Monday, April 13, 2020

What Happens after we peak at the Spike and Incidence of SARS Begins to Drop to a Low Acceptable Marginal Number of Cases ? Political Powers will Make this Pandemic Go Away After Federal, State, and Local Money Dries Up.

The following article is an op-ed commentary in reaction an article published by the prestigious Lancelot medical journal entitled,  Beware of the Second Wave of Covid-19.

What happens after we peak at the spike and incidence of SARS begins to drop to a low acceptable marginal number of cases,  say roughly around 5000 - 10,000 cases? I feel sorry for the unfortunate few laying gasping for breath on a gurnney while political cronies in medicine say , 'oh he / she has got a bad cold, take two aspirin and go to bed' or it's a bad case of pneumonia or flu ' .

 It is likely that reporting of marginal numbers of SARS cases will be shut down, and anyone on their death bed victimized by this biological weapon, weather naturally occurring or manmade,  will be on their own to fight the establishment.  Sorry about your luck, may say the big strong healthy gorillas that got over SARs and have temporary immunity. 

When the SARS pandemic comes around again for a second round big strong healthy gorillas may not be so lucky.  Albert Einstein seriously questioned why God would participate in a crap shoot of dice given nature of inherent uncertainty of quantum physics. Albert Einstein dedicated his life to search for localized variables to solve big problems. 

It is not going to be very popular to even whisper anything about the SARS pandemic again ever.  Political powers will make this go away. The mass media will report the fake news SARs pandemic is over, and just like that the deadly SARS pathogen will be gone and large numbers of people dying of something else.  Mass media is also hemorrhaging money during this pandemic and want it gone given bankrupt private sector markets cannot afford robust advertising contracts. 

As I wrote in my freelance article entitled,  They ignored Noah too when Noah Warned about the Flood. But the SARs Pandemic is not Sent by God

they renamed animal - human transmission of SARs to Covid-19 in order to make getting sick appear like a fashionable trending thing to do. People are proud to work from home. Working  at home is something fashionable for people who should have went to the United Nations to enact international policy to stop the SARs pathogen in its tracks in Wuhu China, similar to my ancestors delayed Senator Stephen Douglas  train in its tracks to stop popular sovereignty. 

Now, as we are climbing upward towards the peak as body bags pile up federal, state,  and local governments are throwing a huge amount of money to half way battle the pandemic,  although it is too little and too late. After we peak and start descending downward toward an acceptable number of fatalities federal , state, and local money will dry up and seriously ill people infected with SARs will be on their own out in the cold to fight the establishment. It will never ever be reported they died of SARS,  and some other disease will be listed on their death certificate. 

It is reported by mass media that the incidence of SARs infections is disproportional in minority populations.  Why is that? Generally low income individuals have a difficult time paying their heat bill. When low income individuals turn up the air or heat low income individuals bleed or hemorrhage money.

 Low income individuals do not have as much access to medical treatments to control allergies. Oftentimes, cooler temperatures associated with an inability to pay heating costs contribute to post nasal drip which is further aggravated by allergies leading towards sinus infections creating a perfect storm where minorities are more susceptible to simple common cold and flu virus. It is also reported by mass media minorities have an overall higher incidence of disease processes like cardiovascular,  respiratory,  diabetes,  and other pathological disease conditions. 

It shouldn't be surprising that a population more susceptible to the common cold and flu virus has a higher incidence of cardiovascular,  respiratory, diabetes, and wide range of other pathological disease processes given my epidemiology model describing how virus inserts snippets of DNA instructions into host cells to rewrite the human genome. I discussed how virus as a paintbrush for biodiversity of a Cosmic mind rewrite the human genome to remove mankind from the abstract artwork in my freelance article entitled

Is Dr. Charles Lieber a Scapegoat? An End of Science is the End of Freedom and Democracy; Quantum Wave Function Language as the Language of Love Rendering Greater Harmony in a Balanced Global Equation by a Cosmic Mind God Coded

The following is an excerpt from my freelance article,  Is Harvard University chair Dr. Charles Lieber a Scapegoat?

Neanderthals of the Global Luddite movement likely think it is okay for a baby to be born with HIV virus infections. 
Neanderthals of the global Luddite movement likely think it is okay for the SARs viral pathogen to insert snippets of DNA instructions into host cells permanently altering the human genome leading to a wide range of serious crippling autoimmune diseases if an individual survives. Neanderthals of the Global Luddite movement likely think all people should get infected with SARs to decrease the surplus population so people can enjoy pleasures in the great beyond.

Who is going to pay for all this? Certainty not the Global Luddite movement.  When the medical bills start rolling into your mailbox for your, common 'cold or sinus condition' don't ask the Global Luddite movement for help to pay.

I should be appointed to President Trump's task force to explore reopening the economy given I wrote highly intelligent articles about reopening the economy from the quantum perspective over a month ago:

Preparing for a New Normal when Our Economy Roars Back to Life Again

It is sad but true that retail establishments are the primary source of community spread.  Anyone who ignores social distancing rules by participating in a public event and afterwards shops inside a retail business is deliberately and intentionally planning murder of innocent civilians as an act of biological terrorism. As such they should be considered enemy combatants weather domestic or foreign. 

In my update to my freelance article referenced above entitled ,  They ignored Noah too when Noah Warned about the Flood. But the SARs Pandemic is not Sent by God, I proposed a class action civil lawsuit to protect lives of retail employees and insure responsible accountability regarding life and well being of the general public. 

As a writer and political consultant I hereby announce a class action civil lawsuit on behalf of all those who have been and will be harmed by being forced to walk into a retail outlet to buy products contaminated with the SARS pathogen because retailers have failed to take appropriate steps to protect the general public. 

Since I got the ball rolling to take appropriate legal action to save lives by stressing the urgent need for retail outlets to be responsible to not only the public , but also retail  employees when the economy begins to open up then the class action civil lawsuit should be dubbed,  Gaffney SARs pathogen class action civil litigation docket.

Online shopping helps to minimize spread of SARs. Although someone has to deliver consumer products to the automobile outside in the parking lot, handling a credit card through a crack in a car window is better then shoppers slobbering, drooling, groping all the merchandise and plopping their sweaty bodies on countertops. Online shopping isolates the SARs pathogen inside automobiles where summer heat will kill it when cars become like ovens during the summer.

Gloves and face mask may help a little,  but at some point people have to touch wet face mask and sweaty gloves to take gloves and face mask on and off. And after a person purchase a product from a retailer with invisible dried mucus the face  mask and gloves likely are saturated with billions of live SARS pathogen virus when a consumer pulls gloves and face mask on and off.

If we really want to defeat the SARs pandemic we will have to go to an online shopping model, deploying the military as an auxiliary support service if necessary, until a real viable cure is found. A real viable cure is not a vaccine that gives partial immunity and lessons severity of symptoms,  given the veracity of this deadly SARS pathogen. 

An online shopping model will expand computational power thereby strengthening our National Homeland security   and protect us from absolute  certainty of future deadly pandemics  as destiny predicted by famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW,  laws of classic physics,  and Biblical prophecy.  Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind can alter information architecture of a Cosmic mind to create an alternate parallel timeline, but a Cosmic mind God coded  acts independently from subroutines will not be be deferred from accomplishing its assigned task even if that means removing mankind from the abstract artwork by using virus as a paintbrush for quintessential  beauty  of biodiversity without mankind.  

God commanded,  "Go forth and have dominion ... ", and designed a Cosmic mind to extricate us from Divine authority so that we can become partners with Him as loving merciful God. We have taken a bite from the apple of the tree of life,  and it is too late to turn back now. If we did not take a bite from the apple of the tree of life a relationship with God would be absolutely impossible, thereby providing insight into the nature of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind, created  in the Image of God.

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