Monday, August 3, 2020

Start Vaccinating Now: A Bold Step of Faith to Ramp Up Mass Production of Vaccines that have Proven Effective in Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials

The Forbes Article entitled,  Start Vaccinating Now, outlines an Intelligent argument to take a bold step of faith to ramp up mass production of vaccines that have already proven effective in phase I and phase II clinical trials.

The SARs Covid-19 pandemic is leading towards breakdown and erosion of a civil and just society. God said ," Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the fields,  birds in the air, fish in the sea ". The consequence of disobedience to God are immense.

In a new groundbreaking book entitled,  The Virus in the Age of Madness,  Bernard Henri-Lévy's observation " We’ve given the virus an illegitimate agency, as if it had a purpose, an agenda and a morality. What does that say about us?" provides insight into disobedience of God's command,  " Go forth and have dominion ".

It is written,  " Where two or three are gathered in my name there I am ". Our social distancing and wearing mask is making us callous, cold hearted, indifferent in accordance to machine nature of human consciousness. The machine nature of human consciousness as a process of quantum mechanics is a consequence of  living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

We need to gather in worship services to be born again by being set free from our existence  as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. A Cosmic  mind renders quantum particlization of biodiversity of evolutionary biology. We need to gather to be with one another while uplifted in spirit by hearing the Word of God.  It is written,  " whatever is beautiful and pure, think about such things. "

Human beings as spiritual creatures are social animals designed to share verbally and non verbally higher ideals with each other about simulated virtual reality expressed by an underlying quantum wave function language rendering quantum  particlization of physical reality we experience in each and every precious moment of the time space continuum.  The true substance and full depth of life is hidden behind quantum particlization of physical reality,  and every now and then we sense a greater presence. The universe God created is shouting at us in every moment and human beings need to share this exuberant joyful exhilaration with fellow travelers on the journey of life. 

In a Facebook article I analyzed a Superbowl scrimmage play as a quantum calculation:

Our being with each other at sports,  theater,  dance, art, and  music recital events unite us as one people.  Social distancing and wearing mask is creating divison and returning us to a natural state of fulfilling dictates of evolutionary biology as subroutines of a Cosmic mind given human consciousness arises from quantum mechanics . It is written,  " In the last days the love of men will grow cold " .

The cold hard truth is that quantum  particlization of evolutionary biology is unmerciful,  unkind,  cruel, relentless,  and uncaring about any given individuals feeling or aspirations to higher ideals.

God said, " Go forth and have dominion ". We are fumbling badly. The consequence of fumbling badly while living under the paw of evolutionary biology can be disastrous given human civilization will not be prepared for whatever is around the corner.

An article published by CBS News entitled,  New swine flu in China could morph to cause human pandemic, study warns, discuss certainty that new novel virus will arise that can cause new pandemics.  During the next pandemic we may be stepping over dead bodies in the streets. The Chinese economy has been devastated by the SARs Covid-19 pandemic so therefore it will demand international cooperation among scientists to prevent future pandemics from occurring.

The Holy Bible ask, " Do you not have eyes to see and ears to hear?" A decision to gather in groups during  the  SARs Covid-19 pandemic likely means someone will die. Our being with one another should not have to culminate in death of our neighbor. 

Our decision to meet in groups means someone will not have an opportunity to share that special moment with their grandchild or other family member when they experience together within their kindred souls a deeper fuller sense of the meaning of life expressed by an unified underlying higher level quantum wave function language as the language of love. How can anyone be so callous as to deny any human being that right by deliberately and intentionally spreading SARS COVID-19 as an act of murder by insisting they have the freedom to do whatever they want? Quantum entanglement may sound corny, but quantum entanglement of kindred spirits is a real spiritual phenomenon. 

The following is another testimony of how devastating the SARs Covid-19 pathogen is to people, even young middle age individuals:

The grim reality is that since the pandemic has begun 151,000 people have died according  to the Washington Post. Furthermore scientists predict in a few weeks 80,000 to 100,000 more people will die.

Some people believe that the SARs  Covid-19 pandemic is a lie designed to take away our freedom. People believe hospitals are falsely claiming people are sick with SARs Covid-19 in order to receive federal money to make  a profit when actually they are dying of other diseases.

How could anyone make up a false story like this? Why would anyone on earth be motivated to lie about the pandemic? Hospitals are not that desperate to make a profit that they need to fraudulently attribute sicknesses and death to SARs Covid-19. Hospitals already make a ton of money from suffering of other people without contriving a fake disease. The body bags piled in trucks in New York are real dead bodies of fellow Americans. 

Chronic long term illness is another reason we should vaccinate now. An article published by Business Insider  entitled, Dr. Fauci says it will take 'months to a year or more' to know whether lingering COVID-19 symptoms in young people could be chronic illnesses, discuss chronic respiratory symptoms after a SARs Covid-19 infection that may last a lifetime.  Chronic disease will be financially devastating to the health care system.

Uncertainty is an inherent property of quantum physics describing behavior of particles on the subatomic level.  Life is about risk. 

Whoever came up with the idea of sending children back to school when cases of SARs Covid-19 are skyrocketing higher then when the pandemic started should have a psychiatric examination.  It is going to be an epic disaster to send children back to school.  

We need to start vaccinating now. Look just think about it for a moment. In six months the highly contagious SARS Covid-19 novel virus spread all over the globe from Wuhan China and brought the world to its knees.  According to an article published by The Atlantic entitled,  How the Pandemic Defeated America , "In the first half of 2020, SARS‑CoV‑2—the new coronavirus behind the disease COVID‑19—infected 10 million people around the world and killed about half a million."

I am sick and tired of this pandemic nightmare and want to do all I can to end it so therefore  I volunteered to participate in clinical trials of experimental vaccines:

If I am selected as a volunteer I want to receive the real bonafide vaccine, instead of a placebo,  and afterwards deliberately intentionally expose myself to the SARs Covid-19 pathogen by traveling to a crowded area with extremely high cases of SARs Covid-19 without a mask. If I am selected to  receive the Sars Covid-19 I want to go to a crowded beach, crowded nightclubs full of people,  and inside crowded restaurants without a mask.

Peer reviewed scientific research studies in phase I and phase II clinical trials with rigorous controlled testing demonstrate vaccines boost immunity for those people participating in clinical trials. Dr. Fauci has stated no vaccine is going to be 100 percent effective in preventing SARs Covid-19.  It is likely the most we can hope for is a vaccine that will only be 50 percent effective.  A little immunity is better than no immunity at all.

Anyone who gets sick with SARs Covid-19 should not spread the disease by getting anywhere near people trying to do their best to stay alive on this earth a little longer to fulfill Gods purpose for their life. People do not have a right to infect other people and therefore deny them the right to life. Demonic  communists fascists may not get caught on this earth,  but they better believe there truly  is a God Who sees everything. 

The Declaration of Independence says, " All people are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights,  among these are life , liberty,  and the pursuit of happiness". The Pursuit of happiness is about working either to save lives or add significant value to other people's lives.  I believe most professional people deep within their heart want to save lives and add significant value to other people's lives,  but living under the paw of evolutionary biology  whereby people want to rip their neighborhood throat out like animals to get ahead by a survival of the fittest makes it difficult.

The deadly SARs Covid-19 novel virus  that replicates by taking over DNA instructions of human cells and ultimately molecular metabolic processes can do more permanent chronic damage to overall health of people then inert RNA molecules that stimulate immune system response. RNA synthesis is a new way to develop vaccines  that  simulate dead virus hitherto grown in chicken eggs. 

If people do not want to be vaccinated then don't, but people who want to stay alive without fear of ending up dying attached to a respirator in a hospital should not have to stay a prisoner waiting two or three years for a vaccination. They should vaccine everyone who wants to be vaccinated now. Time is precious,  and forcing people to stay a prisoner waiting years for a vaccination is demonic  communists fascists embezzling  or stealing life from people.  People should not have to risk dying with a highly contagious disease every time they leave their home.

Demonic communists fascists do not have any lawful right to deny years of life from any human being.  Failure  to go to the United Nations to enact international policy to protect the world by elected politicians of both political parties is criminal reckless negligence tantamount to murder.  Scientist have been studying SARs and MERS since the 1970's,  so where did all the money go? They should have had a vaccine now. Scientist warned about wild animal meat markets resulting in pandemics for several decades. 

No politician holding office should be vaccinated until everyone is innoculated. When a person is paid to do a job they are expected to do the job instead of traveling all around the globe enjoying state dinners with their entourage cleaning every where they go before they arrive to keep them safe. 

Plus by encouraging peaceful protests that contribute to the epidemiology spread of SARs Covid-19 powerful politicians and high level Judiciary
deny the power of representative government as established by our Forefathers in the 1st amendment and Dr. Martin Luther King helped build by leading the 1960s civil rights protests. 

Dr. Martin Luther King helped build a great nation more representative of people of every race, creed, gender,  and ethnic origin.  Representative  government allows people to redress grievances within legislative assemblies and courts of law as outlined in the 1st amendment.  

Martin Luther King should be engraved on Mount Rushmore for his contribution to Representative  government of the United States of America. If people think Dr. Martin Luther King didn't accomplish anything as a leader of the 1960s civil rights protests then the only other alternative is blow up Mount Rushmore, Washington DC , dissolve the United States of America , and start something new. 

In my freelance article entitled,  Bestowing Virtues of Representative Government,  I outlined legislative initiatives to end systemic racism in law enforcement thereby building greater trust in the African American community and other subpopulation groups.

The following is an excerpt from my article,  Bestowing Virtues of Representative Government:

Since our elected leaders are failing to take any legislative actions to prevent crimes against humanity from ever occurring again as they are paid to do, as a writer,  political consultant,  futurist, philosopher, and independent  sales representative in recent freelance articles I propose legislation solutions to end systemic racism in law enforcement:

1) Henceforth only African American law enforcement officers should be dispatched to a possible crime scene involving African American citizens. 

2) A special branch of the military should be established to recruit and train African American citizens to police African American communities and respond to issues involving African Americans in the greater community. 

3) Only African American judges should sign bench warrants involving African American citizens.  All warrants involving African American citizens should be challenged by African American leaders within the judiciary branch of government before being served by law enforcement officers. 

4 ) Any African American citizen who is arrested should be placed in a special holding area until African American leaders in the judiciary branch of government are able to review the case. It is likely that attorneys with the NAACP and American Civil liberties Union can have a detainee released within an hour and on their way back home so therefore African American citizens should not feel a need to fight the police as a consequence of racial profiling. 

If people of any race are constantly told over, over, and over again that they will become victims of racial profiling then when an individual encounters law enforcement they act according to the fight or flight syndrome. Racial profiling and systemic racism in law enforcement may be true given all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology. Hence lawmakers must immediately legislate policies to prevent systemic racism as I propose in order to build trust in the African American community in Representative government. It should have been done years ago to prevent crimes against humanity. 

In my freelance article entitled, Do You Know What is Happening ? The United States of America is Caught Up in a Vicious Never Ending Cycle Becoming a Self Fulfilling Prophecy Leading towards Armageddon , I provide a discussion of the self fulfilling prophecy of racial profiling leading to the fight or flight syndrome :


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