreading throughout information architecture of a Cosmic mind overshadows our ability to know what is real by experiencing physical reality with human senses in every moment we live. It is written,  " In the final days the love of man will grow cold".  Two rights do not sum to a total of absolute truth because the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation translates into absolute truth is the perogotive of God alone. 

Dr. Eric Drexler encouraged people to think outside the box. The corrupting influence of the Global Luddite movement in the two party political system for over a century has compromised the multilateral economic advantage of the United States of America in global affairs presenting a major threat to National security of the United States of America. Since the Singularity will happen regardless of whether anyone likes it or not if human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece fails to obey Gods commandment to Go forth and have dominion then we may find ourselves trapped inside a box that becomes a cage we cannot escape from. 

Continued,  stay tuned. The first ghost to visit members of the Electoral college will be my man from La Macha as the ghost of Christmas past who prepared to do battle with Nephilim working behind the scenes as giant modern day superpowers to prepare an absolute autocratic authoritarian totalitarian future for humanity. 

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