Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Bestowing Virtues of Representative Government

Representative government as established by our Forefathers offers a better solution to modulate change associated with an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns so as collective consciousness of humanity can continue to move forward to solve global problems together. Since quantum particlization of physical reality is a balanced equation and the sum total of information comprising information architecture within the physical universe is absolutely autocratic totalitarian by nature then recognition of natural rights of the individual within dynamics of socioeconomic change is paramount in the 21st century in order to preserve our humanity.  Human consciousness is a machine process obeying the dictates of the evolutionary biology law of survival of the fittest given human consciousness arises from quantum mechanics. 

The National Endowment for the Humanities should grant an award for my work as a writer. Recently, my work as a writer is about bestowing virtues of representative government as established by our Forefathers.

The 1st Amendment of the United  States Constitution is being grossly misinterpreted by powerful politicians and high level Judiciary who are downplaying representative goverment by encouraging peaceful protests. Powerful  politicians and high level Judiciary are intentionally misinterpreting the 1st amendment thereby downplaying virtue of representative government 
to gain political power  and create an atmosphere of fear mongering by encouraging so called peaceful protests by mass mobs that turn violent. Fear mongering by powerful politicians and high level Judiciary discourage use of the sacred art of writing to petition government. 

The 1st Amendment guarantees the right to peacefully assemble in town halls , court houses, legislative assemblies to redress grievances. Peaceful assembly in court houses and legislative assemblies to redress grievances is discussed in my freelance article entitled, Courts of Law and Legislative Assemblies Obey Orderly Procedure Processes whereby All the Pertinent Facts can be told and Truths Revealed:

Representative  government as established by our Forefathers is vital to the future of human civilization. As the torchbearers of freedom and liberty we in the United States of America either have something to offer the world or not. 

 I am currently working on a new Facebook article analyzing how  representative government as established  by our Forefathers in the United States of America presents a solution global leaders around the world should consider implementing to modulate socioeconomic change resulting from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns leading towards the singularity. All manmade and naturally occurring information systems within information architecture of our physical universe God created are inherently autocratic, authoritarian, and totalitarian by nature. 

Representative government as established  by our Forefathers is an orderly process by which natural God given rights of individuals are recognized. Representative  government is a way forward to counteract an ever growing increasing naturally occurring autocratic totalitarian nature of manmade information systems associated with an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns leading towards the singularity. 

In an article published by Reuters entitled, Constitutional changes are the 'right thing' for Russia: Putin, demonstrates gradual  change in former communist bloc countries as a result of the United States of America setting a good example role modeling representative government to mitigate crisis. The United States of America needs to be a shining beacon upon a hill by bestowing virtues of representative government as established by our Forefathers, but sadly our own elected leaders are downplaying representative government as established by our Forefathers.

The world is watching. If we dismantle our own government system by downplaying representative government by encouraging peaceful protests that turn violent what hope is there for the world? Dr. Martin Luther King warned about sinking into an abyss of lawlessness. 
Our bombs and military weapons will never change the world.  We can only change the world by allowing our light shine so that all men will praise their Father in heaven. Writing as a sacred art enables individuals to become closer to God as an Almighty omnipotent Creator of the entire universe .  Since all human beings are created in the Image of God, writing is a sacred art that allows one to directly experience the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love. 

Our physical universe is a product of quantum particlization. Quantum particlization is a balanced mathematical algorithm arising  from simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language. Simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language is destiny described by famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW - where past, present,  and future converge.  NOW in the 21st century we have made measurable progress forward,  and to deny the progress we have made is to deny the great legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. 

Physical reality as a product of mathematics is mechanical in nature. Human consciousness is a machine process that arises from quantum mechanics. Since all information systems are inherently autocratic, authoritarian,  and totalitarian in nature then representative government is a governmental system transcending machinery of the state by recognition of the individual. 

My #Writing by the grace of God is changing the course of #HumanHistory as evidenced by my challenging #Misinterpretation of the #1stAmendment by #PowerfulPoliticians and high level #Judiciary downplaying #RepresentativeGovernment

#Writing is a #SacredArt that is protected by the #1stAmendment. I am called to fulfill #GodsPurpose for my life as a writer.  Hordes of communist fascist demons try to convince an individual that they do not have any value as Gods child

#Denial of #progress we have made as a nation is denial of the #GreatLegacy of Dr. #MartinLutherKing

In my upcoming freelance article currently published as a rough draft on my Facebook page I analyzed protests over crimes against  humanity in the United States of America within greater dynamics of protests in Hong Kong against Chinese National Security laws. As a writer I started exploring the global implications of protests in a world tethering on the edge of the abyss before any other at the end of June 2020.

A Facebook article by Patrick McBride discuss the Chinese Culture Revolution of 1960s as related to peaceful protests by mobs that turn violent. Since we all live under the paw of evolutionary biology there is no such thing as a peaceful protest. Since there is no such thing as a peaceful protest a system of government inspired by our Founding fathers open to the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love.

An article published by The Washington Examiner entitled, China hawks see echoes of Mao's Cultural Revolution in American protests, describes sinking into an endless abyss by clinging onto the past and failing to recognize progress we have made as a nation.

Since our elected leaders are failing to take any legislative actions to prevent crimes against humanity from ever occurring again as they are paid to do, as a writer,  political consultant,  futurist, philosopher, and independent  sales representative in recent freelance articles I propose legislation solutions to end systemic racism in law enforcement:

1) Henceforth only African American law enforcement officers should be dispatched to a possible crime scene involving African American citizens. 

2) A special branch of the military should be established to recruit and train African American citizens to police African American communities and respond to issues involving African Americans in the greater community. 

3) Only African American judges should sign bench warrants involving African American citizens.  All warrants involving African American citizens should be challenged by African American leaders within the judiciary branch of government before being served by law enforcement officers. 

4 ) Any African American citizen who is arrested should be placed in a special holding area until African American leaders in the judiciary branch of government are able to review the case. It is likely that attorneys with the NAACP and American Civil liberties Union can have a detainee released within an hour and on their way back home so therefore African American citizens should not feel a need to fight the police as a consequence of racial profiling. 

The legislative solutions I propose expand representative government among minority populations.  Legislative solutions I propose should have been implemented by lawmakers years ago when Rodney King was beaten by police. Apparently elected lawmakers are only interested in traveling all over the globe on tax payers dime attending state banquets. 

Since #PowerfulPoliticians and #HighLevel #Judiciary don't have any #LegislativeSolutions to solve the problem of #SystemicRacism in #LawEnforcement then these cases will continue over, over, & #OverAgain #repeatedly in a #ViciousCycle

The abyss Dr. Martin Luther King warned about is discussed in my freelance article entitled Do You Know What is Happening ? The United States of America is Caught Up in a Vicious Never Ending Cycle Becoming a Self Fulfilling Prophecy Leading towards Armageddon, at the following URL address:

The following is an excerpt :

The United States of America is in a vicious cycle that has become a self fulfilling prophecy I previously described as a Non Euclidean distortion of the time space continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy culminating in Armageddon. Lawmakers must act now to break the vicious cycle. A Non Euclidean distortion of the time space continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy is characterized by complex multiplicative cause and effect relationships that become like quicksand dragging our beloved nation underground.

Continued later

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