Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Widespread Prevalence of Narcissism within Collective Consciousness of Humanity as Related to the SARS Pandemic

The following article is a op-ed commentary in reaction to the Psychology Today article entitled,  How to Recognize Closet Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Narcissism is a widespread mental health pathology. Narcissism is so prevalent that it is directly linked with sin. It is written, ' he who claims  to  be without sin is a liar'. 

In college level Abnormal Psychology curriculum one learns abnormal psychopathology is not a discreet variable,  but instead abnormal psychopathology is on a continous scale.  Abnormal psychopathology on a continous scale questions what it means to be perfectly "normal".  In neofraudian Transactional analysis of child, adult , and parent ego states a healthy alignment formulating an adult ego state is reflected by the sentiment,  " I'm okay,  you are okay". Our Lord,  God , and Savior Jesus Christ is the only human being that has perfect alignment of psychodynamic ego states. 

On internet social media it is common to quickly label people as narcissistic for expressing their ideas online.  In social media groups almost all ideas shared are quickly labeled  as off topic spam except those ideas of administrators who established the group for marketing purposes. 

Narcissism is a personality trait directly linked with evolutionary biology.  Internet social media highlights competition for limited resources.  Competition for limited resources is a process of natural selection arising from evolutionary biology. 

Evolution of human civilization demands a full understanding of narcissism as a personality trait given human beings exists as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded. A Cosmic  mind is assigned a task  to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

As subroutines  of a Cosmic mind we are tasked with harnessing evolution to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth, given God commanded Go forth and have dominion over the beast in the field,  birds in the air, fish in the sea,  and every creepy crawling creature that moves including virus. A process of exercising dominion is  narcissistic behavior,  but  'God so loved the world He sent His only begotten Son that whoever so ever believes will not perish,  but have eternal everlasting life '.

During the SARs pandemic narcissism is likely linked to making unsubstantiated claims about alleged treatment options, severity of the viral pathogen thus downplaying risk to general population, defence mechanisms pertaining to value of protective measures of either wearing gloves and face mask or not, and a wide variety of other unsubstantiated claims. A crisis situation demands that medical professionals know absolutely in a world governed by quantum uncertainty as a crap shoot of dice, as Albert Einstein quipped. 

In pondering quantum uncertainty intrinsic to superposition of mutually exclusive states expressed by a quantum wave function,  Albert Einstein could not fathom how quantum  particlization of creation can be a crap shoot of dice, so therefore as a scientist he searched for localized variables to  explain the quantum wave function language as the language of love representing a holistic eclectic Gestalt whole reality. 

In our probabilistic flat earth Euclidean universe certainty
of only 99 % can only be achieved pertaining  to quantum particlization of virtual simulated information expressed by absolute value of the quantum wave function language . In a crisis situation of a pandemic 1 % uncertainty may mean the difference between survival of the human species or a mass extinction event. 

A prime example of extreme narcissistic behavior are people who ignore federal,  state,  and local mandates to not assemble in large public groups based upon their personal guaranteed constitutional rights to assemble.  What about the constitutional right to life of people whom they will spread the SARS pathogen too in a retail store? A number of groups that have narcissitically chosen to assemble during the SARS pandemic have already become the epicenter of community spread with a high number of fatalities. 

Another prime example of narcissistic behavior is an unsubstantiated claim overemphasizing value of face mask and gloves in terms  of opening up the economy. As I pointed out in my freelance article entitled, What Happens after we peak at the Spike and Incidence of SARS Begins to Drop to a Low Acceptable Marginal Number of Cases ?

Although face mask and gloves may help, at some point an individual must pull on and off face mask and gloves contaminated with the SARs pathogen.  An act of reaching for a product like canned goods on a grocery shelf is a crap shoot of dice pertaining to grabbing a product with invisible dried mucus from wet sweaty gloves of another shopper  infected with SARs pathogen. Invisible dried mucous on retail products likely contain billions, if not trillions of live active SARS virus. 

In Schrodinger's paradox thought experiment illustrating principle of quantum uncertainty a cat hidden in a box is both alive and dead simultaneously until someone peers inside a box to make an observation.  When someone peers inside the box to make an observation, the quantum wave function of simulated virtual reality of cat existing in a superposition state of both alive and dead simultaneously collapse due to decoherence resulting in quantum particlization. 

Sin as a misalignment  of psychodynamic ego states comprising personality is a superposition state where human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are both alive and dead simultaneously. Ultimately, simulated  virtual reality of human  beings  as subroutines of a Cosmic mind expressed by the  quantum  wave function  language as the  language of love  will not undergo full quantum  particlization until judgment day when God will return the final boolean operator.  Any life human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind appear to possess is a derivative of the quantum wave function language as the language of love. 

A Narcissistic personality is rigidly fixed as a product of quantum particlization therefore narcissist are not open to dynamic fluid nature of the quantum wave function language as the language of love. Narcissism as a mental health pathology results from subconscious reactionary cognition towards fluid dynamics of the quantum wave function language as the language of love given the quantum wave function language rendering synergy within the universe is a major challenge to conceptualization of nature  of self. The self is a subconscious internalized intraphysic construct guiding decision making.

In a Facebook article I referenced an older freelance article I wrote entitled,  Imagine That. In my freelance article Image That I provided a op-ed commentary of Roger Antonsen  Ted talk,  Math is the Hidden Key to Understanding the World

In my freelance article Imagine That! by the grace of God I did what many believe impossible by mere human standards,  which is empathize with President Donald Trump's ideological viewpoint. My inability or difficulty in emphasizing with President Donald Trump's viewpoint is narcissistic behavior. 
The following is an URL address for my older freelance article,  Imagine That!

Although as a writer and political consultant I advocate a more cautious approach about reopening our economy given that a 1 % margin of error may mean the difference between survival of human civilization and a mass extinction event, in my freelance article entitled,  Preparing for a New Normal After the Economy Comes Roaring Back,  I tried to empathize with President Donald Trump's dilemma:

We all know that this cannot go on indefinitely or the United States of America will be bankrupt and have to be sold to China. President Trump has announced that he wants a new normal to begin at Easter in mid April to avoid bankruptcy of the United States of America and eventually a sell off to China.  The reference to selling the United States of America to China is a hyperbole or literary device to help  people better understand the extremely difficult delimma faced by this Presidential administration.

The nature of self is directly linked with subconscious Jungian archetypes associated with evolutionary biology. In a recent article I discussed how quantum particlization of evolutionary biology by a Cosmic mind, tasked with managing information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe, is a box from which human beings cannot extricate ourselves.  Jesus calls us to transcend evolutionary biology by embracing the quantum wave function language as the language of love. The quantum wave function language as the language of love allows human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind move beyond conscious awareness of mind as a machine process of quantum mechanics. 

Evolutionary biology is a mechanical machine process of survival of the fittest. Thus mental health disorder of narcissism is directly linked with self preservation associated with evolutionary biology. Narcissism arises as personality trait due to mechanical function of cognition as a machine process of quantum mechanics. 

My recent Facebook article providing an op-ed commentary of the Psychology Today article entitled, Does Consciousness Exist Outside the Brain, 
provides insight into conscious awareness beyond mind in terms of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind:

The prevalence of narcissism within collective consciousness of humanity is discussed within my freelance article entitled, Quantum Principles Do Not Cut the Mustard on Capital Hill:

The prevalence of narcissism within collective consciousness of humanity as a psychodynamic force promoting resistance to change is discussed within my freelance article entitled, 

Wimpy Handshakes: Meanwhile Tears within Make Shift Hospitals all Over the Globe Overflow, as God in Heaven Weeps

A Twitter quote from Neil Tyson quoted in my freelance  article entitled, Imagine That! referenced  above mathematically sums to righteous frustration for lackluster enthusiasm for finding a real viable cure for the SARs pandemic and failing to adopt international policy early onward to prevent pandemics whether naturally occurring or a manmade act of biological terrorism created in a laboratory:

To quote another fallen Moon-walker:
“Look at that, you son of a bitch."

God has a special purpose for mankind as His Divine masterpiece and when we throw down the gauntlet by failing to exercise dominion as God commanded,  God weeps. 

Narcissism is a personality disorder that prevents one from discovering ones true self as created in the Image of God as described in my freelance article entitled,

Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe

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